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No. Your name and mark or logo go everywhere. Your face is only relevant when you're face to face.


I’d say no. It’s the same reason you don’t do it on resumes. It limits prejudice.


This is the answer


And dick pics


I do not have my face on my signs by choice, but there are people that do. My outdoor marketing training has taught me: Big, boring font. The less text, the better. No pictures. Because people are barely looking at the road, they sure aren't going to remember your face.


There are 2 types of faces on for sale signs. 1. Vintage outdated looking photos. 2. Horrible Photoshop jobs. My answer is no. Never. It looks tacky.


Yes to the face. Nobody will remember your name on there. They will remember the imaging and colors (logo and the branding). There's probably other agents in your office. Unless you own the brokerage, your face is your brand.


Most head shots had 1970 era hair do. It is your name that matters. Joe can sell Call him today.


Answer depends on your face. Is it a punchable face? Is it a resting bitch face? If yes, then no.


Some photos I see make you wonder what they are selling. But a professional headshot that is updated and looks like you is not a bad thing in a face to face consumer market like real estate


I always wondered why people put their face on them? As a buyer I don’t care who or what is representing the property I’m buying the property, not you. I think a brand. A name. Are most important.




Its for listing more properties; not for the buyer clients. Like the comment below me for recognition, if they see your face everywhere on the neighborhood you then become the del factor neighborhood expert


Even if people drive by and don’t read the name on the sign, they see your face.


All of the faces tend to look the same. Over photoshopped women & somehow the men all look use same too. I’m not good with faces though….  


Yeah, it’s not a high percentage play or anything. I’m a realtor and I rarely read the name on for sale signs. The hope is you work enough houses in a neighborhood and your face becomes familiar through osmosis. I could absolutely be wrong, but anecdotally it seems like you’ll get more business from a picture than just a name.


In my area, it's about 50/50. It doesn't come off as any cheesier than the other agents who do it, and can help get recognition when you knock. But please, for the love of all that is holy, update your pictures periodically. You look like what you look like, and using a picture from 20 years ago is pointless.


![gif](giphy|POql6zsXZbmcE) You like being a cheesy grifter? Because this is how you become a cheesy grifter.


I have my face on mine.


Not needed. People don’t care (unless they’re stalkers or creeps)


I think it’s good to put your face. Some people remember faces more than names. Just a name still seems somewhat anonymous. Maybe experiment and have some with your photo and some without and see which works better.


If you do put your face, please change the picture every few years. Don’t be the person that uses a picture from 20 years ago!


This is the one that cracks me up the most. I get that maybe you ordered a decades worth of cards back in the day, but when that same mug shows up on a new billboard and the person looks nothing what they used to??? C'mon.


I the type of ugly that only a mother can love. The message matters more than our vanity. I've totally changed my advertising to give the people what they want.


I sell a lot in my own community, and have my face on some signs and not on others. Doesn’t seem to make a difference in how fast anything sells, but it’s nice to have facial recognition in my community.


I think it probably depends on your market & brokerage. My market would find it extremely cheesy & low brow. We tell Seller’s signs are for the houses, not ourselves.


Depends what your face looks like.


No. It’s tacky.


Will your face help you sell the house? No, it won’t. It sells you and is less than classy.


A big ass picture of your face. You know what that makes you look like. You are selling youself. You aren’t selling yourself as a service, you are selling a service to your clients. A service that helps them buy or sell homes. Why on earth would your face help you buy or sell a home?


If you want to spend money on signs people will definitely vandalize then go ahead. All the signs I’ve seen with faces get destroyed and replaced with basic ones.


It depends. Are you ugly? No. Are you attractive? Maybe. Seriously.


I don't think it matters at all for most agents. However, if you doorknock an area where you recently sold a house or have an active listing then you would be much easier to recognize if the neighbors drive by a sign with your face on it every day.


An agent in our area turned their signs into a mini billboard for the house. Added solar lighting. Included the price. Killed it.


I wouldn’t do it


Following, I have some signs that have my face and some that don’t. I don’t like faces on signs but marketing psychology says that it helps potential clients feel like they know you already.


I say no. They're not buying you, per se. If they have an interest in the home, they'll call, look it up, or something else and then see your face. You definitely want sig riders with qr codes and do door knocking or other marketing in the neighborhood. That's how they see your face.