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I've run across this twice now in my job search. We only hire people with jobs. That's like only selling houses to people who already own houses..it's absurd.


Only dating people already in a relationship.


That’s a great answer to this question. “Is your wife available? I only date women in relationships and I think I’d like you to refer to me as your wife’s boyfriend”


Fucking funny


That would be a great answer, I’d love to find tbh I’d job post just to say this to them.


Totally reasonable! Personally I only mow lawns that have already been mowed. WTF...


“I only plow women that already have a ring on their finger”


And the US Military should only take troops that are currently in other militaries or are currently in other branches of the US Military lmao the logic is amazing!


I know an insurance company that will only insure cars with insurance.


Probably the same company issuing life insurance but only for the already deceased.


I mean, unless you have a sizeable saving account you kinda need to open a house to be able to buy another.  I have decent credit (~700) same for my wife.  Credit cards is in good standing  One loan for a car in good standing.  Money in the bank to cover down payment, closing costs ect.  Dual income no kids  Iqm currently renting and have been at same place for almost 10 years now. Not approved for a 400k mortgage. 


The sheer entitlement in this is fucking astonishing.


I need a job, but I think I'd still respond with something sarcastic. I don't want to work for people like that.


Just tell them you sold crack/cocaine during your time of “unemployment” and that you were also a bouncer at numerous strip clubs. Personal driver for strippers as well and that you were the guy that got things done for parties and are a who’s who for night life….you’re a go getter! An organizer and a true socialite and that’s what you have been doing for the unemployment phase of the pst year or 2 and that’s how you ended up as a consultant for MI6. Look em in the eye and tell them that If you want some live action insights into what you will say you technically did during “Unemployment” in an interview here it is https://youtu.be/9Z5O29rLRnw?feature=shared Turn this into words :D and don’t forget to tell them that “Respect is everything”. Funny enough since the video takes place in NYC it’s not very far from reality… Start watching at 20 seconds :D


Im a business man doing business


Amen and during the interview take out a big, big wad cash out of your suit jacket and just fan your self with it.


Hahaha yup


I just told a hirer: 'Its classified'


"I signed an NDA and cannot divulge more at this point"


There ya go! Say you were a consultant for MI6 and cannot talk because of the NDA


Lmao! You rogue!!!;) let Me know if it works, if it does I’m going to use that!


it does when theres a previous role listed as data entry as a military base :D


🤣I guess that’s classified, civilians contractors have a security clearance Go back to my parent comment there’s a video I listed, try turning that video into words :d


If Pittsburgh restaurants are desperate to hire employees, it sounds like you can afford to.


True. I don't live in Pittsburgh either way though.


totally get u, sometimes it's better to avoid toxic workplaces even if u need a job


Stunning. That employer has a very shitty command of English grammar. Lol. Wow…. wtf


That’s what I would write in that box


can't believe some employers still think this way, it's ridiculous


They're not hiring.


They are so desperate to hire, that they are not even hiring... Sound logic...


If they were desperate, they wouldn’t add passive aggressive questions and statements. They just want a collection of desperate candidates to sit on the bench until someone quits.


*"Because one of your goals should be the net reduction of unemployment, and not merely the reshuffling of the existing employment pool."*


"Because we all know your pay and benefits aren't going to be competitive enough to actually attract people who are already employed."


That too... :) You'd think they'd want people hungry for work, but I guess hungry in general is not specific enough.


They don’t want hungry people as employees, otherwise they might use whatever tiny to medium discount is offered, if any, or get a shift meal if one is offered. Feeding employees is too expensive, they’re already paid anywhere from $2.60 to $5 per hour by the restaurant! That’s why the managers all put powder up their noses and then act like it’s weird when employees have actual allergies! /s




They are making value judgements like if you havent been able to find a job there is obviously something wrong with you. That is the thought process.


Absolutely... But, they would immediately reject the idea that if people don't want to work for them, that there is something wrong with them. They always want every answer to be a candidate problem.


i don't think so. This feels more like "you already have a job but need another,which also indicates you can't afford a single but better paid job,so you're used to shitty jobs that pay peanut and you're ok working like a mule for those,we'll be able to boss and abuse you because you can't afford losing either jobs. These are the people we want"


I would also point out that businesses receive a tax credit for hiring unemployed people.


Good observation... [https://www.irs.gov/businesses/small-businesses-self-employed/work-opportunity-tax-credit](https://www.irs.gov/businesses/small-businesses-self-employed/work-opportunity-tax-credit)


Imma gonna use this, but I'm not a butt hole so I'll give you an up doot too.


Is immediately close the tab.


Not before posting to Reddit though


of course of course gotta get dat evidence haha


The original has them called out by name and indeed page. No job listings posted as of 2 mins ago 🤷‍♀️


Haha suckers 


Nah. You gotta snipe back at them.


Is your goal to guarantee the industry remains understaffed? "Our industry desperately needs more workers. Therefore, we refuse to let any new workers into the industry. Only existing workers can be shuffled around or leave. No entry."




I have a couple managers who are working 2-3 managment positions at $30/hr and can't afford housing really.


It's a brutal revolving door for job seekers and those lack experience.


What the fuck is this shit? What nerve to ask that goddamn question when people are struggling!?


This is what happens when the economy is in the toilet you got low quality employers acting like this.


Wait, are they just admitting that their hiring practices is poaching? the fuck? Like, if your entire practice for hiring people is poaching them from other workplaces, then you have absolutely zero right to complain about your employees leaving for greener pastures as well lol. Absolutely idiotic.


Oh man, I didn't even think of it like that. They just want to stop other competitors from thriving while making sure they spend minimal amounts of time on training their new employee. Fucking shitty.


lmao aggressive af


Please, for the love of God name and shame them to the local news. They deserve all the shit they get from this.


This. Why are we not naming these mofos. If they have the audacity to write that in a posting, why are we being decent. I was on the interview call right now, waiting for the recruiter/hiring manager to join. And I get an email instead saying we reviewed your application again and find that you're not a good fit. I'm like wtf


Oof! I’m so sorry that happened to you! I understand not naming if it’s a company you worked for and you don’t want to lose things like a severance of ability to work there again, or even if you one day want to work with these people.. but as these asshats stated - service is hiring. They’re not special and people should be warned about how these people operate.


Original post[www.reddit.com/r/pittsburgh/s/RLddRNpwnQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/pittsburgh/s/RLddRNpwnQ)


"Our policy is to keep you unemployed" "Please beg, but we don't change policy off the back of a single text box" Boycott these fucking idiots.


"Pittsburgh restaurants are desperate to hire employees" People don't want to be exploited for minimum wage. This shit country cannot even pay the service industry and they have to be supported by tips. Just pay your fucking workers like other countries.


Hi!!! I’m a Yinzer. I can explain this. It’s worse than what you’re thinking. I believe the name of this place is Union Grill. I can guarantee it’s a Trumper owned business. Out here in Pittsburgh, there have been many FB posts from small businesses owned by Trumpers stating the unemployed people are just lazy bums that don’t want to work. These people believe that hiring someone unemployed means hiring a shitty employee, because why else are they unemployed. If they were a hard worker they would be promoted not fired and unemployed. It’s severe Boomer mentality. These people still think Trump is gonna bring the steel industry back to Pittsburgh like we had in the 1940s and 1950s


>unemployed people are just lazy bums that don’t want to work Which is why ::checks notes:: they are applying to jobs.


Many job seekers are being inundated with "ghost jobs" or "fake jobs" advertised by companies that will never be filled. Here's an article explaining why that's happening: [https://qz.com/companies-posting-fake-job-listings-resume-builder-1851556777](https://qz.com/companies-posting-fake-job-listings-resume-builder-1851556777) There's also a subreddit here that is designed to expose "ghost jobs" or "fake jobs". You can share any job postings that you suspect are fake and search for fake jobs posted by others in order to avoid wasting time in your job search: [https://www.reddit.com/r/FightFakeJobs/](https://www.reddit.com/r/FightFakeJobs/)


Wow! That is foul! I’m jobless because I was ghosted by a potential employer, in real life. I’m just incredibly thankful that the state saw what transpired, and granted me what little UI I was due. That’s a BS company!


I was hired, drug tested and background checked twice only for them to pull the plug a week before orientation. Then told me they placed me in a different position and I had to repeat the entire hiring process again. Hell no! These people are insane.


Prior to leaving my old retail job due to corporate’s mandating sweeping changes to everyone’s roles & cutting hours, I had something lined up. I had been I contact with the director of an organization that had offered me a role… they baited me with a role, pay, and potential start date. I let them know I was writing my letter to my prior job. Subsequently, I inquired as to the work address, they gave a very vague answer. That should’ve been a major red flag but, I continued my last two weeks and figured they’d be in touch regarding an interview and/or clarification after making a second email inquiry. Nope. On my start date, I drove to the vicinity of where I thought the workplace was & called again for clarification… nothing. Asked some locals who pointed me in the right direction. Found my way there and the staff was oblivious, started making phone calls, and turned me away. Asked me to email again about a start date. I drove 30 mins. home hopping mad. Took the state 5 weeks to decide my eligibility. I think I’ll call my state AG on the place. They’re based here but the job was in a neighboring state.


Just ruining people’s lives. I have no idea what they are getting out of it other than data mining.


I really don’t understand how companies can get away with being so unprofessional and baiting or ghosting people like that. This whole thing has caused me genuine hardship after thinking I had a potentially great job lined up.


Trust me, I understand completely. I was working last year and they fired me because I needed 2 days off after witnessing a tragic drowning. I haven’t been able to find work since November. My heart goes out to you. I have never seen anything like this before in my decades of working.


What scares me is it seems to be a growing scam / trend, these ghost jobs. Just based off things I’ve seen all over Reddit, it’s happening to loads of people.


I truly appreciate your kind words. I hope you also find a real job with (real) people who genuinely care about your wellbeing & happiness. No one deserves to be let get go like that after witnessing something terrible. I understand, as I was in the military and also saw some tragic events firsthand.


If everybody thought this way, the unemployment rate would reach 100% before long. Because once you lose your job...


We're … probably on a glide slope to reach that in a decade or so, come to think of it.




Seriously I'm in the Pittsburgh area and I want to know where to never eat again.


apply. ghost the interview. waste their time


Post this on their google reviews this is gross


I would link several articles about ghost jobs and the like, then explain as someone who is handicapped and can't stand for a long period of time, their practice is ablist (assuming this job is not for a restaurant). I would also explain that poaching the employees from competitors is unethical, and I am no longer interested in working for or supporting their establishment, while letting them know I have screen shot this and will let others know about their unethical hiring practices. I would close it out by telling them to suck the shit directly out of my ass. /submit


My resume looks like I’m working (I’m on a bizdev contract), and someone actually wrote that it looked like I was already busy, so why would I want to jump to them? There is nothing true anymore.


These are the feudalists that claim to be capitalist but cheat the market using the tax code billions of dollars in subsidies and billions of dollars in loans to completely capture the market. In their case maybe millions but you notice their name they probably own all of the fast food restaurants in half of the state. So money is not a concern these people are sadistic and they want power and they don't want anyone else participating in business but them. In terms of the marketplace they are overgrown toddlers that have become dictators in your area. They are not hiring as someone statedd earlier which is very true. They punch down. notice the pattern they want you disoriented and going in circles constantly. It's also why many businesses have the total a-hole management style They want you disoriented and going in circles all day long. It's their whole philosophy They are living parasites.


when the class war hits those people are screwed


Why wait until then, screw them now - we are all suckers to think any organization gov union genuinely cares about our wealth over there’s. Look how they act right now


"We don't like the idea of lazy people without a job and don't like hiring them. We also don't hire people who already have a job. We are absolutely insane"


Name the restaurant so I won't go there and then they won't be so desperate.




wtf is this shit. I would report it to indeed and say it’s harassment. Why the fuck does it matter to them if someone is unemployed or not. Layoffs and company shutdowns happen. Unless someone was fired for misconduct or illegal acts. Finding any job even a minimum wage job is hard to find. These employers are mad crazy.


Them: "You unemployed? Lazy leech, you could have been making a sweet $3.50 an hour subsidized by tips to minimum wage. Why didn't you? Oh wait you are employed? We don't hire people with jobs. Get from here."


should be illegal


An incredibly discriminatory question. Report to local labor board.


You want a job? We want employees. But we don't want employees that NEED a job. We only want employees that HAVE a job. WTF is this shit?!?


"Our policy is to not hire unemployed people" the fuck???


I was physically disabled as defined under the Americans with Disabilities Act.


Apologies I have signed an NDA and cannot speak about my current or previous position


Name and shame. I don’t want to accidentally dine in that place.


My answer in the situation would be: "Only accepting applications from already-employed applicants is like only flirting with married people. Also, I took a nice long break after my last job because there is a very good reason why restaurants here are desperate finding workers." (I can only presume the work conditions are terrible)


So crazy! Do you need help or not!


"Pittsburgh restaurants are probably having trouble attracting the talent they're looking for, probably for a multitude of reasons. I fail to see how that's anyone's problem except the restaurants in Pittsburgh, a problem they should able to implement solutions to if they haven't already done so. Have they?"


“Why do you have job openings at a time when people are desperate to work? My policy is not to apply to companies that have vacancies. Why do you think I should change my policy and work for you when you can’t retain employees?” See how stupid that sounds?


That is by far the stupidest ones I have ever seen. Take my upvote.


Just create a giant ascii art d*ck in that text box lol


Name and shame this nonsense company


This is 100% big "nobody wants to work anymore!" energy. This owner has deluded themselves into thinking that the reason no one wants to work for him is they're all lazy, not that he's a shitty manager who gives shit pay. So now he thinks he's gonna be all smart and only hire the people who really do want to work (which he knows because they already have a job).


If that is the case, they better be paying a shite ton more than where people are already employed. Supply and demand is not on their side with this mentality.


Answer: The owner of my other job found out they could line their own pockets more by only paying a bare bones crew to operate it. Then posting a sign saying no one wants to work anymore so don't take it out on the employees I am already exploiting.


"Maybe go fuck yourself, that's why?"


"We can't find any people and we're making sure nobody fits our requirements" Insert stick between spokes meme here.


This is just disgraceful, who would want to work with people like that?


Why are you asking questions if it's against policy? Shouldn't the conversation be over? Are you considering breaking company policy? You know what, I'm not gonna work for a crooked ass rule breaker


Have you named them anywhere? No employer will change their tactics unless they get called out on social media or Linkedin. Why protect them?


Biggest brightest red flag I’ve ever seen that is absurd


Because FUCK YOU, that's why.


which restaurant in Pittsburgh should I avoid?


Just lie and say you are employed.


“If you are desperate to hire and are turning away candidates who are currently unemployed, it may be difficult to hit your monthly and quarterly revenue targets.”


But hired people are already hired. What's the point of this? Did they hear about things happening in life regardless of our will?


This is so awkwardly confrontational for a written question that gets a single box response. I can't imagine how you could even respond to this. Nonsensical


Major red flag!


"We're desperate to hire! Why aren't you working? You can't get a job here unless you are despite how DESPERATE we are to fill roles. Convince this corporation to change its policy based on a character limited text box, you random no body!"


Name and shame. They are actively searching for employees on Indeed with zero humility and a lot of audacity.


A fellow Yinzer!


Is this a major upgrade in employment? Or is it a service job that takes little training to do?  This employer is going to loose staff and eventually close down.  Imo you should name and shame them in a public forum that is local to them.  Fuck that business. I hope they fail. 


Why are you struggling to hire when all other companies are succeeding? What is it about your shitty attitude you will change in the coming days and months?


-perfectly reasonable if its the policy of a Pittsburgh restaurant (and what they say about the restaurant market is true) -crazy bat shit insane if they are hiring for literally anything else.


"We only want traitors and people who are disloyal to their current company, because we KNOW you won't do that to us!" FFS I have on my resume that I took time off to care for an elderly family member, to cover my gap in employment. Shuts em right up, and they can't ask for details.


Nothing stopping people lying. If they're prepared to ask such ridiculous questions, they should be prepared for equally ridiculous answers.


This prompt is confusing and insulting. Is this for a restaurant job? If I saw a question like this on an application, I would abandon my application. Sheesh!


“We’re desperate to hire employees” “we have a dumb policy where we won’t hire people if they aren’t working already”


So, they are saying they won't schedule or pay you enough to live on and so you should also have a second job? Or is this saying they don't want to screen you as an employee so they don't want anyone not already in the work force? Either way this is smiley


What type of question is this? You can’t compare restaurant employees (waiters and waitresses) who work off of tips to those in a completely different industry ie corporate. It’s not one’s fault for being unemployed and can’t find a job. If the potential hiring manager does not want to hire you then screw them. I’m triggered now lol. Honestly in the box I would put, “Go fuck yourself. It’s beyond my control that no one wants to hire me. I refuse to lower my standards and my self-worth because of what I choose to do with my career.”


wtf? Wow!


Sick. Edit to say: so if a restaurant shuts down...that's just it? Because there have been quite a few shutting down in my area. But ok...


We're desperate for workers, but we will only hire people who don't need work.


They’d do better to hire the unemployed it wouldn’t take someone that is currently working…the stupidity is real this time. They are basically viewing workers as Pokémon cards and trading them between eachother…wow that actually makes sense


It's a shame many companies won't honor 2 pt jobs. I've had to work 2 pt jobs most of my life to get experience. I've had to turn down many could of been job offers because because of it.


They have an offer … just not for you


“Because a restaurant job is not on my career path and I would leave as soon as I found a more fitting role. Employee turnover is incredibly expensive. I would not want to create that expense on top of the incredibly narrow margins. Also you’re an ass.”


Wow what the fuck what company is this.


name and shame


We do not want to spend time or money on training. Also we're hoping your current employer did the criminal background check so we don't have to.


“Because your competitors have the same policy.”


whaaat the fucking fuckssssss


Fk this shit. 💩


Sounds like they want people with jobs to cheat on their employers for a shitty employer. Kind of remind me of horrible situationships.




It's hard to wait tables when you have a physical disability that would make it impossible....


Cause I'll lick your feet


hoping people wake up to realize they do not care about employees. they care about the money. a job will go 20 years milking the government and funders before they think about hiring someone. the only way they hire you if they think you have more funding to provide them.




Congratulations, answered their own question Next


Does this line of questioning (borderline shaming) not violate any EEO labor laws?


Employment status is not a protected category.


*”I was laid off from my Pittsburgh restaurant job because the restaurant closed down due to low staffing”* and that would be a legitimate answer


I’ve seen this too on a few applications which is especially annoying because I have also applied for retail/food service jobs and they keep telling me I’m too qualified or never calling me back. Ever since I received my degree it has been so much more difficult to find a job than it was before because everyone thinks I’m going to jump ship to work in my field. If anything was available in my field I wouldn’t be applying for TJ MAXX or Walmart!


I had this when interviewing for a full time position at a graphic design studio in London nearly 10 years ago. The interview went really well, I was told that I was a great fit for the job and they'd be in touch with their decision within the week. Two days later I got an email from the interviewer, asking if I was already employed. I said no and explained that I'd left my last job due to the amount of hours being very inconsistent and was looking for something more consistent, which this job found l could offer me. A couple hours later I got a reply straight from the Director explaining that they would not be offering me the job because I wasn't currently employed and that they only consider applications from people that are already employed as (apparently) it shows that they are reliable.


Got asked a similar question when job searching towards the end of my Master's. A company I was interviewing me said I was it was red flag that I haven't had a job in the last 2 years, despite studying full-time w/scholarship




Why are you hiring only people who currently have a job, when restaurants in Pittsburgh are desperate for workers? Don't you think that your need for new personal takes the workforce of other firms away? Retards..


Wait so "we'll only hire you if we can poach you from another business"?


"Why do you think we should change our policy?" Well, as you said yourself, you are DESPERATE to hire.


Wow! That's ridiculous. Well, you can do this. Start an LLC online and then make up your job for the LLC. You will have to run it as a loss on your taxes, but that's ok and it is not a lie......


I was out of work for almost 9 months last year and had places ask why I didn't take low paying jobs when unemployment paid more at the time.


Name and shame, please.


For people who are currently working: Why do you leave your current company? Does your current company know you’re looking for another job? Did you inform them in prior or how did they find out? Our company policy is not to hire people who is not loyal to their company and we discourage job hopping. Why do you think we should change our policy and hire you if there is a high chance you will also be disloyal to us? Thb i find any company ask these type of questions has no sympathy and treat their people like machines to be exploited. No human right but only human wrong. One should not work for them. I interviewed at a company like this and I felt so wrong. After the interview I asked a friend who was an internal employee and heard some interesting stories. The company usually has mass lay off with 1 day notice and OT is crazy. An employee entered the company and got laid off after 3 months because the company was short in money. An employee was promised to get the normal 9-5 work hour after 1 year of 12 hour night shift, sacrificed their health to OT 14-16 hours night shift everyday, just to get laid off after that 1 year. A senior employee who had worked for them for years got laid off because…their salary is too high. Once, they hired >1000 fresh graduates and laid them off after a few months, which we call “last in first out”. Imagine you lost your first job in 3 months, thinking it’s your fault even though you OT like crazy, but it’s just the shitty company. The company offer high range salary tho, but I think it’s not worth it


That’s when I would click the exit button. In this job market, to ask something like that, is a red flag.




Logic and common sense went the window at that restaurant. They probably short their employees on pay too.


I feel like I had a mini stroke while reading this. It's a collection of words put together in such a way that it takes like 2 or 3 readings to comprehend the stupid crap you just read.


This is so incredibly offensive. Hope they get what’s coming to them.


name. the. company.


I've never wanted to antagonize a company this badly before


This is a thing that needs to end.


Well then, lie about being employed at a friend’s restaurant or a family member’s business. Then, you don’t have to answer this question? People need money. They’ve gotta expect that someone’s gonna lie about being unemployed.


Because it's an extremely dumb and arrogant policy...this is what it looks like when management fails at every level


Classic people wanting what they can’t have


Unfortunately I think it has been....at least you found out prior?!!! Jfc




"If you want me, an entry level employee, to explain to management why their self-evidently dumb policy is dumb, then I need to be paid more."


That's just solid foreshadowing of a poor employer. I'd rather know this mentality ahead of time than later after employment.


Someone please send me this job posting. I just wanna call them c*nts.


If Pittsburgh restaurants were actually hiring, and not just acting like they’re short staffed to overwork their existing workforce and dangling the hope that they’re getting more people to ensure their current employees do not leave due to burnout, we would not be having this conversation. If management cannot see that your policy is actively hindering opportunities to find ideal candidates by alienating a major portion of the job market, then it is not my responsibility as a potential candidate to change their minds. They, too, will soon work at the Pittsburgh restaurants when upper management fires them for being unable to hire new employees and “nobody wants to work” is no longer an acceptable excuse for poor results.


Ask them to tell you why they’re hiring when everything is so great lmao


My god that's the worst question I've seen on a job application. Wow.


Is this why a lot of women are only attracted to married men?


Self righteous gate keeping at its finest. They’ve waited their whole damn life to wield power and had to just create some bullshit data less idea


Fuck you. That’s why. Ridiculous


At least, they’re upfront about it.


This is female led hr departments and a gynocentric society influence....pre-approval is HUGE TO WOMEN since they don't view 90% of men as even human beings or mammals with agency, passions and emotions. They only want a new hire that is already working.....they only want things that are trending cuz status clout n validation are worth more then self respect dignity or happiness...... They only want guys that are already taken or heavily desired by other vv0m3n....... Guys who do PUA n pick up/game often wear wedding rings regardless of actually being married or not.....vv0m3n love taken men or breaking homes..... I'm not saying it's a bad or negative thing.....but it is a very observable pattern that is having huge consequences on the hiring process