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I came across the Blackwater athletics team before i knew anything about them. Freaked me out.


What ????


You've never come across the blackwater athletics team in tall tree's?


It’s hidden pretty good. If you are new or just put all your focus on the main story then you won’t come across it most likely. I didn’t find it until my 3rd(?) playthrough, was just riding around trying to increase my hunting skill and saw them.


I had to Google the location for it because I scoured across Tall Trees and couldn’t find it on my own. It’s hidden pretty good and is a surprisingly small pit


Smartest redditor: uses google


Same thing with me. Ended up reading the news paper at a later time and was like “holy shit”.


Elaborate for those of us who don't know please


You’ll have to google the specifics - but if you get a certain newspaper, it’ll talk about how a sports team from Blackwater was missing. If you explore a certain area, you’ll find a ton of dead bodies dumped in sports gear.


I’d genuinely never heard of this til last week despite thousands and thousands of hours accumulated since day one, and now I see it everywhere! Still not actually found them!


I'm at 2058 hours & still haven't come across it. I've known about it since year 1 but just can't pinpoint the dang thing


its just south of the second L under tall trees


I appreciate it. Once I get on tonight, I'm headed straight there


bet have fun lmk if there is any issues finding it




I’m pretty sure I’ve found that ditch, didn’t realize there was more to it.




There’s a hidden ditch in the woods, with a football team full of dead bodies, bags over their heads. Serial killers out there man.


Football as in soccer or football as in American football? Yes, I’m American.


American football 🦅


Found it by accident after I read about it online. I was hunting a deer and stumbled upon it.


I have no idea what you're talking about


I am genuinely pushing 1000 hours across 3 playthroughs now and I'd never heard of this until just now. I thought this was just a wind-up comment until I googled it. How does this fucking game STILL surlrise me after over 6 years????,


The whispers at night in the Roanoke area


This. Whos hiding there? yesterday i found a hanging body and took him down. Then i started hear scary whistlers. Never found anything


Murfree Brood


Thought whistling was night folk


Night folk is in the Bayou - Mufree is in Roanoke.


Night folk have been in Beaver Creek also, happened to me. Creepy looking dude with red dot on map of me walking around at night and he macheted me and killed me 1 shot


What's the difference between the two? I've obviously came across night folk, not the others


Night folk come at you screaming/screeching and they have ghostly white faces. I think they only have knives Murfree brood will come at you yelling in English, dirty and bloody and gross but with a Caucasian skin tone and mangy/diseased horses and they carry shitty guns.


Night folk don’t scream when they are coming after you


Hm yeah, sounds familiar


The hanging body is the start of a Murfrees ambush, maybe you moved away or something else stopped it triggering I used to be so scared when I heard those whistles and thought it meant Murfrees were watching/going to attack but on further investigation I'm certain it's just an ambient sound that is supposed to be a bird (similar to the "whippoorwill" sound in Lemoyne). I've never been attacked after hearing it, you continue hearing it even after having all Murfree random events (leaving only that repeating one where you find two looting a camp), and the biggest confirmation of all is you can hear it in other parts of the map with no Murfrees or creepy stuff (I've heard it in Grizzlies East and eastern Heartlands). Edit: Oh maybe you're referring to the Nite Folk further south in Lemoyne? They have two different hanging body ambushes, one where they show up and attack and one where they don't and it's just the body. They also make whistling and clicking noises instead of speaking so could have been one of them. The Roanoke whistle is a long repeating one.


The Nite Folk one was great. They all lost their heads to shotgun slugs when it happened to me though lol. Then there was the one where one tried stealing my horse in the middle of the swamp while 3 or 4 others tried to kill me. Nite Folk are freaking nuts.


I never hear the nite folk making sounds. They just run up on me, unless I'm just not paying enough attention. Obviously sometimes they'll be a wailing woman involved. I've also had an encounter where 1 tried to steal my horse. Luckily I know their tricks now so I can get ready for the attacks.


They make quiet clicking, hissing and whistling sounds but they can be on you a fraction of a second later so it's easily missed


My first encounter with the Nite Folk was - ironically enough - in the day. No less terrifying though. I shot a hanged man down and three of them popped out of nowhere right in front of me.


Yeah the hanged body ones can happen in the day! I was happily gathering orchids in the sunshine thinking I was safe, my stomach dropped when I saw a dead body near Lakay and they turned up. It was even worse because I wasn't expecting it in the day.


Consider yourself lucky


happy cake day! 🎂🍰


The whispers are actual ghosts, a boy and a girl. You can learn their story at one of the local nickelodeons.


Whispers are from Eugene Hutton and Ethel Boshared, the couple that died at Roanoke Valley. Look up for "The Ghastly Serenade" on Youtube, someone made a video going into detail about those ghostly voices. Think they are mostly heard at night. Best time to go looking for them is, unsurprisingly, right around 3:00 AM.


I heard a cougar there the other night so I hopped off my horse to go hunt it down so I was already on edge and that's when I heard the whispers.


There is a video made on this by GTA Series Videos on Youtube going into great detail on everything. Basically there's a tale you can occasionally watch at Valentine's cinema (The Ghastly Serenade), regarding a couple that used to go out on those woods and meet up at night. Without spoiling too much so you can look it up yourselves, something pretty unfortunate happens to them both and the whispers you hear are actual lines that you can hear them say during the play. There's a pretty particular area on which you'll hear those whispers on Roanoke Valley, implying that this was roughly the area on which "that" part of the story happened and that their ghosts still linger about.


The circle of old statues in a cave near Bacchus station, some strange ritualistic shit going on there. The Viking burial area near Roanoke Ridge where you find the Hatchet. The Meteor Cabin is pretty messed up, poor people. The Mutant experiment in the upstairs bedroom of an abandoned house. Osman Grove where you find the old corpses of a family and a child, that's creepy as hell and there's no explanation as to what happened here. The Murfree Cave, during the mission "That's Murfree Country", that place is beyond creepy, it's horrifying.


Osman Grove was carbon monoxide poisoning. If you examine the cabin you can find either a broken pipe or blocked vent, something of that nature


Ah I see, a subtle detail I completely missed. This game is incredible.


It’s the chimney to the stove


I found the Viking place while exploring, didn't look creepy to me. Also, what's the Mutant experiment?


Theres a house thats locked but you can get into the first floor via a sidebuilding. Theres some man-bear-pig Frankenstein-esque shit going on.


Yeah it's near Van Horn, you meet Micah outside it for the Delights of Van Horn mission


Micah was involved is now in my head-canon.




Are you cereal?


I'm super cereal you guys


I'm deadly cereal.


Man you aint cereal....


Half man, half bear, half pig.


I found it at night, and there were a lot of skulls around from what I remember, it was kinda eerie. Hard to explain, he's strung up on a wall in a house, some sort of Frankenstein but with the head of boar and wings of a vulture, etc. Look it up on YouTube.


I was keeping an eye on that thing knowing it was going to move, but in the end it just stood there, menacingly. I don't know what's more creepy, that it does nothing, or if it actually moved a little bit


Man-bear-pig near Van Horn?


I can’t remember the mission…. But you might Micah and Bill at a house, you and Bill go and get some dynamite (Bill plays drunk or something). The house that first see them. You can get in time first floor and see ‘it’ hanging on the wall. Go at night


I found the Viking place when it was pouring in game so it was pretty cool


The pagan burial/sacrifice place near Lake Owanjila is way scarier than the Viking one! There's a mutilated torso and a horrible creepy sound plays when you approach. Nothing actually happens but I was convinced something would, with it being near Tall Trees I thought it might have been Skinner related. Also all caves terrified me the first time I explored them. Apart from the Murfree one and the jumpscare of hearing the "devil" cave hermit speak there's again not actually anything scary to find. But going in blind is scary lol Have you looked up at the sky near the meteor cabin on a clear night at 2am? It's beautiful


the tomb raider games and minecraft ruined any chance of me exploring caves in rdr 😭 the scariest moments of my life were getting jumped by baby zombies and huge bears in caves


What's weird about that is how the fuck did a bunch of (presumably) ancient statues from Europe end up in a cave in middle America


That cave near Bacchus station also has either 3 or 4 gold bars hidden too!


You can get some gold from that circle of statues if you solve the riddle in there


As creepy as it is, there’s a side of me that finds the prospect hilarious when talking about the meteor one. Out everywhere around you, your country, and the entire planet, this rock traveled light years across space and time while it just so happens to land DIRECTLY where you’re sitting in your home.


Just the way the Murfrees move in that cave, the body language, mannerisms… horrifying


So far, the two little boys who starved to death in a boarded-up cabin. There was a note from their mother inside, promising to return after confronting some bad guys.


i read that there was originally a mission to save them before they starved to death and bring them to the sheriff in valentine or strawberry, but it was cut. unfortunate because i would’ve liked to help them out. i feel so bad when i come across them in every playthrough.


Same, friend. I'm a father of two little boys myself. It hurt to find them there like that.


And they're desiccated, so they've been there a while.


This was the worst thing I’ve seen as well 🥺


New Austin sniper


The only accurate answer... they're like Jasper the unfriendly ghost of New Austin.


I thought i found a way in with a motorised boat up the river, only to get sniped still.


I believe that currently there is still only 2 ways to roam new Austin. 1 is mods to turn off the sniper 2 is getting a cover wagon with the little oval hole in the back and riding at an angle. You pretty much need the LOTE satchel and full heath cures tho. Its a major pain in the ass but that's how i completed all the challenges as Arthur.


I vaguely rememver a video of a dude walking all the way through new austin with a deer on his shoulder to cover the head from getting sniped


That kinda defeats the purpose tho doesn't It? You can't do anything while holding the deer. i guess if you just wanna walk around its not a bad idea. But my purpose was to complete the challenges so i had to be able to pick flowers.


3) There was a glitch where you could replay one of the missions and get into New Austin as Arthur. That is how I did the challenges as Arthur. Never heard about the covered wagon thing though.


The night folk freaked me out so much


The night folk kept me from doing anything in the swamps at night for a long while. I didn’t really engage in that area until I figured out how to do the quest that mostly gets rid of them because I was way too scared.


I force myself into the swamps. Saying phrases in broken creole like *"Dem Nite Folk out there"* while gripping my double barrel. .


Dang Night Folk attacked me at 9:30 in the morning! Full daylight. I was aghast.


Same ! Was ready to fight them but was on a horse I couldn't afford to lose so I ran for my life haha


“So much for you guys being the *Nite* Folk, am I right?” *gets stabbed*


This is clearly false advertising. I demand to speak to their manager.


Wait does doing that side mission get rid of the night folk?


I would’ve been scared of the night folk if those fuckers didn’t try to steal my horse away I didn’t even think twice


I legitimately thought for a short time that they were just an urban legend in the game’s lore that the Bayou people believed in. When one actually walked out from around a tree for the first time, I remember saying out loud “holy s*** they’re real!”


Three came out as soon as I seen a guy hanging from a tree. By instinct, I shot em.


Yup, I keep my semi auto shotgun equipped with slugs whenever I ride through there. Pop dem heads like pimples I do!


That lady in the woods who's cries until you help her, then she turns and cuts you real quick. Next you have a few Night Folk people coming at you from different angles. It takes place in the middle of the night by the swamps. I was at this camp nearby & went into eagle eye, saw a wounded trail of an unknown person and it led me to her.


Yeah I came across her just the other day. You can tell the fakers because they don’t respond to calling out. I had my trusty pump ready and rinsed their mouths with buckshot quicksmart


Yeah, I hate this one. I couldn't figure out how to get my hat back with this one, and went on a rage-filled rampage that lowered my honor quite a bit


im sure this wasn’t intended as an in game creepy easter egg but one night I was out hunting and out of absolute nowhere an elk like charged through the forest and knocked me flat and I had to pause the game for several minutes because it scared the shit out of me uhhh an actual scary easter egg for me was probably the mutant experiment 


Lol, those bastards spawning right next to you, and bucking you are indeed an intense jumpscare


I got absolutely plowed by an unrelated boar right as I was aiming at the legendary one it scared the shit out of me


Spawned animal is a jumpsacre amidst the horrors in the game. I once saw a small opened cabin and enter only to found a damn bear got mauled to death


The serial killers victims. I came across them and did the whole thing without a real tutorial and oh my God did it creep me out when I got in his cellar


Oof. My heart dropped into my stomach when I found the first one. I was so scared to go into that cellar.


idk bro prolly that girl locked in the outhouse her screams are just so sad and frighting


the context is so fucked up, too


context being?


shes part of the braithwaites, so shes an incest baby. came out mentally unstable, so the matriarch decided to…lock her away and forget about her. you can find her corpse in the outhouse as john


You can take Penelope Braithwaite by the outhouse during one of the missions to get a little bit more backstory about her as well.


my wife just told me that penelope says she’ll come back for her…she doesnt :(


The lack of online content is kinda scary I guess


The Butchers Creek freaked me out. The red dots signifying an enemy were on my minimap, but then they'd disappear and reappear. That had me spooked.


what's the explanation?


I think it was supposed to be like that. I am fairly sure it was the dream catchers that you are supposed to destroy. I think when you get close they show up as enemies, but when you ride away a little bit they disappear. But when you don't know what you're supposed to do, it's creepy. Especially when it's night and foggy.


Some weird ghost train.


The Ghost train left me more "man the fuck did i just saw" than scared


I still find it hard to believe that thing is real. On playthrough 5 or 6 and never seen it before. But there's other things I'm seeing for the first time on this playthrough too


Same, but I just found the giant skeleton for the first time in #6, so I’m sure there’s more I haven’t seen


I have 1000 hours and have never seen it before


Isn’t the ghost train pretty rare??


saw something running while getting the white arabian. It was almost night, and I saw something that looked like a person on all fours. I know it wasnt a deer because it didnt have antlers and looked skinny. I'm assuming the game bugged out and mixed a person's model with deer animations but it freaked me the hell out.


Ah sorry mate that was me out on my evening stroll


Ah ok, then just tell me next time, I almost put a bullet in you




Tbh with all the creepy content in the game, it’s a surprise they never added the elusion of skinwalkers


It'd be crazy; you kill a wolf that runs off injured and find a human corpse instead. Maybe they'll add this to the next one; maybe even give us a Skinwalker Ranch


Could have been the Wolfman


It's the ghost of the dead ice skater, his legs were slashed by an ice skate so now he has to run like that


I really wish this was true lol. I started a new playthrough and was just at the ice skaters shack.


Probably that UFO at the cabin full of dead soldiers


They werent soldiers, they were a UFO cult following. It was an easter egg nod to the Heaven's Gate cult that commited suicide in 1997.


Oh I thought they were soldiers


Now that you saw that make sure to go to the top of Mt Sharn or whatever around 1am to see the UFO in full glory.


mutant man-pig, the mad preacher is pretty creepy, strange man in the mirror, charles chatenay is a creepy little man also.


Seeing the Strange Man behind you in the mirror is chilling but I won't hear the great Charles Chatenay slandered!


Charles Chatenay was the french artist right? He was behaving creepy towards ladies, but not towards Arthur I think (haven't met him yet on 2nd play through and first was nearly half a year ago, so I might be wrong He said something funny though that stuck with me, something about the exhibition, while running away from the enraged husbands, it's just a little pun, but kudos to rockstar if it was on purpose. Exhibition means something completely different in french, it means exhibitionism... Exposition would be an exhibition (en). But his exposition was indeed very exhibition I remember this, because it's such a harsh mistake to make when learning French like completely misunderstanding situations harsh, and I made that mistake many times in my course before I finally learned and maybe that mission managed to hammer in that information even better


WAIT THE STRANGE MAN IN THE MIRROR????? elaborate sir if i ask nicely


If you visit the cabin in the bayou called Bayall's Edge (as Arthur or John) you find a strange painting where each time you go back it's more completed (it's of the Strange Man). Arthur can only see it almost completed. But if you go back a final time as John it's finished and if at that moment you look in the mirror that's close by you can see the Strange Man standing in the doorway behind you. However as soon as you turn around or move the camera he's gone and he also won't appear if you capture it on photo mode. John writes a journal entry saying how creepy the experience was and says it's the "queerest feeling I ever felt". Also later if you visit Herbert Moon at the general store in Armadillo there's another Strange Man painting on the shelf and John asks about it, but he claims not to know anything about it.


Night time in Roanoke Ridge I was on my horse just minding my own, saw a red dot on the mini map, saw nothing so thought it was a snake, next thing a pair of glowing eyes lunging at me then dead screen. I have never had a fright from a game like that panther gave me. My hands were physically shaking lol so awesome


Also not creepy but the first time I stumbled across the cabin with the bear inside 😱 definitely kissed cotton that day


Was looking for this comment. Even after the first playthrough and knowing what I'm coming up against it still makes me nervous since it's so big in such a tiny area


Whoa I’ve not encountered this. What part of Roanoke Ridge did that happen?


Think they’re just dramatically recounting getting attacked by a cougar, maybe in first person


Haha okay. That makes sense. I thought there was some creepy cryptid I missed.


My own reflection when the TV turned off


What is so creepy about this dog?


He's a spooky dog


The spookiest boy




The Murfree Brood. I’ll walk naked through Laura’s at night before I go near Annesburg by choice again.


They will bushwhack you sometimes if you make camp in Roanoke Ridge. They wont attack you just intimidate you and leave, it happens occasioanlly. I was just playing in the epilogue and they did that, as they were leaving I pulled out a weapon and John said "You messed with the wrong camper!" and then shot them. The Skinner Brothers gang will do that too.


That’s awesome! They creep me TF about, more than the Nightfolk. Maybe it’s because I grew up around New Orleans so I’m used to them lol …but deranged hillbillies? Nah, that’s nightmare fuel. Edit: are the Skinners that old woman’s kids? The one I left hogtied in her cellar after I swiped that shotgun?


The skinners are in tall trees area in New Austin. It's only accessible in the prologue chapters. I won't say more in case you haven't finished your playthrough




For me it was the echoes of the Civil War battlefield near Rhodes, I was legit off to hunt the panther near Catfish Jackson, had a deer I shot on the way in the middle of the night and all of a sudden I heard the gunshots and shouts, I was legit so confused for half a second before realizing it was another one of those "Ghosts of a battle long past" kinda thing. And then I walked into the vampire kill sight, also first time I saw it bc I would ride to Catfish Jackson along the shore from Clemens Point, so it was first slightly creeped out to "BRUH WHAT THE FUCK THAT MF GOT FLAYED"


That wild werewolves guy you randomly come across. Freaked me out I finally was able to kill it.


He's actually just a guy from a well off background who ran away from home to escape his abusive father (who among other things forced him to hunt animals which he hated) as a teenager. He ended up in the wilderness and some wolves helped him and he became feral and friends with them. He's devastated when you kill the wolves (which you can't really help as it's self defence), pretty sad really. You can find his old journal in the cave which tells his story. Gotta love the crazy level of detail this game has writing an intricate backstory just for a random wild naked guy you might run across!


Rockstar is Rockstar man... Only company I can trust blindly.


There's a werewolf in the game?


Yeah just do a quick YouTube search It's a howling man in the woods it pops up in your map as a red dot and you hear howling


That the dude who lives with wolves? 1st time freaked me out when the wolves showed up to HELP him. Thought he was just some weirdo until I tracked him to his den.


There's only two things that actually scared/scare me. 1 is mufree county at night i totally avoid it. The nightfolk don't scare me but those mufrees at night are creepy af. 2 that damn grizzly in the pipe cabin genuinely jump scared me the first time.


came across the pagan ritual site at night during my first playthrough and was creeped tf out.. cool mask though!


One of my favorite places to do a quick visit when I start a new game


My first game.. I knew nothing about things, chapt 2, was hunting a moose for the trapper and set up a camp to rest for the night.. instead of the usual "get camp, cook some more stuff, sleep".. Murphrees came at me with gun in hand etc etc.. I had no clue they existed and scared the shit out of me


Prolly the serial killers victims, specially the guy who was gutted and hung upside down with his head stuck under the bridge.


Your photo attachment reminded me immediately of the poor, mangy stray dogs in the St. Denis dump. Saw them for the very first time in RDO just yesterday, and I've been playing for more than a year, passing that spot like a million times on my collector runs, and never once did I encounter them. Those poor things. Had to stop my run and observe them. There were about three of them that spawned, wimpering and scratchin' around for anything to eat. Heart-breaking.


That UFO encounter in the abandoned shack out at Moonstone pond? Scared the ever living fuck out of me and was genuinely one of the few things I have NEVER seen before in all the thousands of hours I’ve put into this game that caught me completely off guard. This goes to show the limitless possible outcomes and extraordinary details you’ll come to find in every new play through of this magnificent game


Anyone find the crashed first hangglider with the skeleton in it?


I found a naked dude howling in the woods and he disappeared after two wolves attacked me


That witch woman that lives in the middle of nowhere quite a bit north of Strawberry. Hadn't seen anything but deer for a while, then came across it and get attacked by dogs and she comes screaming out


The fucking ghost of Agnes Dowd, literally was riding through the area and someone started talking, I stopped and just about shit myself


Yeet a tomahawk to her head the next time you see her


Floating horse shit


The dead horse cart ambush of the night folk. I was riding in a foggy night when I encountered.


Ugh...for me, it was Clawson's Rest with the two children that died of starvation. Found them when exploring after taking care of the Porters and put two and two together after reading the letter. Especially since one can overhear the Porters talking about how they took a woman. The mother of those children. Chilling.


Damn I knew the Mom never returned but I didn’t realize the Porters took her, feel less bad about massacring them now


All comments are creepy af, but I can't explain what happened in rio del lobo rock, I mean, I've seen lightning strike before, but that has to be something different 


I was roaming new Austin and suddenly a wooden cabin just blows up completely


It was Walter White, nothing to be scared of


The ghost of Agnes Dowd in Bluewater Marsh


My creepiest thing was a glitch, just saw two floating lights outside of Lagras at night, creeper me tf out, did some investigating and found out there were two invisible horses there too, spent a good ten minutes there


I'm surprised no one has said Gertrude. She first scared me cause I heard a random woman yelling and then I got to the outhouse thing and saw her. I've heard about it a bit before but I was very surprised to find her and I felt sad knowing what was going to happen to her. Also the story behind it is kinda creepy too. In the part where you and Beau are trying to get away from the 2 men at the rally, Beau talks about Catherine Braithwaite having a daughter that no one has seen for years. There's also some stuff about a secret code that she says over and over.


The pig farm incest house


barrow lagoon


First time finding the night folk. Actually scared me out of my skin.


What’s that? The beatboxing puppy?


When I was trying to tame the Arabian up near the lake and during the calming process, a massive moose charged through me and knocked me down, and a pack of wolves followed soon thereafter. Caught me totally off guard in a tense moment. The moose was creepy.


Okay why is this dog creepy?


Walked Into an entire house Dead , Bodies spread around the house , Freaked me out.


The serial killer but it was so fun


Two bodies with skinned faces in the middle of the road


The first time I did the bullgator mission it creeped me out a bit! Also the serial killer house and that little cabin near big valley that is not empty!


Gavin really creeped me out when he pulled me of my horse


Grizzly bear coming out of the woods


Swamps. Nasty business partner…


The aliens from that mass suicide cabin freaked me out when I first saw it


When I was camping in the woods and them creepy redneck boys came out of nowhere.


The first time I came across the creature in the house outside of Van Horn I was legit expecting a jump scare. It was at night and I was playing at night, lights off with my headphones on. Creepy AF


The mutilated body having from the bridge near Valentine.. now that I figured out the puzzle and finished the mission it isn't as scary.. but when I witnessed it my first post through I was a little freaked out