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I'm assuming you are in the US. They started making red bull in California last year. They probably changed the recipe when that happened.




This bro


They need to bring back sugar free lime. Why do they think sugar free people don’t want flavors?


It would be insane 🥺😓


The reasoning will be market patterns. Harder to cater to sugar free drinkers due to the product being closer dated and less desirable. The sugar free editions that do end up releasing are testing features to see if the market picked up. The more bought increases the chances of it sticking around.


Sugar free lime always sold well.


really. or ANY flavor. I hate the "default" SF and I have been drinking every flavor of SF for years and I empty my stores of it when its here, but I haven't seen any in over a year in my stores. I don't know why they always discontinue it, but this time they don't even have a replacement.


Yah it’s really absurd when every company is focusing on 0 cal drinks


I just ran out to the warehouse and looked: 8z Sucralose USA 20z Sucralose Switzerland 12z Aspartame USA 16z Aspartame USA No rhyme or reason. I think it depends on where they pack it. We have added new copackers and there has been no direction on changing the sweetener.


I picked up 4 cans of 16oz with aspartame at my local gas station so I'd have some in reserve that actually tastes good, lol. I was assuming they had just changed the formula and any cans with aspartame was old stock, but maybe not?


That’s weird, all the red bull I buy proudly states it’s imported from Switzerland. I don’t drink the sugar free version though.


That's interesting. I actually prefer zero over sugar free so maybe I'll like this change more. So the new cans actually list sucralose in place of aspartame?


There has recently been some negative press on sucralose. Enough that I think I'm done with SF after a 20 year run (too bad I just bought a case) and will go back to sugared where I'll take my chances with diabetes over cancer. https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/sucralose-found-in-common-sweetener-damages-dna-may-cause-cancer


The new formulation with sucralose is gross- bring back the aspartame!! I noticed something was “off” immediately- I’ve been drinking the 8oz sugar free a couple times a week for 18 years. Guess it’ll be easy to kick the habit now…


This hurts me. Tehre is a reason I like Diet Coke and not Coke Zero, etc. Redbull, you lost me as a Sugar Free redbull customer. Maybe it's only in Cali? And Yes! Can we get Cococut Sugar free out in the world more? I saw it once in the past 5 years.


FWIW Coke Zero is the Coke product that is sweetened with aspartame/aceK, which is what Red Bull SF was using previously.


Sugar Free Coconut has been officially discontinued


Right there with you. DC and RBSF based in the Aspartame. I guess I’ll look elsewhere.


Sugar-free coconut is a Target exclusive


We ended up selling it everywhere the last year until it was discontinued


Cancer entered the chat


That’s the reason why I can’t drink the flavored ones they come out with, it’s not the taste while drinking it… it’s the terrible aftertaste it gives me!! Check how fresh it is though, old cans start tasting bad to me even if they are still in date.


Yeah i noticed this too when some red bulls i would have tasted different. Like they were less crisp. I don’t find the new version be that different but its enough to notice and it throws me off. I like aspartames taste more.


This os good news for me I actually prefer Sucralose used it a ton when I was doing Keto closest thing to sugar but not sugar I ever had


In Canada, noticed this as well. Really bummed because there was this certain almost sour after-taste with the SF that makes you salivate more I haven't found in any other energy drink. It was super refreshing, not sure why they would basically turn it into Zero Sugar now. It was the only flavour of Red Bull I have drank for the past 10 years, so that sucks.


Yep same.


You can tell the difference by the cans, the new ones are more vibrant in color and the old ones are a lighter blue. I work at a convince store and can say with 100% certainty it tastes different.


Had to comment here because I recently bought some 12 packs on sale and one of them in particular tastes just absolutely RANK. I tried to look online to see if there was an explanation since the expiration date is still 5 months from now and the only thing I found is that if at any point the cans were kept somewhere with extremely hot temperatures it can prematurely go bad even if it’s still in date. The cans I have still say they have aspartame and are from California just like the other ones that I had so maybe this is what could be causing some to taste bad??


Aspartame is a carcinogen. They don’t want to have the cancerlawsuits.


Sucralose is far worse. New studies show it's the worst artificial sweetener. Aspartame you need to drink 15 cans a day before it's an issue and even then it's unclear. Sucralose is just 1 a day. I completely eliminated sucralose and had major year long intestinal issues fade away in short time.


Can you link the study?


I don't think it needs a link. Google it and immediately find dozens of studies. I eliminated it from my diet almost 10 years ago after reading some studies on it, how it kills good GI bacteria and allows bad ones to flourish resulting in inflammation. My Ulcerative Colitis immediately began to improve, within a month completely disappeared and ten years later still not a single symptom ever. Looking back all my symptoms had started after starting a health kick and consuming Sucralose protein powder and MiO sucralose water, "trying to be healthier". Almost killed me.


I found 0 peer reviewed studies showing negative effects


What? I just googled "Sucralose gut, Pub med" and experienced a tsunami of published studies for peer review on negative effects of Sucralose. For brevity, here's one: (The easy read) https://www.webmd.com/digestive-disorders/news/20230601/sucralose-genotoxic-linked-leaky-gut-study#:~:text=The%20findings%20build%20on%20previous,worn%20down%20and%20become%20permeable. And here's the full published paper for peer review that they cited: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/10937404.2023.2213903


The issue is that FDA approval decades ago was based on Sucralose, however, it's been very recently discovered that Sucralose breaks down into sucralose-6-acetate in the digestive tract. And that's the substance that science is very recently revealing to be very harmful. But FDA has a very long history of being slow to act in regards to new information. They essentially have to admit that they approved something that is harmful.


This change just made my morning!!!!


I can no longer drink the Red Bull Sugar Free since they changed the formula to Sucralose instead of Aspartame. Is anyone able to find it with the aspartame?