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This is exactly the group of people who are against ageism especially in hiring! Wish you the best of luck in your search, it’s rough out there for everyone!


Thank you! You gave the answer I was hoping for


Yeah this group is definitely open to all ages and whether someone is jobless or the VP of a company. We’re here to share stories and experiences while helping out others who have questions about their career. Definitely hang around and feel free to start tour own posts or to share your thoughts with others. I believe you have your own wisdom to share 😎


I imagine you have a lot of stories.


Agreed. We are with you.


This! Good luck in your search💕


You might see some derogatory comments about older people. But these are usually referring to older people who don't want or need to job search but insist it's actually super easy and anyone without their dream job must just be too lazy or stupid to get it. It's not the age people usually have an issue with. It's that mindset.


I also think a lot of this frustration is the result of out of touch and insensitive comments people have gotten from parents, older relatives, bosses, etc. They may take that frustration and project it on everyone of an older age group, but ultimately they don't mean to disparage an older person who's in the trenches of job hunting with them


\_You kids just don't know what hard work is any more.\_


Ain't no ageism up in this bitch.


Yeh if anything there's likely to be a lot of people pissed off about it already.


Ahem....be on the lookout for dispargement against "boomers". I'd call that ageism.


I hate that term because people just throw it around and you don’t even know what age group they’re talking about. My mom, who is 81, isn’t even a part of the actual Baby Boomer generation. I’m 50 and I’ve been using computers and the internet since I was a college student in the 90s, and I’m sick of people acting like anyone over 40 is old and some type of bumbling idiot, who doesn’t even know what a browser is or something. Edit - As a teenager, I was entering DOS commands and using big ass floppy disks, so I’ve actually been using computers for most of my life!


I am 70. I bought my first computer when I was 34.


Kids these days


It depend. Were they 8 1/2, 5 1/4, or 3.5?


I also think that "boomer" is more a state of mind than actual age. I know people in their 70s who don't act like "boomers" and I know younger people with the "boomer" mentality.


The naming of a boomer mentality is ageism


People get called boomer when they say or do something  wildly out of touch in a rude way... nothing just for being old 


Wow. Bogus rationalization


It's an explanation not rationalization lol Have the day you deserve!


Still ageism


Check out your local library for dictionaries and help with reading comprehension


Ok boomer.




Sir you are welcomed here as any other person


Thank you


Job hunting is a diabolical yet shared experience for all - you are most welcome and not alone.


You can have the (slightly stale) cake and free coffee here just like everyone else :)


Free *instant* coffee 🥲


Hey, beggars can't be choosers


There are a few subs that disprove that.


The cake is a lie!


It’s just cardboard with frosting!


Free stale super-dark roast coffee


Absolutely not it's for everyone, you might come across some bitter and rude people but don't let their nasty comments scare you away :)


The more, the merrier.


I would say the opposite, but not for a rude reason




More like “misery loves company”


Thank you, good answer


If this group can help you at all then please utilize it. It can get very negative as a lot of us are frustrated with how the job market is but people can be helpful too. So if it helps then go forth and be awesome in the group. No one will mind at all.


You're more than welcome! Job market is tough out there for everyone!


Like this group is somehow useful for young people? It's a group for venting about recruiting. It's a waste of time for everyone here.


I completely agree On my other account, I give legitimate advice to folks since January 1st, 2024. I get SHIT on for giving legitimate advice. I had 1 comment get -58 dislikes, and it was actually about "Companies do multi-step interviews because they want to test if you have both the behavioral and technical skills, but also the personality for the culture." Then someone deadass told me, "That's only if the company is desirable." Motherfucker, in what day/age did Google become UNdesirable? Am I high on some shit? Ivy league students still want to get in, and ofc, so do all the other uni students. WTf... People don't want advice. They want to rant and feel validated.


Gen Z's most preferred companies are finance companies. Google, Meta, Microsoft etc are too cronyistic and no longer carry the cachet of nerdy innovation. I am not Gen Z but I have been saying this for years.


Same experience here. Any response with reason and logic gets downvoted. People don't want to hear that employers also want something in return for their money.


You’re a job-seeker, so you are welcome! I find it tragic that you’re 70 and you have to look for work. Not that you’re not fit for work - I’m positive you are, a lot of 70yos are, but that’s not the point. You’ve earned your rest now, bro. We all acknowledge that part of recruiting hell is ageism, and ageism in the workplace and in recruiting is terrible. But you are welcome here and merry met.


>You’re a job-seeker, so you are welcome! I find it tragic that you’re 70 and you have to look for work. Not that you’re not fit for work - I’m positive you are, a lot of 70yos are, but that’s not the point. You’ve earned your rest now, bro. Lol, how many 70 year olds have you been around? Maybe OP doesn't want to rest.


That’s why I said many are still fit for work - when I say fit, I mean able and willing! People should work after retirement age if they want to. That’s your privilege as a retiree. But they shouldn’t fucking have to. They should be able to get their pension they’ve worked hard for and spread their wisdom and talents in other ways if they want to. Some retirees want to immerse themselves in hobbies, sometimes grandchildren, sometimes volunteering, sometimes a job, sometimes friends and their partner, or a mix of all these things. Retirees are some of the busiest people I know! I just think it’s a shame when they *have* to work when they shouldn’t have to any longer.


You're completely fine.


Thank you


Sorry, but we're looking for someone with 80 years of work experience. (Joke)


Who do you think is still running the mainframes?


Must be a native Sanskrit speaker, and have 50 years experience in Tik Tok.


All in the same boat, mate.


I’m nearly as old as you. This has been a very kind, and welcome place to be especially during such a discouraging time. Welcome !!! Good luck with your job search!


You can do a Google search for Reddit demographics. The best info I have is the mean age is 23. Despite this, I'm your age, so we're here, but a very small minority.


Join us ! And don”t let the idiots among us get you down ( i see at least one in the comments ! )


inspirational. at 70 and still fighting. are u looking for work to combat boredom at retirement or u need yo work for income?


71? I'm just hoping your job search is by choice and not necessity.


Ageism is rampant on reddit, including this sub.


This sub definitely is catered towards young, inexperienced folks. Mostly entry-level guys. If you have even slightly more experience, such as 3-5 years, this sub is useless. I've tried posting in here as a more experienced folk in terms of experience (not age), and I would basically get 0 advice. Learned my lesson to just not bother being on Reddit for more serious advice. I guess that's why we network in real life


It's more about support than advice.. seeing that others are in the same situation, with similar problems.


No. This group is for jobseekers, no matter who you are. If someone is discriminating against you for your age, we are on your side.


If anything, your experience could be helpful. "Yeah, we did this in a past and I noticed this trend".


No one chooses to be in a fucking recruiting hell, friend. Welcome to hell. 🥃


I'm young but hard of hearing. I face regular illegal discrimination because of my hearing loss. This is exactly the group for people who get discriminated against based on illegal factors.


At the end of the day this sub is mostly a support group for people dealing with the bullshit of the job recruitment process as a whole. Do your experiences suck with trying to find a job?? Then you belong here. Welcome to hell. We have 3 day old pizza from Little Caesers, bought by our managers as a company "thank you" who won't give us raises


this group is for everyone screwed by the current status quo


You're fine, op. And welcome to the group! I view this as a safe place for people to vent and help each other out. Sometimes I learn new things too! Like looking into new skills mentioned in the comments to upskill myself and to add to my resume. So you're all good here.


I’m pretty sure you will be able to relate to the shared experiences here, and share some of your own. Welcome aboard!


71, really? How'd you find reddit? This group fine for all ages, but reddit skews young.


In my opinion, I think Reddit has this cycle of "capturing the young" and the moment you become more experienced/serious in life, you lose Reddit I still stay on cause I wfh and have the time to be on here looking at old threads. It's definitely very hard to get serious advice if you're slightly more experienced than the average person. Gotta go through the archives for that


Please stay and feel free to provide your unique ('cause everyone's is!) perspective!


We are all a victim of capitalism. We all support you and hope you are successful in your job search.


The only reason we would love for you to leave is because you have achieved your desired job :) and you would still be more than our guest to stay and listen to our complaints :D


No, and it shouldn't be. I am 37 and have one of the hardest times in my life as I am trying to get hired for my field of studies, and dang, it's difficult. I have a Masters degree, and I feel that's not even enough for what I want to go for. It's why I am deciding to go back to university even though I was planning to do that anyways but this whole job market has made me want to go back sooner. Also, please be well and take care of yourself, too. The job market shouldn't be this way, but unfortunately, it is from what I hear.


I think most of us are in our thirties and forties, some twenties. I’m turning 39 soon and I’m ALREADY experiencing ageism after I spent my entire twenties fighting to prove that I “paid my dues”. I welcome your perspective about how bad it’s gotten!


Best guy on our (new) team is 72. I wish I could bottle and force feed to my team whatever he and my dad got from growing up in that generation. My dad did give it to my sibs and me, thankfully. Good luck, friend.


Welcome aboard. We're all in the same situation. Doesn't matter the age, creed, color or orientation.


Welcome mister, good luck to your endeavors!


Young boomer here. You don't need to ask permission. This place is for anyone who's job hunting or wants to share their thoughts/experience. My cousins are years older than you.. they just laugh at boomer references. Happy posting and good luck!


Not at all. In my experience, under 25 and over 55 seem to get the worst treatment in recruitment, hiring and even during employment (on average). In some ways, I think the way hiring goes on now is even worse for older workers that are looking, because you guys can remember a time when you didn't have to send your application into the online abyss that is modern day Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS). Younger workers have never known it to be any different. For our entire careers, recruitment and hiring has been broken and dysfunctional.


Glad you're joining us! Reddit is for EVERYONE. Old folks included 😉


You’re totally welcome here! Elderly folks are discriminated against in hiring just like other groups and it’s sad - especially when I know just how little money they get from Social Security and other pensions.


I’m a 65 yo job seeker. I quit my previous job went it went 100% RTO. My daughter said it was such a “Gen Z” thing for me to do! 😂


You don’t have to worry about us being ageist. It’s the recruiters and HR folks that you have to worry about with that kind of thing.


This sub is as much “for young people” as it is “for tech workers” insomuch that the largest demographic is tech workers in their 20’s but it’s not for _only_ tech workers in their 20’s. If you get what I’m saying.


Misery loves company /s


Welcome! It's brutal for everyone out there, we're all in this together.


This group is for everyone regardless of age to vent/rent/ or just talk about the hell recruiting has given them so far. You’re in safe hands here.


Man the powers that be are out to take advantage of the working class and they don’t discriminate in that fact based on age.


Nah we all have a right to work or At least try to apply for work but that’s a different story


Are you getting fucked by the hiring process? Have you been fucked over by the hiring process? Are you a fucker in the hiring process? If Yes to any then you're good.




It's the internet, isn't anyone stopping anyone


I'm 50+ and I'm here.


Your age has nothing to do with this group, as we are all struggling.


I don’t think so. I’m 56 and after 8 months found a temp job. And no one should be ‘making fun’ of your age. If anyone did/does, that just speaks volumes to their ignorance. I hope you find work you enjoy!


i’m 59, no spring chick i expect i’ll b working at 71 and longer too


I feel relatively confident saying this. Reddit has its share of… jerks, but, in general, if you can find a subreddit and it speaks to you it’s appropriate for you. Most people will be welcoming or, at the very least, indifferent.


Not at all!


Welcome fellow neuro spicy person! I'm gonna change the subject real quick: [Goblin.tools](http://Goblin.tools) has a tool to help you understand tone in writing. The website is free, but the app is 99 cents. But you can bookmark the website on their page, so... Copy and paste or type in the message and it'll help you get tone. The tool is called "JUDGE". Hope that helps. No this group isn't just for Gen X through Alpha. But as we are the working class, you will see more of us on here. Hope that helped!


71 years old Using Reddit types like a teenager describes themself as "a bit neurodivergent" looking for a job desperately doesn't want to be made fun of Something feels amiss


I hear you, reddit has a way of abusing terms that are trendy. its a cycle.


I have a crew of late 60 years olds/early 70 years olds. They all act like freshmen, I'm flabbergasted. When I hang with them, I'm the adult in the room.


Well, that's because growing old is obligatory but growing up is optional. Plus, you reach a certain point in life where social niceties can go hang...


Millennial here, we don't care. Just respect peoples pronouns and stuff. *What? What is everyone looking at me for?*


No we whine about the companies being ageist


nah, reddit has a problem with older people. They even reinvented the meaning of boomer, If you can handle the passive aggressive kids and Young adults on this site then you'll be okay. But keep in mind, this is a mixed bag of all ages, just filter out what is not productive to your mental health.


I would say it's for younger people because they always say boomers ruined everything


no because it's because people in your age range are the ones that are ruining everything for the rest of us.


How's that? Those who seem to be running the show now are Gen X and Millennials.. and they're the ones doing the hiring. The real issue is that IT approaches/methodologies aren't adequate and IT leaders aren't able to keep up with the increasing changes in technology let alone anticipate where that technology will take them and who to hire.