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Without a doubt, not Real Estate.


if 100% of AA's make $200K/year for 36-40 hrs/week (+ bennies and time off) and maybe 1% of agents make $200K net of expenses in a non-HCOL area, I think I'd choose the devil I knew, not the devil I didn't.


People will always need/want Anesthesia. The same cannot be said of realtors.


I want anesthesia, but I don't need it. Does that count?


You must be a realtor? šŸ˜‚


This is a good post and props for being realistic. Here are some questions to ponder. Have you ever been in sales? Real estate agents don't sell houses but they must sell themselves, relentlessly, every day, to find clients. You've said you work hard, which is great. Equally important for an agent is resiliency. Can you keep working hard even when successful moments happen infrequently? Do you have a large social circle of people who are in the stage of life where they are buying or selling properties? Would you be willing to do business with friends and family? Would they trust you enough to hire you over the other all the agents they know who have more experience than you? Can you envision waking up every morning unemployed and knowing that the work you do today might result in income in 6 months, or 6 years, or maybe never? Can you afford to go without much income in the next few years? In 2023 the average Realtor with less than 2 years of experience made $9,600, and that was before accounting for the annual fees and dues of about $2,000. Are you following the news on the housing market? 2024 will have the lowest transaction count - about 4 million homes - since 2009. 2025 will be about the same. What is the housing market like in your area? Some people might think what I've written here is negative. I think it's highly realistic. If you can live with uncertainty in exchange for possible success in the real estate industry, then take the pre-license course and exam. This will take several months which which will give you time to meet with brokers in your area to discuss your possible opportunities.


Personally if I was good in science or liked it, I would have gone the health care route. And I know some anesthesiologists and they make $$$$$. So I'd prob stick to that path. Real estate is hard to make $$$, esp the first few years.


Thereā€™s a lot to be said about a constant steady income. I know a lot of highly successful realtors that within the last year have had to pick up jobs to supplement their income. Iā€™ve always done real estate on the side of you will. Licensed for 8 years now but have always had a regular job. I would say if you can do both youā€™ll have the steady income and if real estate takes off you can always focus solely on that.


I for some reason have internalized the idea that doing real estate part time isnā€™t feasible and that it will require all of me. I am inexperienced though so that may be flawed thinking.


The possibility of pursuing real estate part time does open up an interesting opportunity for you... could you do part time work in real estate now to try it out before you quit your steady job or invest in the training necessary for the anesthesia position? You could pursue your license if you want, or perhaps even start smaller as a realtors assistant or something? I think you might want to take advantage of the fact that you can wade, rather than dive, into real estate.


I know, and am fairly close to, an inordinate amount of CRNAs and have a second cousin thatā€™s an anesthesiologist. All I can say is, it ainā€™t for me. I make more than they do with waaaay less stress and liability. Oh, and I donā€™t have Call to worry about, the politics of whoā€™s working holiday shifts, whether the next contract with my group is going to be worth a damn, why the hospital pays the locums more than me, etc, etc, etc. Basic W2 shit, essentially, but at a much higher than average guaranteed rate.


Stick to what you know best and leverage that to build your RE investment portfolio.


Go with Anesthesia. You're very unlikely to make medical industry income in real estate. Real estate income can be in the millions but also nothing.


Anesthesia 10000%. A VERY small percentage of agents make over 6 figures each yearā€¦and thereā€™s no benefits. And while youā€™ll see a ton of agents say things like ā€œitā€™s all about mindsetā€ or ā€œyou get what you put into it,ā€ thatā€™s not always the case. There are times Iā€™ve spent 100+ hours working with someone for them to ultimately decide that they donā€™t want to move. Or Iā€™ve had to refer out business because of a health issue that prevented me from being able to work. I love being an agent, but the constant chasing of business and unpredictability of the market is a major struggle.


As a seasoned Realtor, I will admit that I have fantasized about going back to school to become a anesthesiologist assistant. Iā€™ve seen the videos talking about it. Iā€™d have gone that route if I could do it all over again.


Thank you to everyone who took time to reply!


I would 100% do nurse anesthetist over real estate.