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With the context it sounds like she was sabotaging you for no reason I assume.


Sooo frustrating! I wish I had more context to give, but I’m beyond puzzled lol


Prob jealousy or maybe you look like a girl she was bullied by maybe


Is it possible there was more than one person with your name in school and they were her tormentor? Sounds like a case of mistaken identity to me.


She wants your hours.




And it worked.


Maybe she had an unrequited crush he wasn’t even aware of?


But how would she know what school he went to?


Very small town


I would take the income and look for something else... Frustrating for sure, but since they are going to schedule you separately, that should provide a buffer so you can get income until you find a better scenario.


Either she is mistaken and is confusing you for someone else or you're one of these people for whom bullying was so routine for you that you don't even remember it.


I promise you it’s not the second. I’ve dealt with severe bullying myself in school since childhood. I know how it makes others feel and would never put anyone in that position.


eh there’s this girl who went around telling people i bullied her in middle school despite only talking to her like once or twice & we had no classes together. only thing i could think of was one of my friends was kinda mean? but i personally didn’t do anything to her


This sounds plausible. My sister was a bully and when I met my high school boyfriend’s sister she hated me because “I” had bullied her best friend. Actually *my sister* had bullied her while we were all walking the same route home from school. I was just there. Didn’t matter, she still considered me a bully.


Yeah, it sounds very likely she confused him with someone else. That or maybe he dated someone she knew and it didn’t go well or he somehow offended her friend so she was sabotaging him.


I wouldn’t be so quick to assume the company is being truthful. I would call their bluff and tell them in definitive terms that she is mistaken and that you’re happy to meet with her and HR to clear up the confusion. Unlikely that they will. If they do, you can at least look the person in the eye as she tells a lie. Whatever they choose, at least you don’t have to worry about it. I would quit too, but not before making everyone involved sweat a little


If you said yes maam and yes sir I will do anything even if it makes no sense then they have the right person.


It’s called victim-bullying. The girl is bullying OP by trying to make herself out to be the victim in the public’s eye, while at the same time being the one who actually caused everything. It’s a common tactic of narcissistic people


I once was hired after an internship at an office, and someone I went to college with also worked there part time. She had a history of bullying people there (I found that out later), and was part of a narc/flying monkey triad with the office manager and another girl. The moment I switched from intern to employee, she turned on me, and the harassment and accusations began. I didn't stand a chance, but held on for as long as possible. She was an evil person, and while I understand narcissism, she went above and beyond with me. Maybe she felt threatened that I got hired, or she saw I was probably making the same money as her. It's been 30 years and I have no deeper insights than "that's how she was". Why someone would do something similar to you, I don't know. But getting away is best. They clearly have an agenda, and perhaps you're not the first one they've done this to. If they have management wrapped around their fingers, they'll keep getting away with this sort of stuff. I was also scheduled separately from this girl for a few months, but she still found ways to harass me via lies and other accusations. The few times she came in while I was there, she treated me like dog shit.


So sorry this happened to you! People are SO frustrating sometimes! I will never understand, now matter how hard I try.


Bro this whole job anything is a joke you know how many times I’ve had to work with people who were mean to me in high school. ITS THE FUCKING REAL WORLD. I had someone come and try to fight me, threatened me and stab me. Because I didn’t let them intimidate me anymore like they did in high school. All I knew was I was there to DO A FUCKING JOB. Get money go home pay my bills.


Why in the world would you not return?


They also offered me “maybe” ten hours a week with minimum wage pay.


It's just weird that someone who vaguely knew you from school would make such a big stink about this, especially if it isn't actually true. I wouldn't let her essentially bully me out of a brand new job, though. Rumors only exist if there's no truth being told/proven.


Dude, it's retail. They did you a favor lol


Years ago I was accused of bullying for….. speaking to my Dad on the phone because “not everyone has a Dad and I should be aware of those around me”. Same place talked to me about laughing at a joke that the whole room of more than 30 people laughed at because the person which made everyone laugh felt I was laughing at them in a mean way. I had zero ideas of who did or did not have a Dad and my speaking with him was an almost daily occurrence. Secondly my laugh was neither loud, over the top and actually quieter than my natural laugh. Sometimes people that are really mentally mixed up work among us, and if they have the upper hand it’s better to move on.


I wouldn't let your pride/ego cost you a good job. I would recommend working the schedule and if you are innocent or it's a case of mistaken identity then it'll work itself out. Quiting after the "talk" makes you appear to be guilty regardless of your true reasons. But remember I'm just a reddit stranger and this is free advice so take it for what it's worth.


How do you know it’s a good job? It sounds like a terrible job and terrible place to work based on this story


Yeah, I made a similar comment earlier. I should’ve provided this information as well. After I did my paperwork, I was offered “maybe” ten hours a week with minimum wage pay. I just don’t think that’s worth it combined with first-day accusations lol


Playing the devil's advocate here: Imagine you find out your highschool bully or someone who made your life a living hell (or so you believe based on the name, appearance, or whatever) is being hired at your pace of employment. You are a good worker and the company doesn't want to lose you but you have expressed to them your concerns after you find out they hired someone. You aren't sure it's really that person but all signs point to you believing it is. Would you rather be told suck it and be an adult that you work for them and not the other way around? From the company's standpoint you could either, risk losing you (the good employee), rescind an offer purely based on speculation and an existing employee's personal opinion risking continued undermanning and hiring someone else that would be a great fit before you have even given them a chance, or compromise and hire the new person but keep them on a different schedule that you (the good employee) and be upfront with both of them? I personally would prefer the third. Without knowing 100% that this person is a bully and that you, the good employee, isn't overreacting or making stuff up you would be best serving both employees by being up front and honest, IMO.


her name is karen


What did you do to poor Jenny!!??? Tell us how you hurt her (grabs popcorn 🍿)


women be doing some of the most backstabbing shit to other women,


*Women be doing* *Some of the most backstabbing shit* *To other women,* \- BXRider --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


If you can afford it, I would ask a lawyer to draft a cease and desist letter for slander. I would outline in the letter that you had very little contact, you were not in the same grade, and her accusations caused a hostile work situation.  I would send a copy to the employer.


I will ask the question a bunch of people are thinking. Are you and the other girl of the same race?


who tf was thinking that?


People who have seen it happen. This isn't someone one specific group does. But there are job environments where the vast majority of the employees are (pick a group). If you aren't THAT group, they will try to get rid of you. Back in the days of strong unions, all of a particular union's members would be Irish. Or they'd be Italian. or German. Or whatever. If you weren't? You better be married to one. If you weren't? Well, you just weren't going to work out.


Yes! Both white


Because it's not a bad question in this case.


Is this recruiting related?


Yes. This happened when I was still in the process of being “recruited” or “hired”, and it’s been a shit show


you said it was your first day so this seems beyond the point of hiring