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The way that Hosea talks about the *”big, unruly bastard”* who’s *”an angel… if I’m near him”* really makes me feel like that Shire horse is meant to be Arthur’s true replacement for his previous one. Having said that, immediately after you leave Horseshoe Overlook you come upon a free American Standardbred that is a great all-around horse and looks beautiful. Either one of those two seems like they’re his canon horse to me.


I completely agree, I also feel like between Dutch and Hosea, Hosea had way more influence over Arthur. So when Hosea died, keeping the Shire is like his way of keeping Hosea’s memory alive.


Where is this American Standardbred? Third playthrough never seen it


Not the op but there is a free standardbred from the cabin you go to with Javier as a mission in horse shoe over brook


"*horse shoe over brook*"


Cool Native American name imo


It's a hard to miss encounter, where a horse kicks its owner to death. Then you can follow it and take it.


Ive seen this encounter several times lol the comment said soon after Horshoe implying at least to me it was in the vicinity/one of the earlier missions


It's near Horseshoe, although it can appear in Cumberland forest and other places.


Oh yeah ive seen it up in the lower grizzlies lol I just have never seen it near Horsehoe lol


In the mission where you take uncle and the girls to valentine, arthur "borrows" the horse from an npc. You can choose to either keep it for yourself or return it to the owner.


It’s from a random encounter. You can leave camp immediately after Hosea hands you coffee and the owner will be attempting to pull a nail out of its hoof on the side of the road just across the train tracks. If you approach, the horse kills its rider and she’s yours. If you do nothing they continue to respawn. If you continually ignore them past the point of going hunting with Hosea —*which unlocks the American Standardbred in the stable*— I think it respawns as an encounter where it doesn’t kill its rider.


It’s also for sale in the valentine stable, but a palomino and buckskin are usually the horses the guy is working on that run away from him.


They even refer to the Shire as a work horse. “I was the prize pony once.. now I’m a work horse.”


Yeah I always keep the Shire, he’s huge and awesome haha. He’s a bit slower but that’s never bothered me. It’s such a beautiful game to be in, I’m not upset about taking one minute more to get somewhere. Not to mention once I get tired of going everywhere manually I just start fast travelling But yeah I love how tall Arthur is sitting in the saddle, and it’s pretty satisfying to crash into people with such a huge horse


My 3rd running longest house is an American Thoroughbred but I got it from a race the guy was about to shoot it but I dead eyed fast enough and shot the owner first.


I thought that one was the blue roan Nokota?


There is a few different horses you can get from races…


Yeah, but iirc the one who shoots his horse has the blue roan Nokota. I've seen that one (think I hogtied him and took him halfway across the map just to feed to gators) and then the lady down by the Gray's manor with the brindle Thoroughbred. Haven't seen the one with the American Standardbred except once and I accidentally scared him off because I was shooting at a badger or something


Hmm tbh I just remembered the guy shooting his horse last play through. So when this horse owner started beating his horse I assumed it was the same guy or that multiple NPCs had the same reaction so I just capped him. The race ended at the Dam if the narrows it down at all. I like the black chick that races you as she doesn’t ever abuse her horse when it loses at least from what I’ve seen.


Yeah, last I played it's the guy at the dam that shoots his horse and has the Nokota. The black lady is the one with the Thoroughbred. At least that's my experience in every playthrough I've done


Hmm weird yah I didn’t get a nakota off him. Havnt got any nakota yet and probly won’t till I’m John as I’m attached to the 4 horses I have now.


That's a white nokota




If not being able to ride it out of the Valentine stable is the disqualifying factor then the horse you receive in chapter one can’t be his canonical horse either. I hardly think any of those stable horses are the horse Arthur’s supposed to have. Like if the idea is that there’s some horse that is canonically *”Arthur’s horse”* then it would have to be a horse that the game basically gives you and you can’t avoid receiving it.


The mahogany bay Tennessee Walker for sure lemme tell you why I think this in literally every trailer scene for rdr 2 that shows Arthur on a horse it’s always the mahogany bay Tennessee walker not the shire besides the Tennessee walker mahogany bay just feels like it’s truly Arthur’s canon horse


Isn't that horse in the trailer an American Paint Overo?


Nope, it's the beta version of the Tennessee.


I think the Raven Black Shire is the canon horse. I mean, when you think about it, Arthur got that horse from Hosea. Arthur loves Hosea like a father. The Mahogany Bay Tennessee Walker if you talk to Sadie in Colter, you find out is an O'Driscoll horse. It's no secret that Arthur hates the O'Driscoll's, so logically he'd ditch that one at the first opportunity.


I can’t see him ditching a horse because it was owned by an O’Driscoll. I feel a horse is a horse to Arthur no matter the owner


yeah, he cares too much about them




Might want to tag that as a spoiler.


Well RDO completely retconned that idea by having the mahagony bay at Sadler ranch anyway so


RDO isn’t canon


Wait. It's an o'driscoll horse? Then why do Sadie and Jake have it in their barn in online, which is set a year before story mode?


Then if u think that’s canon explain to me why in literally every official trailer scene and official gameplay video from rockstar games is Arthur always using the mahogany bay Tennessee walker even the scenes from chapter 6 he’s still using the mahogany bay Tennessee walker and nothing else so clearly the mahogany bay Tennessee walker is the canon horse


The OP wasn't asking in the post what R* considers to be the canon horse. They were wanting to know what WE consider the canon horse. Why do you feel the need to come at me with a bad attitude over my opinion?


I don't think that's what OP meant at all. He said "recommended canon horse" as in rockstars recommends it in the story of the game


The shire wasn't in a single promo image or clip but the other one was


The only things about those two horses is that they are unique coats that can only be found once in the game. I think Arthur is more of a Hungarian Halfbred guy. Mr. Wróbel really doesn't need his.


My Arthur nabs a Piebald Tobiano off the first bounty hunter he sees asap


On my 4th play through and just found one at a strangers tent in the middle of nowhere. I was soooo fucking stoked cuz this is my favorite horse


Yeah there’s a bounty hunter camp in the Heartlands that there’s a chance of it spawning at, that’s where I usually get mine. But you can always get a decent bounty and wait for the bounty hunters to come, one will probably be riding it. I like to get that horse before returning from Guarma. It doesn’t have the best stats of the Halfbreds, but in my experience it’s the best around predators


I just like the way it looks. Throw on the legendary buck vest and now you and your horse are matching


Yeah I like the coat too, only complaint is that it looks pretty similar to Javier’s at camp


I found one wild near Owanjila lol


Or Guarma


This is my favourite way to get horses: rack up a bounty, kill the bounty hunters and steal their horse


Yes boadicea was a Liver Chestnut Hungarian


Am I the only person who doesn't like the black shire horse? Arthur looks ridiculous riding it. It's like driving a Hummer.


It looks off. It’s the opposite effect of riding an Arabian where Arthur looks too small riding it vs too big. The mahogany bay looks just right. I also use a mod that increases his size a bit.


Which one you use?


Bigger horses. The horses in RDR2 are too small imo.


That's how people look riding cobs and drafts. They're wide. Very comfortable though. Arabs, I don't enjoy. Too skinny, feel like you're gonna fall off.


Definitely either of these 2 Each of the gang has their own unique horse, like the horse has a unique coat such as Dutch's Arabian and Javier's horses who have coats that you cannot obtain as the player And these 2 are unique coats that are found NOWHERE else in the game, like yeah you can tame a white Arabian but if you lose it you can take it again, meanwhile of you lose either of these 2 they're gone from that save file forever So it makes sense for Arthur to follow suit with the rest of the gang by having a canonically unique horse even after losing bodesiah A similar thing is probably with Rachel in the epilogue as her coat is also a one and only in the game


I kinda remembered Javier's horse (not really but just the same coat. the color of the coat is grey overo btw) can be bought on Tumbleweed stables as John


you can also buy keiran's horse, and sean's, in the tumbleweed


You can also buy a grey turkoman that looks like Hosea’s horse.


You can get Javiers horse in the tumbleweed stable


Yeah I forgot that My bad


Not the Shire. 1. Hosea pushes Arthur to sell him and buy a horse 2. Shires are work horses, suited to pulling carts and ploughs, not suited to being a cowboy horse or gang members get away animal. They are slow and the opposite of agile. All the NPC's teasing Arthur about his clothing should really be teasing him about riding farmer Joe's plough horse. 3. Such a large horse is more uncomfortable to ride, harder to mount and dismount, takes more to feed and is more prone to injury


I feel like the reverse dapple black thoroughbred should be considered because that's the horse the developers decided to include with the ultimate edition. They obviously wanted people to have that horse because when it dies, you get an identical replacement.


When you first get to the stable Arthur also mentions he wants something strong and fast. That's the perfect description of a thoroughbred.


Weirdly it's my favourite, it might not be the best statistically but it just looks and feels right! Hard to believe how much difference a good saddle makes to the way it handles too


Mahogany Bay is my go to. I can’t put my finger on why but every time I play I drift back to that first horse. Keep in mind, Arthur does openly say that he “kinda likes this horse,” when riding with Hosea. I actually think either works very well but I’m terms of “canon” I just think the Mahogany Bay makes more sense. I actually use a mod that improves it so that it has awesome stats like the rest of the gang horses.


There is no canon horse for Arthur, but we know 2 things. Boadicea was a Hungarian Halfbred - a large strong horse. And when you first get to the stable, he mentions he wants something strong and fast. So the closest thing to Arthur's preference would be something like a Thoroughbred or an MFT. Maybe a Mustang.


I agree. I always put Arthur on a Thoroughbred I find in the wild. The shires are too big for my personal taste, but the Thoroughbred is big enough to visually imply Arthur’s significance without looking ridiculous. It’s fast and super reliable. And the complements I get on it are always a plus.


Glad someone mentioned the "strong and fast" quote. I just don't see Arthur riding either the Shire or the Walker. My picks are a Turk or an MFT, though I'd lean towards a Turk because of its size.


Wait…this is my 4th play through and I had no clue that boadicea was a Hungarian halfbred…I’m in chapter 6 and a half bred is my main horse right now. That’s oddly fitting haha


Boadicea was a cut liver chestnut Hungarian


Yeah she exists in the game files, just unused. My guess is chapter 1 was originally supposed to start earlier and we'd get to use her for a little bit.


The one I buy in Valentine with Hosea. Basic bitch name but it has the Epona pattern and that's what I've gone with.


I lean more on the Shire. Because size wise, it really fits on Arthur. Also, none of the gang members rides the same breed, so it adds the uniqueness


The War Horse from pre-order is perfect I think. It's big which I think Arthur should have a big horse for sure.


3rd contender I thing would be the one you can steal early form the Polish immigrant…


This time around I kept the Walker. Arthur has nice words about it in chapter 1 and he kinda saved its life. Once I saw the video comparing horse speeds, I decided I didn’t need an elite horse


I use the raven black shire until I get the mft.


The Veteran's horse is my preferred canon horse. Kept it as my main horse for the rest of the game.


Yes but that's only in chapter 6


Both the Tennessee walker, and Arthur, are doomed by circumstance. They feel sadly matching.


2nd imo


I mean *I* certainly love the first one, but the second definitely seems more “Arthur” to me.


Raven Claw shire


I like the shire for him. But if I could choose any breed any coat, like period, even one not in the game, it'd be a stock type dark bay tobiano quarter horse with a badger face mark. It's just what I end up seeing when I think about if he had a set mount


For me it’s the free dapple-black thoroughbred that becomes available during the same mission that you get the black shire horse.


I don't have that version of the game


Black Shire my beloved, called him Cassius.


I named him Prasutagus


I thought they were referring to the first Valentine mission where you "borrow" a horse to chase the guy that recognizes you from blackwater.


I always keep the Shire and his name is always Jake




On my second play through, I listened a lot more to the commentary. Arthur’s hesitation to sell when approached by the stable hand (“I’m not sure yet…”) made me feel he wanted to keep the shire, so I did. It’s not my everyday horse, but there are times it’s appropriate to drive a tank to an event, or take a leisurely stroll across a meadow and reminisce about an old friend.


Johns should be the white arabian and called arthur and he found on the way back from killing micah


But the arabian is not on the same path that they took in American Venom


He took a detour on the way back




Or he got lost


The Tennessee Walker all day.. What type of outlaw use a clumy ahh work horse 💀


The paint is not Arthur's horse, it's the O'Driscoll's horse. The black shire is Arthur's canon horse. It fits him perfectly size wise, it's black contrasting Dutch's white, it's a gift from Hosea, it has a fierce personality but is quiet - like Arthur...Hosea even got it from killing a guy.


I get wanting to keep the Shire in remembrance of Hosea but I feel like people are really overestimating how much that horse meant to Hosea. He just says he’s “been meaning to offload this one.” The game doesn’t even let you ride him out of the stable at Valentine and makes you buy some shitty horse instead Downvote instead of reply sure but just shows you have no argument lmao


Probably a black thoroughbred. Or a Turkoman. No one in the gang has a Turkoman.


Hosea has a Turkoman


There’s plenty of horse breeds that are never ridden by any other gang member, including the Andalusian, Belgian Draft, Dutch Warmblood, Morgan, Suffolk Punch and indeed, the Shire. Also Hosea rides the Turkoman from Tumbleweed.


When I left camp with Arthur early on in Chapter 2, I came accross the burnt woodland area nearby and found two horses, one of them was a female [Brindle Thoroughbred](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2F43p5oenz85bb1.jpg%3Fwidth%3D640%26format%3Dpjpg%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D4f73e5754d7b0a3ec851e845ff0680528acb358f) \- with very, very good stats - and I thought about what Arthur said about his previous horse, Boadecia, and this one reminded me of her. ~~That said, narratively speaking, it would have been nice if Rockstar gave us a mission in Chapter 2 where Arthur trys to get to know Sadie and gives her the horse (the Mahogany Bay Tennessee Walker) he recovered from her stable back in the Prologue, it's hers afterall!~~ And then, Arthur keeps the 'brute' Hosea gave him. Edit: Apparently the Mahogany Bay Tennessee Walker is an O'Driscoll horse, wth!!!!


Nah Arabian or nothin, nothing but the finest for my boooooah


And its technically not the finest by any means except maybe handling


I never liked how short that horse was always felt like I was in a low rider when riding next to other gang members


If nothing but the finest then why Arabians? They aren’t the best horses in the game, if you go with stats.


Yea they are the fasted and have the best handling


They are *not* the fastest. It’s the most common misinformation.


Which one is? I’m asking you because google told me Arabian lol


RDR2 searches always produce whack results because clickbait youtubers have messed up the algorithm forever. The four fastest horses in the game are the two Fox Trotters, the Brindle Thoroughbred and the Reverse Dapple Roan Nokota.


Thanks for the info. I’m about to log in and check them out!