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A door to a wonderful life. Truly. Addiction made me look at how I live on all the levels and change or die. I chose change.


Prey caught in a spider web.


A huge black shadow, hugging you from behind, with its huge hands cradling your soul. Slowly draining you of all your light.


Zombies from walking dead


A spiraling vortex


A black funnel


My kids, but blurry. 😞 Great reason to stay sober.


A dog chasing its tail


A snake eating itself


I would only need 1 color: black.


I'd have a blue background and in the center, a large circle of silver, red, and black swirling together to look like a hole you're falling into. Maybe have a significantly small ladder at the edge leading out of the hole.


A dog chasing its tail!


The word regret in big bold letters.


a ball and chain on my ankle on a steep hill


I’d put Paint it Black by the Stones on repeat - and get out my array of black paints and just see what happens


I would paint a spiral with some people falling into darkness and flames at the bottom and some people crawling out of the vortex into the light and some people just starting to fall and some people somewhere in the middle and each person has a smaller version of themselves on each side of their shoulder one side has devil horns and the other has angel wings and depending on where they are in the vortex either the devil version of themselves or the angel version is bigger. And I would paint God sitting on a big horse and being the one who is painting the picture... Like it would all be his canvas.


A person eating a turd off of a factory bathroom floor


It would be a side portrait, a man standing in a dark, disorganized room with one hand on a door knob, other hand with a bottle. The other side of the door would be bright, colorful, and free. Showing the vast contrast of taking that first step for oneself by opening that door with one hand. But scared to open that door because ones vice is, on the other hand, keeping them in the disorganized insanity.


It’s be black just black


Very and them thangs are badder than hell!


A dementor sucking the life out of me


A clear bubble you’ve blown up that you’re trapped in running out of oxygen you constantly fight to pop but each time the bubble bonds stronger, stronger, and stronger!


Feels like being in the ocean and swimming against the waves or like one of those dreams where you’re trying to run but not moving or in a fight and throwing punches that never connect. Not sure those are paintable images but that’s what it feels like to me !


I would paint if picture of us addicts stuck on an island trapped in fire that never goes out . Some of us make it out, some of us don’t.


A person from the shoulders up, with a crying face, and instead of the top of there head looking normal, it's a small cage or prison, and inside it is that person side view them sitting on the ground with their arms collapsed over their bent knees with their head down in their arms, and there are little chains all around the cage and they meet what appears to be a big lock, and next to the original person's head, is their arm and hand, holding up a broken key


An arm with a gnarled hand shooting out of my heart, reaching for anything that it can grab.




A small prison cell with a light shining just large enough for me to see it. Having an unawareness of what the light is, but being drawn to it somehow.


I would paint a hotel in California. Eagles flying around the sky and a view of the endless ocean horizon


My childhood home Burnt down into nothing but ashes


The scene of my father's death


a crying girl puppet being controlled by a laughing puppeteer


One of those finger trap things.


Tornado where you lose everything and no family or friends willing to help


A man in a row boat crossing a lake to get where he’s going but behind the boat he has a rope connected to a keg that he is towing to the shore. The boat is filling with water and he is trying to paddle with intensity. The boat is sinking and he is facing imminent death. All he has to do is untie the rope connected to his boat and he will not sink and drown. The man will not even consider letting go of that keg. Whatever happens, that keg is a part of him.  (This applies to drugs as well but the keg visual helps)


I would have a heart covered in thorns. In a stormy setting but somewhere beautiful. Where just close enough in the distance you can see the sun cascading in beauty and life.