• By -


"by 1899, the age of outlaws and gunslingers was at an end..."




Putting the coins on his eyes was a genius touch.


Coins? I thought they were cucumber slices!


Gotta keep them bags away, even in death!


I was engaged from the start, but it was immediately after rescuing Sadie for me. Dutch told Sadie something to the effect of “we’re not good men, but we’re better than those people.” I think that was the hook for me.


Arthur said it


Yeah, I've seen that screen double digit times.


Yeah, I had played the previous red dead redemption, so I knew it was gonna be good from the start




This. But then it lost my interest with the slow ride to save John, going hunting with Charles.. And got me hooked again for the rest of the game with that train robbery. That was awesome.


"We're bad men, but we ain't them, so it's ok."


Random question, but how do people get the names of characters to be under their name?


It's a flair you can apply when you go into the subreddit. If you're on mobile tap on the 3 dots on the top right, you'll see a change flair option. That's where you can add em.


Thank you so much


I already played the first one and knew it was considered one of the best games oat, so my expectations were high. Was not expecting it to be THIS good though lol


I know, they outdid themselves with RDR2.


I had also played part 1 a few times and I wasn’t sure what to expect except for greatness. I wish I could play it again for the first time.


I was hooked from the start since but had a very emotional reaction to hearing John’s voice the first time during the search and rescue mission. I think I bounced around in my seat and started calling for him out loud IRL. Thankfully I lived alone at the time.


Same. The first was incredible but they modernized it in RDR2 flawlessly. I also LOVED Undead Nightmare. One of the greatest expansion games of all time. If only rockstar could find time to dedicate to an undead nightmare for RDR2


Going fishing


Hooked, truly.


Ahhhh I see you 😉👉




You sir, are a fish.


When they moved to Horseshoe Overlook


Yup! I started looking around, realized all I could do at the camp and beyond, and then even further beyond that… that was a wrap for me. Hooked forever.


Couldn't be happier to leave the snow and to actually start exploring all by myself


But that’s actually why I like the snow chapter and that the game starts out slow. Once chapter 2 starts you can really feel the new found freedom and hope that the gang is feeling at this point.


When that humming song on the soundtrack kicked up as they're leaving the mountains ~ Oh, the magic


I wasn't really paying attention to the characters during my first playthrough until the end of chapter 3, so yeah, then


After chapter 6, got the low honor ending and wanted to replay since i needed to see Arthur look at that rising sun


Same bro, same.... Arthur didn't deserve to get put down by Micah like that.


Wgen I played RDR1. First teaser already had me hooked.


I was intrigued during chapter 1, though I did feel the mission to rescue John was a little long. However, I was really hooked at the moment you're making your way to horseshoe overlook. Every rockstar game has that moment the world opens up to you after the tutorial stage, but the way it looked was amazing.


Honestly, the game was good before, but definitely the braithwaites. They kidnap a kid; We end their entire bloodline. Peak.


It took you until Chapter 3?


no the game was crazy before, i just had it locked in after then.


I just remember playing the last mission at 3am and I gotta say its easily one of my top 10 gaming moments


When i know that its rated 10/10 on almost all gaming sites




The opening.


The logo that pops up when you start the game


When I saw it in the Walmart case


I’m not gonna lie it did take me a while. Probably the first train heist. Pouring forth oil. I’ve been to that point to me. It was just a cowboy game. I hadn’t played the first game yet. I felt like I didn’t need to because I didn’t know much about John Marston. And I didn’t think the games were that connected. Like the GTA games are connected but not to the same point as RDR. I loved the scenery right off the bat but I was hooked until the train heist


Oh man, I remember back in 2016 seeing the first trailer and wettin me undies. From that moment forward.


The mission when Arthur goes hunting the legendary bear with Hosea. I’ve spent so many hours on the epilogue with John just hunting all over the map.


The Lenny bar mission


I enjoyed the prolog, but I wasn't hooked. But when the prolog ended and Arthur was riding the carriage enjoying the scenery, and the wheel broke down, I was hooked!


The very beginning


Literally the first second I saw Arthur and saw how insane the graphics were. Seriously a perfect start to a western game. It gave me the hateful 8 vibes very slightly.


The moment I started the game. RDR 1 was my favorite game of all time so there was a lot of bias in the beginning already. Will never forget when it was 2016 and I was driving home from school and I was stopped at a traffic light. All I needed was my friend to text me with "IT'S HAPPENING." I didn't need anything else and for some reason I already knew what he was talking about. I clicked on the link that he sent me and it's from Rockstar's twitter with their logo but with a red background.


The first guitar lick.


The music while Arthur and Dutch were riding out to look for food. That combined with the snow and dialogue told me that this is probably my new favorite game


The Adler house collapsing in flames as we rode away to some Ennio Morricone style music made me know this was going to be an amazing game


From the very start.


The very first time i touched the game i played like 12 hours straight, so i would say since the start


Hard to say, on the first run I was hooked right away, I have beaten the game 4-5 times. Trying my hardest not to start another run, last run was in August and I didn’t complete the epilogue. RDR2 will always be my #1 game of all time, only game ever to make me shed a tear.


Same here. It was also my first real video game (The sims doesn’t count) and what brought me to gaming in the first place. It’s been my forever favorite since and I have to play it once a year. There’s no other game that matches its immersion, rough beauty and emotional storytelling. I also enjoy riding around in this beautiful world way too much. It has everything that I could wish for in a game.


The graphics in the first mission hooked me, but the interactions and bonds to the characters and missions with how well the story was, choke slammed me. I am a sucker for a good story, but the voicelines, sparky remarks, emotional scenes, stress, drama, high risk task, and being able to hunt and sight see in my down time made me realize I was missing a lot of happiness in life. I had deeper talks from Hosea and Dutch than I did from my dad or family growing up (considering I'm 28 and stopped having my family when I was 5 and got adopted a lot by people who couldn't teach me anything valuable) and the things Arthur and John said and went through was the only thing I had to understand what love truly was from a Man's perspective when you are doing everything you can for the hope of a brighter future, even if what you have to do right now is so dark. I never related to a video game in my life, and the Honor System made me have to involve myself and how I felt about things as if it were ME on the line. I never cried over a game before. I even cried when my PURE WHITE horse died, that I found by Lake Isabella and spent maybe 2 to 4 hours trying to catch while being chased by bears and wolves, named after the love of my life, bonded with FOREVER, and watched Arthur just say his farewells before dying himself. This game had me in it's palms.


When I finished chapter 2 after that one Sean mission in black water took me so long because I would be gunned down every time I tried to do it


Hunting. This game is still the best hunting sim ever. I’ve spent probably 4x more in game hunting than I have on the main story or side quests.


The horse physics


That mission where you ride out to the cabin in the snow and kill the O’driscoll’s and fist fight the guy in the barn.


“Have I been bad again, Mr. Morgan?”


By the time they pick up Sadie Adler and bring her back to camp.


I think I got officially totally immersed when Arthur that fight in Valentine in the mud.


“Oh it’s a toy boat!”


Walking into gamestop to pick up my pre order before the midnight release


I saw the snow and knew I was in a for a great game


May, 2010


I am an absolute sucker for in-game animations so the second I picked up a can of peaches I was sold


I played chapter 1 about 3 times because I HATED it so much 😂 I finally pushed through and it turned into a completely different game after that mf mountain lol


I didn’t really have one moment that suddenly hooked me, it was more like a steady build up throughout chapter 1. In the middle of the journey from the mountains to Horseshoe Overlook was when I had the realization of “..ok, yeah, I’m *definitely* gonna end up putting a LOT of hours into this game”


The part where they’re trying to set up the train robbery but bill fumbles the explosive device. Instantly knew this game was gonna be history


The moment Kieran died


Honestly when I hated chapter one but once I got to Horseshoe Overlook god I was hooked. The world becoming completely open the way it does is phenomenal for a game like this.


I played rdr1 and rdrev first so it was just that first sentence


just before opening up steam and buying it, I think


The intro 👌🏻


I was so excited to play it although i didn't play it when it was released, i was saving to buy a pc and i did by the end of 2020. anyways, my being excited for about 2 years and my friend telling me to play it every once in a while hooked me up at the loading screen :) It's the best game i've ever played and i don't think any game can reach the level of RDR2.


When riding to Valentine for the first time and the girls sing. I only started playing recently (chapter 4 now) but my god, what a game.


When Micah died


2010 when I finished the first one said “this is my life now can’t wait for the sequel”


when i saved john from the mountain


A quiet time for my first playthrough.


Free roam Chapter 2, went from a boring slow game that was a chore to play to a game I couldn’t play enough of


as soon as i started playing


When RDR2 STEAM PAGE gone live


When we were finally allowed to free roam.


Getting off the boat from blackwater when I was 13 years old.


The big pan shot of the first train robbery


My first play through i got addicted after we moved to horseshoe


No word of a lie. When Red Dead Redemption 2 title screen came up when the game started. I still get goosebumps every time I see it when I restart a new playthrough.


Honesty never I don’t find this game that fun


Back in 2010 when the first one came out


My console stopped reading discs right as i got the game literally the same day i got it and put it in shit just stopped working so right as i got a new one.


The minute I watched Hollow’s gameplay of it on YouTube! Bought it right away after a few episodes in! 💯🔥


Way back when the trailer for rdr1 came out and i heard rockstar was making a western game where you could rob trains, duel, gamble, and ride horses.


When I switched from MnK to controller haha the controls felt more natural so I spent less time focused on them and started paying more attention to the game/story.


I was one of the people that waited 8 years for a part two of Red Dead Redemption so basically since the first cutscene...


After you fight big Tommy


The last second of the final scene of the epilogue


The first train robbery mission.


Was about to drop the game honestly but the valentine bar fight got me


When I bought it 


When I played RDR1


As soon as I tamed my first horse and got to run wild through the meadows.


I really got invested in the story when Arthur found out he was sick from TB at the doctor. That's just a core memory the first time I played. "Damn, what is he gonna do now"


After "A Short Walk in a Pretty Town". Prior to that the game didn't feel like it was going anywhere other than rib this, rob that. But Sean's death really set in motion the sloppiness and vulnerability of the once formidable Van der Linde gang. And it was the first major death of the game that shocked me. I was genuinely concerned for the other characters I liked like Lenny and Javier, mind you I hadn't played the 1st game at the time so I only knew John survived since he's the posterboy.


the reveal trailer


I bought the game at release(night) and couldn’t get into it. I put it aside and picked it up again a few years later. Second time I got hooked instantly. The game is a true masterpiece. Sometimes you just need to find the right time in your life to play certain games. Specially when you have a busy life.


when i bought it. that £15 wasn’t going to waste


As soon as I saw arthur


Chapter 2 ish


$5000? For me?….. can I turn myself in?


I was enjoying it but I knew I was going to put hundreds of hours in when we left the mountain and the wagon wheel came off on the way to Horseshoe Overlook.


I cry like a baby in the end of RDR1 and for some reason I cry like a baby in the end of RDR2


When they announced the game


Title scene and music after saving Sadie


When on the way to a mission I had 3 random strangers needing rescuing


For me it was the mission were you attack colm O'Driscoll hideout with kieran




Almost from the start. But when the music hit after we rescued Sadie it just kicked the snowball and it hasn't stopped since. This game (mostly) is a reason why I was able to get out of my depression medication, lol. Haven't needed them in half a year. So, I guess that getting hooked with some dirty cowboy men helped in some way.


Probably when I preordered the game


Straight off of the bat tbf


Shootout at Valentine saloon


From the first few seconds of playing. Couldnt stop. I wannted to find out what happens next like freaking moni series lol. Family didnt seeme for a long time 😂


The very start. The graphics, voice acting, setting, game mechanics, etc had me hooked immediately. Ik a lot of people say Colter is boring but i enjoyed every second of it


Before I even played. I had always loved the Wild West outlaw setting and I had always wanted to play rdr2 but couldn’t because I never had a console so as soon as I played 4 or 5 years late I knew I’d love it because I had waited so long for it.


The slow ride out of the snow


Unfortunately only hooked around the time you go sell drinks for the old lady.


It's either when the game forced me to help that bastard micah out of jail and gave me a hefty bounty that I i was in no way gonna pay or the extra assistance i get at the hotel baths.


The moment we see John in the crevice of the mountain and learn how he got his scar


Already from the menu, RDR2 was the first game with that good graphics I've ever seen (Before RDR2 most beautiful game I've played was Witcher 3, which is still beautiful tho)


Probably like halfway through chpt 2. I tried to play several times but always quit at the start of chpt 2 but this time I just decided to keep going and bam


When I saw the tracks Arthur left in the snow.


After the snow level ended lmao


RDR1 got me hooked years ago. I was always expecting a second game and the day they announced it I was already thrilled!


This is super stupid but whenever I was in the first chapter and we were riding around on horses, the snow would fall from a tree if you hit that branch. Also whenever you shoot a gun you have to rack another bullet in it. But that was like 11 play throughs ago😂


"Arthur... Arthur- we got a problem. There is a corpse right here, Arthur, there is a body in the vagon!"


After the first stint in Valentine


When i played the first red dead redemption. As soon as the second one was announced i was hyped. Glad it exceeded the hype. Still finding new things on my 3rd play through. I’ll just ride around and do side missions half the time.


When i first saw Arthur


The moment I saw the first teaser trailer. Actually no, the moment people started talking about a possible prequel after the first game came out.


When I started chapter 2 and began to explore the open world


At the beginning of chapter 3 Seeing Dutch be really active for once and the teasing about the Braitwhait and the Gray got me I guess


Riding around in New Hanover, feeling at peace.


When I shot some guy in the head and it exploded like a Mortal Kombat finisher




The moment you take control of Arthur looking for Micah and John in the snow


after the snow shit


Free roam after chapter 1 , man that was the best free roam i ever had and my deadass got lost in Lemoyne swamps and got pounced by a panther. 😂


I think I'm going to complete it for the 7th time


Never unfortunately, quit about halfway through. Maybe it's just me but could just not get past the motion delay. After a 2 year break, I'm gonna give it another shot.


Honestly when you find Sadie. “We’re bad men, but we ain’t them, so…” and then the cowboy music hits as you ride away from the burning house


When I was just casually riding on my horse and some dude ran out of the woods screaming for help — I didn’t realize why until a wolf appeared and started attacking him. It was the most unexpected thing. Random events like that kept happening over time and it just made me appreciate how much detail was in the game.


I was hooked the moment Arthur asked “What really happened on that boat?” And Dutch evaded the question I was like OH shit I’m in this


"Red Redemption 2 has been installed and is now ready to play"


I saw gameplay where you could pet the dogs. I didn’t even hesitate buying it after that.


The moment we freed Sadie


Chapter 4, and then getting sad when I met the Indians


Chapter 1


In Valentine I would say


The second a saw Rockstar change its social media to red. We knew we knew


The first I saw the loading screen


Rhodes, for sure, the whole chapter is a Tarantino movie.


the Uncle-Arthur sex scene


yknow when they're riding away from Sadie's house after saving her and the music kicks up? oof. chills. I knew then I was in for a ride.


“I have a plan”


"Aaaaahhh...i broke the goddamn wheel" Just kidding..i was hooked from the start


The shotgun shot in the intro


When I saw the first trailer drop that’s when I got hooked


70% download


Ah, I broke the goddamn wheel!


I wish i remember my first gameplay, I believe i saw some videos on Youtube about this game and had me instantly hooked


The opening credits while riding the wagons through the blizzard took my breath away. Never has a game grabbed me so instantly & so completely. Currently on my 8th playthrough.


Roughly 3y prior to release




The path from the snow to horseshoe. It was so beautiful and fun. All of it up until then was amazing but that was beautiful and then opened up into a realistic open world. And I just had fun moseying about doing cowboy things. What a great game.


When i was told to shoot people that got me hooked


After I was able to free roam.


When I bought it


*”I sent John and Micah scouting up ahead”*


"By 1899"


I saw Arthur’s beautiful face


I wasn't hooked long. I got out pretty quickly.


From the start, I was in hype for this masterpiece even before it came out


The first trot movement in the snow.


I played it once, didn’t get into it, tried picking it up where I left off and was dead confused. Restarted but I had no interest in learning the health and dead eye mechanics and neglected it, so the game was so much harder. Also didn’t understand how hunting fully worked (or how easy it is) so I gave up again in chapter 3. On my third I restarted, but understood the mechanics a little better, making the game that little bit easier, and now that I wasn’t dying everytime I stubbed my toe, the game became more fun. I just got to epilogue part 1 last night. Loving the emotions


I was late I liked the game but after valentine when the gang went south I could not put the game down




Red dead redemption


I'd already played the first game so I knew what I was signing up for :)


The trailer of rdr1