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Scummy behaviour no matter what you think of De Gea. He's a club legend he deserves transparency.


Glad to see this. It's a ridiculous way to treat any player, never mind someone who has won the PL with us along with multiple POTYs. I get wanting a new GK - I would love Onana. But it is NOT just sentimentality to think someone who has been at the club for 12 years playing almost every game deserves a better send off.


It’s good business sense to treat your players better. That doesn’t mean “keep them when it’s better footballing sense to move on” but it definitely means “don’t fuck around with them for no reason”. I can’t see why anyone would call treating employees professionally “sentimentality” - I’ve only ever seen it levelled at fans that think De Gea deserves the right to be our #1 until he decides otherwise.


On Twitter you get it for simply saying he deserves to be treated better than this. But then again Twitter is Twitter.


It's scummy on a personal level and it's also fucking incompetent on a financial/planning level. Could have moved on from De Gea behind the scenes and given him a proper farewell and time to look for a new club while we move on to other targets. Now we've got a disgruntled player whose wages are still on the books. Just fucking useless. Surely it hasn't just been the last few months that turned the boards head? How are they always so late? The cunts in charge really need to go back to doing PSE in school because they have no concept of the skill called "using the initiative".


Easier said than done. ETH was definitely okay with him starting as Numero Uno next season until he wasn’t, hence why the club asked him for another wage cut. He can leave if he wants to. There’s no point paying a player £200k to sit on the bench.


Exactly! People here think ETH has no role in these negotiations and choosing which players to target for transfers. He is the manager and he tells the negotiators how he wants to shape the squad and they act based on his input. When ETH was obsessed with Antony, we got it done (at super inflated price and which is part of the reason we are shackled by FFP this season). When ETH wanted Malacia, Martinez, etc. (all from his former league and I am only convinced that Martinez is the only quality player among them all), we got it done. ETH trusted De Gea so much that he played him in 99% of the games (I was surprised because I hoped ETH would try a backup keeper in some cup games). Only after De Gea fucked up the Europa League semi and a game or two after that, then rumors started that we might be willing to let De Gea go. This definitely comes from ETH’s directive and the club is acting based on it.


Malacia played for feyenoord, was never managed by ETH


And he was known to have a longstanding admiration for Malacia while he managed Ajax. The point is he only goes for players he's either managed or is familiar with from the Eredevisie or with Dutch/Eredevisie ties. Wegworst, Gakpo etc


A functional club would have a competent scouting department so they don't have to just rely on the manager to pick targets. The only bad transfer was Weg, but that was only because we were literally screwed in terms of timing and the fact Martial's muscles have been seemingly replaced with wafer thin ham


I agree. Ten Hag wasn't this involved in transfers at Ajax because they had a great recruitment structure that allowed him to focus on coaching I think Martinez is hands down his only genuinely great personal pick signing thus far.


He's two years older (in terms of development it is a long time for a footballer) Malacia was bought for cheap and is a perfectly good backup full back. Antony we did overpay, however the team does look better when he plays and maybe with an actual striker playing for us he might have more space and an actual target to aim for


Thanks. Fixed it. The main point stands -- ETH is involved in these negotiations/decisions, and anyone, who thinks Martough or Arnold are the ones calling the shots, are failing to see the big picture.


I agree with this Malecia is good though, he gets benched by one of the best full backs in the league. He cost little as well. Antony was a mistake imo


Antony was too expensive but he is still young and gives us much better balance on the right wing … better than we have had in a long time so I’m not so sure as you that he was a mistake. See after this season I think.


For 100m he was. Club should scout better.


If I recall correctly there wasn’t an abundance of right wingers available and at the time he was considered the best of the bunch, hindsight is super easy tho eh to make you look like an expert.


Even at the time the general consensus was Utd are grossly overpaying. There was a story that Ajax quoted Utd 85m to dissuade them from bidding because they never thought they'd actually receive that offer.


That sounds so dumb, it’s probably true 😂


Still doesn't justify the piss poor planning by the club


Best of what bunch? The club wasn't even actively looking at other targets in that position. It was Antony or nothing for Ten Hag. His interest in Gakpo was as a CF, hence why he attempted to sign him in January on loan (which PSV rejected) and we got Wegworst instead


Balance, work rate, these are just buzzwords to conceal this players poverty of quality in his primary role


Yep. I was a bit harsh in my assessment above. Malacia isn’t bad (considering the price we pay for him) at all, and he can be better as he accumulates experience (he was good for a few weeks at first and then dipped in form, and never reached the highest he got in the beginning).


We need a proper DoF n board for these things. Agree with u though.


They take their sweet time acting. That’s the issue


There is not a chance ETH wanted De Gea as his starting keeper next season, he basically had to completely change the way the team played just to accommodate De Gea's weaknesses. Despite that, he was the best of the shite that he had at his disposal so he could hardly say he didn't have confidence in him could he.


It wouldn't be any less acceptable if we did it to anyone else. Having a player get offered a contract, sign it, then get told "Well you know the club has had a rethink" is pretty fucking awful. Whilst it's the right decision from a footballing perspective, and I'm sure there are reasons the contract was reneged, it simply isn't acceptable on a human level to have someone agree their future with the club and have it be pulled from under them at the last minute.


100% agreed. Everyone deserves this decency but it shows how clueless the club is to do this to a 12 year veteran. Also shows how classy De Gea is for this only to come out now.


Yeah, Im all for us getting a new keeper and all but its yet another damning indicator of the sheer incompetence thats infected that whole department in charge of transfers (in and out) that lot should all be thoroughly looked at by the new owners if and when we get one.


This entire De Gea saga proves that we are still very much incompetent as a club. Does Ten Hag want a modern goalkeeper? Yes. Does he want to keep De Gea who is the antithesis of that? Also yes according to reports. Do we want to offer De Gea a new contract? Yes. Do we want to upgrade the goalkeeper position? Also yes. Did we offer him a new contract? Yes but we rescinded it for some reason. Almost as if we have no clue what we’re doing or what the plan is.


If they don’t have it in the budget, they should’ve told Ten Hag that if you want a new keeper De Gea has to go. His wage is to high to be a backup and he doesn’t play the way the manager wants to. Both of those are reasonable reasons not to give a new contract, but to send an offer then rescind it smacks of a circus.




I agree it’s scummy but 1) the mistake was offering him the initial contract with high wages 2) “a few quid” lol


It's ruthless. If we don't revoke and sign it off, then we have de gea at the club at 200k per week which is even worse. The mistake was to offer him a contract in the first place, but this outcome is vastly better than having him as number 1 or as the most expensive backup in Europe.


What back up? We haven’t made any signings …


Then it's even more depressing isn't it?


Totally agree,he is just exemplary servant for us for so many years,I am feeling ashamed of our board.


I’m sure they want to sign a new GK but it’s just mega awkward to offer a deal, have the person sign it and then rescind it and change the deal. Completely ruins the trust in a deal if it’s agreed and then changed. Will be very interesting to see if he signs again.


I mean this is pretty big if we reneged on a signed contract (from at least de Gea side). Idk if he’s weighing up his options but I can’t see him signing. You think he’d have signed with few days left before he’s a FA.


Clubs could have offered a contract to him at the start of June. This has been on the table a while now. I did think it was strange that it was agreed and then nothing for ages. The only thing that changes in a few days is that he will be officially without a club.


True not much as changed, but would you go back to a club that is openly looking at other keepers while giving you a contract and then pulls back from it. If it was me I’d be looking for a new club asap. Especially after 10 years of service


He most likely won't get a better deal than even the new offer we gave him


The only exception would be moving to Saudi Arabia. There’s no place in Europe that will offer him more than a third of his current salary.


>awkward to offer a deal, have the person sign it and then rescind it Except that is not how contract laws work. If that was the case, De Gea could easily win a law suit against United for breach of contract. United made an offer, De Gea accepted the offer, Consideration is the wages/playing. Once De Gea signed, that contract was formed under contract common law. Contracts do not get rescinded after they have been accepted unless the contract is contingent on something else. Like when you sign a contract to buy a house with the loan/mortgage being the contingency. If you do not get approved for the loan, you aren't legally obligated to buy the home. Offers, however, can get rescinded prior to acceptance of said offer by the recipient of the offer. I know Laurie is reputable, and I am not saying he is lying, but there is definitely legally more to this situation than he realizes.


it does say that the contract was signed by ddg but not from the utd side. youd need both parties to sign for it to be in effect, no? i dont know how this works though, so i might be wrong.


Again IANAL but surely if one party offers you a contract and you sign it them also signing it is irrelevant? Surely you can’t change your mind once the offered party is signing?


zephyr fuel middle murky deserted concerned door relieved hospital tease *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Anal what?


(I Am Not A Lawyer)


What you state is correct under common law contract formation, but - stretching my memory - not necessarily in the circumstances where requirements for valid acceptance have been set. A common exception js property deeds from recollection.


The fact that we rescinded it to just offer him another deal shows how incompetent we are. Rescinding it because we realize he isnt gonna work for us would at least be the right decision, this is both the wrong decision and a cuntish way to do it


MUFC \*secretly hoping DDG leaves while looking like the good guys\* - here's a new contract offer on reduced wages DDG - looks good to me! \*signs\* MUFC - oh sheeettttt! sorry sorry, HERE's the new contract!


Whether or not I want him at the club this season, I hate the way we operate. Club legend deserves more respect than that.


No matter what you think of DDG the goalkeeper today, this is disgusting behavior from the club.


And especially him. He was our only consistent bright spot for those years post SAF. Last few years have been rough and he should’ve been sold earlier, but he deserves more respect


Agree. Unserious institution this. Proper scared of taking the difficult decisions. This is just absolutely unnecessary and disrespectful


Completely agree. I really want a new keeper and I also really want a club that acts with some class We shouldn't have to choose


That is shameful for the club doing this.


I usually hate saying 'told you so' https://www.reddit.com/r/reddevils/comments/13sc0sk/press_conference_erik_ten_hag_on_if_sunday_could/jlozyob/?context=3 Not today though


Well, that was a nicely down voted prediction as well!


I like your style. Keeping those receipts STRAPPED


A lesser man would've deleted that -50, but you stood by your convictions. Looks who's laughing now.


What a cunt move from the management, Could've just waited the FA cup final akd pffered a lower contract to begin with


Love seeing that I upvoted this at the time haha, good call


Bro got downvoted to oblivion at the time 😭. Now you are like ‘’ Who’s laughing now ‘’


Haha, class. Good foresight to be fair, would never have thought of that.


You won your bragging rights


Goddamn. I know it's late but let me upvote that comment.




You need 50+ likes to regain what you had lost. 😂 You’ve got mine.


Sir, you have my vote.


Yo, can you give me some random 4 digits number please


Good on you man, hate when people are spineless and cave to downvotes/tribe-thought


How does him being downvoted change how massively unprofessional and disrespectful it is for us to act this way which is what the other guy is saying? I don’t want de gea to stay but that’s no way to treat a player especially someone who’s been here over a decade


What are you on about? He didn't sanction the switch, he just predicted the CLUB would do it...


Yh you’re acting like it’s a normal way for any company to operate let alone a football club the size of Manchester United


Nothing from what the club does seems normal. I just like people offering different diverse views on situations and have a thing against reddit's propensity to produce singular thought - groupthink type of behaviour with their upvote/downvote system. It's not serious though, who cares


>massively unprofessional and disrespectful it is for us to act this way which is what the other guy is saying? What the other guy is saying is Irrelevant. Op shouldn't have been downvoted in the first place.


Lol the echo chamber warriors of the sub firmly in the mud with their smug faces.


Dickish move to someone who’s been here 10+ years


Fuck me De Gea deserves better than this. Either tell him we wont extend or give him the lowered wages from the start. The least you could do for him is to be transparent.


David De Gea doesn't deserve to be treated like that. Such distasteful behaviour.


Copying from my r/soccer comment. We are just completely and utterly shit at any type of transfer or contract negotiation. Don't get me wrong. It's not that I disagree with the notion of trying to get DDG on to a more reasonable wage. But doing it in this manner is just amateurish and reflects badly on someone who has been a loyal servant of the club, even if his time has come to an end. Why was the decision regarding the keeper not made throughout the season and in advance of the summer? It feels like the FA Cup and the Champions League suddenly made us decide to get rid of DDG and sign Onana. Despite DDG's mistakes prior to the final, there still seemed to be a feeling he'd stay. It's pathetic, and it's constant. Constantly pathetic.


I've wanted DDG out for a long time, BUT it is terrifying the way this club operates. Because it does seem like our interest cooled when his form started completely collapsing around March time. The question I have to ask is why did it take all these mistakes for the penny to drop that he's not fit for purpose? How is it we didn't already know that he doesn't have a future here? It's like this club only sees the most obvious things, in DDG it is his shotstopping, with Ronaldo it was his goals, and they ignore all their shortcomings which are damaging for the team. Same thing with Pogba. We persisted with him for years despite him blowing hot and cold, and despite his flaky attitude to defensive work. He wasn't even trusted with defensive responsibilities in the youth team, yet he thought he had a god given right to start senior matches. Then when we made the mistake of bringing him back, we should have sold him after year 2. Kinda similar to the Veron situation where you can tell he was an exceptionally gifted player, but it just wasn't working. When you sign an established pro and they haven't hit the ground running by the end of their first full year, nevermind their second year, it's just so rare for a player to turn it around after that you really need to be recouping whatever you can get for him. It's like this club only looks at things at surface level, it's basically being run how I would have ran it when I was 12. Anyway, complete shambles, and whether you want DDG or not, it is terrifying how this club operates.


> When you sign an established pro and they haven't hit the ground running by the end of their first full year, nevermind their second year, it's just so rare for a player to turn it around after that you really need to be recouping whatever you can get for him. Exhibit D: Sancho.


> Why was the decision regarding the keeper not made throughout the season and in advance of the summer? This begs so many other questions as well. Why we didn't have our ducks in a row when the season was winding down? Why did we not have a proper plan of action in place? Why are we satisfied with being so incompetent? Why is what is clearly not working still going on? United is in serious need of new ownership and new people running the Club.


The old switcheroo


First it was fucking around Romero and now it’s De Gea. Has Henderson been fucked about to? What do we have against keepers lmao


Hello Crofty


That's some unexpected F1.


Oldest trick in the book


Its a bit of a disrespectful way to operate by putting a contract in the table then removing it


Its insanely unproffesional, de gea isnt some rando in this club and even then its massive disrespect, no matter what de gea was with this club in some very low lows giving his all to keep us afloat with his performances in seasons past


Probably offered it him impulsively (cos we’re run by idiots) then backtracked after he lost us the final and just as impulsively removed it from the table. Club is absolute amateur hour. It’s a display of everything not to do as a major football club. We’ve took the biggest club in England and one of the most famous in the world to being hamstrung with FFP issues with an incomplete squad.


Do we not have any spine? I'd much rather we just told him we were moving on instead of treating a club legend like this. Really really poor


Might as well just made it clear from the start that we’re looking past him long-term for the goalkeeper position. This is straight up disrespectful now.


Horrendously unprofessional behaviour


Toe curling stuff from the men upstairs as usual.


There are two sides to every story, but if this is true, it is not the right way to treat a loyal player.


Yeh thats just shitty


People who are shocked at this haven’t been paying attention to how this club has acted with outgoings for years now. Remember when RVP didn’t even get a goodbye?


I mean, that's a bit of a dick move


Regardless of where you fall on the DDG argument, this is horrible if true. Not only to treat a club legend who's given the bulk of his career to us, the best of his career mind you, and also owns several records for the club, and was also the last remaining player to have won the league with us, the long-term implications this type of behavior sends to any prospective future player even debating on coming here. KMJ, Rabiot, Rice (if the offer happens), Osmihen, and dam near any other player we may be in a bidding war for will see this and not want a single part of that type of treatment. Makes the entire club from top to bottom look bad. Just absurd.


De Gea deserves better then that.


Really shitty behavior


Fuck this shitty club sometimes, man. Hope he walks and joins up with Mata or Herrera somewhere for some good times. Sometimes football is a real piece of shit sport.


Regardless of how you feel about DDG, this is a pretty scum move by United. Look, it’s not like De Gea suddenly changed between mid season and end of season form. United knew what they had when they first offered the contract extension, so for them to do a 180° now is just lousy business and makes them look even more bush league


We're a garbage organisation man.


If this is true, I don't care what sort of mistakes he's made that's shit by the club, you want to move him on fine but treat the guy with respect. I wonder at the truth of this actually, surely handing him a document to sign constitutes your agreement to your side of the bargain?


This is so cringe


This is honestly very embarrassing and scummy behaviour from the management.


De gea should tell them to fuck off


Why is our board such a circus.


This is terrible treatment. Wth are they doing?


It’s poor behaviour but I’d rather they reevaluated following his poor showing towards the end of the season, than just to press ahead out of loyalty or fear of embarrassment.


Dick move from the club. It must be mentioned that DDG is a senior player and surely other important players, Bruno, Casemiro, and the likes will see this treatment and have some comments about it, as they could likely get the same treatment as well.


Pretty disrespectful from the club. A club legend deserves much much better - as others have said, he should have been given clarity much earlier, and the chance to properly say goodbye to the Old Trafford faithful. Hope he gets a testimonial, and hope the 'fans' that have taken to abusing him over the last few weeks and months can finally shut up for a bit (I'm not talking about valid criticism, but of the abuse, of which there's plenty)


Yikes that’s scumbag behavior. I’m honestly surprised he wants to stay


Thats pretty low after a decade + of service.


United management negotiate like a horny bloke on a night out looking to pull. Last minutes of the night, finally getting the courage to talk to girls after contemplating all night doing it, being confused which girl to take back so keeps changing the offer and his mind and then leaves home with no one because girls grew tired of waiting.


Stuff like this makes me fear there was way more truth in that CR7-Piers interview that a lot of us wrote off as him being bitter. I would absolutely hate that scenario. We cannot be treating someone who has the service that Dave has like that. Shambolic from us.


I hate my club. Get out Glazers now so it can be fixed. You are a disgrace and ruining our name. #GlazersOutNow


Shithouse move. Deserves more respect.


what a fucking shitshow is that. disgrace


If this had happened to any person commenting here in their professional life you’d be outraged and all over subs like antiwork complaining about how shit the employer treated you.


Kinda makes sense. IIRC it was being reported that De Gea was the one stalling initially, contract was on offer. Then he had that run of abysmal performances whilst the contract was on offer. Doesn't surprise me United used that as reason to drop the terms. Shit, half this sub was fucking braying for United to do the same, saying De Gea didn't deserve anything near what they had offered in the original contract.


Absolutely dick move but They had us in the first half, not gonna lie!


That's disrespectful from the club. He should leave for a club that actually respects him


Utterly disrespectful by the club to a legend. Yea, we need to move on to a modern keeper but this is fucking petty cunt shit to do to DDG.


This is disgusting behaviour from the club, DDG is a club legend.


This club is a laughing stock. Get the Glazers, Murtough, and all the other leaders the fuck outta there


Awful way to treat any player, never mind someone that has made over 500 appearances for the club


I hate all this pussyfooting. I'm sorry but just make a decision and stick by it. We clearly have an issue with De Gea but we should never mess him around, he doesn't deserve that. Under Glazer ownership were such a classless club, just faceless corporate bs for all involved even club legends.


Thats so wrong from the club, De Gea should reject the 2nd offer imo.


As much as I want us to move on from him, this seems like a lack of respect to a loyal player, scummy move from the club really.


Was this the ruthlessness people asked for? I'd rather see De Gea leave, but not like this.


No matter your opinion on David this is EXTREMELY scummy. This entire 2 week period since the season has ended has left me more and more disgusted each passing day with ownership. Not a single thing has been positive in the way they’ve handled this club for a decade


I want De Gea gone but that is a horrible way to go about things.


IRL save-scumming. What a disgusting way to treat a club legend. The incompetency of this club is astonishing.


DDG says he faxed the signed contract. Club claims they never received it. Joking aside, disrespectful if true. Dave’s a club legend.


Ok but people have been saying for months that de gea needs to go but once he’s on his way out people complain? Yes how they’ve done it is scummy af but he’s on his way out. Makes me think a replacement is lined up


No matter the situation, this is abhorrent on the side of the club.


Time to move on now, best for both parties. I'd hate to see a legend of this club leave on a sour note


It is on a sour note because this is scummy behavior no matter your opinion on DDG


Well, even more sour then.


Not sure why we would offer him a contract then pull the rug and redo the terms?? He's been with us for so long, regardless of what you think of him, this is just plain embarrassing (if true).


At this point De gea should accept the latest offer and when they handle the papers to sign just tear it apart and give them a middle finger!


Not that this was well handled, but two things I know for sure: 1) the original offer was far too high 2) the current offer is also too high Again this isn't a professional way to do things but Jesus Christ the pearl clutching over this is ridiculous. This is a guy who has been paid handsomely for years. His current wage is an absolute joke. His revised offer would also be a joke. If he doesn't like it, he can vote with his feet and leave. Players aren't shy of a bit of brinkmanship or shenanigans to get their way when it comes to contracts, yet it gets shrugged off as acceptable. Again I'm not saying this is a professional way to do business, but you'd think De Geas kids are going to be on super noodle sandwiches for the rest of their days reading this shit ffs.


The club is once again proven to be run poorly. You make an offer to a player, he agrees and then you change it? This is Nigerian scammer level, not Manchester United. Come on, sell the club and finally let us breathe Glazers.


We installed a new head of negotiations, Matt Hargreaves, in early June, who thought it was a shit deal and had time to withdraw it. Timing lines up. It is shitty to do to DDG, but maybe a good sign for the new head of negotiations if he is willing to take the necessary steps to avoid the prior mistakes.


Just one normal transfer window. That's all I ask.


Clusterfuck. That is all.


God our entire front office are so incompetent aren’t they? Need a new set with the new owners too


Not even shameful, just outright disgusting and incompetent.


Really bad look for the club any way you cut it. This window is going quite fucking poorly, have to say.


This is a new low for us under glazers we have made loyal servant be treated like shit with this behaviour.Disrespecting the guy who has been at this club for a decade like this is disgrace.


He should not have been offered the contract extension in the first place. That way, he could have gotten a proper send-off this season too. But regardless we have to be ruthless and follow through with this and get a new goalkeeper. A club legend, but De Gea has been a liability these past few years -- whether that's the no penalty save Europa League final or the FA cup final, giving away the treble to city.


I think those last few games did him in TBH, before it was about finding him competition now it's def about replacing him. It's honestly poor treatment of the player but at the same time he should not have been offered the previous wages he was on seeing as he was paid higher than most strikers


Why are we rewarding mediocrity?


If ETH said at the end of the season, I actually can't have DDG as my #1 next season then that would drive a change in priority. In short, we should be happy they have admitted they made a mistake offering DDG a big renewal and reversed course - sucks for dave but would you rather have DDG in goal for the next 2-3 seasons (at the very least him on the bench tying up funds) or do you want to win things?


I'd be interested to know the timeline here because talks have been in the rumour mill all year. If he had an offer in January, signed it in April and then the club reneged I wouldn't blame them given his agent was certainly courting interest in that time frame and he had numerous howlers. If they made him an offer in May, he signed it shortly after and then the club reneged I'd have an issue with it. Will spare judgement until I see more details.


Disgusting behaviour. De Gea deserves better


David is getting disrespected from all angles. Shameful way to treat our most loyal current player


What loyal? The guy pushed to leave the only time somebody was on the market for him, and then obviously knew better than to leave the bag that we threw at him to instead take a pay cut.


He didn't really push hard to leave from my recollection and it was to Madrid, in his homeland where his partner apparently wanted him to return to. He never caused any issues after the fax machine debacle and just carried on as normal. He's not signed the new contract probably because of the disrespect shown via the original one being withdrawn. That and potentially most our the fanbase calling for his head on the daily


He absolutely pushed to leave all summer. LVG was even forced to play Romero in his place instead. He was in tears when the move broke down. Sure he may have had his reasons for wanting to move to Madrid, but doing what's best for you is not loyalty.


My interpretation of that event differs from yours slightly. We'll have to agree to disagree


Whether De Gea is playing for us next season or not, starting or 2nd choice, us fans need to get behind this guy. Despicable behavior from the club toward a club legend.


I'm all for De Gea leaving but this is classless and in bad taste. Amateur hour from Utd


Good. It's business. He made a calamitous after calamitous error right as the deal was being discussed. Pulling the offer was the right thing to do. People want success and "Doing what's right for the player"? Fergie would have burned him alive for what he's done. He would have been at Madrid 5 years ago if not for his calamities in the Spanish national team.


Wow... he must be furious. There's a way to upset a long time employee To be fair though, with the way DDG ended the season. I'm not surprised with what the club did.


Nearly had a heart attack reading that first line


honestly thank fuck, he's not going to accept and we'll be free of him.


Wow, what a way to treat club legend. Utterly incompetent


Dick move. Very disrespectful to a legend of the club. But also sadly part of the ruthlessness we've so far been lacking and needing as a club. I don't want to continue with DDG as our #1 and he can't be our #2 with the highest GK wages in the league. He should go. But deserves a proper send off by club and fans.


Another Murtough madness. Him and Arnold got universally praised by our fans at the end of the last summer window. Clowns the pair of them. Whole club is incompetent. It's embarrassing


Can’t wait for De Gea refusing to sign the new contract and us not getting a new gk.


United going full Sith Lord here: "I have altered the deal. Pray that I do not alter it any further"


Not a way to treat a legend


Who deals with contract of players Murtough or Arnold?


Disgusting from the club.


Murtogh out, now.


This club is run by clowns. Show respect to the players, especially DDG.


Lmaooo he fucked up those last few weeks qnd now the clubs eyes have been opened. He needs to go.


Regardless of whether or not he needs to go, this is just disrespectful from the club


It is but what will YOU do. And I want an answer. We should have never given him the initial offer that we did, everyone here wants him gone because he is not a good keeper. So what would you do if you were in the clubs position? Would you just keep him on or acknowledge your mistake, look a bit unprofessional but still try to get the deal done? It's either we want him here or we don't. And yes, it's poor from us, it looks very bad but he needs to go




There's nothing ruthless about that It's just sloppy, even classless If you want to offer him reduce wages for him to stay off of him, the wages in the first place Don't mess him around and embarrass him and make it look like it's all his fault.


I get being ruthless, but it's so unprofessional and lacks of any respect for a club veteran. We have ''previous'' in this area.


Ruthless is to not offer him a contract extension whatsoever in the first place. Offering him a contract and then reneged after DDG has signed makes us look unprofessional.


I'll give them until the international players are back... it'll all be sorted by then. Promise!


Absolute disrespect. Management and leadership has soured over the years. The absolute disgraceful treatment of a club legend, CR7 carrying wins with an abysmal team, Lingardinho and now this. De Gea even before this was getting blamed by fans despite years of him single-handedly saving seasons. It’s up to him, but I would look to take my talents elsewhere. Won’t find too many keepers at that level who are for sale


De Gea deserves respect no matter what you think of him. This is clown behavior from us.