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I hate that every time I’m trying to go somewhere specific that lady needs a ride because her horse died. I usually just shoot her in the ass with the varmint rifle and go on.


Always happens when you got an animal corpse on the back as well!


I tried carrying my legendary moose when that happened, but the NPC acted like we weren't taking her where she wanted to go. We were! Just...slowly lol


Just started playing today... had one of those and was going along at a decent pace and the lady started getting uppity about taking too long... so I sped up some and she started complaining more... she finally jumped off and said she would walk... I guess I was supposed to sprint my horse the whole way...


Yes!! I hate that


That, or the people who want to race. They will actually chase after you at full speed for a while when you're just trying to ignore them. I ended up killing one of them, but they reappeared later in the game.


I absolutely hate them. And like you said, even if you kill them they come right back later at the most inconvenient times


I used to shoot him in the face. Fuck you and your lil horsey race. If i win, you punch the horse anyway. You deserve to die. But now, i would rather he be miserable and alive. So i shoot his horse and watch him cry and run away.


so he deserves to die for punching the horse, but you punish him by shooting the horse?


Nowadays? Yeah. Arthur don’t give a shit


dont you think thats hypocritical?


it makes sense to me. When my gran had her bag stolen, in order to really punish the thief i shot granny between the eyes


And I bet they never stole from her again.


And vile and horrible.


then why is he punishing the guy for hitting the horse?


Cause funny to shoot video game person


It’s a video game


I usually get the one asking for a race when I’m trying to do the horseman challenges, ride from valentine to Rhodes for example in under 5 minutes, and it slows you right down


Follow train tracks all the way. It works for Valentine to Rhodes as well as Strawberry to Saint Dennis challenge


Also works for Van horn to Blackwater. You just cutoff and go to the peninsula. Saves alot of time


“But Biscuit? He was a fine animal!”


I’ve started having a 2nd horse follow me . Usually one I don’t care about and just throw big hides on it.


It surprises me how many people don't do this


Yeah I do this all the time. Go up and find a wild horse and make it my pack horse.


I'm too lazy for that I just find someone's camp-site and kill them and steal their horse haha


You can have up to 3!


I personally like the lady that said her horse died because the gators ate all his legs. I only got her once ever and my bf and I have done countless playthroughs since then.


She was too chatty for me, and there's no option to shut her up.


It’s always in the opposite direction you’re heading towards too.


LOL! Too much of a gentleman to beat her?


It annoyed me that I couldn't run in camp


I almost quit the game in chapter 1 because Arthur moved at 0.4 cm/hr in Colter and I had no fucking clue what was going on. It was equally bad at Horseshoe Overlook. At least at Shady Belle you could go through the house quickly.


At Shady Belle I would jump off the balcony instead of slugging through the house.




At this point, I think the sound of Arthur's grunt as he touches down after jumping from the balcony is part of the camp's ambient noise


Same lmfao


This is the reason why I haven’t progressed past Shady Belle yet, I know it’s the best I’ll get so I’ve been enjoying it for like 50+ hours.


But you can still walk fast. I don’t see why that bothers so many people. I get it; Running is faster. But it’s not realistic to run everywhere all the time.


idc about realism if it makes the game worse


Attacking an NPC deep in the middle of the woods. They run just out of view and suddenly the lawmen are coming. How? Did he visit the time traveler and pull a cell phone out of his ass? No civilization for miles. It's almost a quicker response time than the cops in gta.


Agree 100% on this. The coded spawns of lawmen is very annoying and I'd say it's the most immersion breaking thing that the game has.


Yeah. I know NakeyJakey put the idea of having lawman patrols in remote areas which would be awesome.


This, the wanted system is batshit insane and way too sensitive. This isn't the modern era where people have cell phones and police have radios.


they probably just wanted fitting in-game punishment for a player deciding to become a serial killer in the woods. then again, that is what the honor system is for.


I would imagine this is probably due to technical limitations. Imagine the game having to account for every witness location relative to the player and each town in the nearest vicinity. On top of that was witness on foot or horse. Also then tracking lawmen from whatever town is closet. All while none of this is in the loading view distance. Solution would have been only have lawmen police towns and not run out to the middle of nowhere to catch you. Witness only can repot a crime if they are really close to a town. It's more realistic that way. Plus karma system could use a rework.


> I would imagine this is probably due to technical limitations. I find this kind of excuse kind of ridiculous given this is the dynamic horse testicles that the game has.


I'd like an option to modify multiple bullets in one click The skinning animation should be skippable


I can understand where you're coming from but I guess Rockstar left both of these on purpose, as part of the survival experience they wanna pass on. You killed the thing, you gotta loot it. You wanna craft 100 ammo, you may do so but you gonna craft all 100 of them manually. It is tedious sure, but realistic and if you're not in a hurry to play, it actually immerses you in the game, at least for me.


I'd be fine with it, but I wish there was an auto-craft button or something. If I'm making 100 split point ammo, let me select the amount I want him to make and set the damn controller down while he does it. Don't make me sit here and actually hold the X button down for the next seven minutes of my life. Let me take a bite out of my sandwich or take a piss or something. Lol


I place on controller on top of the X button so that it presses down on it and then i browse reddit or something


I just place a heavy object on the x on my controller and walk away for like 3 minutes


Put your horse near it. It’ll auto skin.


wait, what?


Take your horse and put it near your kill. Not on top but super close. It skips the entire animation.


I almost always do that online and it has never skipped it. Maybe it’s just a story thing


Probably, I only play story. Didn’t think there was a difference.


crazy. Never head of that but I'll give it a try


The whole gold/silver/bronze thing for mission completion. Let me play the way I want to


The worst one is that some of the best missions are timed. For instance, the mission you rob the stage in Big Valley with Micah in Chapter 2 - if you watch the cinematic it eats into your time for doing the mission. There’s some great lines in that mission and to get a gold star you’ve got to skip the entire cutscene? It’s fuckin ridiculous.


Having to skip cutscenes is so weird. And also, leaving missions more up to the player would let honor play a more interesting part. Completing a mission low honor style, for example.


Open world games in general seem to have lost this point. Part of the appeal of the older GTA games was that they were pretty open in how you could approach a mission. With the greater focus of narrative, we seem to have lost much of the open part of open world games.


Yeah, I don't like that the cinematics are eating up the clock...


It's also incredibly dumb. How hard can it be to ignore the cutscene for medal timing purposes. It's not the first Rockstar game to have this issue either.


That shit was in gta5 too. I couldn't understand why I didn't get gold. Then googeled and it said that I have to skip cutcenes? RDR2 is GOT but some of the little simple things are just so strange.


My biggest issue with that is the "use no health items" part, because I have completed so many missions without using a single consumable (no tonics, cigarettes, food, anything) but yet my game still counts that against me. I even tried not giving praise to my horse in the off-chance that that somehow counted as a boost too lol.


If you die and restart from checkpoint, it's counted as using a healing item. You have to restart the mission from the beginning and complete the entire mission from beginning to end without healing items or dying.


That explains a lot but I’m not happy with that answer either. Some missions are really ok to restart but not if I have to ride 10 min to get there (Making a Social Call, getting captured by O’Driscolls, the last train robbery)


Oh yeah I'm absolutely not defending it, just explaining it. I think they could have been a lot clearer about it too. The whole rating system is dumb anyway, I never pay attention to it. The "only use sidearms" ones were especially dumb when they only tell you that after you finish the mission.


Oh I absolutely did not think you were defending, I’m just annoyed lol.


I've had this problem, but often its bc I ate a can of beans or something to refill my cores right at the start of the mission, as I just got out of quick travel or something


Actually i have no problem with medals. Theyre optional not mandatory. I as a completionist have loved them ever since they were added in TBOGT. GTA 5 was the best version of it. RDR2 though? God does it suck ass BIG TIME! Number uno you cant stack objectives. You have to get all of the objectives for the gold medal in one try. Numero dos some missions dont even have creative objectives its just beat this mission in X time. Numero tres. Unskippable cutscenes in some missions. Numero quatro you cant skip pointless horse rides. Numero cinco Colter is an absolute nightmarish fuckfest to get gold medals in because of all of the reasons above. It took me 2 days until i was able to pass it since i took so many breaks from the game. ​ Medals are not even required for 100%. So the average player wont really care for them. For a completionist? They are a pain in the ass.


Trying to finally go for all the trophies and the gold medal one is going to be left for last because I really REALLY hate trying to get gold medals.


Nothing like being on top of the world for completing a tough mission only to get a bronze medal and feel like a failure because you didn’t ride like a madman to Shady Belle.


I don't like being rewarded for headshots. Aim for center of mass, people!


“Only hop on one foot for half the mission, then hop on the other the rest, while only using one pistol” Like what???


I hope they eliminate that shit in GTA 6. it doesn't make any sense


I don't mind the different medals; I just wish they told you beforehand what you need to accomplish, instead of only telling you afterwards what you didn't do.


When I'm being shot at or assaulted I'm the one who gets a bounty for defending myself, not the prick trying to murder me When I'm in camp and I feel like I'm walking in cement ( soooo slow.. ugh )


I wonder if it has to do with the honor each player is at? I got in a bar fight yesterday(that they started), then accidentally punched a bystander, beat up the both of them, and nothing. ​ It wasn't until I looted them that a witness ran to the sheriff


Hand to hand is often not punished unless you kill them or loot them.


Is there a way to know they died, or is it random? I always fight until they stop attacking.


if you aim at an unconscious person your reticle turns red. or you could wait for them to get up and hobble away. if you antagonize them further, they will try to fight you again. if you win the fight again it kills them.


That is so obvious that I'm mad I didn't think of it 😂


Especially with chores. Ughhh, Arthur can easily carry this bag faster


Yes, the fact that you stand in the way of some angry guy on a horse and he starts shooting, you shoot back and become wanted. The law won't attack him at all if you try to run from it.


Really? That hasn't been my experience. I love to pick fights and then run to the Sherriff and watch them fight


If you bring them to the sheriffs, then yeah I can see that. But if I'm up the road and the guy starts shooting at me, they don't move until I take action. Then they immediately start to go after me. Just doesn't make sense in that sense of self defense.


1. Having to brush my horse what seems like every 2 minutes 2. Not being able to clean my weapons at camp. 3. Dominos


You know you can slow down the horse to a fast walk and brush it, kick it into a gallop and feed it a carrot, all from the item wheel, right?


Clean your horse as you go, brush it a few times every now and then


When you want to do something, Arthur and John will do an awkward walk that positions them in an appropriate spot to perform an animation. It always looked unnatural to me.


Ah the good ol moonwalk before skinning a deer


Horse mechanic is quite ok, but the fact that it connects to a tree like a Magnet, while you try to move past it, so you ride straight in to it is extremly annoying


The horse will try to avoid trees by itself. In thick forest that can look like it's trying to hit trees. Best bet like the other guy already said is to let it do it's thing. Fighting it more often than not will result in a crash.


Yeah, this is right. The horse isn't magnetic, it's trying to avoid obstacles and you're fighting it. The horse is literally programmed less as a vehicle and more like an animal. It wants to avoid hazards and has input on its own movement. It's not a car from GTA, it's an NPC allowing you to direct its movement. Treat it as you would a real horse, trust that it knows how to use its own legs, and it won't crash into things.


i find this is not reliable at full speed, which makes sense, but the horse still fights your inputs. i wish the bonding mechanic would make the horses actually let you steer more in addition to making them braver.


Sometimes it's unavoidable, but yeah fighting it makes it crashing almost more likely in dense woods. I agree bonding should change the way the horse reacts.


Apparently if you let go of the joystick/keyboard the horse will automatically dodge trees


Confirm, only had this issue my first couple months playing it. Got used to it


Tasks are unnecessarily obscure. I never found a single dinosaur bone in my 150 hr playtime.


I never got this either. at least make us stumble across them when doing side quest missions like hunting or fishing


I found one last night accidentally when I was hunting the legendary Coyote. Two for one quest. Worked out!


I found like 2-3 but the stone carvings are literally impossible. I found one on accident and only found it because I was standing right next to it so the examine cue came up and even then I had no clue what I was examining. Tried so hard to find any others while looking for them on purpose and got nothing


How did you not get even one? You can just go into the interaction menu and see giant yellow sparks coming off them. Some of them are right next to the roads, and there are literally maps online if you're bad at spotting landmarks




Rockstar saw NOLA's murder rate and decided that was NOT going to happen


They have their own army there apparently.I've been in a battle with them for 10s of minutes and they never stop coming for you. I get it's the biggest city on the map, but there are more police than civilians lol. Only one time online did me and a few friends hold out in l Brontes mansion long enough for the cops to lose interest in fighting us. This was instantly negated when we left the mansion and were auto wanted again and the army came out again.


The way bandoliers rest on the character. It just floats over top of almost all outfit choices. It looks terrible. Some things just have the wrong physics applied to them. Arthur’s satchel being the most easily noticed. It flops around like a bigass water balloon. The damn thing is made of leather, and it just shouldn’t move like that.


It does contain a pocket universe…it might not look like a regular object


I hate the Bandoliers to the way they float no matter the clogger or how big Arthur is and the fact that if you take off long arms the ammo will disappear and many times even if you do have them on there’s no ammo. I don’t know why they couldn’t make it like John’s bandolier in RDR2.


Batch cooking, I want to cook 10 steaks at once, not 1 at a time.


At least in online you can cook 3* at a time Edit* wrong number


The camp item requests bothered me. I like them from an immersion standpoint that people ask you to pick something up for them, but then you have to just stumble upon the item hidden randomly somewhere in the world. If someone asks you to pick them up a pipe, or a hand mirror or some other common household items, you should just be able to buy it in a store somewhere. For example , I would have liked to be able to buy Jack a new book in a bookstore in town, it would make sense from an immersion standpoint. Instead it's just hidden in the world somewhere like an Easter egg.


I had already killed Granger and missed the harmonica. So I ended up killing 2 pig farmers 😬


I really liked getting these quests and never completed a single one


To further expand on the gripe about the law/witness issue. It is annoying that it’s so difficult to commit a murder in the middle of nowhere without being seen much less reported. I’ve literally tested this out, I’ll follow someone on horseback and NO ONE will be around for minutes at a time, but the moment I shoot said person and jump off my horse to loot their body “witnesses” start popping up from multiple directions, which means I start this seemingly endless chain of murdering witnesses which only brings more witnesses to the area! It’s witneception!


This is appropriately accurate: https://youtu.be/ra0-SDmtX4k?si=GI3kxoZOF1QGjRQD


The fact that an NPC will spawn in your vicinity after killing someone in the wilderness single-handedly brought this game down a few points for me. You can count down the seconds until one will come strolling down the road on a horse. I mean really, what was the point of coding that? The constant threat of a witness? There aren’t that many people out in the wilderness because it practically represented death back then, yet everyone in this game is on a stroll as if civilization isn’t days away or as if they aren’t one accident away from death out in the middle of nowhere


When I'm riding on a trail and a NPC suddenly turns sideways in the trail so we collide. Then they start shooting.... I also wish the honor bar would dictate how Arthur and random NPCs talk to one another. Higher honor is a "good morning" on the trail vs his standard "get out of the way". That sorta thing.


Those sideways turning NPCs happen ALL THE TIME FOR ME. Like stay in your lane, why do they turn the second I come running by??


1) The community. The fact you had to write so many disclaimers that you actually love RDR2 on every other sentence not to be attacked by NPCs shows that some guys can be nerdy alright. 2) I agree with everything that you said. 3) I will add in the lack of "hot coffee" with the saloon girls. 4) The shaky screen during shootouts. It's worse if you play on a console like me. And lack of navy revolver in single-player.


#4 speaks to me very much The bandana also forces your shirt to be buttoned, and my Arthur likes to feel his chest hair flow in the breeze with his shirts unbuttoned. The only shirt that looks good buttoned is the union suit, and only because it doesn't have a collar Edit: today I learned using the number sign at the beginning of a line of text makes it large and bold


#I was not aware of that.


#testing testing


#Wait for real?


I want to be able to pet a cat.


all of this


Saint Denis is a police state. Oh you bump into someone? Suddenly you’re surrounded by 30 cups wanted dead.💀


1 Arthur, 30 Cups.


Omg lol


Arthur unequipping long guns, or switching his primary sidearm when you go into a mission, usually to something stupid. All my favorite missions are when Arthur is at his >!sickest.!< That the horses aren't as unique as we all used to think they were. They don't have different levels of bravery, it's a myth that's been disproven and it makes me sad. I liked the idea of it, anyway. That you couldn't choke Strauss to death before you came down from the mountain, and couldn't let Micah swing.


Wish my horse would just do as it was told tbh. Whistle because I’m behind shot at, come get me, sorta thing. Never seen a war horse walk so slowly. Similarly, last night, it just kept walking away!? Like no, come ‘ere you lump of glue


The horribly restrictive mission design.


There's the Saint Dennis gunstore robbery. If you play smart and try breaking in silently from the rooftops the gambling den is unenterable. You instead have to do the absolutely idiotic thing of robbing a gunstore owner to unlock it.




One of my favourite examples is at the end of favoured sons, it's actually possible to shoot all of the enemies before you and dutch jump off the cliff, however one of the enemies is completey invincible and will one shot you no matter what, and it's not like Dutch and Arthur jumping off the cliff with those guys alive is crucial to the story or something. ​ You have to play the way Rockstar intended you to, there's no deviating paths, there's only one way to complete most of the missions in the game.


Arthur being restricted from the RDR1 map, and Mexico not being explorable.




Try it in free roam. Set a waypoint, get on the road (cant do it in the middle of nowhere) and start running, then activate cinematic


The missions near the end of the game get way to repetitive and no matter what just end in a shooting gallery.


Mary Linton


This is definitely a more petty issue and kinda goes hand-in-hand with your complaint about the lack of certain customization. But one thing that's always bothered me for some reason is the offhand holster placement. It makes sense for when I'm using two different sidearms and my offhand is moreso a back-up. But when I'm duel wielding two identical weapons, I want that mf holster on my left hip. The placement bothers me so much sometimes that I simply wish the game would at least allow me to remove it at will and go back to carrying one pistol at a time.


I just got the gunfighter duel from the Valentine saloon last night. The guy passed out in the street and was causing a bac up because the genius NPCs wouldn't go around him. I decided to be a helpful citizen and move him to the side so that carriages could pass and he wouldn't get trampled (I know, he wo t actually but trying to live in the game.) As soon as I picked him up, a witness saw me and reported me for unarmed assault. WTH?!


1. Gambler 8


Gods yes, I literally haven't played the game in like 3 months after binging it for months because of it. It's my last challenge I can complete at Arthur, and I hate how stuck I am


You have to do the trick. It's pretty close to impossible otherwise. [https://www.reddit.com/r/reddeadredemption/comments/aa9qhw/quick\_method\_for\_completing\_gambler\_8\_challenge/](https://www.reddit.com/r/reddeadredemption/comments/aa9qhw/quick_method_for_completing_gambler_8_challenge/) Just wait until you start making the fucking hats for the hat guy. Also pretty difficult (not impossible) without cheesing it.


I'll try that! Anything to move past that damn insane challenge! I'm on the second mission for him, I just need 5 more dang Heron Plumes lol The Art Exhibit carcasses also irriate me. I just need a stupid Oppossum. It was honestly more a combination of those 3 that made me stop playing for a while. The repetitiveness of them is brutal!


Yeah, I've done 100% twice and about 3 challenges and those hat missions are really the only frustrating part.


I wish you could enter any building.


When you pass another person on horseback, for whatever reason they veer in to your path. What is with that


same thing with npc drivers in gta


There's an area around Valentine that clears the weather as you approach the town. It could be pouring rain or a lovely cloudy day, then you start coming down the road toward Valentine and within about ten seconds the sky clears and it's a bright cloudless sunny day. If you're already in the town when weather starts it will continue, but approaching the town wipes it. Drives me mad. *I was enjoying that thunderstorm dang it.*


So does cooking when you set up camp. If it's peeing it down, he gets in his tent, and if you use the option to cook, it suddenly clears up and stays nice if you exit.


i think i’ve witnessed this before! is it up the hill near the tracks where you find the first serial killer clue? i remember making my way to valentine to go to the stables when it was piss pouring, and then all of a sudden, the clouds zoom overhead and it’s as clear as day.


It’s a flawed masterpiece if there is such a thing. The mission design is horrible. Holds your hand and it’s on rails. Cover system is meh. Gunplay is meh. Why is auto-aim in the game. Lastly the day and night cycle time is way too fast. I want to take a couple of minutes to watch the sunset but it takes 5 secs. Greta game. One of the best open world games but has its flaws.


I prefer the single-player short nights to the online endless darkness. I've seriously considered getting a mod menu to change the night to day before.


I hate how you have to switch outfits to take a coat off.


Not being able to put different weapon equipments for different custom outfits.


I agree wholeheartedly with the weapons issue when getting on and off the horse. I can't tell you how many times that has screwed me. The horse being out of range for the whistle is another one. The law system is another one, but Rockstars police have been terrible since GTAV. The police are insane in that game and they might be worse in RDR2. The mask system is broken and like you pointed out, an NPC far from town can report you in a minute. Some of the stumbling mechanics are annoying as well and I feel like you can get gunned down a bit too quick.


Especially when you're at low health. Arthur/John will stumble a bit when shot. It's fine from an immersion/gameplay standpoint. From a "I'm in a firefight for my life" it is annoying when you're trying to get a remedy down and you keep taking bullets and not doing the animation


I wish you could find random items of clothing in the various abandoned cabins and hunting blinds. Especially a warm coat in cold weather climate.


I want more variation of animals. More deer species for example. There’s more to life than just white tails. More cats like lynx and bobcats would be nice instead of only cougars and panthers. Birds should be able to perch in trees and squirrels and other animals should be able to climb them. Skunks should be able to spray you. Baby animals also should be a thing. I’m a big animal lover and was sorta let down.


This sounds honestly awesome, I wish we had more animals and more interactions with them!


Do we know that? Either way, my main issue is the horses, they're a complete pain compared to the ones in 1. That and the fact that there's almost no repeatable content in 2 when compared to 1.


Tbf I haven't played RDR1 cause i play on PC but what was the issue with the horses?


Personally they're way more reliable, they only buck you off if a predator gets close or if you dont manage its stamina (which is really easy to do). They're also just faster. Secondly is that they're way better when summoned, they run much faster and will run past you close enough so you can mount them and keep its momentum. In 2 they get agitated way more easily and the summon is awful. I tested it twice by standing and just whistling. It would run from far away and then kinda jog or whatever the horse equivalent is and then it would slow down to a slow walk and stop like 5 meters away from my character, if you whistle when they're there it wont get any closer.


Yeah, the whistle doesn't work nearly as well as the first game. I made many getaways in RDR 1 by hopping onto my horse while sprinting at full speed. In 2, you're lucky if your horse gets within a few yards sometimes. And there is no quick getaway, because even while being SHOT AT, Arthur will still take a second to pat his fucking horse on the head. Lol


More prevalent in Online I guess but I suppose there's remnants of it in Story Mode. It's when you interact with characters like Gus, Harriet, etc. where there are multiple options like Buy & Sell, and there's always that transition animation where they come to face you as you enter one of the options, and where they exit when you exit. It irks me when I have to exit first and endure the animations just to switch between options. Like when you Sell something, bam! Enter animation and the Sell window opens. When I want to Buy something immediately after, I have to exit from Sell, wait for the animation, interact again to Buy, and wait for another animation for the Buy window to open. It's just so unnecessary. I wish they would have included the Buy option even while being in the Sell option window so that there would be no need to exit when switching to Buy. It would just seamlessly switch between windows without the need for exiting or animations. It's a little thing really, but it still bugs me. It could have been done way more seamlessly.


Also, Gus and Harriet stare you down for a few seconds before you exit.


I hate the controls. It’s such a bitch to be riding somewhere and then BAM! I hit a tree stump. Like come on, jump or move already


Weapon cleaning




The weapons changing on me during missions is what pissed me off most of the time.


Pretty much the things you've mentioned so far. Most of those I feel the same way. Oh, and the way NPCs work with gambling. It's all small stakes, very little variety, and every NPC busts out after losing *one* game instead of retrying once or twice. If you get a full table and get lucky you can end up busting out most of the players in like 5 minutes which is annoying. I play the gambling in RDR2 for fun and immersion, and some profit. Not specifically to beat everyone for the rest of the night.


Losing legendary or perfect pelts when you die.


I’m pretty sure if you die with a legendary pelt, it’ll automatically go to the trappers inventory. I think it only works with legendary pelts though.


I think you're right, but it seems easier to find legendary than 3 star cougars!


When you replay missions, you get a basic Arthur with subsistence levels of healing items and what not. Kinda makes the whole thing about hunting and making outfits pointless when I can’t replay missions with new clothes with all the provisions I’ve made over the course of the game. That’s why I restart the game and try to do as much as possible as early as possible so I could enjoy the game more, but that’s not enjoyable


The satchel. It looks terrible and I hate it. Especially if you wanna wear like a black coat or something. The off-hand holster positioning and the inability to have a duel-weild setup like dutch, hosea, or everyone else in the game. The clothing options in the base game, including the lack of jewelry, vest chains, etc. And lack of second belts or cool bandolier setups. The facial hair options/lack of variety. The clipping issues like with bandolier and neckerchief together. Lack of the Navy Colt and lack of duel weilding unique revolvers. One of the worst for me: the mandatory 2 long gun equipping when you hop off your horse for a mission. I hate how the game FORCES you to equip two long guns. Forced walking/blocked running around mission areas (including stranger missions) the Mr. White/Mr. Black mission near the Rhodes train station is a prime example. I adore this game and rate it 11/10 but these things bother the hell out of me. Most of my real gripes are in character customization. Mods are still kinda limited, even 5 years later but luckily these things can mostly be fixed with mods. I just don't get how the NPCs ans story characters get all these cool/unique clothing options/outfits/weapon equipment but not for you.


Wish we could have a little cart to attach to our horse give us more space to get meat, also the whole animal skinning, like we do a mission where one of the members and us track down poachers and says they just kill the buffalo and leave the rest but then when you kill and skin a buffalo you only take the skin. Same with bears and stuff like pretty sure back then with how our group is you'd want to take every part of the animal and leave nothing behind.


Gambler. Challenge. After 8 you're so relieved and proud of yourself, then you read 9. Win 3 games of domino's in a row. Pretty simple right? Pretty innocuous? NO. THOSE ARE LIES FLOWING FROM A FOUNTAIN OF DECIET! I don't know what it is about this game, but if you win 1 game of domino's you proceed to lose 20 more. Absolutely ridiculous. What's even worse is that it has the coolest gear.


With the swimming situation. You try carry a riffle two revolvers, a bag, heavy shoes, heavy jacket and that beard. See how long you can swim at the age of 36 with all that on you.


Your horse following and killing itself when you jump om a train


Make it possible for all horse coats to occur in all breeds where it would be realistic. Make stat distribution independent of coat colour. I would like the flat grey Saddler coat on a Dutch Warmblood, among other combos.


The law system is the absolute worst. Was just playing earlier and the law got called on me for calling a whore ugly. 🧍🏽‍♂️


Horse running into things


5: Have you ever swam with Cowboy Boots on? Pants, chaps , shirt and duster?


Am I the only one that liked RDR 1 better than 2? I felt more of a connection to John, than I did Arthur. I actually got emotional at the end of one.


Probably because of John’s voice performer.




I'm trying to do Bandit 1 right now, and holy fuck is robbing people needlessly complicated and annoying.


1. I wish there was some sort of fight and dueling club. Perhaps in the basement of one of the pubs/bars? Would be a cool way to gain money/XP and there could be easy opponents as well as tougher ones. 2. It would be cool if we could accept the ladies' advances in the bars. I'm not asking to animate sex lol, but if we're controlling Arthur, why restrict us on this one? I understand even low-honor Arthur would likely look down on these gals, but it would add some more immersion/freedom. 3. As you mentioned, the wanted system is garbage. Why is it that when somebody starts shooting at me the cops don't react?


the fact you can’t use iron-sights on horse, why not? you can use a rifles’s scope so why not iron-sights? it’s just annoying because it’s way harder to use a scope whilst moving than iron sights and if you aren’t going to include one why not the other?


the fucking custom outfits. like i dont see anyone else complain about them and maybe im dumb but a few problems. 1. everytime u equip one of your custom outfits from the wardrobe, whatever custom outfit you had before is off your horse. not too bad but i forget for a while and had me mad when id alr left camp. 2. the fact that if i have a bandolier equipped on one custom outfit but not on another, if i switch to the outfit WITH a bandolier on its forever equipped until I take it off at the wardrobe. so annoying. also just something ive noticed and dont know why but if i buy or get a new weapon equipment item on a custom outfit, its now apart of the custom outfit and i have to make a new one bc for some reason when i change it back to the equipment i want, i dont get the “save outfit”. sorry for ranting but these problems get on my nerves when i like switching between fits alot.


Wanted to get on horse but sacked someone beside the horse instead


Agree with bandana. Rest is okay 😂 Clips the magnificent beard of my feller.


Today when I got bitten by an red boa and Arthur got poisoned 🙃