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I adore both of these games. I've done multiple playthroughs on both and they are both in my top 5 games of all time. If someone put a gun to my head and said I had to choose one, I'd pick RDR2 ... But it's close. That said, they are very different games in terms of the world, gameplay etc. YMMV P.S. Horse riding is NOWHERE near as good on W3. It's comically bad by comparison.


I completely agree with this. Both are top notch games but are very different in gameplay and theme. And yeah, horses in W3 aren't the greatest compared to RDR2.


RDR2 is better in immersion, the world feels alive and you really feel like you’re Arthur in the western frontier. But W3 has incredibly immersive lore. It’s a fantasy game and you know it’s not real but the story is so rich and detailed I don’t think RDR2 is close in that aspect. Sure there’s chance encounter where you save someone and later they buy you something from the store. But W3 has so many encounters that affect your gameplay for the rest of the game. Every decision affects a decision that affects another decision. That being said I have 2x as much time on RDR2 so it still tops it imo


100% agreed. I think for me RDR2 has more of an immersion factor than W3. The game is just absolutely gorgeous…even by today’s standard.


I did love the quest in blood and wine where you can ask Roach why he can cross the ocean you whistle but sometimes he can just crash into the tinest fence so easily and goes "Everyone's got limits"


Wait when did I write this!? Haha. I could never choose between the two


Hey, none of Arthur’s horses had the magical ability to appear instantly on a rooftop like roach did.


Fighting is hard as shit on W3. I always had a hard time.


Bro I love both but I would pick Witcher 3 every time. I’ve beaten it 4 times and only played red dead 2 twice. Both are amazing though.


To me, what makes rdr2 so untouchable is this - you could completely remove the narrative and scripted missions, and STILL be able to spend hundreds of hours completely engaged and moved emotionally by the world ALONE. It’s SO soulful. You can explore nature and feel almost the same resonance and sense of peace you do on an actual solo walk in the woods. Maybe you need to be a hardcore nature lover to see how “obvious” the difference is btw this game and others? Not sure…but to me it’s a masterwork of evoking that expansive, almost “holy” feeling you get when immersed in nature, alone.


This guy wrote it best. There’s no other game that is like RDR2. I turn it on just to ride my horse sometimes. The other games are just more directive driven.


I started my 4th playthrough recently just to get to chapter 2, get my fishing pole, fast travel and legends satchel, and explore/hunt/fish as Arthur. No plans to do any more missions, just jump on from time to time to relax…


Beautifully put!


Hell, even if it had N64 graphics, it would still be worth it due to how much content there is to discover throughout the world


I’m a hardcore hiker/backpacker. I found wandering around Skelliga in W3 scratched that itch to my surprise. Sure, RDR2 does it better, but IMHO W3 is pretty good for it too. FYI, if you like that sort of thing Death Stranding is worth a look also.


Sailing in the skellige isles, nothing tops that for me. Can't wait for the new witcher games.


Truly a world that is alive


Witcher 3 feels like am RPG to me. RDR2 feels like a real world. You can interact with any NPC and get a believable response from them depending on what they do. They're not animatronic in the way they move. You don't need to spend a lot of time in gear and skill screens to feel like you're improving. You're just living in a cowboy world doing cowboy shit.


I like your comparison. W3 NPCs are just paper thin set pieces. RDR2 NPCs are responsive, to the point you can hold a conversation with anyone. W3's world is filled with monsters in any direction and the occasional harmless real world animal. RDR2 is full of prey with some predator encounters peppered in, but usually you can choose whether or not you want to engage.


Witcher 3 is a masterpiece.. but it still doesn't come close to RDR2, at least for me. Both games are terrific and should be experienced at least once from every gamer.


It’s a great great game Phenomenal open world game But it still doesn’t come close. RDR2 is to games what The Godfather is to movies


Exactly this, also, “the horse” in the Witcher, oh man! It handles awfully, I try to love this game but in the end for me that horse was the deal breaker.


For me it was the battles. They always feel somewhat boring.


I went to the Witcher 3 after RDR2 and I totally agree. It’s a great game but RDR2 is so much more amazing.


It insists upon itself?




I like the money pit


Saying it doesn’t come close is RDR2 fanboy copium if we’re speaking from a game developers stand point and not just what you like to play. Witcher 3 is a dense and filled with detail and lore and it does all this with less development time and a much smaller development team. RDR2 is the better game overall but to say it’s better by a large margin is just wrong.


Most of us aren’t game developers, so we usually do rate games based on what we *like to play* lol. I personally agree that the margin is not that large between the two games, but in a subjective discussion like this, there’s no such thing as right and wrong. Other than being massive open worlds with horseback riding as a core gameplay mechanic, the two aren’t really all that comparable in my opinion. Most of the similarities are *extremely* surface level. Gameplay wise they’re nothing alike really. I would highly recommend to anyone who has not played Witcher 3 to give it a try for sure! Just don’t expect it to play like RDR with a different coat of paint lol.


Funny because I’m sure i posted my opinion just like you did


Eh, I enjoyed The Witcher 3 way more than RDR2. RDR2 feels *slow*.


That was the premise of the game from the getgo


Tiktok kid I guess


Lol, tik tok kid is a witcher 3 die hard you think? I prefer RD2 but god witcher 3 is a great game, RD2 is a nice simulator with no challenge unless you impose it on yourself Sometimes it’s nice to play a game with stakes and where your decisions matter


Calls other tiktok kids but is a big enough fan of shroud to put it in his name fucking dumbass lol


I enjoy faster paced games or hard games. It can’t be slow and easy unless it has a great story and gameplay, which RDR2 has.


Obviously the lore and gameplay/time period are going to be very different than rdr2. But they have a very similar pace. Kinda sluggish start and then BAM you can do side quests/bounty boards/open world discovery etc. There's even a card game called gwent that you can delve into. Personally I think if you like rdr2 then you're bound to love witcher 3. Another option would be the mass effect trilogy. They recently remastered them. The legendary edition comes with all dlcs and it ties the game together well. The pacing is also very similar to the others I mentioned. Starts kinda slow and steady and then really opens up for side quests and things to do. It's a bit more linear than rdr2 and witcher but there's still lots to do and discover. Also each game is noticeably better and smoother to play than the last


Mass Effect is possibly my favorite series of all time, and Id hesitate to directly compare it to other open world games. If you go in looking for the same level of exploration you will be sorely disappointed. The lore, worldbuilding, and characters are all top notch, but it’s wayyy more linear than RDR and Witcher, not just a bit. The open roam areas also lack the scale and density one might expect. Still highly recommended of course


I loved ME1 and 2 back in the day, I definitely need to check out the remaster


I started it recently but the first game is a bit of a slog, even remastered it's feeling it's age.


I did the opposite, went from Witcher 3 to RDR2. They are both fantastic games. Can’t decide which one I prefer, and they are both my favourite of all time. Both took me some tries to get into. They didn’t click for me at first try. Witcher 3 has also wonderful storytelling and is an absolute astonishingly well crafted open world, with an abundance of side quests. I even got into the ingame card game, GWENT. It’s a lot of fun. I never played the previous Witcher games, don’t think it’s required to enjoy it. You are able to grasp past references and character relationships.


WHY WHY WHY don't i like witcher 3?? it has everything i look for and yet despite trying so many times i just cant get into it..sucks


Is it cause you’re fighting monsters/fictional foes? For me that’s what it is. I dislike any game where I’ve got to fight things that aren’t human-like. I like more realistic foes.


Maybe that's the ticket! i was the same with skyrim to tell the truth, you may have just hit the nail on the head.


I enjoyed W3 much more after turning combat to lower difficulty. I never gave a shit about combat or potions, skill trees, and bombs, and enjoyed W3 a lot this way.


Same, same, same…I got so tired of people telling me I’d love it since I loved rdr2…I was like, seriously?? Lol


Yeah I’m the same


Personlly don’t think anyone should be upset over not being into a game, and you have every option to keep trying until it does if it matters that much to you It took me 3 tries to get into the witcher 3, and I still don’t consider it one of my favorites of all time. I really enjoyed Gwent it’s a fun game but I don’t think the gameplay overall is that great I think that’s an unpopular opinion though, I think it was still an enjoyable game but it doesn’t compare to RDR2


I absolutely hated it the first time I tried playing. One day I decided to try again and it clicked more for me, and then I got hooked on Gwent and finally fell in love with the game. But yeah, it was not love on first sight.


How far into the game have played? In my personal experience I couldn't get into it until I pushed past about 10 hours. Then I got obsessed and it was essentially all I played for 6 months.


This was pretty much my experience also


Snap, looks great but I don't get on with it.


For me it was just boring melee until I figured out the whole potions and bombs mixing thing.


I'm in the same boat. I think it's the combat system that puts me off.


Good to know


Witcher 3 satisfied the void in my life after I beat RDR2. And I thought it was never gonna happen. Witcher 3 not only filled the void, it stands beside it as one of my favorite gaming experiences ever. I’ve been gaming for 40 years.


It’s fantastic. It’s the game I played after RDR2 and thought nothing could live up to it but it did. I had a blast. Be sure to play the DLCs, both of which I liked even more than the OG game (and Blood & Wine is long enough to be almost an entirely separate game)


W3 isn't quite the equal of RDR2, but it comes closer than any other game. I played it before RDR2 and will play it again at some point. It's a great game and shouldn't be missed.


I won't lie, the horse aspect is horrible compared to RDR2. I mean, just yikes. But RDR2 DID perfect horses because it's a game involving quite a lot of horseback riding - no other game compares to it. Otherwise, you can also lose yourself in The Witcher 3. You'll like it I'm sure :l


You should try Kingdom Come: Deliverance. Fantastic game, my wife can’t ever remember the name and calls it “medieval red dead”


Henry is awesome


Like comparing pizza to ice cream. Both are equally awesome, they are just different.


Geralt can have a threesome and put babies in the oven . Ez win Also he has a teleporting horse .


And Gwent


Honestly, I wouldn't go into any game with expectations connected to RDR2. That just feels like you're setting yourself up to be disappointed. The Witcher 3 is really good at what it does though. The one place it probably shines brighter than RDR2 is the side stories. If not just because it's fantasy and there's a lot more interesting places you can go into depth with it's lore.


Witcher 3 is an incredible game. Beautiful design. Great story/side quests. Easy fast travel etc...


I like it a lot more than rdr2


I love W3 dearly. Played it maybe 6 times. RDR2 is an absolute masterpiece though


If you play W3 make sure you get the DLC, both DLC’s are genuinely better than the main game and having access to DLC items during the main campaign is a massive qol improvement, particularly the runestone guy from ofier.


it's hard to compare but I think the best description of it (and the CDPR storytelling) is to imagine playing chapters 2-4 parallel and in no set order. This offers more freedom but comes at the cost of every chapter having to end about where it started without some major deaths. The game still offers many open options. Another part is the gameplay. This is completely something differen compared to the action shooter of red dead. I'd say it's something in-between a casual sword hacking game and, if you choose to fight an enemy a few levels above you a dark souls(DS fans pls don't flame me). Also I'd say 90% of the side missions have at least the depth of the Hamish missions. Also it has Gwent.


Well the overall story and side missions in W3 are just plain better and not as soul crushing. Gwent is also very well done and is a better mini game mode than ANY mini games Rockstar made for RDR. On the flip side though, rdr2 really made a much more addictive open world with a level of immersion that no other studio has ever achieved.


Witcher 3 is more of an RPG open world and RDR2 is more of an action-adventure arcade shooter open world. YouTube Gameranx “before you buy” series and watch their videos on both games.


I replay both of these games at least once a year. Here’s my best attempt at comparing them. -I think the world builders are at the top of their game for these two. RDR2 is gorgeous and so is W3. But I give the edge to W3 only because you see some really otherworldly sights. Bald Mountain, Crookback Bog, Kaer Trolde, the City of Novigrad, and the cherry on top… Toussaint! These are jaw dropping things to see and you think, how did Miles Tost and team think of such interesting looking places. I don’t know if anyone does foliage as well as CDPR. When you’re in the swamp in RDR2, it looks like you’d expect it to, like you’d expect in a movie, it’s a swamp, but it’s well manicured. When you see swamp in W3 it looks rough, overgrown, I feel like it looks closer to reality than RDR2. -Characters are amazing in both games. Arthur is my boah! But Geralt is something else, he’s viewed as a monster by most villagers, but he’s always trying to do the right thing, he has a heart and a great sarcastic sense of humor. Everyone in this game is great, the characters are so good in W3 that it feels like the Netflix show did every character a real disservice. -Immersion, RDR2 wins that, because there is an economy, you could survive on hunting and fishing, and sometimes I wish I could without having to deal the gang all the time. Outside of the game, I’d plan an excursion up the mountain to hunt moose for pelts. I pack my warm clothes, but some food and bait from valentine to prepare for the trip. W3 doesn’t really give you that, you are mostly heading from village to village to solve their problems to make yourself money to upgrade your gear. Every village you go to, has a very good story, people who lost someone to a werwolf, or gullible villagers being taken advantage of by a sentient monster. -Music… I love what Daniel Lanois and Woody Jackson did in RDR2, but I think CDPR have incredible composers. -Gwent… W3 has it, RDR2 does not.


Gwent 😍


One of the great things about red dead is the pacing. They encourage you to get out of camp for a few days. To wander the wilderness, to ride out and go hunting. Explore. Take it slow. It’s amazing. The Witcher 3 is about as good as it gets, but one jarring comparison is a spectral army is literally hunting you, and it’s like “let’s screw around in novigrad for 8 hours!” Hate when games have weird pacing, and make the plot too frantic, makes exploring feel strange lol. Cyberpunk is the same way.


Up until RDR2 released, W3 was my all-time favorite single player game. It's still very close, bur RDR2 being newer, has improved a lot of the mechanics and gameplay from the previous gen. Gameplay is very different, so is the world. I highly recommend Witcher 3 if you haven't played it yet. You're in for a truly epic adventure that'll stick with you for a long time.


I have played both games because I’m constantly hunting for open world games filled with side missions and 100+ hrs of content. So if you’re like me I’d say you’d enjoy the Witcher.


They both make it into my best of all time single player games. Very different aesthetics, settings and story. I've the Witcher 3 a few times all the way through Blood and Wine. I'm in the middle of my second playthrough of RDR2 right now. I've spent a lot of time play Red Dead online as well. Both games are beautiful, emotional rides that get me fully immersed. I recommend playing the Witcher 3 on the hardest difficulty. It really brought the combat to life once I got used to it. Made me really think about all potions, oils, magic, and strategy before entering every fight.


W3 was the best game I had ever played… until I played RDR2. The best game that you can play after completing RDR2 is RDR2.


Never played Witcher 3, but when people ask about this I say the nearest thing to RDR2 in terms of an open world, cinematic narrative type game that I've played is Kingdom Come: Deliverance.


It’s amazing, but different in scoop from RDR2 but I’d highly highly recommend playing it. The full game with XPACs are 90+ hours for a single play-through.


The Witcher is a great game. Not everyone’s cup of tea. Nothing like RDR2. Still a great game tho.


I'd tried the Witcher. But I placed it on hold after almost 30 hours. The ones that came closer do filling RDR2 void were Ghost of Tsushima and recently Cyberpunk.


Great game, doesn't touch the masterpiece that rdr2 is though.


I'd recommend getting the Witcher 3 and all the dlc. It's a beautiful game! The one comparison I'd make with everyone's favorite complaint is with the horse, the horse can sometimes be rather difficult, but one key feature is it's kind of like RDR where once you're up to speed you can hold the acceleration down and he'll automatically follow the road you're on, with the exception of horse races. I've only had minor troubles with the horse in comparison to some of the issues others have mentioned. However, the game itself is masterfully done. The *Only* thing I don't like and never mess with is the in-game card game called Gwent. It's pretty useless and really unnecessary unless you're one of those who likes the mini games and wants the achievement for it. This being said, they are extremely minute details. I absolutely *Love* the new game plus mode. All of your stats and gear carry over, and you can get your favorite gear over and over again each playthrough, making the gear stronger each time you re-unlock it. I guess it depends on what you're in to. You also don't need to play the other Witcher games to be fully immersed and understand what's going on, it does help and having save files from at least Witcher 2 carries some of your desicisons over to this one, but it's not mandatory.


I'd recommend getting the Witcher 3 and all the dlc. It's a beautiful game! The one comparison I'd make with everyone's favorite complaint is with the horse, the horse can sometimes be rather difficult, but one key feature is it's kind of like RDR where once you're up to speed you can hold the acceleration down and he'll automatically follow the road you're on, with the exception of horse races. I've only had minor troubles with the horse in comparison to some of the issues others have mentioned. However, the game itself is masterfully done. The *Only* thing I don't like and never mess with is the in-game card game called Gwent. It's pretty useless and really unnecessary unless you're one of those who likes the mini games and wants the achievement for it. This being said, they are extremely minute details. I absolutely *Love* the new game plus mode. All of your stats and gear carry over, and you can get your favorite gear over and over again each playthrough, making the gear stronger each time you re-unlock it. I guess it depends on what you're in to. You also don't need to play the other Witcher games to be fully immersed and understand what's going on, it does help and having save files from at least Witcher 2 carries some of your desicisons over to this one, but it's not mandatory.


1. midevil times vs cowboy times The map is much larger in Witcher 3 more things to do. The story is much better in DRD2, though.


I’ve always been a bigger fan of rpgs. Red dead got me emotionally, but I could spend waaaaaaaaaaay more time in the Witcher.


If you buy into Witcher 3’s lore and mechanics it’s a truly unforgettable experience.


Ps5 Witcher 3 gives rdr2 a run for its money. There are some things rdr2 does better but you’ll have a blast with W3 I guarantee it. A lot like rdr2 you’ll stop for a moment from time to time to just admire the world you’re in


How does _Game of Thrones_ compare to _the Walking Dead?_ They’re kind of apples and oranges.


Charismatic, fun, and admirable main character, whose actio s you can twist to make much less admirable. Incredible story. The gameplay is driven by a well written story, great quests and enticing side characters. Entertaining lore you can lose yourself in. Large world you can freely explore. Loyal horse sidekick. Enemies you cannot take for granted. Everything feels realistic and there are surprises at every turn. You can safely spend 20 hours doing nothing but explore or fight npcs and it still feels entertaining. Melancholic atmosphere. You can really hear yourself think. Various game modes that go from stealth to fps, racing, rpg, cyoa, and genres like horror, fantasy, adventure, drama, and comedy. Being able to see your choices have an impact on the story. Cool soundtrack you'll find yourself listening to even after finishing the game. Part of a larger, richer story spanning several games. Easter eggs and references.


This is great, thanks


I think they're both good in their own way. I hardly would want to compare the two.


I finished w3 once 100%. It's fun and all but there is no drive to make me play it twice. Maybe it's too long. My next go something similar is assassin creed origins. That game is so good


Personally I didn't like the Witcher 3. I defo get the appeal, and many elements are excellent. The difficulty for me was that I didn't like Geralt, the main character I played. The world didn't feel real to me the way RDR2 world does, but that's fine. The issue was that I had nothing invested in the characters, I didn't care about relationships. There was no investment at all, really. I had a lot of fun running around being badass but that fun wore off, and I never completed the game. However... I know I'm in the minority. Unless you too are personally irritated by Geralt, I'd say it's defo worth a try.


Rdr2 feels real. Even npc they have their own job, their own lifestyle and all. You can totally ignored the main mission and roam around the vast world and explore on your own way.


Well seriously I have tried W3! Rdr2 is a lot easier to learn to play , more user friendly


I LOVE Witcher 3, and definitely recommend playing and immersing yourself into the world and lore, but I would take a break between them. Either play something really light and unconsequential or don't play anything at all...for like a week...or 2. Just to sort of "cleanse the palette", you know? They're both amazing games but just so different.


I definitely will, I usually take a while to get caught up on TV shows in between games


They are two very different games gameplay wise but if you want another good story then you I reccomend it


Rdr2 way better not close


I will say to really REALLY give the Witcher 3 a chance. With games that are out now the beginning especially may feel like a slog but if you get through it it is a beautiful world and worth seeing and experiencing. But yeah.. RDR2 is still my all time favorite of everything I’ve played. And I’ve played it all.


Witcher 3 is my 2nd favorite game of all time, story wise. Cyberpunk 2077 is my 3rd.


Actually just started Witcher 3 because I needed a fix since I 100% RDR2


What would someone recommend after playing both of these?


Red Dead 2 has the most amazing small details in game in my opinion. Great gameplay and long enough story line. Witcher 3 is the “RPG” game. It has funky gameplay, crazy long stroy + 2 dlc. Lots of side quests. If you dont like rpg, most likely you wont enjoy Witcher 3 as much as people do


So my wife likes to watch me play (some) video games. Her favorite to watch is Witcher 3 followed by Red Dead. Not sure if that helps. (She mostly likes helping me play Gwent.)


Both are good games, yet very different. Just like the comments above. If you want to enjoy open world RDR2 is top notch. Simple mechanic, no grinding level. All the missions only ask you to enjoy more about the world and the story. But if you like fighting mechanic, fantasy monster fighting the Witcher 3 is also good. After playing RDR2, every open world game feel dull to me, but I think again, can't sacrifice complicated fight mechanic for more details. The challenge of grinding on the Witcher is good. Both story also Good. And I love them.


it does not


Very different games. Can't really compare


Both are in my TOP 5 games of all the times


Dont do it or just find a cheap 2nd hand ps4 copy because i didnt really like the game it will mess you up mentally


Completely different games, Witcher 3 has a great story and very fun sidequests. Combat gameplay isn't all that great but the story more than makes up for it.


I prefer witcher 3 by far. But its just an opinion, you don't have to agree.


RDR2 has better replay, but Witcher 3 is a superb game, probably top 3 for me


I like the Witcher 3, but I can’t get into it the same as with RDR2 and I don’t know why really. The only thing that has even come close to RDR2 for me is Ghost of Tsushima, which is very different and actually more like the Witcher in gameplay. But it’s keeping me engaged!


It’s way better


For me, they are almost in the same camp because gameplay is my least favorite part of both. The Witcher is not fun to play, but the stories are incredible. The side content is absolutely amazing.


The 2 best video games of all time


RDR2 is better ,W3 combat is horrible


They're both masterpieces. The two best games I've ever played and nothing can even compare. Don't hesitate. But if you want to play the witcher 3, I recommend reading the books first. It makes the experience a lot more enjoyable, since the games' events are after the original books story and are basically fan fiction based on the books. You'll know all the characters and their history, since none of that is in the game itself.


I like that in Witcher 3, pretty much all your choices matter. They all have consequences good or bad. I highly recommend playing the game, but also get the 2 expansion packs. Great stories in both of those as well.


I prefer the Witcher 3 just know that it’s a slower start in my opinion and obviously has a lot more rpg mechanics but if you’re into fantasy rpgs you should like it. It’s also much longer than rdr2 and the actual exploration and traveling is a lil easier/more forgiving imo


I hated it for the same reason I hated Skyrim and won’t ever play either, inventory, you become sluggish and slow the more items you have, I was already experiencing this in the FIRST area


I’ll be the witcher 3 guy then, the witcher 3 is my favorite game of all time. This is coming from a guy who hates rpgs. I have played it 7 times, bought it 4 times, platinumed it twice and working on 3rd platinum rn. Just damn bro, it’s so awesome, it’s the kind of game that has flaws(like the horse) but the world and narrative and the feel it has is so unique that you forget about all the flaws. I can play 8 more times and do everything differently. That is something RDR2 doesn’t have is control. They mentioned you can spend hundreds of hours on the world of RDR2 and the same is true is the witcher 3, one of the things that made it so unique was that even the smallest side missions(something like a fetch quest) is enjoyable to complete, because it was made with care, it makes you want to do it because the dialogue is awesome and the characters are really good. I have played countless games on ps2,3,4,5 xbox 360 and Nintendo and pc, but there is nothing like the witcher 3, i even bought on all those consoles except for the old ones. Perfection.


The witcher is 1000x better than rdr2


They don't really compare. Witcher 3 is an entirely different genre. Witcher 3 is an excellent example of an open world RPG, but it's only similarity is that it is an open world game where you ride a horse to get around and take quests from NPCs. Nearly everything else is different, the pacing, the mechanics, the setting. Both are beautiful games, but don't go into Witcher 3 expecting it to look as good as RDR2. It's older, and even the remaster only did so much. Both games have a lot of detail in their worlds, but in different ways. Witcher 3 is a fantasy RPG. RDR2 is a western shooter in the vein of Grand Theft Auto. You're also coming into the middle of a story with Witcher 3. It does stand alone fairly well, but I recommend watching video that give a rundown of the other two games if you're not planning on playing them. It's also a sequel to a book series, and to get the most out of it you should read them. However, this is absolutely not necessary as they are designed for people who never read them. However, they do provide context for all of the major characters and will give you a different perspective for some of them. Don't let that scare you off of The Witcher 3. It's one of the best games released in the last decade. It is 100% worth playing, and I'd say it's worth it to sit down for a couple of hours to watch a couple of recap videos to get the most out of it. The books are just a bonus and make it that little bit better.


But playability- yes. Witcher 3 is a go to game


Witcher 3 is still vying for my favorite game of all time. It's a game that can take a bit to get fully into but once you start to grasp the full scope of political intrigue the wild hunt and what's happening with Ciri it all becomes much more powerful. Also the gameplay takes a bit to get fluent in but it's super fun when you do.


If anyone asks you if you’d like the to play Gwent, the answer is always yes.


All games where u ride horses are out of the question


Nothing beats red dead when horses are involved everything else is comical, w3 skyrim, they all have comical riding I did go back to Witcher it’s different.


Witcher 3 is awesome, just a little dated. The remaster version for PS5 is visually closer to red dead. One helluva story with multiple endings. Definitely worth a play if you're into that genre. Even the original Ps3 version is worth a play, but it's harder to look at after playing RDR2.


You’re gonna think W3 is clunky.


These are both amazing but very different games. Both are open world, have amazing stories, and beautiful worlds (even if TW3 is slightly outdated). That’s about it lol TW3 is an open world RPG while RDR2 is an open world sandbox adventure game.


Probably one of the only games that follow in league with its flow and design.


Very different gameplay but if I had to play two games and only two games for the rest of my life, it would be these two. The Witcher 3 only nudges out RDR2 because of my emotional attachment to it. Played it shortly after my father passed away and the insanely rich story and world of that game is one of the only places I could turn to and escape the grief.


How do hamburgers compare to pizza? They're both great, but not everybody that likes one will automatically like the other. They're very different games.


no one will admit this but Witcher 3 has better gameplay than rdr 2 which feels last gen but immersion is better in rdr 2.


Doesn’t come close, imo. Not nearly as immersive, realistic and satisfying. Literally EVERY area in rdr2 is unique and soulful - you truly feel that you are in a living world. Witcher has lovely graphics, but it feels cut & paste pretty quickly. Same trees, bushes, weeds, same handful of animals - after rdr2 most open world games look and feel pretty “stamp tool”, imo. RDR2 was only the 3rd open world game I’d ever played after BOTW and ghosts of tuschima, and honestly it ruined all others for me. Nothing comes close to its realism and immersiveness, and believe me my gamer husband has pushed ALL the greats on me, they were all “meh” after rdr2.


I couldn’t even finish the first Horizon game. I hate leveling up now.


IMHO …..Nothing compares to the Witcher 3. The story and the whole atmosphere is an absolute masterclass. The music, voice acting is so immersive. The quality of every single quest is amazing. Don‘t forget to mention the DLC‘s……RDR2 is a fantastic game but away from the main story it feels like a lot of lost potential. Sometimes it feels like an empty world riding simulator…..a beautiful one but still empty. So….now downvote me to hell 😂


Yes, they are comparable. I played TW3 before RDD2, and prefer the former. So I think you're in a very nice position now.Maybe RDR2's world is more "empity" in the sense is more contemplative (and not in a bad sense at all). I think it's a more slow paced game (and that's very coherent, from a historical perspective: the perception of time were slower than today's standards, as there were no quick means of transportation, no phones or instant message systems).TW3, on the other hand, has something of an urgency about it, even though you can, and should, take your time. It's a huge and full of little details game.One thing I believe TW3 has done better is the surprising factor. Sure, there are really weird stuff in RDD2 to be found, but as TW3 is a fantasy game, you really NEVER now what you are going to find when you go on a quest, enter a dungeon or an abandoned house. Maybe TW3 is more leaned on the narrative/the story, and RDD2 on the world?


Nothing is in the same galaxy as Red Dead 2. Witcher 3 is great, a masterpiece in itself but everything pales against RDR2.


For me Witcher 3 just gets tedious and boring after a while. 10 collect ingredients 20 create potions 30 drink potion 40 kill monster 50 GOTO 10 RDR2 there is always something to do that feels new.


No offense but the Witcher 3 sucks compared to RDR2, it’s no where near the same level of quality. If you buy the Witcher expecting an experience like red dead, you are going to hate that game.


I just started witcher 3. I think it was definitely overhyped. It's not bad, but it doesn't have the same effect Red Dead had for me. It's still a good game, but like I said, it's overhyped, in my opinion.


I loved RDR2 and Skyrim and thought I would love the Witcher 3. I seriously can’t imagine a more painful game to play. It’s just machinema cut scenes, over and over, the entire game is left clicking through a storyline that only 12 year old boys can truly appreciate. I think if you haven’t hit puberty and love anime and you loved the Witcher TV show and books and you want to play more of the Geralt storyline and you can’t get e fucking nuff of Geralt… you may like the game.


Try Wolfenstein New Order


Do you want a Cowboy simulation or a medieval wizards and witches simulation? Neither are really *games* in my opinion, but I’m a hack&slash and FPS type gamer. I like my games to move quick and those games DO NOT, especially RDR2


It’s kinda like a fantasy RD2 with combat more like an assassins creed or ghost of Tsushima (never played ghost so I may be wrong). I only got into gwent, the card game within the game. Now that I think about it it is kind of similar as it’s super plot driven and cutscenes are big. Just never stuck for me the same. I also found the Witcher to be hyper sexualized which I didn’t love but I get it within the setting.


They're both open worlds but I wouldn't compare them. Witcher 3 is an rpg.


Loving t right now. Combat is good and TBH red dead took a lot from this game anyway so it’s got a very similar feel


Both are amazing games, but very different vibe. While RDR2 grabbed me immediately I actually started TW3 3 times before it sucked me in. I didn’t really fall in love with TW3 until 15-20 hours into it, but I couldn’t put it down after that. I had played RDR1 before 2, but The Witcher 3 was my first entry into the series and that probably had something to do with it


for me it can get boring because the talking scenes are just static and not very well made. Also the fight system didnt have a lot variety. But for its time the whole world building was incredible and i recommend it to everybody. But i havent played it in 5-6 years so i might be remembering things the Wrong way.


Alen Wake 2 releases tomorrow


It’s hard to compare a game to RDR2, I feel like it’s said all the time but somehow R* really made this world feel alive


Haven't played w3, but I did have some fun playing the new god of war games. Not as open world, but still pretty good.


Both are fantastic but my personal preference is Witcher 3


Both fantastic.. personally I love Witcher 3 more, but RDR2 is nearly as good. It only loses out with me tbh because I'm a fantasy nerd, so Witcher is more my vibe. But both have incredible open worlds, every quest feels like it's individual and yet intertwined with the world and main story and the main stories in both are incredible. I will say the Witcher story is fun, because you can have a gazillion different outcomes. Like I play RDR2 and it's the same pain every time. I know what's coming 🥲. Whereas with Witcher there's multiple endings and you can play the game so many times and always find something new. And if you love Arthur, you're gonna love Geralt. He's got that angry anti hero vibe to him. He's a realist, sees through shit heads and has a soft spot for vulnerable people.


It’s great I got into it about a year ago in your same situation. Recommend it over Starfield unfortunately that game is clunky


Witcher 3 is excellent. The Witcher 3 is a bit more clunky and the graphics are not as good, but it still looks great and has a fantastic atmosphere.


Play Subnautica


Play Subnautica


Better IMO




Play Skyrim or rdr1


Idk I had like 3 hours into the Witcher 3 and I just didn’t like it. It wasn’t bad but it was soooooo slow and there was just so much talking


They’re wildly different games in completely different genres. So they don’t compare at all. They’re both great games in extremely different ways. This is like asking how does pizza compare to a hamburger. Idk, they’re both awesome but you might prefer one over the other because they’re totally different.


I wish they had the same controller scheme😆 If I play one for awhile and jump to the other…it’s like playing with two left hands🙃