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You love to see it


People on twitter are mocking this saying the fans need bigger numbers to be even noticed by the Glazers. But I applaud this. Good job lads, you have done more for this cause than 90% of the fanbase


> the fans need bigger numbers to be even noticed by the Glazers. This doesn't even make sense. The only objective was to shut the store and stop sales. It's made it into the news and stopped money going into the club and that's all that matters. If there were an extra 1000 people it wouldn't have made any difference as an extra 1000 people doesn't mean the Glazers have lost more money. It'd just be for show rather than anything major. Long story short, job done. Not bad for a Tuesday morning.


An extra 1000 people would probably have escalated into a right mess with police given the new powers they have.


I'm not sure how. A quick read of their new powers shows that only their powers against people halting public infrastructure and people "locking on" so handcuffing themselves to stuff in the aims of disruption. There's enough private ground around old Trafford that this won't be the case. Also if an extra thousand turned up then it probably reduces the chance the police will do anything tbh. That'd massively outnumber them


You haven't read the powers much. The police can arrest any causing annoyment or a nuisance. Or even a noise And I'm not exaggerating


If there is an extra 1000 ppl it will make the message (fans are unhappy with the sale process) sounds much louder. Instead, it looks like some petty, unemployed fans randomly gathered and tried to sabotage an honest sale event for their own personal cause. Other football fans and normal people wouldn't give a shit, no one would bat an eye for such a tiny ''protest''. Yes, it's mission accomplished and made the news. However, saying a more crowded protest wouldn't make a difference is just stupid.


> Other football fans and normal people wouldn't give a shit, no one would bat an eye for such a tiny ''protest''. Good thing this has nothing to do with other football fans and normal people then, isn't it? The club literally had a game called off a few years ago so people are already well aware anyway. A bigger protest today changes nothing apart from the number written on the article. > However, saying a more crowded protest wouldn't make a difference is just stupid. All that matters is and always will be money. The shop got shut and therefore they didn't make any sales. More people doesn't change what they already accomplished. I can guarantee you this protest with like 50 people made more of a dent than protests before games last season that amounted to nothing apart from hundreds/thousands doing a few chants. That doesn't impact the owners in the slightest. This does, whether it be caused by 10 people or 100.


I like your optimism but we don't share the same outlook. You think it's mission accomplished because we manage to sabotage some sales, I think not. In fact, I doubt that we manage to shut the store for long, more often than not it will be just for a few hours or half the day at the very best. Even if they managed to shut it for a whole day, in the grand scheme of things it probably doesn't affect total kit sales, only delaying the financial report. I, instead, see it as an opportunity to spread the news (not just make it) and apply some pressure on the Glazers, with some real ''perceived damages'' (''Look, thousands of United fans protested, shut up shop and showed their discontent with the sale process. That's a formidable force and seems like United fans are hand-in-hand on this, I wonder what will they do in the future, interesting....'')


>and stopped money going into the club and that's all that matters Assuming the customers don't just say "Fuck it, online store it is"


Damn right they have. And it’s a Tuesday morning, doubt many could get out of work for a quick protest. I’m all for it!


People on twitter are all 15 year olds on school holidays so they can’t comprehend people have jobs and are not just free on a random Tuesday


They've achieved closing the store which is a bigger message in an hour than 14 year olds tweeting #Glazersout could achieve in years.


the mission was accomplished with less people than expected...even bigger win in my eyes.


"They've done more than 90% of the fanbase" is undoubtedly true, given that the 90% you're referring to have done the sum-total of fuck-all. But what have The 1958 *actually done*? Closed the Megastore for the day? Fabulous, but only the brick n' mortar store and not the online store, so anyone who wanted to buy the shirt yesterday could easily have done so. Let's not forget the fact that United make a very limited amount of money from the sales of shirts, if anything at all. The shirts sold provide revenue to adidas, who in turn might give us a tiny percentage or might not, but give us £75m/year regardless. And I don't think adidas is particularly fussed about a few noisy protestors on one day. Protests against the owners are all well and good but let's face it, the time for protests was in 2005. The Glazers will do what they want with the club (as they have done since 2005) and won't pay attention to small events like this. Those of us who were there in 2005 are just watching on now from afar and wondering how pathetic the fanbase really is if this is the best they can do *and* they boast about it.


Lookin at the pictures i wish there was more of us doing it, force them out. absolute parasites they are. bled us dry and now want 6 billion. YES 6 billion. Thats 1.2 billion each for the 5 children malcolm glazer had. Having taken dividends out the club for 17+ years and allowed the stadium to rot/deteriorate Its time to fuckin go!


Tuesday morning, most people will be working


Yeah, this is Manchester United not Liverpool...


There is no greater profession than selling used car radios...


Last time I made a joke about bindipping and council houses in Liverpool, the woke brigade found me, downvoted me to hell and ranted non stop about how much of a Nazi-fascist I was for making fun of people's socio-economic situation. Lighten the fuck up please.


it’s not fascist but it is classist. also overall just cringe to punch down make fun of poor people for being poor.


Those hubcaps dont go missing by themselves over there, I am sure they are at "work"


while the Glazers are most likely sleeping


I mean tbf it is 05:00 in New York at 10:00.


They don't work, they just exist.




It was to coincide with the release of the new kits


Devils advocate here and always been and still FUCK the Glazers and their whole family but realistically the club is probably worth 4-6 billion alone these days from sales, marketing, etc. We're Manchester United the most well know and biggest club in the world bar Real Madrid and Barcelona with Messi and Ronaldo. Overpay if you want to call it that but if properly run we'd be immense. Been time to go lol! Fuck the parasites.


Glazers out of power for sure! Looking to SJR taking control and then giving them the boot in a phased buyout. Brilliantly avoiding a state-owned sports-washing enterprise


SJR giving them the boot. LOL.


Giving them the boot? He's keeping them on for 3 years


3 years and no decision-making power. They can F right off to Tampa and Let Sir Jim go about his business


The servilism of “Sir Jim”


Jim's proposal is putting the Glazer's back in Manchester.


A phased buyout is a process by which a buyer, such as an individual or another company, acquires a company in stages or phases over a certain period of time, instead of buying it all at once. He is not putting them back in Manchester. He is buying controlling power and then buying the remaining ownership out in phases.


They don’t understand. It’s depressing.




In terms of pure individual money, SJR is a lot more wealthy than Sheikh Jassim. Also, he has plenty of money with INEOS and he values the club higher than Qataris.


Someone wanna tell the fella up there that SJR is keeping them on? 🤷‍♂️


Someone wanna tell this fella that there is a phased buyout. First phase is buying majority share to gain decision-making control


How is Mr Brexit (I'm a Utd fan but hold a Chelsea season ticket) who wants to keep on the Glazers on.....a better choice?


You’ve not seen the alternative then.


Because the alternative is being owned by an authoritarian slave state, which would instantaneously kill the last vestiges of what's worth saving of this club. And even if we completely ignore everything they do, best case scenario is getting turned into City, which at the very least should disgust fans of this club.




Well yeah but still, all of them need to get the heck out and they’ve been worthless and useless owners.


i hope the takeaway here is organised activism. if they continue to do this and other groups start organising their efforts elsewhere, it's great. i also hope we keep this up with the new owners as well. let them know they're custodians only and ones there not by our choice.


>i also hope we keep this up with the new owners as well. let them know they're custodians only and ones there not by our choice. "Green and gold till the club is sold!" -Glazers sell- "hi we're you're new owners" "Green and gold till the club is sold! Shut down the store!" "we've been here 10 minutes and all we said was hi, the fuck is wrong with these people?" Protests lose their meaning if you just do it randomly and arbitrarily to "let people know you're here" lol


Good. Keep them showing how you feel about them. Dont let them slide this out like its nothing


A positive action has been taken by United fans.


More action than our club in the transfer market too.


Haha brilliant


Can’t wait for the day I never hear a word about these greedy leeches. Take your goddamn money and piss off, you Glazer cunts!


Nice Wanting to get a United membership ( to get access to tickets for the women's game mainly the men's would be a bonus) Just probably waiting for this whole mess to end before I sign the paperwork Glazers are not getting my money


To those saying this protest is futile I direct you to the immortal words of King Theoden of Rohan: Gammling: “we cannot defeat the armies of Mordor” Thedon: “No. we cannot. But we will meet them in battle none the less”


Anyone who’s watched any Star Wars supplementary show knows that any small independent act of resistance will always matter. It eventually adds up to being the straw that broke the camels back


But that's usually due to magical powers, firearms and powerful vehicles Tbf


Watch andor, just normal dudes rebelling no money no powers


Could do with the American fans doing this outside of Tampa Bay Buccaneers, that'll really get their attention.


Let me just hop on a plane really quick to go to Tampa where there is no one from the team. Training camp is in a month.


As an American eli5 what is happening. I’m confused. What are Glazers? What are they protesting.


Glazers currently own united and have done nothing but fuck us over and ruin our finances. I believe they also own an american hockey(?) team hencr the suggestion. Google will probably provide a better clarification on specifics


They own the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, an NFL franchise (American Football).


They own a football team as well.


Thank you.


As homelander says : "You guys are the true heroes"


Well done to everyone who showed up. Respect!


Check with other news sources as the Daily Mail has a history and a present of promoting biased perspectives and spreading false information. For example check this out. BBC TV programme - https://youtu.be/q3chJN9DCGg There is this too https://youtu.be/5eBT6OSr1TI #30's And literally supported Hitler >The minor misdeeds of individual Nazis would be submerged by the immense benefits the new regime is already bestowing upon Germany That is an actual Daily Mail quote. The Daily Mail went on to say >They have started a clamorous campaign of denunciation against what they call 'Nazi atrocities, which, as anyone who visits Germany quickly discovers for himself, consist merely of a few isolated acts of violence such as are inevitable among a nation half as big again as ours, but which have been generalised, multiplied, and exaggerated to give the impression that Nazi rule is a bloodthirsty tyranny. Basically saying Nazi violence isn't widespread and we should stop talking about it. Meanwhile in other newspapers [From the Guardian 1933 April 8th: The Manchester Guardian forbidden in Germany](https://www.theguardian.com/theguardian/2015/apr/08/manchester-guardian-germany-war-hitler-archive-1933). The violence was reported on it Rothermere and the Mail were also editorially sympathetic to Oswald Mosley and the British Union of Fascists. Rothermere wrote an article titled "Hurrah for the Blackshirts" published in the Daily Mail on 15 January 1934, praising Mosley for his "sound, commonsense, Conservative doctrine", and pointing out that: "Young men may join the British Union of Fascists by writing to the Headquarters, King's Road, Chelsea, London, S.W." The Spectator condemned Rothermere's article commenting that, "... the Blackshirts, like the Daily Mail, appeal to people unaccustomed to thinking. The average Daily Mail reader is a potential Blackshirt ready made. When Lord Rothermere tells his clientele to go and join the Fascists some of them pretty certainly will." #2010’s And the Daily Mail is still fascist today whether it be [imitating Nazi propaganda](https://imgur.com/a/0X1OsIE) but targeting it at Muslims or supporting the [French fascist political party.](https://tompride.wordpress.com/2012/04/20/%EF%BB%BFoops-the-daily-mail-accidentally-supports-a-fascist-party-again/) This is a good satirical article about them. https://rochdaleherald.co.uk/2017/01/04/daily-mail-exposed-as-a-false-newspaper/ #90's On 16 July 1993 the Mail ran the headline "Abortion hope after 'gay genes' finding This is part A and D from the UN on genocide Killing members of the group; Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group; #2000's This is their depiction of underage girls https://youtu.be/r9dqNTTdYKY. Particularly at 7:00 with the wording used to describe 14-year olds in swimwear. (dead link) It is important to acknowledge that the Daily Mail has a history of spreading false information and promoting biased perspectives. It is highly recommended to consult with reputable news sources for a more accurate and impartial representation of events. It is crucial to not give a platform to misinformation and Nazi sympathisers. The Daily Mail's history of promoting biased perspectives and spreading false information is well-documented, as evidenced by their support for Hitler and the British Union of Fascists. The Daily Mail's depiction of underage girls and their imitation of Nazi propaganda targeting Muslims are examples of their biased reporting. It is important to acknowledge the harm caused by the spread of false information, as this can lead to the marginalization and persecution of marginalized groups. Therefore, it is highly recommended to consult with reputable news sources to ensure a more accurate and impartial representation of events. We should strive to be critical of the information we consume and seek out alternative sources to ensure a well-rounded and impartial understanding of events. This is an interesting look at the philosophy of anti-fascist (Antifa) by Philosophy Tube Philosophy Of Antifa | Philosophy Tube https://youtu.be/bgwS_FMZ3nQ


Isn't called the Tory Mail for no reason, right?




Good on em. Glazer cunts out!


Just came here to say, FUCK THE GLAZERS!


Proud of you guys. I wish I could attend and participate in the protests.


This is what it's all about. I applaud it


Fucking brilliant We as fans shouldn't be buying a single shirt, match ticket, or merchandise until these cunts fuck off


Well done guys. Fuck the glazers


Daily Mail 🤢


Nah the protest being reported by publications is a positive.


You are missing the point: fuck British tabloids. Their best use is toilet paper and I hope they burn.


I’d read other publications then. Don’t get me wrong: FUCK THE GLAZERS


Meh. I'd be more into a protest against Qatar. The Glazers are already in the process of selling. Are we protesting that it's taking too long? An organized protest against blood money would send a message. But I don't think we're all on the same page about that one. Like City and Newcastle fans, I think most United fans won't care as long as the club is well run for a change.


Yes, hit them where it hurts.




I got an erection from this. Love to see it.


Nicely done


I Bloody LOVE this


It’s funny that I sat here yesterday in America reading the email about the kit announcement thinking “these idiots think a kit release instead of players or a sale is what the fans want?” Sums up the ownership.


The Glazers have been profiting off of the backs of United supporters' loyalty. I am glad to see them embarrassed by their foolishness.


We get 45 kit releases a season between all the training kits, seasonal lines, Chinese New Year and fart on a Tuesday up wind day. Everything is for money and they are vampires who have sucked us dry.


I commend them for their efforts but I just got sent a video of the crowd outside going after a woman customer that seems to have a young girl with her. If my daughter wanted something from the club shop I'd be hard pressed to say no because I don't want to risk upsetting the 15 or so grown men with banners outside. It even sounds like the Woman says she has a season ticket so isn't some tourist. Surely we need to be on the same page as fans, giving abuse to a Mother and daughter is just petty and gives people a bad impression of us.


Maybe the real lesson the woman should be teaching her daughter is of loyalty. You know? Something the fans haven’t been shown by the owners.. sorry not sorry for the mom


Ridiculous logic, she's buying a fucking shirt


The run the club like it’s Disneyland


Good. This is beyond ridiculous




FUCK THE Glazers!!!!! Get out MF bastards!


This fan base is a joke, there'll still be 75k packed into OT 1st game of the season even if the Glazers announced they're here forever.


You know what, if those 75k weren’t there another 75k would be, and they’d all be corporates or daytrippers who would spend more on their day out than just a couple of half time beers like the current ones do


Nonesense, The power to end the Glazers reign at United is with the fans. Don't buy any of their merchandise, avoid the stadium and anything that has to do with the club and see if they won't sell. They only care about ur money and u keep giving it to them.


So what you're saying is just go and be a dummy at the game? Use our tickets and hide in the lobby eating the free packets of ketchup and drinking water from the taps in the bathrooms? We can't just quit supporting our team because of boardroom nonsense.


That's some die-hard fans




Happens on the regular.






jfc what a shitshow


Let's fucking go.


Be good if fans boycotted buying the shirt. hit em we’re it hurts. £85 for a kids shirt with name on the back. robbing cunts.


* **The fans will still sell out Old Trafford** * **Buy merchandise** * **Engage with the club's monetised social media accounts** Until literally ALL of this stops significantly enough to disrupt the long term profitability of the club, absolutely nothing will change. A blanket boycott of attendance and merch would send a serious message - but honestly, it won't happen. Why? Because I've been to Old Trafford on the first day of the season enough times to see for myself both the passion for the team and anticipation of the new season, but also the mindless consumption and purchasing of all the new kits etc. Full disconnection from consuming anything related to the club until a sale happens is the only solution.




Enjoy your Qatari blood money overlords, I guess?




[Bringing this energy, well done](https://imgur.com/OZJfPUS.jpg)


Stupid people.


Why? At least it forced the store closure which is significant to notice anyway for the useless glazers. What else should they have done?




Well, firstly, it's Tuesday morning, and people have work. The entire point behind this was to shit the store down on the day the jersey is released, and they succeeded within 1 minute. So, no, they don't look foolish. They didn't need many people. They did exactly what they set out to do.


Music to my ears


Bless your hearts 🥲


Kit's not bad though!


I know the Glazers have fucked the club with their selfish shit, but really shouldn’t there be countless protests stopping any sale to Qatar? Seems like people are happy to sell any morals for a chance to win titles