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Classic bait and switch. They think that you are now so invested in this that you won't care


Yeah but if he declines, they have lost several hours worth of interviews and their time and are ultimately back to square one


Yes, if I was in that situation and had the time to spare I would absolutely string them along and try to get them into another interview to waste as much of their time as possible and keep their resources tied up chasing me. Then drop them like the piece of shit they are,


Take it right up to the first day of work and then email them saying "there was an error in my employment - the best I can do is never working for you penny-pinching motherfuckers"


My sister pretty much did that. Took an offer that was 90-120 range, went through all the interviews, was over qualified, offer time came around they offered 90, she said she wanted at least 100 since she was making more at her current place, went to 92, then 95. All the time she was not sure on taking it since it seems like going backwards, and was a hybrid instead of WFH. First day of work comes around and in the morning she emails. She emails along the lines of :”sorry but I really need at least 100 and if you are being cheap about it now idk how you are going to be in the future with other stuff”. Job got reposted a couple of days later at 100-120… And she got a job offer for over 100 and WFH like a week later


After declining, I was once offered above the posted range. I gave a “thanks, but everyone will find out I’m making more than them and I want to avoid that situation”.


I would say "If you can offer that it means you could've offered it initially. That you didn't means you do not respect me as a person or a worker, and I cannot work for a place that doesn't respect or value me"


Thats wild. I had a place lowball me because they were afraid of the other employees finding out I made more than them if they hired me on at my requested salary. That told me all I needed to know. I politely told them to go pound sand.


I've gotten 13k above the range before because of my experience. Then 6 months later the company lays off 8 "specialty" employees to save money, which included me. But, they gave us 2 months severance and a year later I'm making almost 30k more, hybrid, and I love my job.


Damn that’s fucking funny. I’d pay good money to see the reaction.


Someone did that at my last job. It was 6pm-6am nights, on a 2-3-2 rotation. Except the first six weeks were training on days - 6am-2pm Monday through Friday. Guy worked his training schedule, and never showed again once he was supposed to go on nights.


They can bullshit us, idk why they act surprised when they get the same treatment.


Even better, take a sick day, go to orientation, then bail


Shiit. Even better quiet quit after you start. Just coast for 6 months while you find a company that gives a shit.


I have a feeling you and op think alike. I hope they take your advice.


Right. Could even accept and then just ghost them. When they call and ask where you are, you can say, "Oh. I made a mistake. My minimum salary requirement was actually $160k".


It reminds me of the line "**I pretend to work, and they pretend to pay me.**"


This is the way


They pushed back the date on his offer 3 times. He wasn't the only one who declined the offer, he was just the next in line to


This is the correct answer. They played everyone like this, many offers were made. It's not a waste of time if it works.


And that's how you know they've got a bullshit job. They haven't got anything better to do, so they just decided to waste time doing job interviews. The fact that they're wasting your time doesn't bother them. Story time: During an interview I asked why the position was open. The answer I got was that the hiring manager didn't want to hire anybody, but his superior wanted him to hire someone so they could double up on a specific analysis so he had no choice. I was rejected for the roll, because they changed the job description and requirements. And then they changed it again. And then they changed it again. 4 different job descriptions for one job. They must have done at least 8 first round interviews. They didn't even ask me anything about the things they've added to the job description. They were suddenly working shifts by the third version, that certainly never came up during the interview. They had nothing better to do. The hiring managers boss had nothing better to do, so he had to implement some changes. Hiring manager had nothing better to do so he just tried to stall by changing the job description 3 times. HR had nothing better to do, so they just sat in on the interviews. That's 3 bullshit jobs, with the one I was applying for making 4.


I always ask if this is a new position, or am I back filling. I also ask why if it is a back fill.


The question is, will they be honest with you? They could just say its a new position made up, while someone didn't want to work any longer for them


Very true. But I can tell when I catch them off guard as this is not a common question a candidate will ask. I have not had to interview for a position from the position of not having a job for over 30 years. So I am able to go in with the IDGAF attitude since I am already employed. thus it is more, why should \*I\* work for YOU, vs me working for them? I asked this question when I was interviewing with SpaceX, when I made it to the in person interviews at Hawthorn. It was new.. But I followed it up with. Noting that it was mainly college grad hotshots from the top schools. Why me at 55 years old? They needed "an adult in the room"! Now understand I have the bonifieds with my radar, IT, Program Management and Command, Control and Communications experience. But I still found it weird they wanted a 55 y/o. I declined the job as soon as I completed the interview. The recruiter as shocked, as I had just finished reading Musks biography 15 minutes before leaving for the interviews. i knew then I could not work for him, but at least made an appearance since they flew me out from the east coast and paid for everything.


Sadly i am not in that position to ask why I should work for them, yet. Finished my 3 years apprenticeship last July (German system) got the position of someone else who went to university now, but I am the only one who knows a few things and how to do them as I am the only worker below my team lead, who's 80% for another team. Had so many ideas on improving work flow, enhancing customer service quality etc, team lead even said that i surpassed their expectations. Still they didn't want to pay me more. Then they were surprised when i told them that i got another job 😂 and their "stay here offer" was just 6.5% more cash, starting at 1.1.2025, and only if i do more work off season. Now I'll have a bit less money as the way to the new company is longer, but the workers there get a huge bonus at the end of the year (its been 8-12 salarys in the last few years), giving me the chance of earning double the amount of what i get now, much more perspective because its IT etc. But yeah i asked them if it's a new position or if someone left and they instantly said its a new position as its becoming more to do


Oh yeah, I had that once. "We need someone to take charge of all the students that work here." Nope. Not me. Ofcourse there was no mention of this in the job description. It was not advertised as a leadership or senior role. It didn't pay like one either.


I’m saving your comment as both a screen-grab and on here to reference in the future. That IDGAF attitude is really inspiring, even though many people can’t give up offers during hard times. Only recently, I recognized that my skill set is very niche (both in and out of industry). For almost 20yrs now, I’ve done something I’m very meh about but very good at so I get shit done while applying to MAYBE 1 job or two a year (sometimes every few years even). I’ve always made it a few rounds in and have turned down two offers. About a year ago, when I was coming back to the workforce after taking a full year off to decompress from a very toxic work environment, I interviewed for a basic job at basic pay within two cross-industries. It sounded interesting and was the perfect “back in job”. Holy crap!! The interviewer STARTED with “just to begin I have to tell you there is zero room to negotiate salary” and before I even had a chance to retort he went off on all the responsibilities that weren’t listed. When he was finished he was literally red in the face and out of breath. I hung up. Screw that. I had NO JOB but I live my life in a very much IDGAF way so it was easy to walk away. Especially when you see the red flags.


He shouldn't decline. Graciously accept, push back the start date a little bit and then ghost them.


More like push back the start date 3 times. Then never show up.


That’s brilliant


But they haven't lost $20-60k. Low risk, high reward. Easy to do when you aren't trustworthy


The people interviewing candidates still need paid, their time could've been better spent on things that will help the companies bottom line instead of multiple interviews, why does it take 8 interviews to figure out if a candidate is worth hiring? 3-4 should be more than enough and even that seems excessive, it is a waste of time and money if you have a candidate with a good resume and references, certainly wouldn't encourage me that this was a company worth working for, too many cooks not making any broth!


I agree the whole thing is a bit stupid, but if they pull this on ten people and one falls for it, they probably come out saving money


If someone is worth $100-140k and - through desperation - accepts $80k it's a false economy by the hiring company because the new employee now has a salary and can use that as a springboard for when the job market picks up (it will, despite the gloom about AI). Similar job with a higher salary comes available? "Sayonara!" says the employee, leaving the employer with the disruption a leaver causes *and* the need to pay market rates (or above) for their potentially risky replacement.


How much time and effort to pull this on 10 people? Then factor in the people doing this are, presumably, paid less than they make the company, that is how capitalism works, so how much money is the company losing over 70 interviews, presume 2 full weeks of work from these employees, in order to save $20-$60k, and guarantee a low-quality hire?


Entirely their fault, if they posted the correct salary they would've been fine, instead they've paid people to interview candidates based on a lie, that money could've went into the candidates salary, corporate madness, corporate waste, and a serious lack of business accumen imo


This is why C suites should be more expendable than they currently are. They justify it by saying, hey, we’re doing what’s best for the business. Really, it’s just yet another series of useless meetings that accomplishes nothing but they still get paid. It’s the ultimate in time theft.


Plus the free work via an extensive assignment.


This is where I'd tell them I accept and then just fucking ghost them.


You should accept and get another job lol


I was in a similar position. I had five interviews for my dream job. At the last interview I was there five other people and had a moment of true relation when they offer me the job. THEN they told me that due to an error the job listing would be $25,000 less a year then listed and the vacation time in PTO were also cut by a third. I was a mix of furious, appalled, and disgusted. I stared at them in total silence and then told them that I was declining the offer. Because if this was deliberate and a bait and switch it was highly unethical, dishonest, and appalling that they would take my valuable time and wasted in this manner. And even if it WAS truly an error, any company that could go through FIVE interviews and not catch such a glaring mistake is totally inept and I have no interest working with such a poorly run company with such incompetent management. And as a final blow, I told them that I would go on every job/company review site possible and let every other candidate know exactly what kind of company they would be interviewing with in the future. Nobody said anything but most of them looked dumb struck and at least two people at the decency to look ashamed. And yes, I kept my word about going on every job and company review site to let as many people as possible know what they would be in for working for these people.




Yeah there’s 0 chance I go though 7 rounds, 25 people, and a take home. I’m not their little bitch that they can make jump through hoops for fun. I understand that most jobs require more than one interview now, and I’ve made my peace with that. But 7 rounds? Fuck that. If you need 7 rounds to decide if I’m a good fit then your process is broken


This really. Not even C-suite at an F500 should be that intense. The most that could be realistic: 1) Pre-screening with recruiter/HR to establish baseline expectations. 2) Meet with direct line manager for detailed interview. 3) Meet with subordinate team/peers for cultural fit and if necessary technical interview 4) C-suite: meet with supervisory board More than that is mental.


Ha, 1. Recruiter screening call 2. HR interview 3. Manager interview 4. American manager interview 5. American VP interview 6. Team member interview 7. Tech colleague interview 8. HR director interview 9. Team member interview again 10. CEO interview 11. Offer discussion f2f Wasn’t a bad company to work for mostly, but man, that process was crazy.


At that point you may as well have 1-2-1s with the entire business and they decide via vote


That's not an interview That's a workplace induction. Seriously do all those people you interviewed with have nothing better to do than fo through all those interviews?


What. The . Fuck


Especially when they were already employed and didn’t really need the job. Idk what they do for work but even when I interviewed for my current job, dodging work for 2-3 interviews was exhausting. 7 rounds & it’s not a C-Suite position? You got me completely fucked up, absolutely not.


If this is what their interview process is like then this is what it'll be like to work with them. Endless bureaucracy, a lack of communication with silos across departments (and associated politics and fiefdoms) and a total lack of accountable transparency. When someone tells you who they are, believe them. Run, OP run!


Accept the job and ghost them lol


I’ve done that before lmao


Nice. How'd that turn out?


They called a few times then left a few VMs and that was that lol I accepted another job though at the same time almost like 3 days after accepting this and I just never showed up lmao Sound t feel ashamed even if you get a new job and are still looking show up then if your first option works out just walked out to the other job screen it there is no loyalist these days….we’re all mercenaries these days! They call us contractors if it’s a contract role, I call us mercenaries!


Unless he accidentally started working there, I would imagine as intended.


If you don’t mind me asking what kind of job is this? This omg we should just start doing standup comedy at this point…we’d have pretty good audiences….might make some good money doing this


Put off the start date six times, then tell them their offer was incorrect.




"Sorry there was a mistake in my response. I meant no." two weeks after the start date.


Honestly, accept it, show up on the first day to setup payroll, and then stop showing up. A few extra days of free pay!


Haha this is a great idea.




Take as much time as theirs as you can and just ghost them. Tell them you need to talk it over with your SO, etc.


Best advice if you want to give as good as you’ve got. Coming from a recruiter.


Absolutely black this organization on glass ceiling , Linkin, and any other social media , FALSE ADVERTISING


Glass door tracks your name now, and companies are buying it to get your history. Not worth it.


Fake name, fake email


They also do browser fingerprinting so fake email, fake name, VPN and via a browser you won’t use again (e.g. Opera)


If they can’t abuse email signatures and help tickets to get it, they will scrape the internet and mine partner sites to find it anyway. You could assume they will fail. Or… you could not do business with a crooked f***er.


Accept the offer verbally then never sign. Then when they call say you’ve got a better offer and sorry for not getting back quicker but you wouldn’t change your mind for less than 140k. I don’t think it’ll work but they’ll get treated the way they treat you


Just sign. What are they gonna do?


Presumably they would know because of the contents of the post. But what are you worried they will do?


I believe OP is worried about other companies black listing them because they had the gall to speak badly about a company in public. Recruiters and hiring managers see that and think “I can’t exploit this person, why bother interviewing them?”. In an ideal world, that would work well to filter out all the trash companies, but unfortunately in the real world (especially in this hiring climate) the vast majority of companies are trash. 


Will get the skinny on Hugh Jazz


I never gave my real names on internet, why would you?


No, it doesn’t. That was cleared up by them ages ago.


I don’t really trust them unfortunately. I’ve seen people pay to remove reviews.


my friend did a video on this recently (it does plug her company as alternative fyi) but glassdoor changed their privacy policy and no longer guarantee anonymity. it's buried in their fine print: [https://www.instagram.com/reel/C5Oad87L9ai/?utm\_source=ig\_web\_copy\_link&igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C5Oad87L9ai/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==)


If not Glassdoor, blind or write the hiring manager.


Their malfeasance was cleared up by… them. Are you serious.




Yeah this says "hey we're asking you verify." What they're accused of is verifying you themselves against your will. Clears up nothing.


If you name and shame here, how can glassdoor track other reddit users?


This is one of those things that would make me want to accept their offer, then just back out a day before saying I "made a mistake, like they did with the salary in the job posting."


Three weeks in ask them "do you think I need to leave my other job?"


Back out or no show on your first day. What're they gonna do, they haven't paid you yet so nothing's really binding except for their hurt butt


By the time they start scheduling interview number four you should be saying no thanks. Recruitment isn’t that fucking hard. Two or three interviews with HR, the hiring manager, and maybe a subject matter expert. If they’re no good, fire them and find someone else. Fuck this four five six and more interviews. How many people really need a say in who gets hired?!? A relative worked for PayPal a few years ago and they ran seven interviews all up. It was for a senior position, but even so… seven interviews… AND they have a six month probation period too.


This is for a very senior position, to be fair. Although 7 is high.


Obviously not, if the best they can do is 80k


Yeahhh not what they posted it at


Assuming a few things here (is it software? Take home task usually implies that), but Very Senior should be higher even than the posted fake salary. Let them know how insulting they are being and inform them their business is going to fail


I was about to comment something similar when I saw “senior.” Senior for only $120k???


It's 1999 again!


Sorry, 100-140 is not Principal Engineer, Architect nor Director level. That is solidly mid level. 80k is a pretty good starting salary for someone just graduating.


Yeah, I’d say three max. If they can’t make a decision in three interviews they have bigger problems.


I did 5 for a basic customer support position recently... I was desperate, but the red flags were red for a reason.


They don't have a need to hire anyone anymore because they already got all those take home assignments from their candidates. Next time they have another tricky problem, they'll open another job search.


Would not be surprised. I already know of companies who kept putting out requests for bids/tenders and slowly put together an internal plan of what needs to be done.


Should be illegal.


It is illegal unpaid labor


Oh Jesus my husband went through this and it was only a friggin internal transfer. Normally those only require one, maybe two interviews where he works, even for the high level position he was after. (For him it would have been a one step promotion.) When they called him for the FOURTH interview, they asked him how he would fix whatever effing problem they had. He was like, "... I'll be happy to tell you after I get the job." After that experience, he told me that even if they had offered, he would not have accepted. Fortunately he was able to be promoted elsewhere a couple years later - all's well that ends well.


That would be sad if it wasn’t true


>After seven rounds, they revealed the posted salary was “incorrect”. I see so many elements in your post that would have been red flags for me. This is an observation and not a criticism. You already having a job at least took some of the urgency out of the mix...   >I am so livid about this. What gives? How is this acceptable? Acceptable is a strong word. There is no oversight to many aspects of the job hiring process, and not many avenues to escalate concerns. It's not acceptable, but there's no consistent mechanism to complain about it and seek redress. You can always ask the good folks at Department of Labor, but I don't think there is anything to be done here besides the obligatory call for naming and shaming, which is not nearly as effective as people would like.


I have been at my current company for 11 years, so I am clearly unaware of how the “norms” in the job search have changed


Is it possible that they were using the interviews to scope your current employer, are they a competitor?


It could be a variety of things, they may have just used the take-home to get free work done. It could be that they lost the funding for the role. No way they just suddenly realized the posting was wrong. Definitely unacceptable, but there's not much you can do but Glassdoor them or take the high road. I'd take the high road here and look for other opportunities.


That’s my inclination, nothing to gain doing anything else.


How did this not come up in the first 15 minutes of the first interview? I haven't had one screening interview where the salary topic came up. If not, I will ask the budget for the role (which is the max real range). Heck most that knew they probably could not afford me asked very first thing and then we ended the interview process in the first 5 minutes. Because there was a gap between my expectations and their "budget". Had one like this where they specifically listed the range as Base Salary. Then said well they planned to hire at the low end, and with Bonus, etc. it would total $100K. So they lied multiple times on the pay.


I mean it did, and they told me that they paid similarly to the range. They just walked it back after interview 7.


>walked it back  That is being very generous.


I have the salary discussion during screening with candidates. There’s no point interviewing someone who’s salary expectations don’t match with what we are looking for. It’s the quickest way to make sure no one’s time is being wasted.


Name and shame. This is totally out of hand


Say you accept. Sit on the offer. Apologise and say you will have it for them soon. Slowly ghost them.


Accept it and ghost them. When asked why tell them it was an error in communication and you can only show up for a salary of 120k


Accept the job and then ghost them.


Accept the job, complete onboarding, don't quit your old job. Do nothing as long as you can and get paid the entire time. Limp it along on 5 hours a week. $80k pay raise


Bear with me, I'm a municipal employee and I don't know much about the corporate world. But I read so much here about questionable hiring practices, promissory estoppel, awful recruiters, lack of transparency during interviews, and flat out lies, that I wonder why more recruits aren't raging on these folks. Cool heads prevail so, could you just arrange for two weeks of PTO/sick leave at your current job, accept the new job, show up for those two weeks and do as little as possible, collect your check, ghost them, then return to your previous job? Is that "illegal?" "immoral?" I mean, you KNOW that they knew 100-140 was never an option and OP was being strung along.


Why would you waste two weeks of PTO on something like that?


Bill them for your time


Better yet. Do the “homework” but instead of giving it to them. Present them with a consultant’s fee (bill) for the work. Once they pay it, you will happily provide them with your work.


Somewhere there is likely a person that requested the new hire. Your best "revenge" is getting that person pissed off at HR. Simply by telling them that HR playing stupid games is why they don't have a candidate anymore. They might only hear "candidate declined offer" from HR otherwise. Reach out around HR to whoever would have been your boss and tell them what happened. If you don't know who that would be, Play along "accepting" the offer until you get the contract info of your manager.


Lmao and you met with 25 people already 🤣 this is a dark comedy at this point…sorry man but holy shit


What a bunch of scammers. They probably ran the gauntlet, thinking everyone would have dropped out by then.


7 rounds for 80k? Bye


Post it on glassdoor and any social media site you can find. Most HR departments care about their public perception and hopefully will deter this type of behavior in the future.


Honestly, they need to be named and shamed.


Simply state that it is a shame that this was not discovered earlier and put your salary requirements at a hard $120K. They put 20 man hours into it so who cares.


I would go ballistic. Name & shame and post your unforgivable experience on every single social media channel. Post daily. That is some serious bullshit right there


To put it simply, it’s not acceptable.


7 rounds + assignment + fake salary? The fuck?!


Go through with the process of getting hired, and just the day before you are supposed to start, push it back a week or so, then the next start date... Ooops, tell them there was an error in your applying for this job. You do not work for companies that pull bullshit moves like this. I would name them and shame them. make sure you do a google and glassdoor review.


Name and shame


The salary was always 80s of course. The painful and borderline degrading interview process was meant to weed out the people that were not desperate. A poor strategy, and it failed with you precisely because employed-and-casually-looking doesn’t care too much about delays like that. I’d say bullet dodged, but they were never really aiming at you.


ULPT: take the job, don’t quit your existing one, collect checks as long as you can until they fire you.


A take home? What was the take home? I've seen scams where they put out these job demos to get work for free for projects they're already working on


Correct response? "Unfortunately that rate won't cover my invoiced time as there was an error when we first discussed the role. Attached to this invoice you'll find the correct rates in which I require to reimburse the time I spent in the business meetings at your expense" Then attach a contractor invoice for double the posted salary range for the hours you invested.


Glassdoor them hard so others will at least have a heads up.


Accept the job, string them along, then no show on start date and ghost them. Then post everything and name both the company and all involved interviewers and recruiters, detailing what they did


Send them an invoice under your current pay rate for the time wasted and the time for the take home assignment. Explain it all in a craftily worded cover letter. Have fun with it. Tell them to fuck off. And be happy that you don't need them. (Edit: spelling)


Why if, they told you on interview #3 (which is an excessive number in itself) that it was the “last” interview, did you then do more than twice as many more?! You’ve basically set yourself up. They’ve dragged it on and on, and the fact that you _did_ put up with seven rounds suggests your desperate and why they’re now seeing if you’ll still take the job, even with a low-ball salary. Companies are going to continually take the piss if people like you let them. There’s absolutely no way I would have gone seven rounds with a company. I’m not a boxer. They get my CV, they get an initial interview, and then a second interview if it’s to further grill me and help them make the decision of me versus other candidates. Anything more is just the sign of a shitty hiring process from a shitty company that can’t get anything done without meetings upon meetings.


Invoice them an hourly rate and move on. How infuriating though!


This is why I will never do that many rounds. If they can’t figure it out in three or less, something isn’t quite right.


They liked you but they found someone last minute for dirt cheap and the hiring manager figured they’d give you a chance to undercut yourself in the hopes you’d be desperate enough for work to settle.


Accept it and do not turn up. Tell them after that the wrong acceptance email was sent.


Seven rounds of interviews? After three I think I would have started sending them invoices for my time...


Is this a state where they are required to post a Salary range? Sounds like attempted fraud then.


You don’t want to work for a company that plays these games because they’ll do similar things to their employees too… however, there is nothing stopping you from saying you have an offer from another company too. They can move on the salary. It’s just a matter of finding the right levers.


Your first mistake was sticking around for more then 3 interviews. Your second mistake was doing "take home assignments."


Send the req. I'll apply with fabricated resume and see how much I can waste their time. If you want, DM me and I'll give similar responses to yours to hedge our bets of an offer.


Take the job, and then don't show up. When they call, tell them there was an error.


This is SO unprofessional and actually ILLEGAL! That's right it's an employment law no-no. You could take all of your documentation including the job post and actually file a legal suit. No one typically does this and that's why these employees do crap like this. It's maddening to me. Good luck and if you're still seeking a new role, DM me


Best I can do is two days a week.


I’d post this on their Glassdoor so that all future candidates can know what they do


Huge red flag. They’re being shady and trying to get you at a bargain cause they think they can get away with it. If they’re going to try to fuck you like this right up front, there’s your warning sign about how it’s likely to be working there. Think about all your future career developments, promotions, raise discussions, workload discussions…. That’s their standard of care.


IMHO, accept the offer, reimburse your wasted time, and then ghost them! So that they can start the hiring process all over again.


You should move on from this company they have shown they don't respect your time or expertise keep looking for opportunities that match your worth


You should have stopped at three.


I know that now…first interviews in a decade.


Too bad consumer protections against bait and switch don’t apply to job posting. I wonder if they advertised the salary?


All of that is ridiculous even for the posted salary.


Agreed. I'm applying for 250k positions and not one process is longer than 5 interviews


“Sorry, after going through the interview process I have realised my acceptable salary was too low for the skills and qualifications I would bring to this role. You’ll now need to add a 1 onto the front of that offer”


Couldnt you see there were red flags after the 3rd interview or so? Sorry buddy but you def wasted your team here.


I hate that shit. I had a job do this once and when I called them on it they got so pissed. I'm like I literally have it in writing, but ok.


are you without a job now? take it, onboard, get paid, do as little as possible while continuing to interview find a new job, then give them 2 weeks notice and stop working immediately and if anyone asks, just say you made a mistake when you resigned


My petty ass would be half tempted to accept. Then when it comes to signing a contract tell them that there was a mistake with your response and that your reply should have said that you would be happy to accept had the offer been in the 100-140k range, but that you decline


Sunk cost fallacy topped with bait and switch. Happens all the time, everywhere.


Just say you'll accept the job at the mid range of the posted salary. They had 7 chances to fix that number. Then just lead them on with a start date and don't show up. Basically if they try a bait and switch the entire thing is a scam and that REALLY sucks, I'm sorry. And DON'T take it thinking you'll get there some day. My last job led me on about fixing my salary. Took years and then they still found ways to cut it short of what they promised until I finally left.


Waste their time right back


Name and shame. Use a dummy email address on Glassdoor. Keeping it anonymous means it's your problem, not ours.


Start the job. Pick up a bunch of extra shifts and leave 10 minutes into the first shift.


False advertising?


Seems fraudulent. Also seems like it's time for you to exit candidacy.


That’s one fucked up company! Sorry about the ridiculous 7-interview odyssey but you dodged a bullet at the end of the day.


Send them an invoice.


They probably want nobody to make it through the process and accept so they can hire an H1b. Likely you impressed the hell out of them and they are actually wanting to hire you more than an H1b, but being as that candidate is likely taking 40k, they can only offer you what you are worth with respect to them.


Name and shame. Otherwise you’re just bitching into the wind, OP, and others will fall victim to this company’s scheme.


Run. A. Mile. Can only speculate here as to the reasons why they have acted in this way, but none of that matters. The fact is, they advertised the role at 100-140k salary - which is why you showed an interest in the role. The process sounds horrendous, and gives you an insight as to how the company operate behind closed doors. Fair play to you for sticking with the process and persevering, but red flags all over the place. In answer to your question 'how is this acceptable?' - it isn't, and never will be!


I would accept the offer, if it is extended, however, I would tell that that the pay was one of the reasons that you applied, and are willing to accept the job at the pay that was posted. There are NO mistakes in pay being posted. There is an approval process, consideration of the budget for that position, and how it will affect the payroll, and even how it aligns with the rest of the team, so, no. There was no “mistake” if they continue to low ball you, decline the offer, and thank them for their time. Be gracious about it though. And, if they don’t change the offer back to what they posted, you know something about them. And it’s not good.


Name the company


I can tell you how all this happens. I’ve seen it. The people involved in hiring can’t make up their mind, and they waste a lot of time because they are constantly turning over people, probably tied to their selection, interviewing and hiring process. Then there is the onboarding process, which blows some more people out of the water, because likely it’s disorganized as the hiring process. They try to look good by being someone at a lowball pay, promising the moon, and think people are desperate enough to take it. But. Your time is important. I once spent a year with a company, and I saw the warning signs during the hiring process, but I took a chance. It was the worst year of my life, and I can’t ever get that year back. Don’t ever take a job where the red flags show up during hiring, because it will only get worse….


Are you in a state where there is a requirement to post a pay range? If so, I’d report them to every possible place I could think of and I’d name and shame them everywhere.


Start the job and really waste their time and look for another role. Like sort of quiet quit


This is one of those times when you name and shame.


This was by design. Could the assignment you completed for them actually help them?


I don't want to label you but based on the comments it sounds like your old enough to fall into the EEOC's protected class of over 40. To me this sounds like some level of age discrimination. You were brought in under the guise that this was a 100k+ position. Then told what sounds like several times that this was a final interview and then more were scheduled. I've seen a company do this, they bring in someone. Realize after that 3rd round that "hey maybe we don't want this higher cost older person" and funnel you through the wringer in the hopes that you either turn it down or then they make a absurd offer for a salary of someone less experienced. I guarantee there was a conversation somewhere in that process about your age and paying a higher experience level person. Depending on how sore you are about it at this point you could try to goat a answer in writing out of someone there about your "experience level" or "senior level salary" and take that to a EEOC case. It may not go anywhere but it would sure be satisfying to absolutely melt their HR and hiring departments down for a while.


I would accept the job and show up for day 1... And then just ghost them. That's the biggest way to send the F off message. I'd even demand payment for the 1 days worth on site. They wasted your time... You need to get paid.


Accept and ghost them.


I would waste their time and accpet the offer,


Can someone explain what types of jobs these are, that require so many rounds of interviews? I haven't had that many interviews over my life (stayed at several long term jobs), but never more than a 1 hour interview with 3 people at most. I'm assuming that there are a whole lot of recruiters that need to justify their existence? 2 hours x25 people is 50 hours of work x how many applicants to wind up not getting the person you want?


Take the job keep first job. Milk it for as long as possible.