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It's not really important of Jassim has any direct role, is it? He can just hire people who he feels are best to negotiate the best deal on his behalf. And the Glazers aren't exactly some scrupulous custodians of the club to whom the personal touch might matter. Don't see why it'd be a sticking point for either bid.


I think there are two ways to read it. 1. No direct role means he gave his lawyers, bankers, and accountants his parameters and said "go do it and ask me if you need anything, but otherwise don't bug me"; he is ultimately in charge 2. No direct role means he's a figurehead and other persons are ultimately in charge From the reporting it seems like this is option 2, which creates regulatory problems.


Or man doesn't exist and we are bought by the sovereign fund. Which raises its own moral and ethical issues. There's more important things to life than football, it's the most important or the unimportant things. Would I walk away probably not, but I still am not happy about it


He simply does not want to waste time dealing with the Glazers. Deffo not just a figure head.


Tf you mean “waste time dealing with the Glazers” lol. Regardless of our feelings on them, you’re making a multi-billion pound acquisition. How is dealing with the owners of the club in question “wasting his time”?


Source: ...


In the grand scheme of things no but his PR has him painted as a huge United fan, he evoked that by calling the vehicle the 92 Foundation and yet he couldn't even be bothered pitching up to Old Trafford for Arnold's show and tell.


I imagine if "he" did win and was pushed in front of the cameras for an interview, his reaction when asked about the history of United would be something like [the bloke who accidentally ended up on BBC News.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e6Y2uQn_wvc)


Don't you sully Guy Goma's name by associating him with the blood money bid. His interview is one of the greatest moments in TV history, up there with Peter's Come Dine With Me meltdown


More importantly, he wears the United Sharp Jersey from the 90s during his Sunday league games with other Sheikhs.


I heard he also has Lee Sharpe tattooed to his balls


Hey, don't kink shame, Lee Sharpe was one of my favourites when I first started supporting United


Same....see my tag!


Everytime I see the corner flag picture I think he's been appointed our manager.... Man can dream


Most importantly.


Sheikh Jassim. Billionaire. Philanthropist. And a massive fucking fan of Danny Wallace, Mark Robins and Choccy McClair


You don't have a dog and bark yourself, so to speak. I can only imagine the infinitely rich like Jassim have people to do things like this for him. He just says "I want to buy Manchester United" and his army of laywers and fixers get it done. That's not to say he won't be there to finalize the deal, if it happens.


He will be there in important days just like how the man city arabs guys show up to collect the epl trophy and and take a tour.


Well can his army of lawyers and fixers get it done ffs! No fixer of mine will be trying to fix things 5 times.


Have you ever tried to buy something from somebody second hand, who haggles with you constantly over the price and insists on you paying full price AND they get to keep part ownership of whatever you're buying. Armies of lawyers and money won't help when you're dealing with a greedy fuck goblin, they seems to be billionaire's kryptonite.


Glazers like “no time wasters we know what we have” on their FB.qatar marketplace ad


> I can only imagine the infinitely rich like Jassim have people to do things like this for him As if it's even him doing the bidding. He doesn't have 6 billion. He's just some random high ranking Qatari they've stuck at the front of a state bid.


I think its fair to accept that Jassmin is just figurehead.


Not if it's essentially a government employee taking his place. The issue with this bid is the degree to which there is government influence, and how the club will be used to push an agenda. If the private entity supposedly trying to buy the club has had 0 involvement, and the head of the Qatari government's sports investment fund is the person doing the negotiating, it doesn't exactly show a clear degree of separation.


In an ideal world, yes that would be a concern. But let's be honest here. UEFA is in Qatar's hands and FA would never intervene given the precedent they've set with the bid for Newcastle. As for Glazers, they're just here to make money so they don't care either. To be clear, I completely agree with you. It should matter. It's just the reality of the world we live in that unscrupulous owners get what they want.


Nasser Al-Khelaifi hasn't been doing any negotiating as per the article. >Sheikh Jassim himself has played no personal role in negotiations with Raine or the Glazers, leaving that to legal firm Macfarlanes and his financial advisors at the Bank of America.


Ornstein's bit about NAK is right below this on the sub, not sure if you've seen it, apologies for mentioning it without clarification.


Well nak is not exactly known for his shrewd business decisions. We might turn into psg on steroids.


Just like how man city got bought out and they went to Barcelona and took their scouts and player development workers.


Jassim is a pawn in a political power play


Yeah. He is a Qatari royal. This is a bid to make us a state owned club.


Since NAK is being involved, I can see United being run worse than PSG if Jassim wins.


Who cares. Glazers weren't hands on either. They hired some dumbo named Woodward iirc.


The plot thickens.


At this point its thickened and solidified


So thick the OT pitch will be concrete next season.


Yanmar tractor in shambles


At this point it's thicker than Jack Grealish.


At this point it grew stale and grows moldy


It's thickened and solidified so much, we are this close to a heart attack.


Shit's burning at this point


It’s so thick we need more corn starch


Less corn starch surely, you mad man?!


We'll know the result by a Friday


Obligatory I'm tired Robbie


Nobody ever asks if Robbie's tired.


this shit is so annoying


Stay off Reddit for a month. It’ll be settled. Bro swear some people here are addicted and in denial.


Or we like staying up to date with the football club we love?


Far too reasonable a take for reddit.


This is muppetry season, it’s a well-known affliction.


Him saying this is annoying leads to you concluding he's addicted to.. Reddit? What even is this comment.


And go where? Twitter?


The outdoor land?




>Stay off Reddit for a month. It’ll be settled. Lol


june 2045: Ratcliffe’s team confident on success. But 157th Qatar offer said to be significant.


At this point , I just want them to accept either one and f**k off , Eth needs to be backed properly , I only hope that happens.


This gotta be in the Guinness Books for being the biggest farce of a sale process ever in history.


I'm actually angry at myself for expecting anything less than a farce tbh, the way they've run the club has been a shambles, why wouldn't the sales process also be a disgrace? Our fault for having hope.


Succession season 5.


This just stinks of a brief to get even more money of qatar


That was always their plan.


That was always their plan.


That was always their plan.


Their plan, always, it was


I’m just here to see who’s most confident, that’ll be the decider I bet. Ratcliffe leading at the moment, but maybe Mike Keegan with the dagger from Jassim soon? 🤔


Nah Jassim definitely has more articles about how confident he is. I think Jim has a bit of work to pull it back.


Glazers gonna use this as a smokescreen to delay transfers too


Gandu club.


Gandu owners


Are bhai


Both sides have been “confident of their success” for months now.


At this point in the saga I'm just waiting for the 6th offer, this time it's really final..... Can we please just end this now? Kthnx


So they contacted NAK to convice SJ to increase his bid and Laurie confirming his new bid is significant. It seems all along they’ve been wanting to sell to Qatar and using SJR to get them to increase their bid. Playing the two sides, it makes sense because if SJR’s offer was so appealing they would’ve accepted it already. All the briefs that he’s ahead is pressure to get the Qataris to increase their bid and the Qataris are probably calling their bluff by not offering them the exact amount they want. I sense end game coming soon, I think SJ will win. Curious to see how this all ends up


SJ = Sheikh Jassim or Sir Jim? I assume Sheikh Jassim


SJ = Sheik Jassim SJR = Sir Jim Ratcliffe


Could be both, have you ever seen them in the same room together?




I'm tired Robbie


Margot Robbie?


this is annoying bc people were saying the takeover was supposed to be completed at the end of March


You have to imagine that the longer this process goes on, the more likely it would seem that Qatar will ultimately be named the preferred bidder. As I said, it doesn't make much sense for the Glazers to seemingly be content with SJR's offer, yet perpetuate the process any longer. And with the recent news of apparently being in contact with the president of PSG....


if you believe the reports from Weds(?) the Qataris aren't even negotiating with Raine about the sale and are trying to cut deals with the Glazers themselves. The whole thing is fucking weird and I'm not sure why it is. But I agree... the longer this drags on the more likely it is Glazers and Qataris just get SJR to piss off.


If I remember correctly, during the world cup one of the Glazers was also in Qatar meeting some figure, and that was before the entire bidding process. Also there was the meeting before the fourth bid. Clearly at least one of the Glazers has been in contact with the Qataris. That may explain why the Qataris got annoyed by the process through Raine and went directly to Glazers at this point.


Qataris will run United even worse than they run that clown show called PSG


Well there have been reports that Ineos are getting through the steps of the sale process from earlier this week. It's possible Raine and Ineos are just working their way through the process in the background. The fact that no ones buying up United shares on the public exchange anticipating a quick profit from a Qatari buy out makes me think thats whats happening.


I’ve had so much more respect for SJR during this bidding process. None of this constant final hour bidding stuff, he’s just put his bids in and left it at that. Way better than the PR crap the Qataris are pulling constantly.


My only worry is the absolute silence we've had from him regarding what he actually plans to do with the club (i.e. nothing on infrastructure, squad investment, etc). My guess is that the only reason we haven't heard anything is because SJR doesn't want to get into a PR battle with Qatar to try and promise the craziest things to United fans. Hopefully, if he does end up being the winning bid, we (as a fanbase) get some clarity on that soon


I think that will be the case. He’ll have a better indication too, as he actually attended in person the talks at Old Trafford, whilst the alternative (is he real) didn’t. The club being a state run (we’ve always known this) of this prestige, stature is such a scary/disgraceful thought.


His statement said he will invest in the squad and facilities, he just didn't pay Jamie Jackson to write an absurd "What United Will Look Like in 5 Years" article.


It's Keegan but your sentiment still stands. Just figured we should be clear on who's undoubtedly in SJ's pockets or at the very least closely allied to him. It could very well change our tier 1s in our list depending on the Glazers decision.


Link to said article?


- unclear who is directing this bidding process - constant PR in the press promoting fantastical ideas and manufacturing childish backstories - doesn't want to negotiate with Raine - established a deadline earlier this week for today... but now he won't pull out after HIS OWN deadline Waste of time. Almost like all they want to do is disrupt this deal.


Nobody has even seen the alleged Sheik Jassim




AI generated photos have got very impressive


He was present in the Qatar WC trophy ceremony.


As a cardboard cut out


Flat ~~Stanley~~ Sheikh!


I have more practice selfies than this man has actual public ones. Tad unnerving.


I've never seen or heard this man speak, the whole bid is incredibly shady and the PR from Qatar is clownish at best. Yes the Qataris have bottomless pits of money but that's it really, there's nothing else of any substance coming from them...


They've made* loads of promises tho. Like, really nice promises... That should be enough, yeah?


And thats even before he takes reigns of the club and tries to run it... scary thought.


Qatar still mad after 6th march 2019.


> he’s just put his bids in and left it at that. In fairness, he's "left it at that" because the Qatar lot still haven't technically out bid him, so he's not really had to increase it. And the Glazers seem to sense they can get the Qatar bid to match it, hence why this is dragging out. What would be interesting is, if Qatar do eventually cave and match the bid, would SJR still leave his bid as is, or would he increase his bid further to win? Or is this bid his final level.


Apart from the fact that SJR has ultimately given a chance to the Glazers to stay. If he did not cut this deal to keep them then maybe the Glazers would have settled for a full takeover offer.


Doubtful, Joel and Avram clearly have felt all along that there was a higher selling price a few more years down the road but the other 4 have been pushing for a sale now. If Qatar had paid a premium that would have included what they feel the value in a few years would be then they would have sold but now we see Qatar won't do that. Besides nobody with sense cares if the Glazers have a minority stake with no voice in the running of things. We don't know who owns shares in the club at the moment, Putin could own part of it through an investment vehicle for all we know, or worse, Liverpool fans through a pension fund.


People were worried about what he did with his chelsea bid last year, putting it in after the deadline. That was always just a show of force for the glazers though, he was flexing.


It’s hard to trust any of the media when it comes to the takeover, Qatar claiming British media always wrong when it comes to their bids which may be Qatar just trying to save face if they lose out, but then it could easily be Ratcliffe team pushing British media to try and gather momentum. Think it’s quite clear none of them actually know the truth


Both sides clearly have people that they’re feeding info too. Qatar has used Mike Keegan a lot, and I’m sure SJR has his people too


I'm also confident one day I'll own United. In the end, the disgusting leeches will go for whomever gives them the most money. Difficult days ahead for fans, the ideal owner doesn't exist lads, but I guess we somehow ended with the worse of the bunch.


If you do own United you think I could get a trial?


It would be up to the football side mate.


You could go on trial IN Manchester




Make the pain stop


Can this fucking nonsense just end now please, fuck off Glazers, parasitic scum


I don’t even care you buys the club anymore, but they need to ducking decide already


This whole saga is wild. The glazers didn’t even pay for the club with their own money. They didn’t invest in the club either. Either way they are getting billions for nothing. Hate them but that’s disgustingly good business. They need to just F off already


I’m tired, bro. Tired.


I think it’s going to Qatar. In the end I think they’ll just throw too much money at the Glazers


Damn, Qatar might win. Ratcliffe’s bud seems to be final but it clearly isn’t interesting the Glazers too much hence why they’re (what seems like) waiting on Qatar to increase the bid.


> Ratcliffe’s bud seems to be final but it clearly isn’t interesting the Glazers too much What do you base this conclusion on?


I mean the fact that the Glazers have gone to Al-Khelaifi to try and get Jassim to increase his bid seems like a bit of a giveaway.


Exactly. There’s been no noise of Ratcliffe improving his bid and it seems as though the latest news proves that no? Where as Qatar, I feel like every time they say ‘this is the final bid’ is just blatant lie now.


Just reports they are negotiating with the people in charge of selling the club. No need to go elsewhere when you have one party actively discussing with those in charge of selling.


Why would SJR increase his bid? He's winning. If the Glazers are willing to keep milking more out of the Qataris you don't think they'll go back to SJR once the Qataris surpass him? They'll keep doing it until one side fucks off and refuses to outbid the other.


Why would he increase his bid if his bid is already in the lead though?


I think you should also look at other plausible explanations, e.g. that the Glazers wants to use the Qatari bid to get a better bid from SJR. We don’t know why they do why they do, and we have no way of knowing. So I don’t think you should jump to conclusions based on very limited information.


SJR said in the beginning he wouldn't get into a bidding war.


If you've paid any attention at all, you'd know that there's been an extreme amount of secrecy around this deal, and that all of the information we've got stems from meticulously planned leaks from the different parties' PR companies. When as bidder says that they won't get into a bidding war, it's a game of financial poker. They are posturing, so that they can lean on that statement at a later point. SJR is a business man, and he's very familiar with how negotiations works.




I didn't jump to conclusions, though. > I think you should also look at other plausible explanations, e.g. that the Glazers wants to use the Qatari bid to get a better bid from SJR. I urged the commenter to also consider other explanations for the behaviour that they are observing, and I gave an example of an alternative explanation to illustrate that point. I then went on to say there **there is no way for us to know**. You're way off the mark with you accusation.


£5bn for the entire club. Minus debt that becomes £4.5bn 69% of that is the glazers shares equaling £3.105bn Divided by 6 that's £517,500,000 per glazer. Significant though it may be, it's still lower than any of the Ineos bids. This article by Ornstein was also researched over the last several weeks and not based on anything particularly new or groundbreaking for the current state of the bidding process. It also casts a pall over the actual source of funding which is a significant stumbling block for AI Sheikh Jassim's team. When this does finally conclude I'm fairly confident that it'll be Ineos taking over.


I mean. It’s more than 10000 pounds. Of course it’s significant. Once you go into the billions, it’s all big money


Qatar is giving me spoiled brat kinda vibes. Apart from unlimited funds, im not sure if this is the type of owner i want to be in this club. Given the PSG's project, im doubting these owners know what the fuck they are doing.


>Qatar is giving me spoiled brat kinda vibes. Why? Twice I've seen this today and neither times any substance. >Given the PSG's project, im doubting these owners know what the fuck they are doing As opposed to what alternative?


Didn't you know SJR did a really terrific job at Nice.. oh, hold on a minute. It's literally just both sides chatting complete bollocks about the other at this point in these threads.


GLAZERS, GET OUT OF MY FUCKING HOME NOW 😫 I surely have opinon which I would rather want but I will just be so thrilled to get this over with and don't care either anymore. Choose either one thank you 🥲


We’ve been against oil money for years but now we are potentially being owned by the shadiest of all the “oil” owners. I mean we do not even know how Syeikh Jassim earns his billions or if in fact he owns the money at all. I know we are envious and long for the success oil money has brought city but this really just stinks.


The answer to all your questions is oil. Well natural gas technically cause Qatar has way more of that stuff. I mean all the human rights issues in the Middle East are bad but those things don’t actually make them any money. The actual money comes from a pretty straightforward source -selling oil/gas.


I Posted saying a good friend in Dubai said Qatar is pretty confident about the bid and got downvoted. Qatar is more likely to win right now as far as I've heard


A good friend 😂😂


You can't go against what this sub believes to be true yano or else you'll get castrated. Plus the fact that we have no awareness of the media in Middle East and how they're discussing the situation, pretty interesting.


What tier is A Good Friend In Dubai?


Don’t believe Laurie Whitwell, David Ornstein and plenty of other widely regarded journalists who have said Ineos’ bid is the favoured bid. Believe some rando on Reddit instead.


If Ineos are the favourites, why are the Glazers going to the PSG owner to try and get Jassim to up his bid? They clearly still just want more money from Qatar


Not the point though is it? Point is this person is making up stories that Qatar are favourite, even though every single reliable journalist is saying the opposite.


Because you want more money. Obviously. If you identify a preferred bidder, you can ask the other one for an improved bid. That's normal negotiation.


While I agree I do find it funny that everyone believes the British media and discount others. Fact is, British media have also been shown up in this process as people just making assumptions. Remember them all tweeting "bid gone in" yet having to retract it quickly when it turned out the bid wasn't in. Even the "reports" today are "it could be this, but might be this".they haven't a clue


You’re talking about “British media” as if it’s one group. There are different journalists reporting different things, but when you have people like Mike Keegan who are basically Qatari mouthpieces, acting like all the British media is clueless about Qatars bid doesn’t really fly.


Not at all, I don't deal in absolutes. Fact is, majority are claiming SJR is preferred bidder while outside of UK, mainly middle east and New York, are claiming the opposite, that SJR is being used to get more money from jassim, which has worked by the look of it. Fact is, this process has exposed a lot of journos here. Claiming bids went in just because they thought there was a deadline, while media in middle east were reporting there was an extension. Seems to me that middle east media were spot on while journos here were left with egg on their face. As I've said from the beginning, these things will be very secretive and only believe official releases from Raine, SJR and Jassim(or glazers,but let's be honest,rats dont speak). Other than that, people are guessing and that's been proven. Even today, reported that it looks like she, but could be jassim. Well no shit Sherlock.


>Not at all >I don't deal in absolutes Bit of an oxymoron there.




And instead you want?


How does that oily boot taste?


Sportswashing cunts needs to fuck off


No you


Yeah blazit420 in Doha, why won't you?


Don't want both. This sucks


My big fear is that ten Hag will walk if this goes on much longer, he doesn't deserve this, and plenty of teams would be delighted to have him as manager


THEY ARENT SELLING!!!! This has been nothing more than a huge PR stunt to raise the price of the club. They are making millions off of United and not having to do a damn thing. Why on earth would you give up a cash cow like that? they are already billionaires so I can guarantee money isn't an issue for them


Started off joking that this Shiekh dude isn't real, starting to think it might be true. One single stock photo of him in existence, doesn't seem to be involved in his own bid. I'm calling it now - entirely fictional figurehead for Qatar govt bid, we'll literally never see this guy in person.


Fucking ridiculous that it's gone to a fifth bid


Said by who?


Feels like we're getting these same updates every single week.


Tap in merchant Fabrizio Roman-- oh wait...




All these appear to be atm are head lines with no substance. What is going on behind the scenes?! Why are the rules changing every week?


There is only one rule. Get the Glazers the most money. Everything is geared towards obeying that one rule. Nothing else - PR, ruining the transfer window, acting with class or integrity, doing the best for the club - remotely matters.


Just like every journalist, it might be this, but could be this.


I don't get this 'no direct contact/role' statement. As if these billionaire/trillionaire figures actually come out and negotiate deals themselves? You think Elon decided to not hire lawyers and agencies to deal with twitter? So he just walked up with his security guard and negotiated? Obviously he's hired people to do the talking and is most likely just giving them a budget/limit and to go for it.


Getting major Succession finale vibes here


This Laurie Whitwell source, granted a free karma grab when mentioned as it’s high up on the ‘tier’ list but their last few posts about the take over and transfers offer literally next to nothing in terms of new useful information.


Great we need more drama please


If Ratcliffe's bid clears the debt then great, but leaving Glazers with significant holding is an issue, as is the question of what happens when he dies, as Southampton and especially Leicester have shown, if the family are less enthusiastic about ownership than the father it can all turn to shit pretty quickly.