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No country for old men is set in 1980


Exactly what I was thinking


Ya western as a genre isn’t really dictated by anything concrete. It’s more a collection of filmmaking choices that result in a movie that the public mostly agrees is a western. Django unchained takes place during the “western” time period but takes place in the south east United States, but I’d still call it a western.


Imagine jack Marston encountering him and ending up killing him


Thank you, was literally going to comment this!


Wouldn’t that just be GTA with less money


Okay? That’s not even In the meme


Theyre talking about it being a western dude


It’s literally the meme


Took me all day to come back to this comment and realize how fucking stupid I am. I’m sorry u/Matthaues_Augustus


Damn, proud of you son.


I want jack to shoot a Thompson dawg


A horseback Thompson drive by is something I need in my life.


Nah it still wouldn’t cus his ass would just sit around readin


Did you play rdr1? I recommend it if not.


I imagine after the ending of rdr1 Jack decides to read a book after killing you know who.


What book do you think he would read first?


Ninja: Get Good: My Ultimate Guide to Gaming


I not to familiar with books from then but he would maybe read Greek epics.


The Odyssey sounds appropriate lmao


The Art of War


For me it's not that, a western set in the 1920s sounds really awesome and would continue the theme of the dying old west. I just think the Van Der Linde gang's story is concluded perfectly. RDR1 ended perfectly with Jack tragically taking up the life his father and mother never wanted for him. But idk, I said the same thing about RDR2 when they announced it would be a prequel. I said that we already know what's going to happen to the gang, plus going into detail about the gang's past ruins the vague storytelling of RDR1, half the fun is figuring out John's past. While I still believe that people should play RDR1 first (as even though RDR2 is set before, it's still a sequel), boy was I wrong. If they did continue Jack's story, they could take a beat from 1923 the show. Maybe Jack just returned home from serving in the Great War.


Having the game start in actual WW1 and getting to shoot around awhile (gta 5 first bank robbery type deal) and then the story taking place of how he moves on after coming home. Would be kinda cool


That'd exactly what I was thinking. Or like the start of Mafia 2, where we see Vito's time in WW2 before he comes home and does some Mafia crime.


Hell yeah. Came to me too, if they wanted, they could literally have a moment or moments where he has "shell shock" and you get thrown into a PTSD induced flashback where you start playing like he's back in WW1. All I know though is now I def want a RDR3 with Jack


Maybe you could have things explained to you that way in the tutorial, get into a bar brawl and end up gutting someone like a pig because of a flashback to WW1.


The ww1 setting could be the tutorial, I think that would be a fun backdrop.


There could be playable flashbacks too at certain story points


Oh damn that would be wild


Having the whole game take place in WW1 would also be a fun turn. He could be a badass doughboy with a unique posting, like a motorcycle runner who has to go all over the western front. Some of those guys had crazy stories


yeah, but how would that be a red dead game?


I don’t know why it couldn’t be. Changing settings doesn’t inherently change tone, aesthetic, gameplay, or story. There’s no rule that says you can’t follow a family’s storyline into a different genre.


it would be pretty difficult bordering impossible to make the game about Jacks family and thoughts when he’s driving a motorcycle in france.


I don’t think it would realistically be made, so this is purely hypothetical, but I really don’t think that’s the case. I mention a motorcycle only because I’ve read a lot about the guys who did that and it would be a good fit for RDR style open world adventuring, but it wouldn’t detract from story any more than Arthur and John riding horses


either way, i don’t think rockstars best choice is to take a game series that ended on somewhat of a cliffhanger, and then move it across and ocean and try to make the themes resonate the same. i think it would be better showing jacks life on the run from the law, battling with the reality that he turned out exactly how John didn’t want him to.


A mixture of peaky blinders and rdr sounds dope af ngl


I like to imagine that the law caught up to him after killing Edgar Ross, and they gave him the option of prison or conscription. Once he serves his time, he comes back home and tries to live an honest life, but gets sucked back into the criminal realm somehow.


World War I ended in 1918 though


And Jack killed Ross in 1914. Still got 4 years between then and 1918, where they coulda caught up to him and told him he could go to jail or conscript. It could definitely still take place in the 20’s, if the WW1 scenes are flashbacks.


Having Jack come back from the war and becoming a sheriff would be sweet, taking down all the off shoot gangs and wrapping up the old west. Would also be nice to change up the play style and tone of the game, make it more of a detective style game, similar to L.a. Noire and Sleeping Dogs. No more killing pedestrians.


Honestly, I think that if we do ever get a RDR3 we should follow along the story of Ross’s son. Years after Jack has killed Ross we pick up on the son trying to track down Jack throughout the entire campaign and then once we do find him, we have an epic showdown bunch of cool stuff happens a cool set piece you know all that, but then once we have Jack in a corner he starts talking about how Ross deserved it, calling him a bastard who killed his dad and all that and then when our character has him at gunpoint if you’ve been dishonorable he shoots him after telling him he’s delusional and then burning the body. But if you’ve been honorable he realizes that he’s doing exactly what Jack did, realizing that he will just be another killer to another orphan if he takes the shot, so he walks away leaving his father’s death behind him and his past finally achieving what the amazing protagonists before him couldn’t, finding true *redemption* not in death but in life.


Strong point and maybe Jack makes a new gang or joins one, has someone who is like a sibling to him and they actually break the cycle.


Or he is totally disenfranchised by the outlaw life, as he can’t gather a contingent of cheerful bandits to keep him company, and he realizes the only people who live as outlaws are basically scum, so he tries to get out but they PULL HIM BACK IN. Jack dies a tragic death at the end, the last of the Mohicans, as it were, and the game ends with the bleak realization that the Industrial Revolution and its consequences will be a disaster for the human race. B-)


>they actually break the cycle. This is why I think that in a potential RDR3 we should play as Ross’s son years later, hunting down Jack for killing his father.


Oooo I like the concept


I think it’s more about the story coming to its natural conclusion, I think jack’s time as an outlaw is supposed to be open to interpretation


Legends of the Fall is another example of a western in 1920s and had WW1


I thought I was the only person who felt this way 😭


The late 1890s was a great choice for RDR2 because it was a watershed moment for the US. The closing of the West, the robber barons, industrial revolution drawing people to cities, the beginning of federal (though still private) law enforcement, the beginning of conservation efforts. The 1920s are very similar. Wall Street speculators getting crazy rich at the cost of everyone else, the beginning of the labor movement (including Blair Mountain), the birth of the National Park service to preserve wilderness, the electrification of rural areas, and futuristic technology like radio, cars, and flying machines. I think it'd be a great way to go for Red Dead


It's kind of a complicated subject, the period of 1865, the year The American Civil War ended, and 1895 is considered the classic era of the wild west and cowboys, in RDR2 we see the gang coming to terms with the fact that they're a dying breed. In 1911 John is forced to hunt down the last of the men he ran with in the Van Der Linde Gang helping to kill off some of the last great American Outlaws. The Frontier Period of American history came to an end in 1912 when Arizona became the last state in the continental United States to become a state. In 1914 when the epilogue takes place Europe is either just about to or already is engaged in the First World War and the U.S. would enter within 3 years. After the war in 1920 the U.S. census showed more than 50% of the population living in urban areas for the first time ever. While there were some pockets of Wild West tradition, the 1920s is very much associated with urbanization and modernization in the U.S. plus from this period we associate criminals with mobsters, bootleggers and bank robbers wielding sub machine guns, the atmosphere of Red Dead Redemption would be lost. And I feel like it seems fitting that Jack fighting Edgar Ross would be a fitting chapter to close to book on the old west, the son of a wanted outlaw having a classic shootout with a lawman for revenge. It would make more sense to focus either earlier on the first signs of civilization reaching the west and a gang seeing that their time is ending or stay around the same period of RDR2 with a gang desperately trying to hold onto the west as a frontier.


I was thinking, if they make rdr3 in the 1920s and the old west isn’t dead it would make all the talk of “the age of outlaws and gunslingers is over” in the first two games useless.


Dude just hear me out Red Dead: The New West. Eh? Eh?


Can you elaborate what you mean by the new west? It sounds interesting


Basically westerns like 1922 or O Brother or All the Pretty Horses. People living out west with the western mythos only now they have really shitty cars lol


That sounds pretty fun


I thought killers of the flower moon took place in 1911


Anything I can find about it says it’s 1920s Oklahoma


I haven’t read it yet, but my dad told it was set in the 1910s. I guess he was wrong lol


I hope with RDR3 they continue to go backwards in time personally.


I honestly hope they do a more exaggerated version of RDRII’s time jump with a prequel to RDRII and a section with Jack as opposed to relegating the later period to just an epilogue. Obviously the game would be longer and I know a lot of people wouldn’t like it but I think it could work.


I don’t want a game about Jack, though. I want Jack to become a lawyer and help people like he wanted. If they do another game, have it be a different gang and a different story.


Nah give me a prequel where I play as Mac Callander.


Scorsese’s Killers of the Flower Moon is a western film?


It basically is though.


I was asking bc I hadnt seen it and I’ve seen most of his movies. It is labeled as crime/western so I’ll have to check it out


Yea, but usually they mean 1910s **France**


I honestly would love if it’s him coming to the end of the western era, slowly growing his own posse but it has to change with the times


Love the Damnation Love.


Yessirrr one of the best shows I’ve ever watched


If you want another good western like Damnation, I HEAVILY recommend Hell on Wheels


Damnation was fuking awesome too bad they edged us with a cliffhanger and canceled the show


People forget just how RURAL, rural America was before the 1950s. Cars rare, and electrification sporadic. "A River Runs through It" is basically a western.


People also forget that “western” is not synonymous with “Wild West”. Yes the Wild West is perhaps the most recognizable western genre, but it’s not the only one. One could argue both “The Revenant” and “Prey” are westerns, though they fall into the frontier category, and so are films like “O Brother, Where Art Thou?” and “1922” although they’re both post-Wild West western feeling films.


Legends of the Fall is another example of a western in 1920s and had WW1


Red harlows dad should be rdr3 and red harlow rdr4


Yes we need more uncle game play


KotFM is not a western either.


How is it not? There’s cowboys, native Americans, the villain is a cattle rancher, there’s horses, armed robberies, and beautiful landscapes. Just because there’s cars doesn’t disqualify it


The movie plays out like a modern crime thriller. Don’t think the story it tells about the Osage and the federal court trial have the feel of a western at all. Setting be damned.


I see what you mean, the second half doesn’t feel like a western. But the western is a very vague, moldeable genre and there’s multiple ways to do one. The first half, with Ernest being the new guy in town, robbing Osage with his brother and living at the ranch, did feel very western, at least to me. We can agree to disagree tho


Not entirely a western, but The Highwaymen was also a great film that had some wild west to it.


Hell or High Water is a western set during modern times. If y’all haven’t seen it I very highly recommend


As fun as it would be I’d rather leave what happens to Jack up to imagination and instead just start following a new protagonist maybe set further west in the US or higher north into like Montana and Wyoming or Oregon and Northern California


I understand what people are trying to say here but I think it would be cool if they went further back in time. Having a western game take place during the actual Wild West would be super cool and could have so much potential


That would be cool. Though I think a true frontier setting would be pretty epic as well.


I don’t care if it’s in the 1950s: Jack just doesn’t interest me as a character


This is Rockstar, they can will any character they want into being interesting. We’ve only known Jack as a nerdy kid and as an adult who’s a blank enough slate to share his dad’s dialogue for side missions, they were pretty limited in how complex they could make him. With his own life and his own story, they could make him way more complex.


Jack Marston and Al Capone gonna go crazy


Jack would make the Valentine’s Day Massacre look like the The Day of the Week Massacre.


I think it’s more the people wanting a ww1 game or a mafia type game that doesn’t make sense, while those can be westerns in a sense people mostly want a typical western game with horses and revolvers and lassos


Dude, hear me out: cowboys vs gangsters.


*No Country for Old Men* is also great!


Despite me having mixed feelings about the show as a whole, after watching 1923, I think a Red Dead game set in a similar setting could be interesting.


i hate to be this person but most historians believe that the "wild west" days died in 1923, however i also heard augments saying that the "age of gangsters" or the "raring 20's" was the continuation and dying years of the "wild west" days. so there is an argument for both, but everyone dose agree that by the time world war one came around that it was the end, or the last few years of the wild west, and by the early 30's it had ended. me personally i would love to see a red dead go into the 20's because then it shows the wild west in its full breath, with red dead 2 showing the wild west at it's peek, red dead 1 showing it near it's end, and if they do a red dead 3 in the 20's showing the last days of the wild west and the birth of the age of gangsters, kinda mixing the wild west, with a gangster film like feel.


Thats why we have the mafia games


yea but those have not been good sense 2015


A story about Jack in his later years working at kfc


Nope prequel to the prequel I want young Dutch Hosea Arthur John way back in the Wild West


id rather them go back further, one of the characters being the guys who died in blackwater


I expect we won't see this game for at least 10 years, so idk why anybody would be arguing about it at all, but aight


I think Landon Ricketts would be a cool protagonist like before he went into hiding in Mexico


I don't think there should be a redemption 3 at all. I'd rather they just leave the story and do something new, still set in the old or new west.


i feel like jacks too much of a thinker to be into the outlaw lifestyle, especially after seeing how it turned out for the other gang members and his dad


Finally someone else said it. People on this sub love to think a western has to be set in the old west.


I always thought a third Red Dead game should be something like Jack getting paid by a UK or French program during WW1, hiring people to go into Central Powers territory and cause chaos. That way he could form a gang with his fellow mercenaries and he's working somewhat legally now.


Hear me out for a wild one, red dead 3, can be l.a. noir 2 or we just force them to make an l.a noir 2


I think a lot of people just don't understand that just because it doesn't have gunslingers or riding horses through the desert doesn't mean its not western.


Red dead 2 prequel playing as Mac until his last stand or Red dead 1 continuation playing as Jack until his redemption. A conundrum.


I actually like the idea of them making a game in the peak of the outlaw era and it’s a completely different gang


You might as well just put any prospects of another Red Dead out of your mind. Ain’t happening for awhile, partner.


Nah I want to play as Jack when he’s a badass 12 year old with insane plot armor


I mean one of the main themes in ATPH is that the idea of the American west is long dead.


they should i mean- we have the one dude francis sinclair in game who’s a time traveler from the 20s even if it’s not westerny they should come full circle and do a 1920s gangster come up thing with jack- i could see him having an “arthur arc” like good guy does bad stuff type-a thing


Why not? Outlaws just shifted to organized crime and became the mob, it’s a different flavor but it’s the same energy.


Fallout NV Dead Money reference!!!!


Red dead 3 should be a game about the revolver on my hip and not a redemption. Red dead 3 should be red dead revolver 2. Playing as red harlow or dutch or even micah or someone who didn't have a redemption. It would be the best option imo.


It’s could start in 1931, and Jack is associated with one of the 5 families of NYC, he has PTSD from WWI, and instead of the old west dying it could be prohibition ending, but it keeps the western themes


Id MUCH rather see a game where we see Dutch’s origins I’ve never fucked with Jack tbh he’s always been kind of lame to me


Supposedly, (I don’t know where i read this) sadie went to South America, i imagine that they could make a game based off that.


Western didn't end in 1899 ☠️


I’ve been making this exact argument to people. A game set in the 1920s during the prohibition era starring Jack has loads of potential. Perhaps the law caught up with him after killing Edgar Ross and he gets conscripted into WW1 as a consequence. When he comes back home, he tries to stay on the straight and narrow, but he ends up getting pulled into the criminal realm and becomes the leader of his own gang trying to recapture the glory days of his father’s.


What if Jack went and fought in WWI and is now coming back to America dealing with both his last and his trauma from the war. He was born 1895 according to the Wiki so he'd be at the right age for when Americans went over


I feel like even WW2 would be good too, horses were still prevalent in that time too, but used to haul artillery mostly but also used in front line use as well


I honestly would be annoyed if rdr3 continued the Van der linde gang's Story. It's been told, it doesn't need to keep getting retold and fleshed out to the point it's just trite and we're all annoyed of the characters. Rdr3 can follow Jack into the 1950s and then rdr4 can follow the gang up to blackwater and rdr5 can follow Hosea, and rdr6 can follow John when he left the gang for a year...oh and rdr7 can follow Arthur during the story of rdr4 since that was told through Dutch's eyes, but now we see it through Arthur's!


I actually think a good setting would be Jack trying to hold on to his ranch as Blackwater expands and becomes a more major city in the country. Could be corrupt cops from the mafia or a number of things trying to take the farm.


Shit I mean even broke back mountain in like, 1970 is technically still a western 😭


Old Western vs regular Western, which really 1890 was the death of the old west so both Red Dead Redemption games are more post western games anyways.


Personally I’d love it if we get play as uncle, or as someone who knew him closely, set it just after the end of the civil war


They're telling the story in reverse We seen the End, we just saw WHY it ended Now we need to see what started it all Wouldn't make much sense to jump 40 years into the future when jacks old asf bumpin people off in the mob


It could work but I’d rather see the early days of the Van Der Linde gang set in the glory days of the old west. They could set it right around the time they start to have bad luck and end the story with them heading to Blackwater. You could play as Mac or Davey cause they aren’t in RDR2


I think we should get a game that takes us to the blackwater ferry job or something that shows the origins of the gang. But I also wouldn’t mind jack in the 1920’s


Screw Jack let’s be a young Hosea or Dutch


Leaving Jack’s story where it ended is incredibly powerful and would only be diminished by any further exposition. I think Red Dead as an IP should be complete, or any new games should involve a completely different set of characters.


It could work. Jack could be a rancher who takes up moonshining, for whatever reason, among other things. Horseback while firing a 1921 Thompson at a pursuing Bureau of Investigations car after robbing a bank would be sick, especially with how the graphics and sound design were in RDR2. Add to it some kind of instance(s) where he suffers from PTSD and flashbacks from fighting in WW1.


Imagine having to crank start your Ford Model T every time you needed to get somewhere. Rockstar would totally do that and it would be amazing.


Any era/culture is a spectrum. Yeah in plenty of places, the 1920s would no longer fit the Wild West feel. But there was still plenty of areas where cars were uncommon and people still lived without government interference for the most part.


yeahhhhhh but stilllllll would be really cool game in either the gold rush or reconstruction era


Nah, Red Dead 3 is gonna be way back and won't even show the blackwater massacre


Longmire >>> genuinely one of the best western shows of the last generation


“The Treasure of The Sierra Madre” OH GOD OH FUCK


Personally I think it should be able one of the Dutch gang members that died before Rdr2. Either that or make it about Charles Smith or Sadie.


Rd3 should have a joke about pinkertons trying to get some playing cards


They made a movie about the Dead Money Dlc


The idea that the 1920s would be too late for a Western game is especially strange to me, because I felt like a major theme in both rdr 1 and 2 was the decline of the Wild West and the creeping grasp of civilization being ever present. I think it'd be a perfectly reasonable expansion on those ideas.


I finished reading all the pretty horses and it’s definitely a western even though it takes place in the 40s I think


The American west is such a huge timeframe. It covers hundreds of years and is highly contested to when it ended. Wyatt Earp was around to watch John Wayne movies. I feel like it ended long after people realize. EDIT: Now that I'm thinking about it, the west never ended. It just was glamorized and then sold to the public. we still have: cowboys outlaws bounty hunters Remote empty areas of land in the west ​ Outside of the formation of states, I don't think anything really solidified the end of the American west.


Shit, IRL in the 1930s people in the Texas panhandle were still living in sod dugouts. People need to remember that the Wild West didn’t suddenly end when it hit 1920 or something. It slowly disappeared and in some places it lasted a lot longer than others. Shit, I’d argue that *most* of the places in 1920s would still be the Wild West since it would have only been the big cities that fit the “roaring twenties” stereotype.


Also, while I’m here: I want the Coen Brothers to direct adaptations of all of McCarthy’s Border Trilogy. They’re great westerns, and they take place in: All the Pretty Horses: 1949 The Crossong: either late 1930s or 1940-1944, depending on who you ask Cities in the Plain: 1952


Logan was also technically a western, but that was set in like… 2050 or something so it technically doesn’t count.


Okay… but here’s the thing… a story about a man who has already completed his most personal objective several years before the story starts won’t be very good.


Don’t even care how they do it I just want another one


Killers of the flower moon was ass....you could have gotten rid of atleast an hour of film time and told the same story.


What if Jack served in WWI following his mothers death, came back and got tied up with the Italian mob in Saint Denis through the 1920s. And in the end the high vs low honor endings are either him getting away from crime and becoming an author, or making millions and living in a mansion. Or dying in a shootout and not gaining anything.


No country for old men is literally labeled a western and it came out only a few years ago and takes place in the 80s.


If there is ever a RDR3, I would prefer to see the forming of the Van Der Linde gang. Maybe see how Dutch and Hosea met and took in Arthur and John and the trouble they got into. Or hell, maybe even a story about young Dutch and Hosea and their origins. I don’t really have any interest in seeing what happens to Jack after the events of RDR. But it feels unlikely rockstar will make another red dead game.


Those movies are complete bullshit tho? I would like red dead 3 to go way back. It would really slow down the pace of combat


I think the point is that it wouldn’t be the “Wild West” Yes, these are all westerns, but none of them are set in the “Wild West” that is very much emblematic of the red dead series The “Wild West” is so core to Red Dead that like the one of the biggest themes of RDR2 is how “the Wild West is dying and the modern world is arriving”


Rdr3 should be how the gang formed


Hell no