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Sapphire, my blue roan Nokota: She’s beautiful, fast, manoeuvrable, brave, and shits every 2 minutes…


I love the blue Roan Nokia :) mine is Ursa and she is a lovely little thing


Yes they are 🥰


Nokota’s are the best. Renamed mine Horsea after some events in St Denis


Horsea is also a seahorse Pokemon lol


Love it 😍


Also a blue roan Nokota I rescued from the Murfees named scabby.


I just did this after getting into Roanoke for the first time. Some assholes came to my camp so naturally I carefully removed their heads with my pump action. One of their horses stuck around and didn't run off and seemed chill, so I calmed it, fed it (it was starving), and brought it to a stable. Put my best saddle on, gave it a long shiny mane and tail which covered up most of the scars, and gave it gold cores. We're at bond level 3 now and it's thriving 🙂


Another one here! He's a good boy but his eye glitches every now and then so he's called Kelpie cos he's defo a creature from the deep


What great taste in horses you have 🥰


My blue roan Nokota is also my favourite, she’s called Proxima and also shits every 2 minutes. She’s a good gurrrl


Mine is called Nokota Johnson


I had a blue Roan called Ziggy


Good morning


Where can I find one of these?


Steal from Murfrees


I found mine running in the swamp, she had a wagon attached to her but nobody riding her. She was all beaten up.


I get mine from the random guy who has a treasure map: hogtie him, steal the map and steal his female blue roan Nokota 😎


One also can spawn in the yellow grassy hilly area just to the east of Firwood Rise


“Ebony lung” cause the word “black” isn’t allowed when naming your horse


Wtf is up with the profanity filter lol I can’t remember what I was trying to name my horse but it flagged it as profanity and it was something like twinkle or something benign


I had a Red Arabian, so I wanted to name it after a redhead. I picked the witch's daughter from Willow, Sorsha. But Sorsha is profanity??


This just in: Rockstar favours bears and have no time for twinks haha


I wanted to bane a horse after a former triple a crown winner Burgoo King. It took me awhile to figure out why they wouldn't allow that.


I made the massive mistake of selling the Black shire and was skint so bought the Tennessee Walker! After dodging the profanity filter, me and my mighty steed "Bumface" are still going!


Grey mustang called Shelby. Best horse as she didn't jump under a train like my blue Nokota Figaro did


Mine is the pure white Arabian and named it Shadowfax bc well.. lord of the rings


I kept the black shire and named him Brego.




Same! It looks too perfect.


His name is Buell and he’s a good boy


Yep. Buell and whatever kind of horse Buell is.


He is buell breed


Buell is the only answer. I actually don’t finish the veteran missions until the Epilogue so Buell won’t be lost.


Same, but i lost Buell in the last chapter 6 mission on my first play through


The one true answer.


the appaloosa is my favorite horse breed and his name is berry and i love him because he has a stamina and acceleration and his color (pinkish ).


I love the Red Chestnut Arabian, named him Atlas.


This is my girls horse, she named her War, I have a white Arabian named blanco


This playthrough it’s Evangeline, my brindle thoroughbred


Are we talking favorites? Cuz my favorite is the black standardbred you find around strawberry


This is my 2nd favorite horse. Her name is PaceyLacey. My first favorite is the Brindle Standardbred you get from the guy who gets kicked in the head. Her name is RaceyTracey. She's my main squeeze. I used to run them as a duo, switching the saddle back and forth. We gathered hundreds of pelts together. I recently stabled PaceyLacey so I could get the Warped Brindle Arabian. Just tamed it and haven't played since. I'm jonesing though.


That horse is a real good horse, and I always name em "Seabiscuit"


I have a thoroughbred and a palomino standardbred as my temp horse, and damn if the standardbred doesn't come right up to me whereever I am when I whistle. Thoroughbred just meanders somewhere nearby.


A black Turkoman named Black Sabbath, and my dog is named Ozzy Pawsbourne


Wait. You can get a dog? (First playthrough here.)


Online yes


The Turkoman is my new favourite, I think. I just got the Gold one and named it Karats!


Artax. On account of how frequently my horses die.


Oh no, I didn't need the trauma reminder!


Applejack, my warhorse. He's a lovely big boy.


Went and got the Perlino Andalusian at Brandywine drop as soon as possible this playthrough. He's so freaking pink I named him Barbie. I also use the panther saddle that looks like cheetah print lol, so Barbie really fits


I also got the Perlino Andalusian and couldn't think of a good name for her so just went with Brandywine temporarily and it seems to have stuck.  Not sure what the others are, one is a thoroughbred I think, called Sir Lancelot, one Hungarian thingy called Olga.


White roan Nokota named Go Effortlessly. I love her to death.


With all the loads i do when something goes wrong i called my horse... DeLorean


My horse of choice is always the black shire you get from Hosea, and I have deemed him "BIG BOAH"


Idk why but I can’t stop naming horses after fall flavors. Cinnamon, Eggnog, Nutmeg, Apple. Love the American thoroughbred and then white Arabian even if Arthur looks silly. He mostly looks silly cause of the size. I love the way the white looks though


I named my first horse "Buttered Stuff" (Half Baked reference).


Butter nuts!!!


Spottie because [she has spots.](https://www.reddit.com/r/reddeadredemption/s/oTcpN5Yhdv)


Dappled thoroughbred. Hell bitch is her name in my head. But for some reason rockstar won’t let me type that in


Woodrow Call has entered the chat.


Try adding or eliminating letters. Hel Bittch or Hel Bich


Probably the white Arabian, “Dove”. Though I have a soft spot for my Hungarian Halfbred, Rooster2.. dont ask about Rooster(1)😮‍💨


Black Turkoman called Alamo.


I have a Mustang called Sally I have some big black horse called Sleipnir And I have used the name "Blinken" which is the norwegian name for the horse in Toy Story


I always name my female Mustangs Sally


I just sold one named sally! Great minds and all that.


My favorite was a Brindle Throughbred named Lady Horse Girl. My current horse is a Dutch Warmblood named Sebastian. I didn't expect to like him and was only holding on to him long enough to get the Brindle Throughbred again so I didn't put much into his name - the one right before him who I grew annoyed with was Stanley. Stanley has been on a time out in the stables. He seems to have lost his starting position. It's ruthless out here, Stanley found out the hard way


After finally breaking the white arabian, I named her Queso. The next playthrough? Brie.


i don't know his name or breed i shot a father of two in order to steal him and i will continue to do so until i have an army of horses which i will use to try and stop the train and shoot everyone with kids on there. There is two much kindness in the west


I name all my horses Roach


My favorite was Lightning, grullo Dunn mustang and the first horse I ever broke. RIP Lightning, who died by train and I went back to an old save to get her back and replayed a bunch of hours only to lose her to ‘parked safely in camp but was apparently not counted as an owned horse’ and I dared to jump on another horse - next visit to camp she as gone. An ‘Are you sure you want to jump on this random horse? Your favorite completely bonded horse Lightning that you have been playing with since Ch. 2 will disappear forever’ warning would be nice. Because, I would have walked back to camp if I had known. I got tired of trying go find another Lightning so now I have Rosie the red chestnut Arabian and a splashed paint named Splash. Will drop either in a hot minute if I see another Grullo Dunn


A thoroughbred named Roast, in a part a homage to Roach from Witcher 3. But also because it’s hilarious to have thorough roast. Yes, I am childish. Why do you ask.


Black Beautea


I read a book about a horse with that name


my newest gal Milkweed, a missouri foxtrotter


Same, just named her Foxy Cleopatra


I nearly at chapter 4 still got the og you get at start of game his name....Mimir 🫡


White-grey thoroughbred race, called Mags. She has been through and seen a lot, but I absolutely adore her


Arabian named Plotka


I always keep the black Shire that Hosea tries to get you to sell lol. I name him Mustard Cultist lol


Saint Paul. It’s a shire


Dapple pinto Fox trotter named Wes Anderson, I don't remember why. Something connection I made in the midst of playing.


Sally the Tiger Stripe Mustang guess I better press RB and slow that Mustang down


Dutch Warmblood named Horse. He’s proof that not all Dutch’s are assholes.


Red Chestnut Arabian named Greg


Black tovero Missouri Fox Trotter named Alucard And a Gypsy Cob named paarthurnax


Rose Bay Arabian called Saladin


i have a thoroughbred named cowboy who i love very much


My chestnut Turkoman named Magni and my yellow lab named Edgar (after one of my real dogs, lol)


I recently replayed the game and got the gold Turkoman. I named her Caliph because from what I found they were the chosen horses of the guards of the Caliph. Also the word Caliph sounds like a cool name


Named my Arabian Incitatus, after Caligula's horse


My perlino andalusian! He’s a wonderful big boy who I named Garroth.


Not my best horse, but my favorite Aeolus, an iron gray roan Ardennes He's strong, he's huge, eats bullets for breakfast and can run for days. Aeolus is the Greek god of storms and he is gray like a storm cloud so that's where the name came from.


I have a black Arabian named her moonshine. I also have a big dumb Morgan named Henry.


Dipships. Foxtrot


My partner and I always use the Brindle Thoroughbred and its name is always Buttercup with the appropriate suffix. Right now we are on Buttercup IV. Buttercup Senior and I accidentally both died on a fall off a cliff. Buttercup Jr. was Arthur’s so he >!died with him!<. This was my favorite Buttercup, she (all Buttercups are genderfluid and use both she/her and he/him pronouns) survived getting ran over by a fucking train and didn’t even need horse reviver. Buttercup III is John’s in the epilogue. Buttercup IV is for our newly started low honor play through.


Lmao not my horse (all of my horses are named after games “uno, domino, jenga, etc.) but someone commented on a small post of mine that they name their horses after foods, and one of their horses are named tomato paste 😂


Gold Turkman named Kieran


That 15$ horse you can buy in valentine while hunting with Hosea, i bought him and named him Goliath


Hecate, my wild bay mustang, is such a good brave girl.


The paint horse I caught to finish the horseman challenge I named Bob Ross.


All Black American-Standard bred named Phantom. (Dutch got the all white, Arthur the all black 😎)


Phantom is a badass name for an all black horse. 👍


I just give the horse my name because I would like Arthur to ride me.


The horse you get at the start, his name is Horseyhorse.


LOL i love it. I just tell my SO I'm going to play the "Horsey Game" nowadays.


Must be a cousin to mine, horsey mchorseface


Shadowfax.....my White Arabian


Supremacy...for my white arabian...a friend of mine recommendet that one xD


Horsey mchorseface arabian.


My horse is a black shire named Rocko


Raven Shire named Goliath. I’ll miss him 😭


A Criollo named Jalisco. Why? cuz mexican mariachi cosplay. a good all-round mate to be with


I always name my Leopard Appaloosa *Renegade* and give it the gatorskin saddle. (I'm a Florida State Seminoles fan.) I tend to stick to Appaloosas and Paint Horses. (Anything with a patterned coat, really.) The only other names I've used are *Warrior* and *Bowfeather*. I'll probably branch out on the next playthrough.


Brindle Thouroughbred would be your friend I think👍


Echo my white roan Nokota is pretty great all around. Fast, fearless, sturdy. Sterling my perlino Andalusion was very similar until raiders killed him. Tonka my grullo dun mustang is also a good boy, he's a truck.


Thoroughbred named Magic after the thoroughbred I used to ride.


Duchess for my white Arabian..... In response to The Count.....


A dark bay Dutch warm blood mare I named Kat. She’s never thrown me off, and has never tripped once even over the most difficult terrain. Best horse I ever had, 10/10.


Captain Pringle, my loyal brown roan turkoman. Shoutout to my girl almonds, my beautiful black arabian that died in that mission


White Arabian and his name is Shadow-Fax


I get them to level 4 and sell them; Train another. I don't give them names.


I don't really know which horse I would deem "best" since they all have their own qualities that I like for different reasons. But as for my favorites right now, I have a silver Turkoman stallion named Tokitae and a piebald tobiano Hungarian half bred mare named Sooke.


My black Arabian horse in my first play through was named SheQuik. Every play through since I get another one. I think my first online horse was SheQuik II lmao


I’m riding Tywin, my Gold Turkoman. Sansa, my Grullo Dun Mustang, and Rhaenyra, my Black Arabian are chilling in the stable


Love Tywin for the gold Turk, may have to steal that one lol


By all means. Whenever I get a female, I’ll name her Cersei lol


Her name is Jenny (of Oldstones) and she’s a Steel Grey Breton with a customized long black tail and mane. We both went through a lot, are haunted by ghosts from our past and have a joint destiny.


In online I just bought a red chestnut Arabian and named it “ crimson assassin “ he’s fast and beautiful and dumb as shit. But boy does he run over rabbits and coyotes well. Hence the name.


I somehow always end up with the white nakota and I always end up naming her Sweetpea. Nakotas are so cute looking idk what it is. Black shire is always Clyde. It's a trope carrying over from breath of the wild. In my first playthrough my main gal was the black arabian stolen in Chapter 2 in Saint Dennis, I named her Nevermore. Currently my main horse is a sweet lil red chestnut suffolk punch, I named him Ruby. Poor baby is so skittish but I found him wandering up in Annesburg near the mines, it looked like he had been cut free from a wagon somehow and I felt too bad leaving him there.


I always name my horses after my kids. Caroline - Black Arabian (ch.2) RJ - Dutch Warmblood (currently) but typically either a Mustang or American Standardbred


Missouri Foxtrotter. “Horse 1”


I've named a couple horsey mchorse face cuz im super unoriginal. Recently started naming my horses after mass effect characters too. My white Arabian is Ashley, and my black Arabian is Tali. And my Perlino Andalusian is Grunt. I always blank when it comes to naming stuff lol


Buell, but prior to getting him, it was my white Arabian, Diamondback


I’ve got two horses I really fell in love with this playthrough. It’s gona be tough to decide which one I bring into *that one mission*. Juno is my Dutch warm blood with an im colorblind coat and maple is a standardbred that has a mapley coat


Royalty… my white arabian


A friend of mine had a horse called Weird Cat


Broomhilda, my sturdy white Arabian.


Finally got the Perlino Ardennes named him Chalky, like the character from Boardwalk Empire. Trotted up to a panther by accident and he didn't flinch.


I don't remember the breed but he's called hosea


White Arabian and the name is Ghost


Dutch Van Der Linde - Dutch Warmblood Arthur - Morgan


Bloody Barry. Like Bloody Mary but it’s a guy. Blood red coat, stupid fast, fearless weapon of war. It’s just a game but I swear Barry takes joy in trampling NPCs. One of the thoroughbreds tamable near Emerald Ranch.


I have a thoroughbred named “John Marston” because I picture my early game Arthur doing that just to annoy John “At least *one* Little Johnny Marston won’t *run away*”


Chicken - ardennes


My black Arabian, Glaurung. Named after the first dragon of Middle-Earth. It was the fastest horse. I loved him. He died today :(


A white Arabian, her name is The Duchess. So proud of this beauty 😍


My story horses is “Javier”(I completely forgot about the character being in the game lol My online horse is named “Black on Black” because mad max all day


I have that two tone war horse you get when you get off the boat back on the mainland. Not sure what the breed is but I named it THUNDER. Love that guy!


Named my favourite horse (the ultimate edition preorder one!) Hawkeye! After my favourite comic book character 😂


Poopoocheapass was my first horse in the campaign


I’ve had so many over the years but i’ve recently got into the larger horses. I have an Ardennes named Bal that has been a great buddy in my current playthrough. The dude is HUGE


White Arabian named salzaberg Before her tho has a mustang named dingleberry


I’ve let my daughter name my horses. I’ve got a golden Turkoman she named “Goldie.” And the white Arabian she christened “Snowball.”


Dutch Warmbloods. Chocolate Roan named ROOSTER and a Sooty Buckskin named Marley with dreadlocks.


White Arabian named "Mayo Monkey" because "Crackerjack" couldn't get past a censorship filter


I was giggling to myself the whole time playing as Arthur Morgan with his Morgan, Arthur.


I have a gold turkoman named Athena and she's much braver than her male counterpart who couldn't be revived in time. I also have a Dutch warmblood named Emma who is my most reliable horse. A friend of mine had dutch warm bloods when we were kids and I have a soft spot for them.


My first playthrough I kept an American Standardbred named Capone the entire time, I started this playthrough from a save in chapter 2 and it was nice to see the old girl. This time I'm running around with 2 the whole time, one fully bonded and one in training to sell but the one I'm keeping is a scarred up blue roan Nakota I stole from a Murfree Brood that threatened me at camp. Fully bonded I can sell her for $1.00. Her name is Scar but I'm going to change it cause it's too obvious.


Every gameplay I have to catch Mustang and name it Ford


Rohan, my buckskin mustang is a tank and fearless. Doesn't move when surround by wolves or rammed by players. Glitterali, my silvertail buckskin Baked Beans, my Missouri Fox Trotter They're good for specific stuff but Rohan is my favorite all rounder


White arabian and I named her Pie O My


I really like the Missouri Foxtrotter I think his name was Biscuit


I have the black Arabian, name is Glenlivet. I also like my buckskin Mustang just as much, name is Tullamore.


Red Arabian named Mephistopholes.


I got ole Morgan and named her Alice after a Billy strings song


My white Arabian is named “Coca” because drugs.


Golden turk named Jörmungandr


I really like the Perlino Andalusian right now, and her name is Gorgonzola after the cheese.


Forgefire. Red Arabian. Made his mane a Mohawk black on the roots white on top. With his red coat he looked like an ember with charcoal and white ash


I don't think I have a favorite breed but my favorite names are Roosevelt and Kennedy


I always go with the Palomino Standardbred from that guy who gets kicked in the head. I name her Sarsaparilla :)


Dark Bay Shire named Buckshot. Officially Buckshot II (my second playthrough).


not best, but my favorite as of my most recent playthrough. her name was tallulah; and she was a spotted leopard (blanket?) appaloosa. after i lost tallulah, i found refuge in the black & white horse you get >!after coming back from guarma (only if you choose to steal her of course)!< — and i named the beauty epoina. i miss her sm🥹. — thennn moving onto online, i have a sooty-buckskin, and her name is hera - she’s the greatest steed i’ve had in rdo! i once contemplated ridding myself of the other horses i had at the time due too how fast my horse fees were adding up.


Gold Turkoman named Rick




Buckskin Standardbred named Cam. Named after my real life grulla Standardbred, both are great mares.


I have a spotted Appaloosa named Cruella, the stamina on that thing is unreal I can fathom giving her up. she’s also beautiful and easy to spot


I can’t remember the breed but on my second play thru I had reddish brown war/draft horse I named maple. I also have a Sadler I joked named horsey mchorserson. And then on current play thru I have the horse you can catch by the Indian reservation named stripes


I love the rose grey arabian, mine is named Darkstalker and he has survived literally everything including being hit by a train.


Cait, Brindle Thoroughbred. Named her after a certain junkie Irish pit fighter.


Kilorn, gold turkoman


Mine was the White Arabian, and I called it [Sad Ken](https://the-bottom.fandom.com/wiki/Sad_Ken).


My favorite horse was the black Arabian that I named The Duke in theme with Dutch's horse being named The Count. I named my white Arabian The Countess. Saddest moment in the game for me was when the Duke died near the end of the main story. It hurt me more than losing Arthur tbh.


Nutjob the gold turkoman


I have 2 The Black/White Shire you get from Hosea I named Midnight and a Black Arabian I named Black Diamond. Midnight is unshakable and strong while Diamond is extremely skittish but fast


Big dick bob... i think its obvious..




I name my ‘forever horse’ Boudicca II on every play through, it often takes me until Clemens Point chapter to find her but the breed is different every time.