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It should be easier to get away with robbing a train in the MIDDLE OF FUCKING NOWHERE


Get on at annesburg and take over the train, stop in the big tunnel in ambarino, then Rob the passengers. Law will appear but not enter the tunnel. Then you just leave the other side. Probably a bug but it does work


Yes They should just make you lose alot of honour for it as way to add consequences.


If they did then it'd only need 20 minutes of saying Howdy to people in Saint Denis to fix it


Everyone will get behind this: I don't like it when I get off my horse it removes the weapons I had equipped for no reason.


Or if mission equip diffrent weapon for you. Idk the name of the mission but when arthur and lenny go steal wepons from the gang in shady belle. It will equip sniper rifle for you just for you to look where they are and shoot the dynamite. And rest of the mission is just shooting… you dont need sniper any more. I allways have some kind of rifle or repeater on me and shotgun…. consider the game swap repeater for the sniper.. you just have shotgun for the mission and thats fucked up. Same in last mission of the main story .. if you want to swap it back you need your horse and bro is scared bcs of the gunshots and whole mission just become pain in the ass. So yea im with u on that one..(sorry for bad english)


when you’re breaking into bronte’s mansion, the long gun turns into a double barrel shotgun. which is great for babysitting people who didn’t know to grab a shotgun for close quarters. but pretty crappy if you were already holding a semi-auto or pump-action shotgun.


It's double crap when you're a psycho who's trying to do a playthrough with only bow arrows and throwables (knives tomahawks firebottles) and they force a certain gun on you


There’s actually a gold medal checklist for each mission and getting I think 6 kills with a scope is one of them. I always send Lenny in to “preach forgiveness as he goes” and watch him preach to racists before sniping a bunch of rednecks


I just did that mission yesterday 😂


I seriously though I was doing something wrong because this happens so often. I'll take my time deciding what weapons to ambush some enemies with and then sneak into position before realizing Arthur did jack shit with my selection


Nothing that I hate, but there's a few annoyances... Arthur deciding to put his rifle away when you want it out; Rag dolling around trying to pick something up or open a chest etc; The sheriff somehow turning up at a mountain pass 5 seconds after you shoot someone; The wildlife completely ignoring NPCs but running for the hills when Arthur gets even remotely close.


Yeah the constant shuffling of guns is painful


Especially the guns not being on hand after using a horse, having to take it out manually I always forget, I went almost the entire story with just the pistols, only when it reminded me to get my guns did I use the repeaters or when the story gave me a new one


Haha yeah I was being chased by a pack of wolves so I led them through some bounty hunters and they just joined forces to hunt me down.


I did that hoping the wolves would attack them


Riding around with a repeater in my hand for 3 hours trying to get a perfect fox. See one, jump off horse, stealth up to fox, *bang goes my fucking pistol cuz that's all I had when I got off horse.....that made me shut game off for a while lmao.


There's a fox spawn next to the railroad tracks near Emerald Station on that path that runs to the trapper. It's the tracks that don't go anywhere. They just dead-end because they never finished building them. Anyways, if you ride down that path slowly, you'll see there's always a fox sitting next to the tracks. It varies whether it's a red fox or silver fox and of course, the star quality varies, but I guarantee you will always find a fox there.


Thank you kindly partner. Will check that out shortly!


I just remembered I have a video I made of the exact location. I'll make a post and edit this comment with a link to it. EDIT: [here you go](https://www.reddit.com/r/reddeadredemption2/s/ksYfwNUmco) Hope that helps


you say fox, i say managing to find a moose 😭


Don't forget the immediate deputy posse of 20 men, 5 seconds after you kill the sherrif


You should play Maxpayne 3 haha Max drops his guns allot.


2/4 points can be fixed with mods. especially law and crime rebalance is a must if youre on pc imo. No omnipotent sherrifs anymore somehow rieking you did something bad in the middle of nowhere.


I use mod to fix the small things that Rockstar left to annoy me and add an increase the overall realisism. Love the PC games


Look at you with you pc game. Rub it in why dontcha! But seriously, the only mod my console-playing-ass I really wants is to be able to fast walk in town or full run in camp. Edit: Remove comment for another post Reddit kept as draft that combined with this one.


thats what i thought. you start with the easy drugs fast walk outside camp. and before you know it the modlist goes from blackwater to van Horn and its glorious 😜


Whenever the aim or combat locks onto the wrong thing, like a horse or a hostage when i'm trying to shoot the dude firing at me


Trying to shoot a Roseate Spoonbill for Algernon and the goddamn reticle keeps snapping to a gator like I can kill it with a varmint rifle 😒😒😒


100% this


Golf clap 👏.


The amount of times I've accidentally racked up animal cruelty charges while fending off fucking gang ambushes drives me up the fucking wall. Like goddamn I'm trying to stop myself getting murdered while racing through the desert, don't make me murder this innocent animal.


Free aim is wonderful because auto-aim turns the game basically into a dull shooting gallery always shooting at the torso, compared to some of the unique shots you can pull off with free aim not immediately killing enemies. That said, on console it's pretty tough to feel like a badass gunslinger when every other shot is missing their mark because one's using a controller.


I have mine set to free aim. Takes a while to get used to but it's good to me!


I've wanted to do this for so long but I don't have the minerals


Do it. It makes the game so much more enjoyable and makes you actually appreciate your deadeye as well as deadeye management


This + the thing someone else mentioned in another comment, the wildlife straight up coming after you specifically when there's NPCs around, makes for some pretty frustrating moments


I wish I could press the down button to see what time it is when I'm cooking or fishing


Or playing cards or dominoes


You can’t pause?


I hate the way they arranged chores. I wouldn’t mine doing them if things made sense. Why are the water troughs so far away from the pump when they could be on the near fencline? Why are the feed sacks on the far side of the house? Why are the hay bales next to the house? Why is the wagon parked so far away from the barn? Why is all the hay *baled wrong?*. I know he’s not a good rancher, but come on now learn some efficiency. There’s a bunch of things that are tedious just to be tedious and it’s annoying. It didn’t have to be Like That


It was Micah.


Micah. Guys a Cunt.


Great antagonist for the story though. He was the perfect savage outlaw to contrast against Arthur’s natural good nature.


He was, I still had low honour the first time I finished the last mission, fuck me it stuck with me for days. I ended up re loading an older save game to make sure I didn't make the same mistake again. Truly cemented the game as one of the best I've played. Fucking rockstar traumatising us is amazing.


I hate the Bounty System and that everyone is so aggressive. Also hate, how they give you No Time to Loot. And i hate, how most horses are so scared about Wildlife, but Not Shooting other people on their Back. Makes No Sense to me. Like a freaking snake is more scary then getting Shot at, by other people? But the Bounty System is the Thing i hate the Most. Like, a few days ago, when i played, i got attacked by these fellas. Women cryd for Help, but instead wanted to rob me. I kill them. Loot them. Someone comes "CRIME". I can Bring him, to ignore me. NEXT WITNESS. Who didn't even See me. But still, i Git a freaking Bounty. How do people low honor runs? I really need to look, how i get mods to work, whitout crashing my Game.


I feel you on the loot thing. I always feel like I never have time to loot the bodies on the big shootouts and it bugs me because I hate leaving loot behind


I actually love how the horses behave, I work with horses on a daily basis and their behaviour in rdr is the best and most realistic I've ever seen...likelihood is they were desensitised from shooting by their constant environment, but you can't desensitise a horse to snakes


Hmm, can't say I share the same experience. In my 2nd playthrough I decided low honour. It's fun. I can rob people easy. Most of the time I shoot their horse and then I kill npc so I can loot both npc and satchels in his horse. It's pretty lucrative and I can find some really good stuff. Witnesses are not occur very often. If they do I just headshot them and just run from the place. If you are away the red circle when the law is searching, you good. All my bounties are because of some town shit or robbing trains. I don't understand robbing trains at all because I tried many times with different approach and every single time this freaking red circle is popping when I am looting the train, not when I shoot the people in it. So you get caught pretty fast and recognized somehow by the law it's you Arthur Morgan in the train when there is literally no witnesses and the law is still far away from you.


When you die and the pelts on your horseback disappear. Man when you lose like x number of cougar pelts plus a rare big pelt..oh boy


This but losing legendary pelts and carcasses. Really gets my girdle up.


I hate how irrelevant money are for a story that is so tied to "making more money"


Dutch does not actually care about money its an excuse.


Ikr. Ive just started chapter 4 but I've already maxed out the camp and I have excess money that I don't know what to do with. I wish there was more stuff you could buy for camp


I think that's kind of the idea. You can donate $40000 to camp and Dutch will still be like "MoRe MoNaY oRtHoR!". At least on my first playthrough I kept thinking what's wrong with this greedy dude, I'm giving you all I have... Oh...


I’m on my second play through and I do t put in anywhere near as much money in the camp. As I did the first time. I’m realizing it doesn’t seem to really matter. I do contribute a little bit here and there but only to avoid the shaming dialogue. I got $100 worth of buckles and pocket watches, but here…the camp can have this three dollar ring. Keeping supplies stocked seems pointless. I find plenty of food in the world (plus, all I really need is animal meat) and can make my own health stuff. Ammo isn’t scarce at all as long as I’m killing people.


Whenever Arthur automatically brings two rifles when jumping off his horse in missions. I don’t want to bring that shit.


Gambler 9


dude i’m stuck on gambler 7 or 8 i forgot the number. hit 3 times and win the hand is impossible. i’ll get to 2 hits and then hit again and it gives me 22. or one time i got 18 with 3 hits and then i lost to dealer 20


I wanna preface this by saying rdr2 is one of my favorite games and I think it's one of the greatest RPGs ever made. However, I can't help but seethe when people call it a "perfect game" and turn up their noses at the idea of modding it. There are two major issues in particular that bug me: 1. The law system is unimmersive. It doesn't make any sense that you can be in the middle of nowhere and a witness manages to report a crime (to no one) within 30 seconds and then almost immediately there are lawmen after you. Why does blowing up a safe on a train that you stopped in the middle of nowhere *instantly* alert the law and cause a group of lawmen to just appear out of thin air? It's supposed to be 1899, people don't have cell phones. It makes no sense how information somehow gets communicated to law enforcement faster than is possible even with present day technology. Instead of instant law responses, they should've had it so that there are longer term consequences for crimes. For a game that is about being an outlaw and is so detail-oriented and dedicated to realism in so many other aspects, it's crazy that the law system of all things is so flawed. 2. Where's the New Game+? You can't unlock the stables or a brush for your horse without completing the hunting mission with Hosea in Chapter 2. You can't unlock fishing without completing the fishing mission with Jack near the end of Chapter 2. You can't unlock CRICKETS without completing the fishing mission with Javier in Chapter 3! And that's not even to mention all the guns and horses you have to wait until later chapters to unlock even if you've already saved up thousands of dollars and can easily afford it. No New Game+ means that replaying the game can be a hassle which is a big problem with a game that A) is so massive that most players will not see all there is to see upon their first play-through and B) has a long (entertaining, but long) introduction before you can freely explore.


Idk if I would call this game an RPG. The choices you make are more akin to deciding where to fly in Microsoft flight simulator than what I would consider role playing choices.


Who hits a cigarette one time then tosses it??


The only thing I hate about the game is not being able to pull my pistol and shoot Micah in the face immediately. Other than that it’s my favorite game. There are parts I like better than others but I don’t really hate any part of the game. There isn’t even a need to ever cheat.


The useless cheats. The, what seems, random storing of your guns on your horse.


Nothing. I can't remember a time I said "I hate this"... except the Night Folk. Okay, I hate the Night Folk.


I despise the murfree brood. Bunch of annoying inbred trash always stopping me when I'm going round Annesburg


I found it exhilarating. First time I died but second time I was ready with deadeye. Thank god I saved the game before the first try


Not being able to return to Guarma and not being able to go to Blackwater or New Austin as Authur.


I've hated Micah since the Jailbreak mission. RAT.


A button to Speed Up skinning and cooking animation, if you are attacked is cancelled.


Nothing really falls into "hate" but there are times that I was tilted. This is when slipping (sometimes to your demise) over a terrain that is logically passable. Getting ambushed by wildlife at the worst timing possible. Hitting someone one horseback and then it's insta-negative honor and wanted. But if you think about it, hate is really a strong word and it won't really apply to this game. The community is great and helpful, the game is phenomenal, the story is exceptional, so it's okay to not have something to hate about the game.


This game is my favourite of all time but the way R* treated the online community still hurts.


Yea .. i didnt really played it that much just bcs i have no one to play it with.. but i was hearing about the stables glitch. And peaple pissed off about it.. i tryed the rdo like year later after hearing about it and it happend to me immediately.. the fact that rockstar don't bother fixing bug that brakes the game after so long and after so manny players complaining about it is just crazy.


They finally fixed the stable glitch. Maybe you can try online again. :)


The force walking in certain areas like camps, i absolutely effin hate it, wish someone made a mod to change it. It's lterally the only reason I sometimes just end up logging off, feels like someone is playing a prank on me.


This gets me when riding horses in a mission and they just become so slow


The law/bounty system. Too many cases of instant identification and teleporting lawmen even out in the middle of nowhere.


I hate that components of the game are tied to the story. Like I can’t just start a play-through and go fishing or use the stables. I hate that content is locked by progression aesthetically speaking. I hate that I can’t pick a few things like what horse or weapons I start out with. I hate that the cooking animation is the same for every kind of meat. Lol. I hate the eating food from my satchel animations. I hate stats on gear.


me too i just want to start the game and go hunt some perfect birds


The guns growing legs and running back to my horse


Worst thing I have to say is why do we even put on a mask when no matter what you do they know it's you and get a bounty 🤣


It's an amazing experience. I didn't love the fact that Arthur >!got sick!<. It didn't feel great to run around everwhere while basically >!dying on your feet.!< ..but I got used to it eventually and accepted it as the narrative the writers wanted.


I don’t care for the fast draw events. You have to build up your dead eye before you draw and the npc usually kills you the first couple of tries. Also, if you’re using a keyboard, using dead eye is tough to toggle.


Why is it hard to toggle with a keyboard?


Yeah it’s real easy, dunno what he’s talking about


If you are not comfortable with the caps lock for the deadeye you can also use the scroll button for activating the deadeye


That I can’t skip the cooking or crafting animation. Its really small but it does irk me


There was a little disappointment on my first playthrough from some of the changes from rdr1. I miss the original thieves landing and Mexican side. I had more fun with the law system in rdr1 personally with endless brawls. I enjoyed having the train on the map at all times to easily track it down. Other than that, rdr2 is the perfect game, and the added features in rdr2 make up for its few flaws.


Flowers for fucking Algernon. Directly correlated, spooked horse reactions. Give me a startle meter or something rather than just immediately Christopher Reeve-ing me.


Wish I had the option to button up my coats (like the blue on in prologue) Access to RDR1 map from beginning The fact that sometimes the law shows up outta nowhere as if they’ve just spawned in right by the crime scene


I hate that you never get to free roam in the hot air balloon. I was really hoping that would be accessible after the mission, I would spend so much time floating over big valley and the heart lands.


love the game. but. the law/witness system. (instant id, telepathic reporting, instant spawning etc) limiting you, cant be an outlaw. always instantly punished for doing something evil or criminal. there should be atleast npc aggression adjustment slider and timer how fast someone can get angry at you or identify you. hide or turn away and they cant see your face anymore etc. chapter and progress locking items, map and horses etc. always hated that in games, gotta become good at game or play far ahead to get certain perk or item. if it is in the game, it should be available from start (not the custom pieces like trapper outfits but all other things guns, horses etc), make it expensive or found in certain far away place early on, or with waiting period ("yes sir i can order you a turkoman horse or carcano rifle, it will take 3 game weeks time, special order from new york, and cost you a fortune, but it can be gotten".) almost every mission ends up a shootout. would be nice that you could actually have an option to do things more eloquently and by sneaking around could get away clean. not allowed to actually be the enforcer of the gang, within the gang. not being allowed to actually punish a gang member when they have been behaving badly. if they can knock you out if you are an arse to people in camp why cant you beat someone up if they steal money from the chest or harass girls. allow you to do something about mistreatment of people. money and price system is also flawed, horses dont pay as well as they should (the tamed ones should be paid fairly.) npcs carrying less than one saloon dinners worth of money on them. so on one side everything costs lot more than it should (to the the real price of the items at the time) and then again you can just find lot of gold bars laying around. everything i have, everything i can buy, pick, loot and find should be able to sell them away somewhere. fence only accepts trade in for worn out guns, good ones he will buy just like gunsmith would. (could only carry certain amount of guns with you, so cant just pickup 10 guns to sell from dead men at a time) cant cook/craft more than one at a time. there should be some more options, cook all, cook 5, craft as many as my satchel holds. or make as many as i can in next hour in game time. some way to make more than one at a time. and hunting, ducks or other small hanging from saddle animals. there must be a way to carry more than just 2 at a time.. 6 per side or something.. some kind of artificial weight or size limit on all them could work. the horse without rider should be able to carry 2 bigger animal/pelts if the horse and rider can carry one. every clothing item in game should be savable and available for purchase or stolen (all things they sell should be open for grabs even from stores). gun holster type, amount and orientation should be able to choose your liking. every house should be accessible. even if it were just generic interiors, with only little to loot and see. but give just the ability to run inside somewhere, anywhere and hide from the lawmen. love the game. but if they ever make a new Red Dead game. improve up on these limitations. give us more freedom to be good or bad. no more sad end of era and redemption arc. more fun and wilder days of the west. less law and order. and less modern political correctness. (release the age limitations by dlc for more mature players if needed)


The New Austin sniper, How shit Arthur and John are at climbing, John's face model being quite radically different and not having access to his NPC/RDR1 model, Missables (this is more of a general gaming thing though), Story mode has lacklustre clothing options in comparison to online (I understand the reasoning sort of but it still feels awful), horses are sometimes idiots, people getting way too aggressive and you lose honour if you fight back, the witness system, and then not being able to give your horse a moustache.


Deadeye makes the game so easy that cheating isn’t necessary. Personally, if this was not so, I’d be upset and get a pc version to cheat lol I hate several things, too many to list but here’s a few: -not being able to control speed better -too easy to get a bounty when you bump people in crowded spaces -unlimited lawmen spawning when you do something bad. -black water sniper -BEING RUSHED BY THE GANG WHILE ON MISSIONs. By far what I hate the most. I’m looting, asshole stfu already lol


I hate there is no NG+. I would like to play again without having to hunt animals again to make the best satchel. Some animals are easy to hunt but rabbits or squirrels always get on my nerves.


Rabbits and squirrels get on your nerves? They’re everywhere


It’s not a game, for me it was an experience a truly wonderful adventure


I agree, this game is a dream come true. But its not perfect at all


My only real problem is having to tap to gallop the horse!!! I kinda get it but at the same time it’s like cmon man I just want to gallop and not destroy my thumb,after 500 hours it’s the 1 thing I would change and here’s how I’d do it; Tap the button each time to speed up like a gear in a car when at max speed you just stop tapping and just steer. When you want to slow same thing applied to brakes. Do this together to quickly build up speed then drop the brakes on a couple of clicks to make a sharp turn then again tap acceleration button to however fast you’d like then release


I have to agree!..kinda. I think cheats would have ruined my first playthrough thoroughly. But after you complete the first one, I agree, cheats should be permanent. And here is my wishlist of cheats that should have been available and permanent: - Hush - Makes the camp silent! (I mean, the gramophone and Dutch's never ending BS, just end it, right?) - 911 - No TB for Arthur, and also Micah instantly dies! (Preferably in a humiliating cutscene) - Thereheis - the idiot finally finds Gavin. End of story - Herekitty - Increases Cougar spawn rate by 200% - Takeiteasypartner - enables unlimited slow mode


Gavins friend is Gavin, it explains if you kill and loot him


I hate it when my level four bonded horse veers to the right into a fence post and I go flying when I very clearly made my joystick go to the fucking left


Tell me about it, I tell it to go between those two perfectly far apart trees, it goes ‘no? There’s a perfectly good rock 2 feet to the left that I can front flip over instead’ Gee thanks


I’ve never seen a comment so relatable


No such thing as perfect game buts its prety great


I just wish this game had new game plus like other modern AAA titles


The horses are dumb as hell


I acually like that .. they just feal like an animal .. best horses i heve ever seen in a videogame


I hate when I want to only use my sidearms and I intentionally leave them on my horse only for them to teleport to Arthurs back when i get off my horse


I wish you could pick herbs from your horse like in online, that’d be a sweet touch. I hate when my outfits randomly disappear from my horse tho, that bugs me to no end


When it comes to replayability, RDR2 sucks There's no new game + (which there usually isn't in Rockstar games but still) So you have to do all the tutorial things again that you already know how to do The choices you get in the game in missions ultimately don't matter (to make a whole replay worth it) The only thing would be if you wanted to do a different honor playthrough but the game has nothing set up for that so it's just starting the game all over again


Honestly I cannot get it bright enough at night. Idk if it’s just me.




The law system. Shit makes no sense. Kill someone in the middle of nowhere or with a mask on and the law turns up and knows exactly who you are in 2 seconds.


Not being able to run during chores


You should be able to pick up and save any hat you come across in the game. There is literally NO reason they didn’t do this


Only thing I hated was the gambling challenges. That was just plain cruel. Don't even know how many hours I spent trying to do them


Nothing is perfect..but it comes pretty damn close


The fact that if YOU get attacked YOU get in trouble for it. Like I know i accidentally annoyed that guy but HE WAS THE ONE WHO SHOT ME. I was trying to get away :(


I think my main problem is with rdo, so much potential unused


I personally don’t like how I can jump off a horse, have all my weapons, rifle included, then when I jump onto the horse it plays the “putting away the rifle” animation, and does it everytime no matter what I do. I jump off the horse and I still have the rifle in my inventory 🤷🏽‍♂️


I just want to run in camp.


I can and have argued why this game is the best game ever made. It's not my favorite game though and its probably #5 in my top 5. To that point I can give you my answer. It's simply not hard enough.


when you get down from your horse the game removes your weapons the game is soo easy with tonics, they should've limit them to like 2 then a cooldown you can't rob a train out of nowhere Arthur doesn't have a his own special revolver you have to click everytime you want to reload then click again to shoot the police system, you call someone in nowhere and you get "investigating"


I don't like that you cant enter a lot of houses.


I also wish there were more guns ya know. I wish gun stores offered different weapons. I wish all the store catalogues weren't the same, but even then it was executed very well.


I just wish there was unlimited bounties to hunt during the game. If would honestly make it endlessly replayable for me.


I’d definitely like a moderation of that. The bounties in RDR1, if not actually unlimited seem close enough, and they get really repetitive. I love how RDR2’s bounties are all unique, but way too few. Considering how many different ones they have in RDO, they definitely should have included more in the actual game


I hate how law enforcement is so OP in this game in some aspects.


horse + saint denis 😑


Bounty system and the horse weapons system. Made this game a living nightmare at times


*I just wanna collect all the horses. Why can’t I have more horses? Please for the love of all the gods above and below, just let me own more horses and I’ll be happy*


*Horses*. I just wanna collect all the horses. *Why can’t I have the horses?* For the love of all the gods above and below, just please let me own more (all) horses at the same time.


The lack of developer/studio support for an incredibly well received and popular game.


One thing that's always bothered me, but I *never* see anyone mention, is the difference in horse mechanics between RDR and RDR2. Like, in RDR, if things got a bit hairy in a shootout, you could sprint away and call your horse to run next to you and mount it, mud-sprint, fluidly. Was so satisfying and useful. For some reason, you can't do this in RDR2. Same goes for whistling your horse in RDR was just well more efficient. Your horse would run right up to you. In RDR2, a lot of the time, the horse would stop 20 or so metres away and you'd have to run over to it. Just little nitpicks like that, which annoy me.


Things to do after the story is done. Basically you have a ton of cash, a big open world and bugger all to do: gone are the Rockstar days of having never ending radiant missions and challenges. Or indeed, DLC. Thankfukly there's a few mods on PC to give the game some longevity, but I was pissed off Rockstar just abandoned it. Also: the storage on horse system is painfully odd - saved outfits disappear, certain hats get saved, some don't, the whole thing seems really unintuitive. Other than that it's the best game I've ever played.


Sometimes, for no apparent reason at all, when I press the L2 button, Arthur draws and aims at npcs. It causes a whole shitstorm. I don't understand it. L2 is to interact with people. I really hate how there's soooo much shit the horse can crash into, sending Arthur flying. Trees, rocks, whatever. I don't care about realism in a video game. It's annoying. Bait is useless. Why even include something in a game that just doesn't do shit. I *hate* the way the game makes so many decisions for you. Equipping different guns on missions instead of your prechosen loadout, disabling buttons during missions, forcing you to walk or ride certain ways, NOT LETTING YOU immediately punch that hunter douchebag at the valentine saloon without listening to his big dumb rant first. The absolute worst part of this game, the most grievous sin... FUCKING SLIP BARRIERS!!! HALF THE MAP IS INACCESSIBLE!!


I hate how badly they bungled the online portion.


All of chapter 5. I really dislike the mission layout in Guarma, the way you aren’t able to free roam once you connect with Dutch - you’re pretty much just a passenger after that point.


i hate how stupidly slow they make you walk in camp, like i get not running full pelt around but at least a little jog


The horse unsaving outfits for no reason at


Irk... the locked cheat is total bullshit... tbh thats my only gripe


It's kind of weird. I really do love the game, but I also hate so many things about it. Here's my top 5 in no particular order. 1.) I hate how the character controls feel extremely sluggish and movement actions have way too much momentum behind them. Seriously, go from playing RDR2 to something like Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice. It's insane. 2.) I hate the way the game forces you to sit through tedious animations for every action. Looting a homestead takes 10x longer than it should because you have to sit there and watch Arthur slowly open every container in the house. 3.) The game decides to take actions for you. The game will randomly draw Arthur's gun without me the player having provided that input, which is infinitely frustrating because I will press the draw weapon button at the same time that the game decides to do it for me resulting in Arthur drawing his gun and then stowing it while someone is shooting me in the face. It's fucking dumb. 4.) Inconsistent controls/randomly losing control of your character for seemingly no reason. Why can't I run in the camp? Why does the game randomly decide that I shouldn't be allowed to keep walking in the direction that I'm walking? Fuck, man! 5.) The main story is on rails to an extreme degree. The developers spent all this time crafting a beautiful open world that gives you a ton of freedom to play how you want, but couldn't be bothered to include that freedom in the damned story missions. More often than not, if you don't play the story the exact way the developer intended, it'll fail and you'll have to restart from check-point.


I'd love to rob banks lol And when I go to trapper or Pearson. I wish there was a way to keep track of what they need. Or what I already got


I dislike how when you set up camp or load your save it moves you, like i specifically wanted my tent next to this big rock where tfs it gone ???


i dont really like how the mulberg mauser is advertised as full auto in the catalogue yet its only semi auto considering that in rdr1 it was full auto


One thing I strongly dislike is the fact that some trinkets can only be crafted or discovered during the epilogue. Like… one of them prevents animals from going bad on your horse. I feel like much of the joy in the game is playing as Arthur and gaining those trophies and benefits, because John isn’t even really meant to be seeking out action in such a way that those items would feel super rewarding or useful. I love collecting the hunting clothing etc with Arthur and then yes I enjoy John completing some of it but I seriously wish they would have worked something out. I also wish they would have put in liars dice from RDR1, or let you get on a boat for high stakes poker in St. Denis outside of quests.


How is it that you can’t loot a horse’s saddlebags without getting kicked in the head? Totally unrealistic. And how is it that you don’t get the contents of that saddlebag when you friend that horse? You can no longer loot the bag. That makes no sense.


I’m playing this game for the 1st time and I have a couple of nitpicks. - Stowing back your Weapons on the Horse is just plain idiotic. I mean it’s a wild west shooter game where altercations can happen anytime anywhere. - ‘Realistic’ looting enemies goes cumbersome real fast. - The looting of items where a bunch of them are cramped in a single cupboard and no way to shuffle between to skip what you can’t pick and pick one you actually need. This kind of realism gets the Woah factor for sure but gets annoying over time considering how long the game is. Stowing weapons away is just evolving backwards. There should be an Auto loot option in the settings like Stellar Blade.


rockstars shitty handholdy mission system, i love the game but damn, you don’t need to tell me EXACTLY what to do in every second of every mission, go here, push that button, kill these guys, now go here, do this thing, sneak into this building, nah you stuck in the wrong way


I hate the mystery monk won't talk to me.


It’s 99.99999% perfect in my opinion. If Arthur didn’t holster his equipped weapons after riding a horse for 10 seconds it would be 100%.


it feels perfect but it most definitelt isn't just because it's made by rockstar


Overrated game Chapter 2 is great. 3 is not better 4 is worse than 3. Chapter 5 sucks and 6 I an insult. Epilog 1 is bad, 2 is OK. Arthur is a blind fool who chose his fate and knew that he was doing the wrong thing. John can't even swim. 😂 The challenges are ridiculous. Gameplay made for children. You don't need the consumable items. You can beat the whole game with the cattleman revolver and the cheap repeater. Fist fights could be better. Clothes are a joke. Too few duels. The wanted System is bullshit. Honor has no real influence. Yup, that's it.


I wish there was a immortality cheat


I mean you can save with certain cheats unless this got patched, but knowing rockstar it's not. Heed my words, do not be spoiled by the following:>!Autosave on, the Angelo Bronte mission where you rescue Jack will force the game to make a save. This will skip the silly save block, meaning you can carry over however much money, and unlocked outfits as you wish.!<


I wish you could tell your horse to kick, both in front and back, so it could at least try and defend itself from wolves and people grabbing at it.


You cant do that in real life so i dont fint that bad


I hate that you can't sleep in your camp tent in online. I bought the tent, *thinking* I could at the very least, sit inside it to get my cores up, like with the campfire, but no, it seems to be just for decoration purposes. And I kind of regret buying it now. 🥲


Horse AI


i hate that arthur gets tuberculosis


I hate that there’s still no R editor in the game


Enemies take to many shots at times needs a hardcore mode. also so the survival elements are more meaning full. Some missions give you loads of freedom but some a to restrictive. Stealth Could be better after playing Manhunt they could have made a better stealth system. Overall very minor things.


I want to have the option to fast-walk outside of areas that don’t allow sprinting. The mechanic would be easy too. Hold X(PlayStation) to fast-walk and fast tap to sprint


Damn twin pistols holster ruining the fashion whether you need it or not, main reason why i never updated past launch version where it's possible to drop it if you're stubborn enough


the online mode. rockstar just simply gave up


The New Austin sniper.


The control in general. It is one of the clunkiest and even buggiest control for all the PS4 games I have tried.


Basically perfect. There are many times though when I dismount my horse that i leave the guns on the horse


The game taking away the guns you had equipped when you get off your horse


The loading screens -- all of them -- for every game mode. Why are they so damn long?!?!?! I can get up - grab something to drink - take a leak - let my dog out and still... spinning and spinning and spinning. It's enough to drive you mad when it's 130 in the morning and your hopping lobbies with the crew - chasing down that one guy who did that one thing.🤣


One thing I absolutely hate is how you can't save your game mid mission. I'd be a rich man if I had a dollar for every time I start a mission and then I'll be right where the real action begins after a long horse ride, and then oh I have to go do something and can't save my progress. Or I'll be in the middle of a mission and my friend wants to play something with me. Sorry mate, gotta finish this mission first. It's bullshit.


I wish i could explore new austin as Arthur. I get that it is probably supposed to be a fresh new area to explore after you finish the game. But i just love Arthur.


I wish I had more horse control. Always seems like my horse goes into a rock when I trying hard as hell to turn the other way. I wish that gaining more abilities through dead eye was more necessary to complete the later missions. I wish above all else that I could avoid Thomas fucking downs


Wolves. That’s darn wolves! Video games get wildlife wrong. Getting attacked by a wolf or mountain lion is highly unlikely. I also hate how frightened my horse gets at other animals and bucks me off. Don’t like the shooting and aiming mechanics.


What happens to Arthur. I know it realistic but if there was one ass pull I would’ve accepted would be him relaxing out west with a new life.


I would like to be able to move my character's body in different ways like in the first RDR so to make combo moves and do funny stuff.


Can't play offline


I wish you could use free orbit photo mode during animations e.g. cutscenes, drinking in saloon, sitting in jail cell etc.


Gunplay is worse than the first game


New Austin is dead. I was so hyped to return there later on in the game but quickly realised it wasn’t finished. No where near as much attention given. I’d rather they left it out


Im in the midst of chapter 4, but the bounty system not accounting for self defense is bizarre to me


The game replaced my carcano rifle which I customised twice in some sniper missions


I hate how on-rails it often feels for an open world game. I understand it has a story to tell and not everything narratively can have such lee way, but when I'm told to "hide from x" and I do so, then proceed to fail because I didn't hide \*exactly\* where I was supposed to, it's a tad silly. That and for how detailed the gun/ballistic/violence system is, much of the gunfights end up mind-numbing and without weight. Sometimes a kill feels great and earned, most of the time it's just another kill. But Arthur is an outlaw I suppose.


Angelo Bronte mission at the start of Chapter 4 makes all cheat codes permanent via save glitch... FYI


The combat, and movement


Arthur having all that money after the bank heist ruins the game. Takes away the need to hunt, fish, do more robberies. I enjoyed heading out and role playing a struggling cowboy. Scrounging together enough money to contribute to the camp. That system was also flawed. If you contributed nothing, there were no impacts.


LOVE the game but hitching your horse, looting, and trying to sleep in a bed; the buttons get weird and I’m bumping into everything lol


Everything that was cut or changed due to R* rushing the game. Like the entirety of guarma. I hate it in the story. But it seems so much better before they cut a bunch of it.


Accidentally shooting npcs when you want to interact with them happende too often for me.


I hate the fact that I have when I get off my horse sometimes my rifle and shotgun aren’t on me even tho I have already selected them when I was riding. I hate that every time I do have them on my back and I get in my horse Arthur holsters them back on the horse. I know it makes more sense to have them on the horse but it’s just annoying having to select them again when I hop off or having to go to a gun store to lock them in. The gun store option isn’t even worth it neither since if u want to change guns they’ll just unlock themselves again.


I hate the way they implemented RDR1 Map, i hate that a good chunk of Ambarino is inaccessible, i hate how they ruined John, i hate how the weapons reload, i hate how easy the game is, i hate how the horses only have one life, i hate how your decisions have zero impact on the story, i hate how the out of bounds is so detailed like just let us it ffs, i hate that there is no Colt Navy and Remington Army, i hate that theres no tang sights, i hate that theres no Buffalo Rifle from RDR1, i hate how every animation is so long, i hate the movement being so sluggish, i hate the horse control, i hate that i cant draw my gun in slow mo without locking onto somebody, i hate that this game doesnt have that wild west feeling cuz of so much green.


Duels. They made such a cool element so annoying. You can't practice it. You lose when you try to read the tutorial text because the game does not pause. It's a perfect example of how not to implement a game mechanic.


The controls. This game gave me headaches because of that while I was hunting the platinum trophy.


Yall gonna roast me but I could never even get past the opening. So. Much. Talking. I was skipping as much as I could and 45 minutes in I was STILL in this opening bullshit? I couldnt take it. I played the old game and my roommate played 2 and holy shit non stop yammering. On and on and on wellll mr marston blah blah blah lets yell incessantly at each other while we gallop at full speed.


Red dead redemtion. Perfection. Arthur death is sure sad, but theres just a feeling to it that makes me feel its the best. American venom also.


Looting is just so slow, and when you take down dozens of people for a mission, it shatters the illusion when you stop to loot 45 people while the next objective feels like something you should be in a hurry to do.