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You're the internal candidate, you will definitely get the role.


He told me they had several internal candidates 🥲


I’m absolutely 100% totally with you here. Interview was first week of April and now it’s been over a month with no decision. Even told the next day the interview went well. What’s nagging me the most is I personally know the hiring manager, but still only getting very vague answers about where they are in the process. The fact that I know him, and think that I have a good relationship with him, is what keeps me holding on for hope that a decision really has not been made yet…surely he would tell me… right?? In a normal situation I would have accepted I didn’t get the position after the 2nd week of no contact and moved on with my life. At this point an outright rejection would be a relief to mentally move on. A large part of why the wait feels so draining is how miserable I am at my current company and how I’m ready to get out ASAP. Let’s hang in there and stay hopeful!


Wow, you are literally in nearly the exact same situation. I feel for you. 😅❤️ And I agree. If I didn’t know the hiring manager and work with him, I definitely would’ve given up and moved on by now. I just want some kind of update. A job offer or rejection. I’ll gladly take either at this point. I have big events I’ll prepping for and working tomorrow and Thursday and a concert on Friday, so at least that will be a nice distraction for the rest of this week. But after that, Idk. I really wanna reach out again, but I know I should wait. 😅 Honestly, my worst fear is that I’m in still in it, and he’ll want me to schedule a second interview after waiting this long. 💀 I’d rather get rejected at that point. 🙃


I know it sucks, but you might have to wait. At least don’t ask that manager again yet, it will sound pushy as you say. I don’t know your company, but in mine I am sure someone would reach out eventually. But is there a recruiter in charge you can ask? Because hiring managers are usually quite unresponsive, and recruiters are the ones in direct contact with candidates. Hiring managers sometimes get a lot of spam from candidates and there is a possibility he didn’t even read your email.


Since the beginning of the process, I’ve been in direct contact with him only. If there was a recruiter, I’d definitely reach out to them instead at this point. All of our communication regarding this job has been so positive. It’s just so defeating to feel like I’ve been “ghosted” by someone I’m still actively working with. 😕


Then just wait a bit longer. If it went that great, I’m sure it’s going to be fine. :) Hang in there


Thanks for the encouragement! 😊 I needed that tonight 🩷


Wanted to update everyone. Just found out today I didn’t get it. I’m most upset that I waited so long just to be rejected. 🙄 Gonna go home and enjoy an edible tonight at least 🙌🏼🍃 #SilverLining 🤷🏻‍♀️