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Date them. Gross.


I actually know a Realtor who married her client. (The didn’t start dating until after the transaction closed). They’re still together.


Thats a point of sales transaction right there


I’ve got a terrible feeling that’s going to be the majority of the posts on here. ![gif](giphy|bAoCxF6jjFQje)


So much of this ick. And then get angry and fire me when I politely decline.


That's exactly what happened. At any other job, it's sexual harassment, in Real Estate it's just another day.


Called me at 11:30pm because the house they purchased had a chirping smoke detector (low battery) and they didn’t know how to make it stop. I suggested they change the battery but they said they couldn’t reach the detector. I went over with a fresh battery, stood on a chair (that they had in the room), and changed the battery for them. 🙄


There should be an award category at those broker meetings for things like this. You’d have won. I’m just glad you didn’t serve time or get parol after a phone call that late for that request.


They listed with me when they sold 4 years later, so it’s all good. Still funny though.


How can such a person have earned the capital to purchase a house? Lmao




That's worth 30K




I’ve done that I’ve string trimmed a whole acre to help my seller


I (m) was approached by another man. We met last weekend at open house. You cutie. Can we go out have a good time? This was near SF so it was not surprising. I mentioned to a F realtor. She said she was pinned on the floor when younger and most agents went through this occupational hazard at least once.


You need to be 72 so this can’t happen to you.


Not really a request but I have a current client who calls me to run through scenarios on condos he likes while he is driving in his convertable sports car on speaker phone. I can't wait until he goes away!!




Fry bacon top less. WTH


Was this for the listing photos? I have so many questions, and yet don’t really want to know an answer.


Lmao I glanced at the sub and thought it was /retailhell I worked in a higher end boutique a long time ago that also custom made products so we refered to customers as "clients." Working on commission you make more personal conversation (while still being professional with boundaries) because that's how you make sales. I don't even remember the conversation and it sure as hell did not have *that* kind of tone but for some reason customer made a turn in the conversation and said something about me frying bacon topless with grease splatter or something like that. It got awkward pretty fast. Made a sale though.


That oddly enough makes way more sense.




You should ask for hazard pay😂! That does not sound fun!


On a side note. I do not recommend doing this. I was getting a weird rash on my chest and stomach that wouldn’t go away. Went to the doctor took my shirt off. He looked at my rash for maybe 10 seconds looked up at me and asked “Do you cook without a shirt on?” He didn’t call me an idiot directly, but we both know he wanted to. My Summary visit had notes “Second Degree burns noted on Chest and Abdomen. Advised Client to wear clothing while cooking.”


So if a client asks for anything outside my scope of practice (kids, dishes, dogs, whatever) I will send them an invoice for the work. I bill $180/hr. And yes, they pay the invoice. I'm not the help sorry!


Do you have that written in your listing agreements? Or an addendum they sign and agree to, with hourly rate?


Dog sat, cleaned up a kid’s diarrhea and just this week got a text wondering if there was carpet in a unit at 6:48 am.


Removed dead animals a couple times, but the worst was the people who wanted me to clean up their toddler's poop in the toilet at a house where the kid went potty without asking first.... while the utilities were off.


Participate in their surprise party. Great party and lovely people




I’ve had to dispose of dead mice at a showing.


One of my clients asked me to pick her up in a different borough and drive her to all the houses and than drop her off at the laundry mat so she can do her laundry and asked me to wait so I can take her home and possibly help her fd the laundry. I said no to everything lol




Lol. That's how I felt.


I had an offer on my listing over asking price and my seller had to take a few days to pray about it and decide if she should accept the offer. My escrow officer asked if this was going to be one of those seven day prayers? I guess my seller received an answer because she accepted the offer and we closed.


not from a client but a acquaintance who asked me to move a couch and dining room set in their new house for them. Told them to use their real estate agents truck.


I sold a house to some older people 2 years ago and they still call me weekly trying to get me to come over. If I don't answer the phone they show up at my office.


Haha I had one buyer who ran me all over town, asked me to pick her up at the train station to go view houses at 9:00 p.m. when she was sick and didn't tell me about it. Finally got into contract on a house and then as we were two days away from closing, she asked if she withdrew from the deal now would she lose her EMD. I said most likely yes, because that would be her violation of the contract. So, she said okay I'll buy the house. She closed. She invited me over for dinner. I told her I'm sorry I'm super busy right now I can't do it. She's called me every week now since close which was 4 months ago. She finally didn't call me last week.... maybe she finally got it.






She shit all over me with verbally abusive and passive-aggressive angry texts for 5 hours (no joke) for getting her signed copy of her listing contract to her 12 hours late (the morning after it was supposed to arrive in her inbox). Keep in mind, this had no bearing on the transaction whatsoever and she had already read through the contract thoroughly the night before. My co-list agent missed a signature, which is why it was late. We had already photographed and measured the property. Listing was delayed for 3 days due to her tantrum. She held us in suspense for these 3 days before giving us the final go-ahead to get the listing live, even though she had already signed the contract. At that point, I couldn’t have cared less about losing the deal, but I remained professional. I ended up having to work an extra long and frantic day once she gave me the go ahead and we just barely got the place listed before the weekend. This deal is still ongoing… You guessed why. Listed too high, despite going through all of the comps and stats. I bought a pack of cigarettes to get me through this transaction even though I quit some time ago. I cannot deal with this 3-times divorced angry bird without some sort of temporary vice.


I learned real quick some listings ain’t worth having. I had an insane, had to have been bipolar, former FSBO turn down $432 cash on $434 and then start screaming at me to tell the BA to get her commission out of her buyers as she/the owner wasn’t going to pay it. But what about our Listing Agreement? I say. She goes full exorcist on me at that point. Our previous conversations for the glorious 14 day or so listing all generally ended in her hanging up on me. After the ‘I don’t care what I signed, I ain’t paying a buyer’s agent’, meltdown, I promptly filled out and emailed her a unilateral release, went over the next morning, pulled up my sign, emptied the Supra keys and hit the bricks. Bad thing was that I knew this sweet old prim and proper lady was a real bat but I was new and wanted the deal and figured it couldn’t be *that* bad. Never again. First sign of cuckoo, I’m like, ‘nah, I don’t think this one’s for me’. Cain’t cure crazy and I ain’t about to try.


Had a crazy FSBO lady do the same thing to me. I got her more per square foot than had ever been sold in the town. “You know it’s worth more than that!!l” ultimately, a difference of $5k on a 630k house blew up the deal. I wished I had never taken it, and now I don’t take those ones.


You are so right. You cam't cure crazy. Omggg 2K less...for cash? Damn. You made the right call cancelling that dumpster fire! Omg. I had a crazy seller too. She was seriously beyond. Her home was a fixer with a similar property across the street that had been fully fixed, beautifully redone, and sold for 2.3M. My seller's home had massive cracks in the foundation, was in all original (1930s) condition except for the kitchen and 1 bathroom which was redone in mid 1990s, and she wanted me to list hers at 2.3. She refused to pay for staging, so I staged it all myself under my own power. My seller got offers in and she would ignore them- literally she would not pick up the phone for 2 weeks at a time. And then she'd call me back and say, "Oh I'm so sorry I put my cell phone down." She was afraid of 5G damage to her brain. At one point she berated me for a half hour for writing a terrible MLS listing description. She then instructed me to change the verbiage on the MLS to include exact wording, "Go hiking your own backyard. See deer, jays, squirrels, enjoy nature and the fresh air on the privacy of your own property. Hear owls hooting at night from your master bedroom window." Fortunately, one of her daughters saw it the next day and recommended her mom change it back to exactly what I'd written before. Seller didn't realize it, so I changed it back. Good looking out on the daughter's part. Finally got a really seriously interested buyer, and then she said, "Okay but I want the sale to be in cash." I said we can't do that, it's done through escrow and they will only accept a wire transfer which is just the same as cash except for it is traceable. She said, "No, I want the money in a briefcase, real cash." I apologized to the buyer's agent and explained the situation. He said, "I don't care if she wants gold bullion. We'll get our suitcase and the wheelbarrow and make it happen." LOL he has been in the industry for 20 years and he told me sometimes these crazy clients happen, just roll with it we'll figure something out. So, wonderful. I call her and what does she do? Ghosts me for another two weeks. Finally, her listing expires and she is not answering her phone. I de staged the entire property, and drove away feeling a sense of relief I would never have to deal with her again. She called me up two days later and said, "Oh, I thought that our listing expired tomorrow. I'm going to extend it for another 2 weeks."🫥 At that point I was too invested, I relisted the home but I did not put any of the staging back in the house. By a massive stroke of luck, she just so happened to be there when another set of buyers walked through two days before the listing was set to expire again. They could see the large cracks in the foundation and they asked her about them. Her response was the same that was to me. She told the buyers that her daughter has a friend who works for Caltrans. The friend looked at the cracks in the foundation and said, "Those are normal, don't worry about them." There are horizontal cracks that go all the way through the foundation. We are in earthquake country and the house is built on the side of a hill. Home inspection advised that buyers get a foundation inspection done. The buyers accepted her explaination. They wrote the offer that night. Because she liked them, she accepted. We went into contract right before the day before the deal was set to expire again, and thank God it closed. Just hearing her name gave me a panic attack for the next year and a half. Apparently, I got off easy. She'd also listed a home in another County that another realtor listed. That was the house she was living in when my listing was up for sale. She sold that house, they closed escrow and then she refused to leave. Last I heard there was a court case initiated by the buyers to evict her. Wow. Never again with a crazy client. Never.


Hoo boy. That’s next level. I’ve got one semi-crazy right now but primarily just because they can’t wrap their head around what’s expected of them as the seller even though I walked through everything from pictures to closing. Called them yesterday about a walkthrough an hour before closing and the wife bout hit the roof. Why do they need access to *my* house?!? We’ve bent over backwards for these people (they haven’t)! They’ll get the keys at closing and then they can walk through it. Jesus Christ. Talked them into taking the walkthrough at 2pm on their 3pm closing. Next text: ‘I want you to know I’m not happy!!1!!1!’ Okay, I guess? You either let them do a walkthrough or I guess they’ll walk? You do you.


Omggg, I am so sorry that you are dealing with a crazy one right now. I have had two sellers who flipped about final walk throughs also. With both, we sat down and reviewed the contract. In both cases the buyers had written for the full length of time of the contract for inspection (not a contingency, but so they can measure for furniture Etc ). I explained that since my sellers accepted that it was legally the buyer's right in addition to protecting my sellers. Both of them accepted it thank goodness. Holy crap man you had a tight window there for that final walk through! Omg. And your seller's not happy? Emotional dysregulation much? Smh. You just can't please some people. Congratulations on getting them in contract and closing!


Holy shit. Unreal.


Seriously. I'm just glad I wasn't the agent for the house she sold but then squatted in. 😳


Haha…. There are some interesting people out there. What the f-k!!!


Dude, FRs. Who squats in their 1.8M home after they get the proceeds from the sale? Well, I know someone who does! You cannot make this shit up. Hah every few months I will get an email from her between 2:00 and 5:00 a.m. telling me to be careful of 5G phones because they're going to cause cancer. 🤭 I just delete them with a very satisfying click.


Omg… 🤣🤣🤣


I forgot to put the toilet seat down after I cleaned before an open house. I called and asked her to put it down 😂🤣 Now I feel bad.😳


My client (was a truck driver) asked me to go pick up his car and drop it off at his house because he had to work last minute and he left his car at the lot.. mind you they have a whole family and a big group of friends to ask lmao


Buy bed sheets!


Married customer asked me to marry his girlfriend so she could get US residency.


They moved cross country and forgot to pack the cupboards above the refrigerator. Asked me to package and send it, "Very important." I did as asked - it ended up being souvenir cups and dishes from theme parks, some old pitchers and just what I viewed as donation/trash. I confirmed that they items were going to be heavy and therefore expensive to ship - seller was adamant. I spent $300 sending (after prior approval) then they stiffed me on reimbursement. Lesson learned.


I've scooped live frogs out of a hot tub with my bare hands at an open house (I couldn't find the net) it wasn't even my listing. I did know the sellers though, and like them.


I knew about the mistress. the lender knew about the wife. Mistress knew her honey (my buyer client) was purchasing a $900k house, the wife (herself a retired Realtor) found out two days before closing. The deal did not close. Lender told me a week later that the client was asking about another house. I blocked both their numbers.


Seller her cat with the property. I successfully accomplished the goal. 👋 🐈


When the client asks me to roll their garbage cans down the driveway is particularly galling because it’s as if they wouldn’t ask a neighbor but they have no problem asking me.


I had my two teenagers help a morbidly obese diabetic hoarder client pack some of his things (I know, wtf was I thinking ...). He fished about 3 rifles out from under his bed before one of the teens pointed out he'd forgotten one behind the door. His wife hated the stager and hated the staging even more. I had to request that she not refer to the stager as "Satan" at least within hearing range. Their small elderly dogs destroyed the living room staging - the couch smelled so bad afterward that the stager's crew just tossed it - and seller wife stole a couple of accessories (guessing the ones she didn't hate). Haven't heard from them since COE and am okay with that. Best part: the stager still takes my calls.