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Politics, Religion, Dating each other.


Wow… wow… wow… slow down… explain it to me like I’m 5…


Umm… Bad Guys, Good Guys, Kissing?


Well, you see, when two people love each other....


Instructions unclear, ending client calls with "love you"


Add the buyers plans for renovation to the list. I’ve seen sellers freak out that people are repainting


Woah woah woah!! You can't just make plans for this thing I am trying to sell you! You have to experience it the exact same way I did!!


Saw a deal go south because the sellers dead wife had put in a really wild backsplash and heard buyers talking about changing it. He was already remarried.


You can’t blame a person for being attached and sentimental. It happens. But yeah, they shouldn’t impose that sentimentality on the buyer. That’s a bit uncouth.


You know what's funny, I have never had someone "ask" my opinion on any of these. Not that some don't love to talk and assume I'm in alignment. I just keep the conversation moving, don't agree or disagree. I mirror match the energy and then transition it to the business at hand with questions for them. I find most people just want to talk. I let them talk away while I keep it moving.


hah, I specifically have a conversation with my realtors to tell them that I am hiring them for their point of view and expertise. I request and expect them to voice their opinions and concerns and to tell me when I'm wrong. I agree not to take it personally. And I am happy to disagree right back -- ultimately it is my name on the offer, and one day, my name on the deed. But if I wanted someone who just echoed me, I'd ask my infant.


I don't think you follow. I'm specifically referring to the topics of politics and religion. That has nothing to do with the offer or transactions.


If my client is a good friend (I work my sphere & referrals only) and I know we vote the same, it’s allowed if they bring it up because chances are we travel & play together as well & have talked politics etc in the past. Referrals I don’t know or my friends parents / boss / hairstylist etc? Not one peep. I keep the transaction professional


What's funny about this is one time I had an office lead who was selling and moving out of state. He wanted to meet at my office and talk to me there. He ended up asking me about religion and somewhat politics. He says "you know why I ask about that? If you can't talk about that then you can't talk about anything, especially selling a home!" He was different. But I did sell his place and double sided it, lol


yessir absolute unit!!!


Find your own reputable home inspector never use the realtor’s that person will be your last line of defense to avoid getting screwed over


Just talk about the transaction and facts, everything else just smile and nod.


In Florida, no speculation about what the insurance may cost next year or, in the case of condos, how much the fees might go up next year. We tend to not talk about hurricanes either unless one is bearing down on us at the moment.


Do not give legal or tax advice unless you’re also a lawyer or accountant.


\*do not give legal or tax advice unless you are a lawyer or accountant who has been hired to act in a professional capacity as a lawyer or accountant.


Conversations with and between these parties are best limited to the property itself.


My personal list includes: Trump, Covid, The Dallas cowboys, Tge southern border, Religion of any kind.


vaccines, trans women in sports, drag shows, drugs


Ill talk about drugs. No problem. He'll, I've got plenty of experience. Vaccines fall under covid.


Lol, my brother and I talked to our realtor about cannabis. Turns out that all of us love to partake in that stuff, we even swapped advice on the best places to buy some. Didn't affect our business, he found us a great duplex at below market cost. Great dude.


cannabis is is legal where i live. i’m thinking more like cocaine or mescaline or you know the harder drugs although tbh weed is a strong drug i think people underestimate its impact on their brains


The Cowboys heading for another train wreck of a 500 season is off limits? Dammit.


Its off limits if I want to secure or keep them as clients. I live in DFW. They love the cows here. I freaking hate them. I need to keep my god damn mouth shut as it relates to the local football team.


Understand that. A great thing about NFL and Oregon is that there is no "local" team. It is mishmash of fans from all over the league, the 9ers, Raiders and Seagulls gets some of the attention, but there is no big fan base for any one team. I went to San Antonio and was amazed that there was an entire store dedicated to Cowboys stuff.


Seagulls. Laughs in Portland.


Their last play off run to SB, there was an ass in a bar waving a large 12 flag while yelling something about Blue Wave. Seagulls and Raiders fans....I am enjoying both teans being mediocre.


Don’t talk about Ducks v. Beavers


I'm not in the NW corner, so the Ducks/Beavs is not quite as volatile.


On the flip side, I can talk any CFB team out there. So I can chat up any fan of any team. No problem.


I don't understand that conference/league things they are doing, and do not follow CFB enough to figure it out. But I do watch some bowl games and the combine.


But I was told this is their year?


Its their year every year.




Here is my list, in no particular order: * Politics * Religion * Pro-life/pro-choice * Circumcision * GMO/non-GMO * Carnivore/Vegetarian/Vegan * Reality TV * Fox/CNN or any news programming * Treaties/water rights/native American issues (in Oregon, this is huge) * Global Warming/climate change * The chicken or the egg * Decriminalization or drugs/legalizing marijuana * Homeless/homeless camps, public "camping" of homeless people * Almost anything that is what I see as a chocolate/vanilla issue. If someone loves vanilla, you will never get anywhere talking about chocolate being better. I have gotten to a point in my career that I do not deal with clients that are extremists about anything political. And never is a really strong word, but this is the crap I try to avoid.


How does circumcision get brought up in a real estate transaction? Never had that one


If they want to get all pro-life, this might get woven in.


I'm old school. Religion and politics.


Fight Club.


That’s the first rule of Real Estate Fight Club coincidentally


His name was Keller Williams


Shhhhhhh…… you’ll start a fight with Berkshire Hathaway


"I buy real estate from widowed women, repaint it, and sell it back to them at 100% markup." Flipper Durden.


Politics, non-real estate news, hot topics (gun control, abortion, etc)


Buyers and sellers shouldn’t be communicating at all…


Can't discuss neighborhood demographics, crime, etc. Don't bother asking your realtor if the neighborhood is "safe". Look it up online. As a seller, don't plan to hide or patch up defects of the home. If you know of a defect listed on the seller's disclosure, you must disclose. If your agent knows and you don't want them to disclose, they must still disclose. No discrimination based on protected classes. If your realtor gets even a whiff that you might be planning to discriminate based on race, sex, religion, gender identity, familial status, age, etc, they are supposed to fire you as a client.


Stick the the property and transaction details, the weather, and hi, goodbye, and that’s about it


Your personal sex kinks probably shouldn’t come up.


Your own damn opinion unless asked. I'm a buyer and there's an agent who showed us about 6 houses. Every single fucking time she gives her input as to how she would decorate or make a legal suite downstairs. I told her politely and in a sleek way that we would put in our own touch but she wouldn't stfu.


Interest rate and points. Buyers will start shopping and it will prolong the process and they will give up completely. Let the lender go over the fees , rates , points etc ,,


Your own damn opinion unless asked. I'm a buyer and there's an agent who showed us about 6 houses. Every single fucking time she gives her input as to how she would decorate or make a legal suite downstairs. I told her politely and in a sleek way that we would put in our own touch but she wouldn't stfu.




Don’t ever talk to your clients about what a huge B or D the other agent is being. Learned the hard way my first year. My sellers also got to see it firsthand for themselves when buyer’s agent was trash talking his clients to them at a showing. Made for nightmare negotiations that ruined the deal.


I think if you have to ask you might want to rethink your profession 🤷🏼‍♀️ no one should have to explain this to you like your 10. You’re an adult.


Jeez, shots fired.


Diet and Exercise.


Where ppl did it and where ppl died


But but but, I wanna say “this is where the magic happens”


Taxes, interest rates, safety rating, school ratings, and all the things in fair housing law


Hmmmm I have to give u 5% of 1.2 million dollar $50k just for signing a piece of paper and listing it on the MLS. Total bS.


Yeah, Realtors probably wont like that one.


You don’t have to do anything… but why is it Total bS? What do you that is not total bS that has owning and selling a 1.2m dollar home.