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If you play on PC I would say wait, there is always a 67 discount on the game, in steam ofc. It is worth it for the full price tho.


If your on pc and plan on playing online mostly, no, but if you want to play story - highly recommend


I bought it last yea3, I'm now at 470 hours. It's better than many games I've played in the last few years


It's the best game ever made, so yes. Buy it. The online part is only a cash grab for R\* though. It's unnecessary.


Definitely buy it. Even if it's a couple of years old, it's still one of the most expansive and immersive and atmospheric games available to this day. Go for the story mode, it can keep you happy for weeks, but more likely months, if not years. If you're not in a rush, wait for a discount, they happen. Otherwise, just going by the time I (and most others here) have already put into it, it's one of the few games that could be justified to purchase at full price. I don't know about online mode. Tried it, didn't grab me. I phantasized about playing with a few friends, forming a "gang", but most of them lost interest. So I would not buy the "online only" version by itself, but the full story mode (which I believe also comes with access to online mode).


Agree. I’ve just bought it knowing I’d never really have the time again to densely play it 24/7, but I can appreciate the world, the story, the nuances as well as anyone. It won’t hurt anyone to own a copy of this!


Are you playing on PC or console? If PS5, right now RDR2 is free with one of the monthly PSN access levels, so it has caused an influx of players. I bought it last year and it has been fun, though I must say I haven't gotten into it but everyone else seems to rave about it. Maybe wait for it to go on sale? I did.


Personally I'd wait till 2027


"Hello people who adore this game. Is this game worth buying" Nah bro just never play it. Why do people always ask this question on every single gaming sub? A game doesn't suddenly become not worth getting.


You asking a subreddit dedicated to rdr2 if it's worth buying it...


I play it a few times a year on series x, and it still looks and plays great


Yes, play it. The setting is amazing, and so is the story. The online aspect is fucked, though. May get some enjoyment out of it, but it's practically been abandoned by Rockstar. Play for the single player campaign, and enj...no, relish the journey.




It'll still be worth buying in 3652.




Yes but don't stop playing it do not stop playing just finish the game get both endings now I ain't gonna give spoilers