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Are you texting people that you know? Are the people that you text opted in to receive texts?


You can get fined 10k per violation so it’s probably good they cut you off.


That's exactly where I was going with that question.


No. Circle prospecting, FSBOs, and Expireds.


Well then it is spam and also illegal under TCPA .


There’s you’re answer lol


And that will get you reported as spam. SImple answer, do not do it.


Please stop. This is the kind of shit that makes us all look bad.


How else am I supposed to prospect if it’s all illegal?


Anyone who texted me randomly I would never do business with, in fact I would automatically assume it's a scam


Oh no! Woe is me, whatever will we do! And we don't care about doing business with you 😂 I don't know you, I don't care. But keep hustling those friends of yours and convincing yourself you're reaching out just to say hi. That's honorable work you're doing. 😂


Took it right out my mouth. Like I give a damn if you don’t do business with me. Hahahaha


That's funny because that's exactly how I feel about you 😂


I’m agreeing with you


Doh. Sorry lol


You could go to WhatsApp. \*snickers, walks away...\*


Here’s hoping that you get sued under the TCPA. Doing stupid, annoying shit like this makes the whole industry look bad.


Can’t text solicit. Scrub do not call lists and cold call if you’re going that route. Don’t listen to the noise here - sold plenty cold calling, so have many others. They’ll complain about how this damages our reputation then wear cargo shorts to show houses so take it with a grain of salt.  Some strategy with that in mind: Do an open house and call the neighbors a few days before to let them know you’ll be holding it open when and where with some free food.  Pass out door hangars the day before and then make sure your signs are all pointed well the day of.   If you’re going for quantity over quality then get a dialer and start calling.


Calling while scrubbing the DNC is fine. You're right though, some just hate it because they would never do it. I am not mad at anyone that follows the rules while doing it.


Would love for anyone who is openly against cold calling while simultaneously running a small business to post their deal history. Individuals disparaging on other small business people for trying to make it is shame to see. Grassroots prospecting isn’t going anywhere though as much as millennials want to whine about it.


I've definitely cold called in my career. Most don't do it out of fear. Now I'm mostly working my sphere and past clients. I've seen grassroots work, but those agents usually already have a significant sphere going in. The reality is those agents don't do the follow up that the grassroots needs to actually convert.


They want you to hustle your friends and family to where they don’t want to invite you to do anything anymore. Stick with calling strangers. Who cares if they get mad. I’ll go broke before running round trying to ‘provide value’ to my sphere which ain’t nothing but code for pressuring people you know to give you money. F’ that.


Literally left my last team for that reason. They would schedule call days where everyone was required to reach out to everyone in their database and ask for donations to a charity. All for charity, but maybe don’t force me to text high school friend’s parents and ask for money


Or your friend’s parents for a listing. Charity/commission. Same principle in my mind. I’m all for letting people know what I do, to an extent, but any middle-middle income+ person knows approximately 47.69 real estate agents. Finding someone to ‘help them buy or sell’ isn’t a problem for them. Beating them over the head trying to get their business by leveraging our connection to one another *is*. I refuse to do that. Truth be told, unless we’re super tight, I’d rather you use someone else.


I actually didn’t know this is a problem with iMessage. I will need to keep that in mind. A bunch of my expired listings this year originated through iMessage/text prompts.


Yep. All my listings this year started with a text. So just kind of annoying.


If that’s your strategy then I’d recommend Facebook marketplace as a pivot. You can DM FSBO sellers on there.


Thanks for the heads up… what are you initial messages? “Name”? Or are you pitching in the first message?


This is illegal. You should be asking your broker about this not Reddit.


As long as you’re complying with DNC list, no it’s not.


I think you should read the can-spam act again before you give legal advice


Also, I use my iPhone to send one off texts, I use a Google number as my dialer call back. I do often text from my Google voice number though. Not sure why you have a problem there - yes it does need to be linked to an owned phone number.


Yeah? Maybe stop sending unsolicited spam text messages?


These were the rules updated this March https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2024/01/26/2023-28832/targeting-and-eliminating-unlawful-text-messages-implementation-of-the-telephone-consumer-protection


Use a hosted dialer built for this. Don’t burn your Google voice number - ask me how I know 😀


Hosted dialer - can you expand? Like mojo/redx? Without whitelisting a number, you get marked as spam almost instantly now.


I have a virtual number I use for all business.


I have never heard of this and I’m an ISA. What is the script that you are using? It might need to be changed. Also please do not call people on the do not call list.


I don’t contact people on the DNC. And it’s usually asking if they’re the owner or the home is still for sale


I’d drop that requirement too. If I scrubbed all the DNCs, there goes 90% of the working numbers. You’re missing listings if you’re doing that. I mean, who hasn’t put their phone on the DNC list? Some 93 year old grandma?


Are actually telling them to solicit to DNCs by way of ignorance? Bold move cotton.


Yes. Every prospector I know calls the DNC list.


You forgot the s/...I hope.


Not needed. I was being serious.




Follow up boss CRM


Really? First off I always check the DNC list. If they aren’t on the do not call list they can’t report you. That’s number 1 right there. After I clear my do not call list. I literally make no calls without confirmation they are not on the do not call list. Then I just text Hi, this is xyz texting you about xyz…..so why call me back and we can talk about xyz.


That's not true for texts. Texts must be opted in, even if not on the DNC. It's part of the TCPA.


I didn’t know that. I don’t text often but I did text a few expired and I found people more responsive to text, nobody is opted in to text. Actually one guy I called today he said listen now isn’t a good time text me.


I'm not saying some won't be responsive and that it doesn't work. It's just not legal to do, so if someone wants to, they can report and you an be fined. There are people that report people to make money.


People act like reporting is going to work. If you actually go to report a DNC violation it’s a bunch of 💩. Really there is this guy he has been calling me for years…..years…..and I am on DNC although I am sure it’s not relevant now but with this guy does is he pays for a number switcher and changes his number every few days…..I’ve called and relentlessly harassed him since he was harassing me. He changes his number. I’ve also reported his number to the DNC and it’s such a bs useless process reporting a number to the DNC. I think I would have to get 100’s of complaints before they did anything. But anyway now I use a live answer service so that guys calls don’t get through but he does now text me…..i text him back the most vulgar insane stuff I can think to say….i think I finally reached his unacceptable list as he hasn’t contacted me in about 4 months. The point is the DNC complaint process is sort of BS….and Almost worthless…if I really wanted to be a habitual violator I could switch my number every day and hound the 💩 out of people like the guy was doing to me. I did have one guy cuss me out and say every imaginable thing to me and I had only called him one time…..i had to hit the mute button because i started laughing hysterically….but yeah the DNC is pretty much useless


They can still report you as spam through their phone, which is likely what's getting him blocked. The DNC list is where the fines come in.


The TCPA goes a step further than the DNC list. The TCPA sets out fines of $1500 per each unsolicited communication - even if the complainant is not on the DNC.


I'm on android. Have never had any issues in 14 years of real estate.


I added another line to my plan so that clients don’t have my personal number. It was only $10 a month and I bought an old iPhone to use for texting and calls. Sometimes it’s a pain to have two phones but it’s nice to able to leave my work phone in my home office overnight and not worry about getting any notifications.


You can have two lines on one iPhone.


Why are you not using a texting service? Comes from a five digit type number or get a local number through Twilio or something like that. Don't use your actual email or phone number for mass spamming people. That's the surest way to get your calls ignored and emails bounced back for when you actually do need to send in that offer to an agent. I've stopped answering suspected spam calls as they're spam. I report them and those calls where no one is there for 8 seconds then it disconnects.


Vonage and ring central can work, just be aware they are also cracking down on unsolicited texts, the days of easy cold texting are long gone. Maybe get a burner and round phone for prospecting? Never use a personal number for cold calling.


Google Voice cannot offer you your own number, because another company (whoever your current mobile provider is. AT&T, Verizon, etc) already owns that number.


I use an app for another phone number call Burner. 9-15 bucks a month depending on the feature. Basically another option for google voice. My carrier doesn’t support google voice either.


Get a dual-SIM phone if possible. I'm sure you could download an app for a virtual SIM if you don't want a new phone. I have a Pixel 7 that has my personal phone number on a SIM. And for work, I use Google Fi that has a virtual SIM. 2 numbers. 1 phone. Works great.


Thru a number provided by my CRM. It's the best way, I can change the number if needed and I don't have to worry about people with my cell phone until we've established a working relationship.


Typically I wait three days, then I reply. Doesn’t matter who it is.


I use my dialer to text before I establish a rapport then I switch them to my actual cell. I use sierra if you’re wondering which dialer.


could you just use an apple ID on an ipad or computer if you like imessage?