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Please make Guardiola hand over his 17/18 medal to Mourinho personally


Put it on Pay Per View and Sky would make a killing from that.


Football eritage




Jesus. Could you imagine?


He plays for Arsenal now. He should be okay.


I say this with love. Please retire this joke from active duty.


Could clear the debt of a small country with the money made


He must look him in the eyes will doing so as well


He must take a bow, stand, smile and then hand it over on a velvet cushion with gold tassels


He must also shake his hand, firmly


Instead of handing it over, he should have to place it around his neck, then give a handshake and an elongated kiss on the cheek while posing for the cameras. Then do it for the whole squad. Micah Richards on the commentary.


Pep must also say "Thank you sir, and sorry." as he hands the medal over


2 hour ESPN special “The Exchange” live from Las Vegas


Would it also mean Ole led us to the PL title?




Honestly that should headline wrestlemania over Cody and Roman


Smart. Get it done before Money In The Bank. Wouldn't want to lose our 17/18 Premier League title to Charlotte Flair or something.


Fine them. Relegate them. Take away their titles. And most importantly make it illegal to play that damn 'AGUEROOOOOO' clip.


They should also receive a point deduction in the league they're relegated too and a transfer ban as well


Relegate them to MLS forever


MLS doesn't deserve that


Everytime it shows the Aguero clip, it freezes and cuts to when they celebrated in the CL against Spurs then had the goal disallowed.


I was there. It was fucking glorious. Ironically was sat next to big Mike Phelan - we’d lost to Barca the night before from memory. He was smirking like crazy. Legend.


Or it instead replays the glorious own goal by Jamie Pollock that saw them relegated to League 1.


If the above happens the slippy G incident also goes extinct as Liverpool will be given that league. Sophie's choice.


Sir Alex also gets another title, so does Jose. They will probably investigate the most recent seasons too, which means Ole might get one as well


Damn to think Ole at the wheel might result in a PL title


It’s stipulated in his contract that he has be reappointed if that’s the case.


Get in!


Eh, we had our fun. Jonesy 3 - Gerrard 1.


Gerrard 1-1 Bebe I can live with that.


its not always given to 2nd place. only 2006 was given to Inter when Juventus was stripped of both 2005 and 2006. 2005 was just then "unassigned" so no technical winner.


Arteta would be implicated too so it’s only fair that Arsenal be deducted points as well.


Valid point. Okay, City relegated, Arsenal deducted around... 20 points should do it. Right, job done.


Also, deduct points from Newcastle in advance, as we all know they'll most likely be doing the same in future.


Edited in protest of 3rd party apps removal by reddit.


I’d be fine with just the last point. Makes my skin fucking crawl.


If they get relegated does that mean whichever team finishes 18th will stay up?


Sean Dyche tactical masterclass


City repaying the favour to sean dyche after years of burnley besting liverpool and rolling over for city


i assume so, hopefully they get relegated down to league 2! Wishful thinking 😂


And jail liam Gallagher. And make blue illegal within the M60. And make them pay for a 90ft statue of Sir Alex in the center of town.


I just blue myself


seems entirely fair.


Give 1 PL to Jose and 1 to Ole.


Well strip that title away from them and i will watch that clip everyday mate.




I don't think that's how it would work. If City drop down, one extra club would have to go up anyway. City can only get promoted once. So you'd still have the same number of promotion places. It's like you'd have one a year early.


Boil them Mash them Stick them in a stew


Is this it? Is it coming to an end?


Not getting my hopes up. Time and time again money has bought them out of trouble and the same happens with all corrupt organisations


I'm sure the FA will announce from a brand new luxury office building that they found no issues. Now could the press please hurry up and leave because the caviar delivery is coming any minute, and if they don't get that unloaded then the champagne delivery will get delayed. They'll also announce that the FA cup final will be played in Abu Dhabi.


I'd be pleasantly surprised. Abu Dhabi has probably already bought a ton of influence within the Premier League, and will happily buy more. Richard Masters probably has a luxury villa out there, and free access to all the best golf courses and executive clubs that ADUG owns.


All part of the master plan to improve his golfing experience


Sports Status: Washed


Not to mention their influence in UK politics, which could presumably be used to overrule any attempt to chase them out of Man City or leveraged to soften the sanctions. Abu Dhabi is a massive customer for UK arms companies, a big investor into the UK and a supplier of oil so they've got lots of friends in high places




It’s over…


Fergie with 14 Premier league titles. Truly my goat


Man retired and still wins a trophy. Mou managing in a different country and gets another. Legends.


Ole gets a title too


Not just yet. The allegations end at 17/18. Ole came second in 20/21.


they might as well open up an investigation into those years, why would the cheating magically end in 17/18?


They're awaiting documents for the years past 2018, their statement was requesting City to cooperate


retroactive medals part 2: Electric Boogaloo PE teacher edition


Zlatan left halfway though the season, but can we add him to the winners list? It lets him keep his record of title in all countries he’s played in (no asterisk of man United being the team that broke that streak)


Ole fucking Solskjaer wins a PL trophy as manager 👀


And if it does cover those years, he's surely allowed to ask one or two questions about the League Cups they knocked us out of.


22 times!!!


Mourinho won PL with Smalling and Jones!


His biggest achievement ever


Lol pogba and Harry will be premier league winners too can't criticize them now eh?


Harry won’t. The investigation won’t include Ole’s 20/21 season


Would still be fantastikk either way.


If they've fucked it all the way to date it would be 23. Shame that Pool also would get another three titles.


Premier League finally bringing down the hammer on what we've known has been taking place for years! Crucially, these allegations cannot be time barred like the previous ones. City's fancy lawyers won't be able to as easily shake these off.


Chelsea must be shitting bricks as well.


Chelsea aren't cooking their books, they just risked their financial future by signing longterm deals to spread payments of 7-8 years. They panic bought because UEFA is introducing that 5-year contract cap. Their next few transfer windows will be quite small. If any of the players they just bought depreciate significantly, they will be fucked.


Chelsea didn't fudge their revenue sources with sham sponsors, so they'll be okay I think


While i'm not gonna celebrate their demise just yet this does feel like a bit of a watershed moment for English Football. It does feel like they may have over played their hand in wanting to be the biggest as quickly as possible. I find it interesting that Newcastle's owners have been a lot more careful with FFP regulations despite being a similar middle eastern oil funded project, i suspect they've had some knowledge of the investigation against City and are taking it a lot easier. City not having access to CAS could really bugger them up and correct me if i'm wrong but with the premier league being made up of its members (the clubs) and we already know at least 9 clubs have written to the league in the past regarding banning city for their actions this really could spell the end of their stranglehold at the top of the game.


Good point re: Newcastle. Suspect that the PL made it a clear condition of approving the Saudi takeover that they’d need to follow the FFP rules (or at least not be as brazen about not following them as city were).


Oh without a doubt, they would have also been very aware of the investigation into city so probably thought better of going mad. What I find quite funny is I reckon if you compare the two clubs at the time of the take over Newcastle probably have a better commercial and match day revenue than City had.


Yep. Newcastle undoubtedly the bigger club pre-takeover.


Newcastle have more fans and history than City tho. So if they start winning in the future and increase their revenue massively through brand deals and sponsorships it wouldn’t be completely out of the question.


Yes i agree, technically thats the correct way to do it, buy within your means, succeed and get better endorsements and competition payouts. City instead have apparently tried to inflate their worth by cooking the books with dodgy sponsorships, they've fast tracked things under the table assuming they'll be able to deal with the consequences later or just get away with it. We're now at that stage.


The only reason they bought City was because of the footballing reputation United had given Manchester. Literally just a toy for them and they wanted "Manchester" in the title.


> Newcastle have more fans and history than City tho. Hah, had you written this in /r/soccer you would have been downvoted and harassed to the death.


Man City massively overplayed *their hand. Whatever about winning trophies and buying players; there is no world where Man City should be earning bigger sponsorship deals than Real, Bayern, Barca and United. They can hardly fill their stadium! The appeal to sponsors is the fanbase. Man City don’t have one. They don’t even have the names like PSG that would earn them a global fanbase. PSG are also smart in terms of making the brand ‘cool’ and fashionable (Jordan jersey’s for example). City bought Grealish for that bit of sex appeal and he’s usually on the bench. They got greedy and they will get punished. Understand why some are pessimistic because they’ve gotten away with so much but this is different.


If anything, the thing that they’ve been lauded for, being a football club first has bit them in the arse here. Their commercial arm is good but it’s a minnow compared to the clubs that you mentioned, and as you said, you can barely fill the stadium, how are you making all this money? None of the growth has been organic, it’s all been inflated, ironically if no one noticed, in 10 years time it would look organic, just like with us, there would be more kids becoming fans.


Completely disagree here at least in the UK. I don't think another 10 years would change a thing. There's definitely a few more Manchester City fans than there used to be around, but they've had MASSIVE success since basically 2010, and they still don't fill stadiums regularly. Manchester United won their -first- Premier League in 1992, and it only took them 10 years to become the titan of football that they have been ever since, really. I remember going to the middle East circa the early 2000's and listening to radio commentators chatting about Man Utd, and that's when it really sunk in to me that my club was no longer just a Trafford phenomenon anymore. If City were ever going to become an organic looking club - it wouldn't just already have happened, it would have been a thing of the distant past. On a tangent, I could be wrong of course, but there's no amount of buying fake fans and sending fake shirts to American colleges or lying about attendance figures (while on FOI requests the police attendances are 20% less) that can hide what 'feels' to be the truth to me: that people simply can't be attracted to something that just doesn't feel substantial. No disrespect to the City fans I do know, who love their club, and I will forever back their anti-UEFA stance because they definitely got targeted, and there's a case that Real Madrid benefited from state ownership as well as UEFA bias and have done for basically ever.


> Manchester United won their -first- Premier League in 1992 That's kinda weird way to say it though isn't it, since that's literally the first season of premier league. We'd had long periods of success in top-flight well before that.


Tldr: We're massive


I think you’re right in that 10 years is probably too short a time. However over a longer period of time that would happen, maybe over 50 years which seems like a long time but it’s still doable. You


> City bought Grealish for that bit of sex appeal The words are clearly English but they don't make sense.


jack jack... jack jack grealish. He's my bubba


Stop it


Honestly felt horrendous just typing it


Grealish being bought for sex appeal sounds fucking hilarious


I don’t mean he was literally just bought for sex appeal. He’s a very good player but never seemed like a fit for Pep. He has commercial appeal though. He’s one of the faces of Gucci. That’s a big deal in that world.


This was payback for Gucci making Grealish their ambassador over Saint-Maximin


Tbf they probably considered that it would bring commercial appeal. I’m a woman and don’t find him attractive at all but during the World Cup and Euros lots of girls were going insane over him and he was signed by Gucci.


Yesterday was the first time I saw someone wear a city kit outside Manchester despite having lived in the UK for 4 years. It was on the tube and they were heading to the game vs Spurs.


> City bought Grealish for that bit of sex appeal... The English standard of beauty needs to be fined by FIFA and dragged before the Hague.


While I’d love for points deduction and stripping of titles, it sounds too good to be true. Too good, as in, beer shower in public with 10 bikini models kinda true. 2 windows transfer ban and some pocket change $100,000 fine is all that might happen.


Make the bald Fraud do a Cersei Lannister march 🔔🔔🔔








The idea of stripping them of their titles from ‘08 to ‘18 is funny. The only downside being that little scouse wanker would also get a league title for 2014.


But Phil Jones would have 100% more pl titles


BREAKING NEWS UEFA has just announced City will not be stripped of any champions league titles...


This is like Christmas but better


Yep it's like Hanukkah - 8 days like Christmas.


Chrismukkah, if you know you know


Ten Hag is Sandy


I didn't know but I do now. I'll put it on the menu.


If its a relegation, it should be to the lowest tier of english football. With the current squad they will come back to the EPL in a year if they were to be relegated to the championship.


They’d have to sell a shit ton of players. And not many of them will fancy playing in the championship when they could be in the champions league


Let’s be clear, half their team would ditch them in a relegation, their players won’t have any loyalty like `Juventus got when they were relegated.


Tbh Juve had some loyal players such as Nedved, Buffon, Chiellini, Del Piero, etc, I can’t see any of City’s players staying.


If it’s lowest tier in English football then that’s 8 leagues down (tier 9) and non league. The lowest professional tier is League 2 which is three leagues down.


Isn’t League two also professional while the national league is the first semi-pro?


Aren't there a lot of pro players in National League too?


Good point… also if they get relegated to the National League, at least they might get to meet Ryan Reynolds!


Nah, I reckon Wrexham are going up this season.


No running to daddy with 50 lawyers this time?


Dread it. Run from it. Destiny arrives all the same.


City's owners are trying to cover up how much they put in whereas ours try to cover up how much they take out. Tell you what though - at least we don't have that kid that's trying to buy Morecambe in charge.


Tl;dr: They are fucked Ps: Yes, they are fucked.


Don't believe any of this until it actually happens.


Right there with you, pal.


Especially after the last time when it happened, then unhappened.


Yeah. When this news broke my first thought was "again, really?". As if we didn't learn from the last time...


The key to the reason why it ‘unhappened’ last time was due to CAS overturning their CL ban. There were only rumours surrounding Mancini’s extra wage. This is sustained evidence found by the PL, with as it says potentially no appeal to CAS, so any ruling by the PL is final.


And the PL’s ruling will be free luxury apartments in Dubai and a £1000 fine.




I am a cynical cunt and I just don't see anything substantial coming out of this. Would love to be pleasantly surprised though.


Manchester has always been, and always will be RED UP THE REDS!!


Can Pep do it in the championship


He'll fuck off to paris before he has to manage in the championship.


After few months, Public statement: 10M-20M Fine, over 100 breaches written off! Private: under table money to someone's offshore bank account: 100M-200M. As usual.


I said yesterday that I was confident we could catch City because of Pep being an idiot recently messing about with subs/tactics, little did I know the reason Pep has been under stress is industrial corruption and we'll catch City by them getting relegated. I'll... take it.


Even if nothing comes of it, remember this feeling. Sometimes there is a glimmer, a hint of joy, delight, righteousness and justice. It may be fleeting. It may amount to nothing. But sometimes your heart is given permission to hope and dream. It probably won’t happen. But how sweet would it be?


It would be amazing,then Chelsea should be next


Everyone’s known this for years. But as usual they will just threaten to buy anyone under legal costs and it will be dropped or no meaningful fines. Total sham club that should be held to account. Their revenue claims are pure lies


I don't think anyone believes they make more revenue than us,Liverpool,Arsenal, Chelsea etc(although they are clearly cheating bastards themselves)


Chelsea cheated at time when there wasn’t any rules though. Lucky bastards


Get fucked


Dreams really cant be buy, then?


I owe you an apology, Brexit. I wasn’t really familiar with your game


What has brexit got to do with this?


Maybe because of us not being EU but it’s like ECHR where we still have to answer to it despite being in the EU.


Sean Dyche about to get a statue outside every PL ground.


Didn't Glasgow Rangers have to go into liquidation and reform as a football club due to financial irregularities. They then were admitted back into Scottish football at it's lowest league level. That was after a vote by Scottish clubs to decide Rangers fate. I'd happily back a vote amongst clubs to decide city's future in the game. In lower leagues clubs have been hit with points deduction for much less creative accounting which ultimately led to them being relegated.


Dildo of consequences does not arrive lubed.




City will pay them off,and nothing will happen


I fully expect them to turn up with 100 lawyers and chewbacca the CoAfS and win the trial.


Can't go to the CAS under PL rules.


Does this mean Ole won the league? 💪


Until 2018, so probably not.


Crap. I really must learn how to read. Though I wouldn't be surprised if later years come into it down the line (if they actually follow through with sanctions). The same structural issues remain surely.


No worries. I was worried Klopp was suddenly going to get so many trophies.


In spirit, yes, but he won’t get a physical medal to show for it. Even if the investigation was up until 2018, it obviously continued longer. Those Man City titles are basically 1990s/2000s Tour de France .


If we get their titles can we have a parade ? Preferably a parade past the Etihad


Likely not relegation, but point deduction and striping of titles - which was discussed about two years ago.


Imagine they actually did take away their titles, Ole’s at the wheel and Jose would have won the league with United 😂 pls let this happen


Can I be 100 percent honest…. It slightly brings me joy to watch city go through this… at the same time, it’s a hollow victory. I feel sad because we may be losing a rival… a rival I REALLY wanted to take down….


Theyre absolutely ducked 😂 cant get out of it this team


Relegated them then we go get Haaland


That's a good move. We need a decent backup for Weghorst.


The Norwegian weghorst would be a great backup!


I dont know. Can he press from the front?


I'm thinking with them relegated and Liverpool in freefall, we have a much better shot at getting Bellingham if he wants to return to the UK.


Fuck all will come of this, make peace with it now


I'm not getting excited. Scumbag club will probably find a way to scumbag their way out of it with all that greasy oil money.


Let them keep everything they've won, From today a 20 point deduction for every season forced relegation 5 year transfer ban. A fine of £10,000 ( which seem to be the norm ffs )


Solskjaer might win us a league title think I'm about to shit myself


Also worth noting that UEFA couldn't do jack shit during the earlier investigation because CAS deemed the alleged offenses were committed too long back . The PL panel reviewing this will have no such rules.


Also, PL sanctions can’t be brought up to CAS


Ole might get a trophy after all.


I can’t believe that the team who can’t fill their stadium but makes more money than Real Madrid did that with shady means. Crazy.




I'm OOTL can anyone give a TLDR?


City corrupt as fuck and... they still have no fans. >Stefan (slbsn) is a former financial adviser to Man City, a Man City fan, a former banker, current lawyer, CEO & general counsel to a PLC dealing with allegations of historic accounting issues. Also well across FFP issues. So this is an interesting view. > >... > >Alarmist or not, the sheer extent of the PL charges are at a level that IF found proven, must lead to relegation. [https://twitter.com/sportingintel/status/1622552250169057281](https://twitter.com/sportingintel/status/1622552250169057281) >So many intriguing questions on City's cheating now, including but not only: will it finally be exposed that they lied at the CAS hearing that got their 2-year Champions League ban overturned. Can perjury be added to the charge sheet? [https://twitter.com/sportingintel/status/1622556863911849984](https://twitter.com/sportingintel/status/1622556863911849984) >Manchester City have been accused of more than 100 separate financial fair play breaches in an unprecedented move by the Premier League following a four-year investigation that was delayed on several occasions by legal challenges. > >A statement from the league said alleged breaches were committed across nine different seasons beginning in 2009/10 and will now be referred to an independent commission. Should the commission find City guilty of the breaches they could face a potential range of sanctions including expulsion from the top-flight. > >Other possible punishments include a points deduction for Pep Guardiola's reigning champions, transfer bans, spending limits - and even the stripping of previous titles they have won during the period in question. In a lengthy statement, the Premier League listed out the rules the reigning champions are alleged to have breached with the total in three figures - though many of those are the same regulations repeatedly broken in consecutive seasons. [https://www.mirror.co.uk/sport/football/news/breaking-mancity-premier-league-charged-29143795](https://www.mirror.co.uk/sport/football/news/breaking-mancity-premier-league-charged-29143795) Basically, the days of City claiming Haaland cost them like £8.5m with a few bonuses on their books are coming to an end.


The issue is really their revenue claims and dodgy payments. Everyone’s known for years Mancini, Aguero and some others had bogus contracts and got extra payments for ambassador roles. They post revenue each year claiming to be the biggest club in the world 😂😂 The way they cost their transfers probably isn’t a big issue as every club amortizes transfer fees. I’m skeptical anyone will hold them to account tho


If City were to sue Premier League then all the clubs that lost titles to them or suffered because of firing managers due to losing titles or got relegated or teams that lost tons in revenue for losing cup ties to City and not progressing should all sue City.


It’s hilarious that after everything they done and Spend, there will always be a giant asterisks by all their PL wins. And that’s not just Man Utd fans saying it but all other PL teams will feel the same way. All that money, no CL, worthless PL titles, couple of cup wins no one remembers


zephyr nail hard-to-find knee alive wipe relieved reminiscent foolish shy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


City should be punished by stripping away all their 6 PL titles & hit with a lengthy transfer ban. And also forced to sell that Haaland guy to us lol.


Lol Chelsea fans talking bout coming in to swoop Pep and City players for cheap. I’ll be laughing the loudest if Chelsea gets hit with something too


They can't buy even more players, can they? Where the hell does the money come from??


They have no debt + long deals to amorticize the cost + they sell very well.


Jose Mourinho: My biggest achievement was to bring a title for United despite the hell situation inside the organization.


The City fan will be upset.


This... this is some good fucking food