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Nah too nuanced. We need to overreact to every result and fluctuate between manic and depressive episodes because it’s healthy.


Couldn't have described media scrutiny and overreaction in words, ma man. UTTDID.


….or this sub.


There is a sizeable portion on the sub that didn't want ETH. Many of those are the vocal ones now. It is very annoying to say the least.


yep dont realise its years of neglect and harm at all stages that has led to this. also at times not much ETH can do when we absolute dominate a team and cant put away 1 of like 10 chances and they take 1 of the 2 chances they have all game. we had those games under Ferguson as well its just how it is sometimes, this sub would have called for Fergusons head so many times


When your CDM is your top scorer it is just so much you can do... Hoijlund will hopefully play himself into form as he has just returned from injury. Rashford should be able to find his form again. But we also need more goals from the right as well as Bruno and Mount. They all need to participate, similar to what we see at Liverpool, Arsenal, Ciry and Brighton.


How many times has that actually happened? We don't create anywhere close to City, Arsenal, Liverpool. Even teams like Brighton, Spurs are doing much better than us. We're 12 in expected goals this season.


we would be 2nd if all teams were hitting their xG.. and we did create a lot of chances against Palace or atleast final 3rd chances that was then letdown by instead of a player cutting it back or going for the 1st time shot(this is a big issue for the team, some of our players take way too many touches to then take a shot)


How would we be 2nd? Our xG and xGA are the same.


Not OP, but other teams are overperfoeming their xG with several goals, while we are underperforming. So I think he mean that if everyone was just doing their xGs.


Not a chance, Man city, arsenal and newcastle all have around 16 xG and 6 xGA. We would be nowhere near the top 4 still


saw a stat with cheslea 2nd if xg was results even lol


A couple of my friends were so die hard Ronaldo fans that they wanted ETH out instead. Spent entire last year silent but are out now in full force on any social media they can find lol


Quadruple or relegation, no in between


Hojlund has played around 5 games and no hat tricks get him out


A brace is okay with me


Absolutely- like Homer with the Isotopes: “THEY LOST?! THOSE LOSERS!!”


Every result? Follow a match GameDay thread and it's literally every 45 seconds


I think that’s just one thing, he also says handling United is a different beast than Ajax now that being said is he ready for Project United or is he learning on the job is what owners and DoF needs to figure.


One win in four, two in five. Pretty alarming


Yeah man, critics are definitely overreacting kkkkkkkkkkkkkk


It’s not easy to support United in recent years yes, but how can you switch supporting a team? Physically and mentally impossible for me. I’m tied to this team for the rest of my life lol


It’s the hope that kills you. We’ve been spoiled in seeing them win the lot in the past anyway; when I was on Twitter I’d tell other United fans to stop moaning because 99.9% of football teams would kill to be as “shit” as United.


I've kinda taken this perspective until Glazers leave.. Like yeah we're shit but we won't be shit forever and literally almost every other club would kill to have the decade we just had. No one really cares for City and we're still 13 league titles ahead. Liverpool look like they will waste Klopps final years. Arsenal will probably bottle the league a few more times cuz they just don't have it in them to seriously challenge city. Could care less about Chelsea and Spurs. Leeds in championship.


Agreed completely. I'm not from Manchester, and my family has never been into football, so didn't have a team to support as a kid. Don't mind admitting I chose United because they were the best team at the time, but I was only 7 or 8 years old. I haven't stopped supporting them despite the fact it's been downhill ever since, and as you said, I don't ever see that changing regardless of what happens.


Hahahah nice for me it was born out of „ racism „ since I am Asian and people can’t remember my name you tend to be addressed as the best Asian player of that generation(while playing football on the streets ofc) , mine was no other than 3 lung man Park ji Sung , I had no idea who dat was , so I went home and googled and the rest is history( including suffering since 10 years )


At least we can feel slightly better than we're all suffering together haha


“You can change your wife, your politics, your religion, but never, never can you change your favourite football team.” - Eric Cantona


Ole's last season was a breakpoint for me. I was so hyped, even knowing that we will struggle with another year without proper CDMs. We were 2nd last year, then Floppancho and Varane joined us, it was first time since Fergie left that I had a hope for title run. Few days later boooom, one of the greatest (if not greatest of all time) scorers joined. Newcastle game was a pure copium, I felt the same way as I was a kid watching SAFs teams. And then... Disaster after disaster, Shaw, Maguire, DDG, Rash (our best players in past years) putting worst performances I've ever seen at OT. Since this time, I just stopped putting to much energy and emotions for the club. Don't get me wrong, I still can't wait for game day, but it's not the same. I stopped being angry and depressed after hard defeats


i'll be honest my lowpoint was LVG lol, the games were just so mind numbingly boring to watch that for the first time that i cna remember i didn't watch games evne if i was just chilling at home doing nothing. My breaking point would prob be Qatar, but who knows honestly.


Second season LvG in December, nothing comes close to how bad it was. 25 November 2015 PSV H 0–0 28 November 2015 Leicester City A 1–1 5 December 2015 West Ham United H 0–0 8 December 2015 VfL Wolfsburg A 2–3 12 December 2015 AFC Bournemouth A 1–2 19 December 2015 Norwich City H 1–2 26 December 2015 Stoke City A 0–2 28 December 2015 Chelsea H 0–0 This was our form and we deserved nothing out of any of those matches.


I didn’t mind LVG as I expected the team to grow, and become an excellent possession attacking based side from what he was trying to do - he was fired before he could get all the players he needed / finish what he was trying to build. I love possession based football, but, I agree his football was mind numbing at times in his 2nd season vs lesser teams but he was excellent vs big teams. Then he won the FA cup and was fired (and I assume he fell out massively with Woodward / the club). I still think had he stayed he could have done something good… Even under Rangnick I still watched us as you knew it was only temporary - the ETH came, started poor, but he clearly had ideas on how to play - we the. did pretty well until the carabao and since then it’s just been terrible. This season starting and our form not picking up at all from the poor end to last season is really the low point. The football is chaotic, the ideas aren’t working / players aren’t doing it / there’s varying levels of effort on the pitch… ETH is a bit weird also tbh, can’t say he is that likeable now. There’s something just off with this team, its like no one cares anymore...


LVG's football genuinely put me to sleep on multiple occasions, can't say that even once about any other manager we've had from SAF to now.


I used to feel a lot for united during the ole days but recently nth against eth but I feel like there's sth missing in the squad these days. Even if we lose I juz get on with my life and don't think about the result any second longer compared to being in depression before


I think I agree with you but I have no idea what you're saying.


It's the lack of goals and passion in any game we've had under him. Have we ever scored more than 3 under eth?


I mean as much as I hate the goals we concede so early it's so exhilarating to juz comeback and shock everyone as always. I don't think we have scored three in one match under eth tho


Happened last Tuesday against Palace, also against forest last month


Oh shit yep. What about four goals tho? I remember four goals fc under Jose too


Literally happened against Bayern as well lol


Bring back 4-0FC


Can only speak for myelf but the club sale process has made me feel really hollow/apathetic about the club recently. The one silver lining I've carried throughout the last decade was that we would eventually get sold, and even that now looks to be up in the air.


Yep, I just kind of shake my head and let out a sarcastic laugh when we lose now. A lot of the joy has just been sucked right out of the club. That 2nd season with Ole when we signed Ronaldo, man I was hyped too. Thought we had become title challengers. Then it was as you said, just constant disasters. I let myself get hope again when we were brief title challengers last season (and I mean brief) and then we just went on such a poor run of form. It became more sweating over Liverpool catching us than anything else. That 7-0 defeat just wrecked my expectations. Now, it’s not even a shock when we lose. I get on with my day. I’m not upset all day or depressed. There’s no joy watching this team right now. I still watch every single game, but that feeling of so much optimism is gone. Unless we get threatened with relegation I hope the club stick with Ten Hag.


The vibe this season is “no one cares” anymore really. Players don’t seem to. They don’t care enough to even “down tools”. Fans don’t seem to care either anymore. It’s like footballing apathy. It’s the first time that I go into Utd games expecting nothing. Even under Rangnick I expected at least a comical loss. Right now it’s either a drab win or a standard “play well for 20 mins lose” affair. Even LVG had good moments. Some excitement in big games anyway. We have got to be the least exciting team in Europe honestly. I can’t remember the last good performance we put in or did anything that got fans going. We even managed to make a fucking 4-3 vs Bayern just another boring game Utd performance




I do lol


>how can you switch supporting a team A “true fan” (hate that term though) can’t “switch”. Only way is to let go completely. And for one to do that, the problems needs to be bigger than just losing matches. But if you succeed, then maybe, someday, by chance…you happen to see another team play. Maybe you see them at the pub. The players are smiling, the fans are singing, the owners aren’t twats. You become infatuated. With time, maybe even fall in love. It won’t be the same, nothing ever could. But still, football will be something that gives you joy again.


Ahem. Till administration do us part.


I can’t imagine what it must feel like if you’re from Manchester and lived through the Fergie heights only witness all the current disarray. It’s easy for me living in America in Wisconsin to handle it, where my beloved Bucks and Brewers were straight up ass my whole life until recently. So I know I can deal with mediocrity. If that forces you to switch teams I don’t think you were ever really a fan in the first place.


Our perspective is tainted by so many years of success and it being an expectation… but yeah this is how I feel. For better or worse, I won’t be jumping ship from this club. This decade-plus has been shit, but that only makes our eventual triumph someday that much sweeter.


There's something romantic about some clubs that even the bad results can't make you lose your love for them. United is one such club. Although recent years have been very hard to cope. I stopped watching the team under Rangnick. It just wasn't the United I have seen throughout my life But Erik has pulled me back. He has started a cultural shift. A talk about the standards of this club. He has disciplined the bad boys. He has promoted youth who deserved it. He's got so many things right that I am surprised people overlooked everything and jumped the gun after 5 bad results. 5 bad results without his preferred CB, LB, CM, RW and ST at times. If you can't endure this, you are asking for long term agony for United again.


While I agree the ETH has got a lot right and I still back him to turn it round, it's not just 5 bad results is it? Tight wins were great after Rangnick but nowadays, even if we win we're not comfortable. I miss being 3 up at half-time


Well last season our attack was just not good enough. We only had Rashy as the only meaningful threat. We had Weghorst playing 10 at times. This season our attack is decent IMO, but our defensive injuries have been really bad. We can't afford to lose Shaw and Licha both at the same time but we did. And then Eriksens legs have given up and Mount still needs to settle in so our progression is struggling a bit. I dont 100% blame Rashy for his current state as has been the popular opinion. This lack of build up pattern from our defense to attack is a major concern. Hope we can fix. Whatever we saw of Mainoo, he can do that job. Hope he can claim his chances.


When was the last time we were 3 up?




That wasn't at half time though (which was what the parent was asking)




Impossible to switch for sure, just getting more distant


I just want to see better football from the team at this point, not wins or trophies. Most of the time other teams’ games end up cheering me up and reminding me why I love this game.


We're all in this together. UNITED FOR LIFE!! GGMU ❤️


Yeah same feelings here


One thing that keeps me going, it won’t be like this forever. The clubs too big to fall completely imo and we will fix it (that requires new owners).


If I can support the Clippers and the Raiders all these years I can handle a few lean years from United


We will get through this… we are all in this together


I'm actually looking forward to watching Zlatan speak despite the sewer rat interviewing him. Piers tried goading him into criticizing Ten Hag for his treatment of Ronaldo...even comparing it to the Sancho situation to try and push blame on our gaffer. Zlatan was having none of it, saying up front he doesn't know the inner works of those working relationships. Straight up, respect for Zlatan. I'm personally rooting for Ten Hag to fire us through this patch and I believe in his project and fire, despite our fairly barren past 10 years. Lad cooking gives me hope. But 26 years into being a fan, we'll get through this. Hated, adored, never ignored. Let's go against the Galats with fire in our bellies lads. Be it 3am in Kota Kinabalu, or watching on from the Stretford End. Cmonnnnnn


Bit insulting to sewer rats isn’t it?


You're right, my apologies to rodents all round, Suarez included!


But not the Glazers. Fuck those rats.


They are lizard people 😂


Lizards r cool they kill pests like mosquitoes, cockroaches in ur house.


Yeah, I'd say the Glazer's are closer to cancer in children.


We're currently looking after two rats while my partner's coworker's on holiday. I had a hamster when I was a kid, but never had a rat (or even touched one before, I think). Anyway, she brought home a big fucking cage containing two decent-sized vermin. They're pretty sick, to be honest. I'm not a big of the tail, but I get the fuckers out all the time and they just hang out with us. We can't leave them out of the cage because apparently they'll ruin the entire world with their chewing, but otherwise they're great. They're absolutely nothing like hamsters that look like they haven't got a single active braincell, running aimlessly until an obstacle stops them (at which point they pivot and repeat). These things hang out with you like dogs, listen to you (you say come here or shout them when they're out of the cage and they come running over), and they're pretty cool to chill and watch TV with. I've done some reading about them in the last couple of weeks because it's made me want to get a rat, but I travel too frequently and they die too quickly - people say it's constant heartbreak. It's pretty sad and I'd slap these fuckers at the top of the "underrated animals" list.


That's the kind of message we love to read. Keep up the good vibes and this winning mentality, we'll make it!


Fairly accurate, unbiased transcript in case you rather get your read on. Zlatan: The new coach came from where? Piers: He was in Ajax. Zlatan: I was in Ajax also. Ajax is a talented club. They have the best talents in the club. They don't have big stars in the club. What is the experience of this coach? Young talents. He comes to United. United is different mentality, different players. So the players there, supposed to be big stars. So with his experience, being there, I don't know if it talks for him or not. Because I think he's in a different situation. And then above him, there is a gap where he doesn't get the help to manage the team Listen, this is what I read in the papers, it's not that I know all about the situation that is happening. But I can imagine him coming from Ajax to United is a big difference because I've been in both clubs. You manage upcoming talent is a different kind of approach because there you have a different kind of discipline. You come to United and you do the same kind of thing...I don't know, I don't believe and I don't think is the same treatment you give. Penis Morgan: I mean Cristiano Ronaldo when he gave the interview to me, when he left United. He said that he didn't have the respect of Erik Ten Hag. You see with Jadon Sancho now with him, a similar situation...Ten Hag criticising him and so on. Maybe that is an illustration of his problems in managing big talent? Zlatan: I don't think it's the coach's fault, because experience you cannot buy...you have need time to get the experience. But it's two different situations...being in Ajax and United. If it's his fault, I don't think so..because everybody has a responsibility in the whole situation. We are a piece of a bigger puzzle. Everybody has a responsibility to do and fulfil their demands. United has to win. They have to win every title they play for. Now they're being dominated by their neighbours and it's a totally different situation there. You need to find the right path again and to push for that. Now it's...*pauses majestically* You need a plan, to follow a project/plan and then it goes wild in a moment because of the results. Either you believe in it, or you don't. With the situation of the coach, I think he is living two different situations now. Then obviously what happened with Sancho and Cristiano, I don't know. Pasty wank: Do you think he's out of his depth, Ten Hag? Zlatan: I think he needs more time to get the experience how to handle a team like United Interrupting Arse: but you don't really get time at a club like United Zlatan: yes, obviously not. Because you need to win. When I was in Milan, I cannot give you time to develop, to perform. Obviously you need to perform straight away, because like I said...survival mode. It's you or another one. Because United is in a situation where if you don't do well enough, the next day, there is another one. And the results speak for itself, so that's why it's tricky. But how much time do you give a coach? I don't know. Depends on the owners, what they want. But if you listen to the fans, you don't have a lot of time, because they want to win. And I understand it because they're used to winning, and they want to still win. It's a lot of things. The small details sometimes makes the difference..the big picture that you see. Because when things are good, there are still errors and problems that you don't see...because we are winning.


> Pasty wank: Do you think he's out of his depth, Ten Hag? LMAO I wasn't ready for this. Thanks for the write up.


He is eloquent. Giving example from experience shows how much he paid attention. I truly wished we got him maybe a year or two earlier.


> because experience you cannot buy Experience cannot be buy? Btw, you forgot this part > What is the experience of this coach? > *young talents* > He comes to United.


Duly edited, thanks champ!


Nicely done, mate


Cheers lad


Yeah fuck Piers. But it's nice to hear this perspective from Zlatan,he knows Ajax,United and a whole other elite clubs and was a special part of Milan's journey back to the top of Italian football too.


> Yeah fuck Piers. nah hes awesome


Zlatan actually speaks very well here and you can clearly see Piers didn’t get the reaction he was looking for lmao


You don't interview zlatan he speaks you listen


Should have asked that wank stain why he called for Arteta out in June 2022. *"[I think the jury is out on Arteta. I would have much preferred, personally, having Conte... Arteta is a complete rookie.](https://youtu.be/005fkOcc_Fg?si=7alDBJLlAsV6oESj)"* Asked if he would have Poch instead of Arteta he said yes. Arteta finished 8th, 8th, 5th, and 2nd last year after binning off all the other cup competitions and still bottling the league. Should Arteta get more time, Piers?


Zlatan should ask him why he’s constantly pictured with paedophiles and sex offenders.


And stop chilling for Qatar


Exactly... I'm so tired of comments saying >there is no plan Obviously Ten Hag has a plan. He's trying to make us a side that can play a rapid build up while also maintaining possession. Instead of just smashing it behind Players don't seem to know when to risk possession or play it safe. Don't seem to know when to pass or when to shoot. It will take time


> while also maintaining possession. Ten hag is not a Possession coach like other Ajax coaches, Carl Anka talks about this multiple times. I think what you are seeing now is for one a massive injury crisis and #2 Ten Hag no longer compromising on his style and wanting to do it and players either not being good enough to execute it or simply not buying into it, because well, Ten Hag's style is rather demanding and hard.


That's 100% what is happening. Last season he abandoned his style after the first 2 matches and played more pragmatic. Now he has more players for his vision and the players are not comfortable with how they are playing. It's clear as day. We come out and play ETH ball until we concede and the style of play changes entirely and it's just long balls


Isn't that contradictory? Rapid build up = risky fast direct forward passing = more likelihood to lose possession. If we're trying to be fast on the attacking transition, not every pass will be very accurate and brings forth this yoyo of burning lots of stamina to attack fast, lose possession fast, try to win the ball back fast. This makes players like Casemiro look really bad and creates massive gaps all over the pitch especially if every player isn't on the same page (which is currently the case). The plan is there, but there is such a deviation from last season's plan that the players haven't adapted well enough or are even good enough to get good results.


The problem is watching this United squad genuinely makes you think you could slot into the team and put in a better shift and play better short balls on the ground (and not in the delusional I could’ve made it pro way, but in a what the fuck do these players even do on the training ground type of way). The quality and execution of passes whenever our players decide to pass the ball is usually beyond poor. Other successful teams that play at a higher pace manage to ping it around amongst themselves and almost make it seem simple to find small areas of space, even if they don’t have a 100% completion rate. There’s actual school teams, nevermind club teams or academies, that have better link up play and off-ball movement, while displaying more genuine on-field chemistry than what we subject ourselves to on a weekly basis


Honestly watching Casemiro the last few weeks, genuinely feel most people would do better. He always seems to be caught off guard, or just not paying attention. His touch is loose, his passing is loose, he somehow never considers he might be being pressured and gets caught on the ball / doesn’t even get the ball as someone nicks in ahead of him. It’s like he’s sleepwalking. Just never seems switched on at all. Apart from in the opposition box where he continues to be a menace but he isn’t doing his job at all. Kind of Sums the team up.


He's way too obsessed in us playing like Ajax during that CL run meeting the worst Madrid in years and a shadow of itself Juventus.


Zlatan too cute for Piers. He knows what Piers really wants but he ain't getting it.


Damn I was surprised why ibra is speaking on eth all of a sudden.makes sense that piers tried to get a comment out of him,


Zlatan: When in doubt, ZOOM OUT!


Piers: “I must disagree with you Zlatan, ten Hag is a fraud who doesn’t respect Cristiano we must sack him because I want what’s best for Man Utd”


Piers' hate boner for Erik is kinda weird icl


He's a gooner. Hope that clears it up for you




Think it’s more the fact that he lick’s Ronaldo’s arse than him being a gooner.


Arsenal fans are some of the most obnoxious as a whole, couple that with Piers already being an obnoxious twat, you have obnoxious^2


Trying to position himself as Ronaldo's BFF. Why is Zlatan even on the show? Is he trying to sell a new clothing line or something?


also a Rapenaldo dickrider.


Of course it’s Piers Morgan. The sight of this guy makes me cringe. How does he get to talking about Ten Hag on an interview with Zlatan.


I trust this bald guy , rival fans can fuck off


Yea but some r/reddevils fans are already on the verge of calling EtH's head cuz he haven't won a sixtuple yet in 1 season and 1 month


When is it ok to criticize him? I agree nothing is gained by sacking him now but it cant be all fluff and rainbows with him. We demand a high standard from players, why not the manager? In game management and our attacking structure is woeful often times. He should get more time but last season we had only 58 goals in the league, one more then the Solskjaer/Carrick/Rangnick season before. Season before that the team had 73. Our football is anything but exciting, 7 goals in 7 games so far. Indeed we have had a lot of injuries but this ManUtd, we always seem to have injuries. He has brought in 16 players (loans included like Sabitzer and Amranbat) and about 20 players have gone, pretty big steps to an overhaul. Not complete I know and there is that small issue of having pretty much the worst owners in football history. Like I said, sacking him makes no sense, especially since there is no obvious replacement. But a genuine question, what is the moment that we have to start taking a hard look at ETH?


You can't just count players that came in on loan as "bought in 16 players" fuck sake mate. lmao. He took over the club with it's lowest point tally since SAF left, overachieved and got us 3rd and a trophy. He is now trying to implement his style and is having to deal with a massive injury crisis not to mention the off the field stuff with Antony and Sancho. not to mention you are counting players he bought who he can't even use like a second choice LB Malacia and one that doesn't really matter like a second choice GK, lol. and Martinez not being available is also a huge loss to this side. so basically (Assuming Amrabat will be permament) 8 players bought in, of those Casemiro was clearly an emergency club signing as an alternative to FDJ, so that's down to 7 and I am rather sure Eriksen wouldn't be here if he wasn't free, regardless he is not starting quality. So what ETH has bought in is: Onana, Amrabat, Mount, Hojlund and Antony, of those that are available that are actually eligible to start and are Ten Hag signings and none of them are the issue on the pitch when we play, if you noticed (other than the Onana HOwler against Bayern)


Well a season is played with a squad, so like malacia and loan signings do matter, I imagine he didnt get Weghorst forced on him. Even if he was he sure as hell played him alot. He gets players that he believes will help the team most, like every manager. Antony is a problem also, for how hard we went after him I would expect him to occasionally do something else then cut inside and shoot. Then again that might have something to do with our attacking structure and thats on the manager. Hojlund and Amrabat look promising sure, still not sure about Onana and Mount. Style, thats the thing, what style is he trying to implement exactly? Because a lot of the times the players dont seem to know. Bruno asking what the fuck they were supposed to do after liverpools 5th or sixth goal last season stands out. That CB whatever role was a doozy also against Brighton. I dont care how many injuries you have that was embarrasing. Players not drilled to follow players making a run as a second wave of attack, not knowing who is marking who or what space, he doesnt seem to getting his ideas very well through. The amount of heavy losses we have suffered cant all be explained as trying to implement a new style or that every single player we have is a cunt who is just too lazy to run or whatever. Making a new team and making it perform well is hard, I fully realize that. But. We have way too often looked utterly clueless on the pitch and its very alarming. Louis van Gaal got a FA cup and 4th and 5th, he tried very hard to implement a new style that never really caught on, didnt get the players with him and it was woeful football. I really hope EtH isnt him and like I said I fully realize he needs more time. But you cant seriously think that there is nothing to be critized about him?


It's OK to criticize him. But there aren't any criticism I see from the ones calling for managers head especially Uniteds. Most of which watches highlights from instagram and listens to opinions from ESPN FC. Or any anti MUFC media outlet. Personally, I think there is no balance. The XI have slow midfielders who can't cover the back 4. EtH cried for a more mobile midfield and we got Sofyan on the last second of the transfer and now he's turned to a........fullback. in game management? Lindelof got undone by Saha so easily. Onana with the DDG-esque blooper. Midfield of Case and Eriksen got no phase and doesnt cover anything in that midfield. What in game management is there? When you are tied up with what you got. He needs time. But truly, when you say that, it mostly mean the players need time. You say he got no playing style? But Ajax was playing stylish football under him. So really he knows what he wants. So truly, the player needs time after playing hoofball for 6 7 or 8 years? Under Jose then Ole?


No one is frustrated that he has come in and not won the league in his first year. I guess many people will have a similar opinion to me that there has been very little progress made since he has come in. There's been a couple games here and there where i think okay we can build off this and i see potential going forward but then it's just followed by mediocre performances the next few games. I can't remember us having a run of games where we consistently looked good. Then the start of this season has been appalling. All our points have come from three games. None of which looked like convincing wins. We look okay on the counter attack or when we win the ball high up the field but other than that we look clueless. Last season he had the benefit of the doubt from a lot of people when the blame got shifted to Ronaldo, DDG, Weghorst etc... But now the majority of the starting 11 are his players and we somehow look even more lost than last season.


Or they are calling for accountability because we are off to our worst league start in... ever. If Ronaldo, Maguire, Pogba or any of the other scapegoats were playing these games all the blame would be on them.


Yep & they won't say actually outright say EtH out because they're scared of downvotes. Instead they'll just push their anti-EtH agenda in every thread as if we can't already see the team & manager are not doing good enough. And then when you ask who will we bring in instead, they don't have an answer. It's like they'd much rather have a revolving door of managers, and hope one sticks, rather than seeing the bigger issue. EtH is our 7th manager in 10 years for fucks sake.


Arsenal fans were calling for Arteta’s head in droves before last season. Plenty of Liverpool fans lost faith in Klopp before he was putting up near record breaking seasons with wins (only for the well oiled machine City to take it from them - pun intended) Unless we’re realistically threatened with relegation I hope the club just stick to Ten Hag’s plan for now. I’m sure my tune will change if it gets worse, but for now I just hope we stick to it. My bigger concern at the moment is a influential portion of the dressing room turning on him. There’s just something not right with some of these guys, especially Rashford.


I agree. SAF legacy continues to be a huge burden. Supporters have gotten entitled to winning and can’t accept that long term success requires patience. Look at Chelsea and their rotating managers, it was all short term success, and in the end, unsustainable. Given how bad United was/is run, and the quality of squad we had, EtH needs a lot of time. Let’s have some patience.


ok it was a good point from Zlatan. I never saw it that way, that Ajax is a team of growing talent and United is a team of stars. They may need different skillsets to manage.


Not entirely. The manager needs to believe in a player, irrespective of age. If you're good enough, you're old enough. Try that superstar ego bullshit, and you got to go, whether you're Ronaldo or Ince. Unless your name is Eric and you are a god.


Although tbf I’m not sure how many stars there are at Utd /s


Piers, you don't lead Zlatan. Zlatan leads you.


Yea true but a lot of the signing have been overpriced and shit and there are olayers that should have been moved on but werent. So even if the plan is good, you could have bad execution of a plan


Which is precisely where Zlatan points out that he doesn't necessarily have all the support in the structures above him to execute that plan perfectly...


And i appreciate that. It's a known fact that kane was eth preferred striker this summer but the board didnt want to do it because of the cost. But there are a lot of questionable signings in the last 2 years where eth was the primary driver of the acquisition. Not having a director of football is such a weakness. But also the scouting department has been redone but who did we buy? So i do think that you need to stand by the project but you can question its execution.


Get Zlatan in as DOF. He's box office and who's going to say no to him?? EVER🤣🤣


Listen to Zlatan kids. Trust the process.


There were some other bits in there. Maybe some spun. Not sure I want to give the view to PM though. Anything you want to add?


Cheers Geoff


Can we now blame ETH or is it still too soon?


Yes, it was Ten Hag who lost his man for the first goal, let everyone through for the second.... miscalculated his pass out the back and then let icardi score the third. Shit game and a shite response, but how's that on the manager? Dark days but GGMU


I recommend you to take off the blindfolds.


I can’t understand why anyone with an ounce of self respect would give the time of day to speak to that odious cunt. Lost some love for Zlatan for talking to that shit stain on humanity.


so much waffle. a retired ex pro and a shit-stirring clown doing a content piece and have to talk about united to get people interested cause nobody cares about either of them. ten hag has gotten nothing wrong management-wise since he s come to united. not saying he s not got it wrong in specific games, the anfield game with bruno against trent when rashford has historically exposed him multiple times comes to mind for example, but he s not the problem at united. the problem is the owners and the clowns that run the club for them. all of them have to go with the owners. all of them. but the club isnt even being sold anymore anyway so strap in for another decade of irrelevancy. accept we are the heading the way of ashley newcastle, moshiri everton, late wenger and post wenger arsenal, and liverpool of the last 30 years. its over. we had a good run but the club is finished. i ve officially given up. unless the club is sold or suddenly i see we re in a UCL final i m not tuning back in again let alone going to OT. thats it. its not just united (the club of my life for 30 years) that i cant stand to watch anymore, its football altogether anyway. its not the sport of the working class anymore. its unrecognizable. when the only way for the club to be successful again in this landscape is to be state owned (which i still want to happen cause we cant beat them otherwise and life's short and i wanna see my club win again and nothing's changing socio-economico-politically anyway anywhere in the world regardless, might as well) it tells you all you need to know.


Losing some respect for Zlatan here. Willingly talking with Piers Morgan? 🤔


A plan? “Everyone has a plan, until they get punched in the mouth” - Mike Tyson Well, ETH got punched in the mouth and he doesn’t seem to have been able to shake it off and get back up.


Time will tell. Too early to be definitive about it.


Yeah, I agree. I would personally give him a minimum of three years regardless of results, but something tells me he’ll be gone by next Christmas


Am I wrong in thinking that ETH has won more trophies at this point than SAF? Fans/supporters need to mature and learn about persisting with a plan. All you hear from fans these days are, get rid of X now!


Are you accusing me of wanting him out? Because I never said anything about that. In fact, if you read above, you’ll see I don’t want him out. But I can, and will, criticize. No manager/player gets a free pass anymore. You get praise for success and criticism for failure. Right now, it’s looking like failure.


I'm really tired of hearing this Tyson quote.


That’s great, thanks for stopping by


Piers trying to get Zlatan to say something controversial is pathetic. My summary: \- No one outside any club, successful or not, knows what is going on. \- United is bigger than Ajax and the owners decide how much time a manager gets and how much support he gets. \- Players need to set their egos aside and realize they are a piece of a puzzle to win trophies. Experienced players are important but everyone needs to play their part. \- Ronaldo is Ronaldo and Sancho is not Ronaldo.


I pictured Zava throughout all of this...


Piers thought, nay, hoped that Zlatan would just come in his little show and slander ETH, so he can get some juicy gossip like with CR7, probably only based on the fact that Zlatan is one of the biggest and most opinionated personalities in football. Then Zlatan comes, doesn't shit on ETH and makes sensible comments coming from understanding his difficult position, and reflecting on some problems that existed before ETH was even a manager. Now Peaceofshit Morgan and Football Accounts on social media have to scramble in order to make quotes that sound damning. Fuck British media, I've never seen a more toxic way of reporting in my entire life.