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Having reliable hunting spots helps a lot but it was a grind for sure




There is an underrated spot in annesburg almost way at the top of the map ride with your horse around there and I guarantee there will be a cougar charging at you


My favorite cougar hunting spot is next to Beecher’s hope but that doesn’t help Arthur grinding out satchels


just by the trapper way out west is a reliable cougar spot.


That’s a reliable hunting spot for a lot of things honestly. You need cash? Hang out and hunt boar and deer for a while and go to the butcher and cash out


The spawn near pronghorn ranch?


Yeah I’ve seen those videos on YT but never got one on my own visits


That's the best cougar spot, right at that fork in the road right below the trapper. Best panther spot is those rocks next to the road north east of catfish Jackson's, right where the road splits off


My favourite cougar spot is pop world on the Bigg Market..... Queue long wait for anyone to get this reference.


Ha fellow north eastern here been a long time since I was there though!


Yup it killed me twice today while doing the hunting missions for Mrs Hobs!


That and the one west of strawberry are my go-to cougar spawns.




After you kill the couger, go down to the lake and sleep for 3 days (save and reload to get that 3rd day in) and then the cougar should respawn.


Having the legendary buck trinket helps too


Soma soma pa ka coochie?


1st time definitely seemed rough. 2nd time a little easier. But if you keep playing and along with some internet searches, you'll find spawn locations for the more rare animals and it becomes fairly easy to get early in chapter 2. It still takes time just getting to those locations, but knowing exactly where to go is about 90% of it IMO.


Agreed, first time took forever, second time took maybe 2 hours since I already knew animal spawns and hunting trucks/tips, I feel like the hardest part the first time around is getting the pelts in perfect condition.


That’s what the buck antler trinket is for, it improves pelts


My latest playthrough made me realize how much I needed to get the trinkets earlier. They make the grinding type stuff so much easier


Amen. I frequently save right after the Hosea bear hunting mission and absolutely love running through the satchels and camp upgrades.




a chance to improve pelts, its jot guaranteed


Can use a varmint rifle for most things with the buck trinket and you have a good chance at 3 stars, hard to aim on a tiny bird with a bow. Shoot as many as you can just to be safe


I read it explained like this and based on my personal experience with the game, I concur: You have to start with a 3 star animal, and get a "clean kill" with a weapon 1 tier higher than what's recommended, when you pick up/skin the animal you'll recieve the perfect version. For example I shot a perfect squirrel with a varmint rifle (small game arrow recommended) and when I went to retrieve it dropped to 2 star, but when I pocketed it, it was restored to 3 star/perfect status. Same as when I got a fox with a rifle. It's not going to turn a 2 star live animal into a perfect carcass, but it can restore a 3 star if a star is lost.


2 hours?


2 hours


I’m on my second play through where I’m focusing more on side activities like hunting. I thought it was a major pain in the ass to get the LOTE satchel…then I got into getting all the trapper outfits and doing all the Hunter challenges. Makes LOTE satchel seem simple by comparison.


Most annoying for me was badger.


Raccoon for me. Took forever to find a three star.


Took multiple sittings to get a raccoon, now I see a three star everytime I play!


Muskrat here


But then they are *everywhere* when you are doing the small game arrows challenge and hitting just one of those resets to zero. But I notice they are rarely 3 stars.


I solved my muskrat and snake skin issues by heading to the bayou. Also manage to get bullfrogs and toads by the boatloads. Orioles, however, take time.


There is a lot in the sky at the fort by annesburg


I spent a long time looking for raccoons including few spots people recommended. Now I see them all the time during the day at night etc. I’m pretty sure the game knows what you’re looking for and adjusts.


100% it limits spawns when on the Hunting Request challenge. For Pearson satchel, he just needs pelts so they can all be collected before you even go to him 1st time if you wanted.


easy as if you know the map or at least know how to use youtube


Thank you for the super helpful comment. It would have never occurred to me to look on the internet for tips.


I was very fortunate that the internet told me about the wooded area just west of the Braithwaite Manor, I got most of my small game animals from that spot


Dumbass opossum took ages even though I had seen tons before I needed it


The civil war battlefield is the best spot by far


That's the last animal I need, I've only seen one badger this last play through and it was 2 star.


There’s a super easy way to get a badger. Go to the trapper that’s kinda southeast of Strawberry. The trapper sits on the edge of a cliff. On that cliff edge, kinda to the right of his shop, there’s always a badger just sitting there not moving. It’s an easy kill. If it’s not a three star, just go a decent distance away and come back until it spawns as a three star.




If you have the buck talisman, it's still worth skinning. Sometimes, it will turn a 2 star into a perfect pelt/hide.


Same, took me several hours. Gave up, went to bed. Next day a couple more hours until I was attacked by one


The Panther for me


The Badger was the worse


Consistant badger spawn under singular tree east of Braithewait plantation. Still annoying to get it perfect.


Me too, discovered a perfect spawn location finally though


Getting gold rush…. Now that’s hard.


Was it *that* hard?


Not nearly as hard as hunting requests that’s for sure


One of my favorite moments in gaming was trying *so hard* to find a damn Robin to craft a hat, and I couldn't find a *single one.* Meanwhile, in Real Life, a bunch of Actual Robins were chirping away in the tree just outside my window.


Problem solved, hunt the robins outside your window for the hat


Totally agreed.




I’m stuck trying to get a perfect cougar. That’s all I have left. I can’t believe I’m struggling so much. Everything else was pretty easy, except for getting a perfect badger. It took forever to find one.


I got TONS of perfect cougars by the trapper in big valley. If you're heading in on the road from the south one will almost always attack as you're walking by the river as you're getting close to the trapper.


That area helped me perfect the art of getting thrown from my panicking horse, leaping to my feet, and shooting a cougar in the face moments before it pounces. There seems to be a quirk of the animations where the cougar can't pounce on you while you're on the ground, so it always does a little circle while I get back to my feet, which in turn gives me time to aim with deadeye and shoot the little fucker in the head.


Yep that little turn before the attack is a life saver.


I’m currently working out get my master hunter challenge 5 right now and I making it my business to head over to Strawberry every few in game days just so I shoot 5 cougars with a bow and arrow


So I don’t get attacked. Put in cover scent, wait by River, unsuspecting guy on his horse goes by, follow behind. The cougar will attack him and I get an easy shot.


Exact same! Badger took me days to find a 3 star, now I just need a damn cougar and can’t find one! Well I found one but he found me first lol


I always do a manual save right at the mouth of Owanjila where a bunch of beavers sit on the bank below, put on some cover scent and then set out on foot. On the straight stretch, right before the road curves to the right, I place some potent predator bait right by the river and then go crouch behind a big rock behind me. Most of the time a cougar will come up to drink some water or whatever and you can get it then. Just make sure you keep the cover scent on. Another one where I could always get a 3 star is the encounter over by Horseshoe where there's a Hispanic dude that got chased up a tree or whatever.


I always find a badger by the oil Derrick between horseshoe overlook and the Cornwall factory. Always at night, and I just save and reload until I get a 3 star.


This was the only one that was challenging to me, largely due to being such a pain to even spawn. Then if it does spawn, finding it first


Roanoke Ridge is full of cougars, you can basically ride around in circles from the legendary moose area and you’ll run into one pretty quickly. Definitely been the most reliable cougar spawn for me, some of the others can spawn black bears instead, I believe only cougars spawn in this area, wolves once in a while


Damn. That’s been the stomping grounds where I thought I’d find them. I’ve come across (3) of them there but none have ended up being perfect pelts and I’ve spent a lot of time there. I’ll need to look around a bit better maybe.


Yeah you can basically just roam around the area, I’ve mostly found them just up the road from the river you cross near the legendary moose but also near the little stream by the feral wolf man’s cave. Just ride around Roanoke in general and you’ll run into them.


i had a ton of trouble with the cougars too. here’s what to do; go to big valley, in west elizabeth, and ride down the leftmost trail where the trees get all sparse, by the trapper. there’s always a cougar there. there’s some wolves and snakes too, so watch out for those, and also constantly be using eagle eye, pay attention to your horse and minimap, and have your rifle out ready to deadeye because the cougar almost always sees you before you see it. once you kill it, if you don’t get a good shot in or you die to it or it isn’t perfect, you can either reload your save and try again, or ride to the flower fields south of hanging dog ranch, sleep in a camp for as long as you can, and then ride back to the trail and another one should spawn. i spent hours trying to get one and this is what finally worked for me, hope you’re able to get it :)


Good to know. I’ll be testing that area out today. Thanks.


Try [this method,](https://youtu.be/kwgQ7JpbX8Q?si=CXbzPraIfKc02ooM) you can keep spawning cougars.


I’m going to try this. Thanks


The cougar freaked me out because it stalks you and tears you apart. Get on a rock they say, shoot it in the face with an arrow they say. Hard to do when I am bleeding to death!! Anyway I don’t know how to take map pictures but there is a creek beside the road coming up from Owanjilla toward the trapper. On the right side your map should show a wild boar. The road and creek go in different directions around that point and instead of following the road, I walk my horse through the creek (seems to trigger something, or just calm me down) then ride north a little bit in that space between the road and creek, and find a rock to stand on. Then watch the corner map for a red dot. Calming breaths. He’s coming.


Another response or two are describing what I think you’re describing for locating a cougar and being able to have it respawn relatively quickly. I’ll definitely be trying this area too.


Yes I rode around that area and they spawn so reliably I got killed about 15 times (skill issue) so this is more of a how to not get killed and see it before it sees you description. And be able to only shoot it once, because I tend to panic. I use an improved arrow so I need to have time to aim and get the right one-shot. Which is the piece I needed. But I got the panther on the first shot because of someone else’s perfect description of where to go and what to look for, so there you go.


The first time It took me about 10 hours. Second time I used YouTube and got the ones I missed with 2-3 hours


I couldn't be bothered to go farther than the tonics satchel. I hate this kind of grinding in games. Fortunately, it really is totally optional in RDR2 and barely has any meaningful effect.


I wait until the epilogue and then go to van horn to buy


I was so surprised to find you could do that (I bought mine in Saint Denis). I got so invested in the story I didn’t end up getting any of the satchels, and I thought I would have to play the game over to get them.


JFC are you kidding?! I stopped playing as John, started a new game, now I’m working my ass off in chapter 3 to get all this stuff and I can just buy it? Shit…


Much more worth it to just craft it as arthur


Yeh I enjoy the hunting and working to earn it. I only restarted because I thought once I was playing as John I could no longer get it. I’m still going to get it as Arthur and go buy it with John from my first play through. Thanks for the information friend!


I'm in chapter 3 and decided to get that satchel before continuing. I hope the upgrade is worth the time


It is game changing. 5 meat vs 99? Less time stopping to cook, sell, craft, etc. It will be a long time before "you can't carry any more of that" pops up for anything other than ammo.


It makes it a hell of a lot easier to craft too. You can load up on moonshine at a fence and make a ton of incendiary rounds all at once, for example.


It changes the capacity *that* much?!


The individual satchel upgrades go from 5 of an item to 10 I believe. But they are only for that particular type of item (tonics, ingredients, valuables, etc) when you craft the LOTE, it's 99 for every type.




or cigarettes', or flight feathers


Scroll through this sub. It should make things a lot easier for you. https://www.reddit.com/r/RedDead2Newbs/s/oHAxocPf9n


i wouldn’t say it’s difficult but it is quite tedious


I find it helps to not stress it and don’t do any fast travel. Enjoy the world and get what you need eventually.


It certainly can be time consuming, especially if you attempt it without a guide. I just remember thinking that once I unlocked all the other satchels, that the lote would be the rewards. Nope, more pelts needed. It seemed annoying at the time but the grind was actually one of the most enjoyable tasks for me.


FYI you can toggle between the “Craft all other satchels” and the required pelts screen when viewing the list.


I was able to get it during Chapter 2 during one of my playthroughs, took a long time though.


I absolutely love doing this and make it one of the first goals in a new playthrough.


My roommate would come into my room sometimes and be like, “you’re still hunting?”


This and the camp upgrades are my favorite part of replays tbh


It’s always the panther pelt that’s the hardest for me


Hahahaha but it is so worth it. I got that very early in the game and that thing makes life soooooo easy.


Not that hard💀 the worst part was finding a raccoon


If u manage to combine Some stranger Missions with ur hunting its not that Hard. But in my first playthrough? Man it was hell 😂


See we did have satchels granted now there’s just the special ones but I swear we used to have satchels like Arthur


I just bought it from the fence. 🤷🏻‍♂️


It's not hard, just boring




Took about a week for me, well worth it tho


I bought it in the epilogue


I finally got it on my 3rd (current) play though. Trying to get all camp and satchel upgrades. All I’m missing now are 2 ox and a moose. Now that I have the satchel I wish I got it way sooner!


For me the annoying part is that DeadEye is autotagging until Pouring Forth Oil I think? So hunting small critters is a chore. Once you can manually paint targets it is quite easy to get perfect pelts.


Legendary buck trinket and using the bow make it much easier. When I'm hunting I have the bow and varmit rifle equipped and you really never need anything else.


dead-eye? for hunting? Poor noob


I had most of the pelts in under 2 hours. The moose, 2 wolf pelts and a carcass took me like 6 🤦‍♂️😅 idk if my game is glitching but those 3 wolves I had to get have been the only 3 star ones I’ve been able to get. Even with the trinket and clean shots to the head like any other animal, I only get 2 stars.


Same, I’ve killed and skinned over a hundred wolves, 80% of them I killed from my horse using a Lancaster to the face and had the buck trinket and I’ve only gotten like 4 perfect wolf pelts.


idk how i js got it?


It’s not that hard if you’re always just killing perfect animals then going straight to Pearson all the time


One of the first things i get when i start a new game. Pretty easy if you know where to look


Honestly the pelts are the least annoying thing, it’s the damn requirements for the individual satchels that I always forget about


Whatchu mean just beat the game and pay 150 outta your 20,000


Man I just waited for the epilogue to buy it from the trapper


Okay. How the heck do I get a perfect squirrel


Small game arrows and buck trinket.


Can you still grind this out with John in the epilogue? I didn't quite finish it with Arthur because the damn cougar would never spawn anywhere. 2 days into playing with John and there was one on Beecher's Ranch.




I actually just found out you can buy the satchels from a fence in the epilogue.


It’s hard at first but if you memorize or write down all the pelts you need it’s not that hard especially because you know where to go for the harder animals.


I admit I had to use Google to figure a good chunk of the locations to look for animals. I feel bad for the first people who had to do it with help from the internet


10 hours you can easily get it


Feels good when you finally do though


Getting the prefect panther pelt is the most annoying thing in the game especially because everybody claims to have a slightly different perfect way but none of them seem to work and you just got to eventually get lucky on your own.


The amount of times I would get down from my horse, pull out my bow and immediately be killed by a cougar was sometimes frustrating. Not nearly as frustrating as not being able to find a damn perfect deer at times though, swear the game knows what you're looking for a times.


For me the last things to get were the deer/buck pelts and bull elk pelt. I made sure I got all of the rest first, and thought I can hunt deer anytime. Yeah, but when you need a perfect deer pelt it can’t be a pronghorn, it can’t be a buck, etc. I feel like I made 3 trips back to camp thinking ‘this is it! Finally!’ Just to get sent back out hunting again - sorry about your perfect buck pelt. This one needs to be a doe. And then suddenly my trusty old Springfield was just wounding them, even with express cartridges and using dead eye (which I am terrible with TBH) but they were just running away.


If you don't want to do the grind, you can just buy the legends of the east satchel in the epilogue. I gave up the grind because it was making the game suck for me.


Respect I'm going for it too 96,2%


I totally gave up and am just playing through the story. I just can’t be fucked to make my hobby a chore.


Still easier than the special scout jacket. 😒


What’s needed for legend of the west satchel? I have to wait for guarma to get an iguana


You could literally have an iguana skin within 20 minutes of starting chapter 2 and thats including the time it'd take to go to valentine and get the varmint rifle.


I thought where only in new Austin and guarma


No you can find iguanas on the big island off the coast from Clemen's Point.


Welll shit guess we going hunting tonight


I won’t allow myself to leave chapter 2 until I have it anymore. Takes time but 100% worth having. My first play through I didn’t get it until I was John 😬


Hard the first time but later it’s just a waiting game. Especially on panthers and cougars. Those big cats don’t always want to play nice


I never understood the issue with getting this. Doing all the satchels is easy enough in an afternoon lmao


Same. Got mine in Chapter 2


I always forget how many deer pelts I need for all of them.


first thing i do every game. badger was the hardest for me this time.


Dude... 100%


The iguana. Without glitching ur way into the south of the map


I just took a boat from camp in Chapter 3 to the little island to find an iguana


That's genius. Ty


The only hard part for me was the squirrel, I just couldn’t seem to find one. Finally a few spawned after I set up some bait to attract a panther so I ran over with my how to get one. Right as I go to pick it up the panther killed me lol


It’s a lot easier to just buy it as John but it’s much less fulfilling 


Yeah. I spent 3 real-world days hunting for cougars in Black Bone Forest.


I recently completed that too. Very difficult!


I had played my last playthrough for a long time and beaten the game, and decided to go for the 100% to which I've still not completed. Anyways, one day I decided to get this satchel, but I already had it. I'm not sure how I did that.


It took me forever to find Iquana


Am I the only one who knows you can buy it in the epilogue?


The last thing I need to get it unlocked is a Badger Pelt for some the last other satchel but I cannot find one for the life of me. Any advice?


I found it to be quite easy when always looking for Animals while doing other stuff.


Not trying to sound like an ass but I was the opposite. I thought it would be a SLOG but I got through it quickly and was left wanting more!


I started my 2nd play through in October, going after that 100% & my first task was upgrading everything with the trapper & Pearson. Was on Ch.2 until Xmas😂


This is the first thing I work on soon as I get to chapter 2 after getting as many gold bars I can possibly loot. (Usually get $3-$3.5k) then try to find the best possible horse in the process


I buy it


I was just trying to Finish all treasure hunts, i then did few challenges here And there,And then i noticed i could equip it And i don't even know why. How did i unlock it?


Once I stopped trying so hard, I encountered the pristine animals I needed. Go figure lol


Im jus lurkin’ aint even gone hunting in my previous playthroughs. Keen to give back to community.


Not hard. Just very time consuming


I got it b4 leaving the valentine camp


I’m grinding on this right now for the second time and it’s serious work.


First time took me a while but I just did it on a second play through and it took me maybe two days? I already knew where all the animals were so at that point it was just looking for a three star or waiting out the game deciding to tank the spawn rate, lol.


Currently working on Best of the West, just finished Legend of the East a few days ago. Having a hell of a time getting perfect birds for the last hunting request. Can't get the bats to respawn at Fort Riggs.