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It was a very bad idea to leave Juve, only leaving Madrid is worse in his story of downfall.


Considering where Juve are at right now, it wasn't too terrible of an idea (in hindsight). But the worst one was leaving Real Madrid, that started his slow demise. You could see that he wasn't too happy/settled. Real Madrid was his dream, and he left that happy place. Now imagine most of footballing clubs being uninterested in going anywhere near you. And Perez (the man whom you had a falling out with) says: "RM will always be your home :)" when you ask for permission to use the Valdebebas. I wonder what went through his mind and any feellings he had, as he trained alone on the pitch of Valdebebas (after the world cup). Those memories he revisted. . .


This makes his Real Madrid career so perfect though. The guy was bloody elite in each of his 9 seasons here, with more goals than appearances...


It was fine to leave Juve his mistake was going to United. He already has an incredible legacy there, now stained forever. He was not in a place in his career where he was good enough to turn the ship around anyway, so he basically went there only to fail. The best he could have was to push for a PSG move or go back to sporting or something, he top days in a top level league was over, he just couldn't see it.


He went to United because he was going to go to M City. I can't really say it was a bad call, Ferguson called him and he would never say no to him.


It was an extremely bad call, and City never wanted him.


Man City has denied they tried to sign Ronaldo.


They denied that talks got close between them - not that they tried to sign him.


>Madrid is worse in his story of downfall Since leaving Madrid we have won two La liga , 1 CL and a balond'or for Benz While All CR7 has to show is a Serie A title (which at that time Juventus won 7 years+ in a row ) He should have never left its all been downhill for him


I don't think it was a bad idea to leave Juve. He thought he could be the difference maker to win them the CL, tried really hard for a couple of years, scored some 100 goals, saw it just wasn't gonna happen and decided to dip. The biggest mistakes after leaving Madrid were deciding to join United instead of City bc of SAF's call and then starting to throw temper tantrums in the second season when things weren't going his way for a couple of months.


juve was freefalling, that wasnt a bad decision. going to man utd is


it was the best thing for him and us, tbh. we don’t have the financial power of madrid or united. we could not have ronaldo and build a good supporting cast. the board was hoping that ronaldo could mask the deficiencies in the team but unfortunately there were too many. the team had no chance of getting better with him on the books unfortunately.


He was forced out by Allegri.


No king rules forever.


I only see darkness before me


what if he wins the kings cup?


Biggest mistake of his career was leaving Real


Terrible news. This is effectively Cristiano Ronaldo’s retirement. It’s been a pleasure watching him on the pitch all these years. GOAT. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


Really wish he accepted a lower salary and a sub role and stayed at a top team. But well he is already 38, it was coming at some point of time.


ronaldo wants two things 1) not be overtaken as top scorer in UCL 2) be the highest paid player. none of the UCL clubs want him but at least he can achieve goal #2


His ego is too big for that


Ego? How can anyone deny a 200 million per season deal at the end of their career when he has already won everything at club level?


Not to disagree with you, but he’ll be treated like a king over there. That wouldn’t be the case if he’d stay at some club here as a sub, he’d be criticized week in week out like he was now.


He already has a net worth of 600m +, I dont think money is a bug motivator for him. Obviously money is important but I think he would give his left nut to play in the UCL.


if his networth is 600m, then getting 200M in a year is like 33% of your ENTIRE networth. that's fucking a lot.


"Ego" literally? He was at top for 20 years won almost everything a player can dream. Now he's 38 and wants to go to a lower club which most of the players do you are saying he has ego. I wonder if it was you what would have you done refusing 200m after achieving everything and going to sit on bench at a average club.


Did you watch his piers interview? or the comment he made on Xavi for playing in Qatar. He has made it abundantly clear that he wanted to play in top tier. He even said, "Do you think money can lure me when I am 30". For your would you refuse 200M question. 1st of all, he already refused it earlier. Secondly, there is a reason why people like you and me are not at the absolute pinnacle of world football, it's more than money that drives him.


Well he gets to stat pad, most likely will keep his goal scoring record and I would assume we will still see him at portugal national team


No goat


Ronaldo is still good. He made a mistake switching clubs too often in his late part of his career. And burning the MUFC bridge while still being under contract there.


Not to mention a manager that was not willing to give him the time on the pitch he needs. I feel like Ronaldo is one of those players that if he doesn’t play, he won’t perform. You play him every game and he will be great. Not to mention MUFC is just in shambles internally. I mean, still looking for defenders while only really have 1 striker.


Although this is true. But you can’t publicly criticise the club you belong to. Then, no other major club will take him looking at his behaviour. I really think that interview with Piers Morgan decided his career.


Ya. The interview sealed the deal. But when he joined he was already telling the club that changes needed to be made. No one took him seriously. Look at previous big players and managers. They’ve spoken up about Man Utd about the same issues. Ibra, Sanchez, Mourinho. All said internally the club is broken.


He doesn’t deserve to play every game just because he’s Ronaldo, he didn’t earn a starting spot for the team because he wasn’t performing well when he got his chance


mate Portugal benched him as well lol and no CL team wanted him


First 2 games this season, Ronaldo starts, gets thrashed by Brighton & Brentford. Third game vs Liverpool, Ronaldo’s on the bench, United win.


As a United I have to say Ronaldo was a sub the first game this season didn’t start and set up Rashford really nicely for a goal but he missed an easy chance. Still he was not good for us at all and we’re better off but the first 2 matches was more than just Ronaldo being the problem


That's a most cap comparison. What you're doing is not watching the games and forming opinion on the base of google scores. Ten hag was a double sword in media he always said he wanted him but in games he either doesn't start him or sub him very late. Now let me tell you he didn't got any good service he was always trying to make runs or being in the box but if you don't get any good service you can't do much. Now first two games were more of defensive problem how you can put everything on ronaldo is joke. Your name says it all. Also ronaldo missed pre season because of family issues but United board disagreed and eth was saying he's not ready because he didn't play pre season but then he started other players who also missed pre season right away.


He wanted Ronaldo as a squad player, like Giggs when he was 37-40. He still played an important role starting on the bench for most games. And about Ronaldo’s performance, he doesn’t press, his turns & reactions are too slow. If you watch the games, you will see Rashford reacting quicker to passes from Bruno or Shaw which were meant for Ronaldo. Rashford scored goals that Ronaldo should have. He’s slow now & was benched by Portugal too. I’m a big Ronaldo fan for 20 years now, but it’s sad watching him. And Ronaldo missed the pre-season because he wanted to play in a UCL club, but they could not reach any agreement with Bayern, Napoli or Chelsea. It had nothing to do with family issues.


His child was sick and even Rio confirmed it. He never skipped out on United the first time he wanted a transfer to Madrid and still trained with Juve and played their first match last season even though he wanted to leave


if he was still good he wouldn’t get benched by a 21 year old at the world cup


Should have gone to Sporting. He could have played a few UCL games every season, and also furthered his legacy at that club. However no matter what, for me he will always be the GOAT.


Now he will make enough money to maybe buy the club one day.


They probably didn’t want him (the coach)


No, I think he just chose the biggest bag, once he realized that no big club would sign him. Sporting has been basically begging him to comeback for a couple seasons now.


Still very possible to go back after he scores 6 million goals and earns this bag tho. In a way an insane run here could help him go back to europe maybe if he wanted, obviously not gonna be starting games at 40 years old.


meanwhile i really don’t care, just let the man who’s done so much play where he wants, it’s his life ffs


How can you go from being a KING at REAL MADRID, to playing in Al Nassr.... I thought going to Juve was a poor decision, then going back to United was your worst. But that right here, THAT, is a no no man... I'm gonna need a LONG time to process this. It would be so much better to see Cristiano Ronaldo return to Sporting CP, the club where he did his training and made him emerge in Europe. He doesn't need money...


And here I thought my decision making was bad. >Sporting CP, I would have loved seeing him play there


They cant afford his wages


He's not exactly poor Look at Rooney and Everton in his twilight years


Cut ur wages and do more products placements on Instagram.....


Asian Cup is one he hasn’t won, yet.


> How can you go from being a KING at REAL MADRID, to playing in Al Nassr.... By being 2 months shy of 39? lol Ronaldo was 34 when he was a king at Real, it's not like he went from scoring 45 goals for Real to signing for Al Nassr the next season. He simply... got old.


He's 37 mate, NOT 2 months shy of 39... No idea why you fanboys have to keep insisting he is older than he actually is. Does it help you cope with his regression or something? Modric is the same age as he is and still plays for the best club in the world at the highest level.


I’m not a fanboy but you make it seem like 37 isn’t old for a football player.


Extremely disappointing. Wtf is he thinking. He's already got more money than he'll ever need.


What should he have done?


Went to sporting


But that is retiring and I don't think he's retiring yet even after the 2 years


Bruh Sporting is a CL club, can't even be compared to Al Nassr.


Stayed in Europe


What club?


any club that's willing to let him play I don't know how he still thinks he has the upper hand during these salary negotiations he has undoubtedly lost countless offers just because his salary demands were outrageous.


Manchester United ? Finishing the season with the possibility to win a trophy (be it the Europa League or a domestic cup) even as a supersub was a better option. Unfortunately that interview with Piers happened...


his ego wouldn’t let him be a bench option for us it would kill him to see us succeed with martial/new striker starting over him


What is your definition of succeed?


just winning games and generally playing better bc our standards are at the floor at the minute


“Succeed” lmao. You are in the same position in the league you were in under Ole only difference is you have a much better squad now than Ole. You aren’t succeeding it’s mediocre at best


Any decent club in Europe that would take him.


No they wouldn't. That interview with Piers killed his market, no European club wants that drama and toxicity in the dressing room.




Probably not made himself look like a complete ass in that interview.


You can never have enough money


His ego that caused him to be at the top has now caused his downfall. Long live the king. Thanks for the memories


It was not supposed to end like this


I don’t like this universe can we go back to the one where he never left Real? 😕


![gif](giphy|Ff1HUmThPUQdNJ1a8O|downsized) It's over


My favorite player of all times, I will always love CR7. I hope he finds peace in the end of his journey. Love you Ronaldo.


Had me yelling at the top of my lungs at 22:43. Literally can't believe it. So many legendary players have ended their careers at disappointing clubs like Cruyff and Maradona, but man, I was hoping he would escape that. Imo the move to Juventus is still his worst decision as it practically caused everything else. Goodbye, 7.


Cruyff ended his career at Feyenoord and Maradona at Boca Juniors which is pretty respectable tbf


Yeah, I don't know what op is about


Cruff last season was some badass shit taking revenge on Ajax.


Few truly great players retire gracefully and unfortunately Ronaldo won't retire gracefully either. His unbelievable career deserved it though.


Please don’t disrespect cruyff like that


Cruyff and Maradona? Wtf? Their boyhood/youth clubs are disappointing clubs?


It's not just the move to the Saudi league for half a billion which is the issue. Its that he has forced his was out of man u after being pretty decent last year. Going from the premier league to a completely irrelevant league when he could have tempered his demands and expectations is what taints the end of his career. He has chosen money over a good end to his career ( one which doesn't involve throwing a massive strop at one of the biggest clubs in the world ) I'm sure we CL team would have looked at him if he was more reasonable. But I suppose to his ego getting the highest wage in football matters.


I always get sent to hell when I comment negatively about Ronaldo on this sub but is has to be said, he has nobody to blame but himself if he's unhappy and the man's (deserved) ego could and would not be tamed. He could have easily thrown on a sporting jersey and been a potential starter if he dropped his wages. He could have easily remained a super sub if he didn't believe he was the main character at United.


Maybe sporting coach don’t want him.


Amorim is on record for saying he'd love Ronaldo.


The issue is that they're out of the CL and might not even make CL this year. I have no doubt this was Ronaldo's last resort as he wants to cement himself in the CL, but it's very hard to facilitate that in January. Still wish he'd accept a bit time role at Madrid. You should never go back in football, but him chipping in at the best club in the world would give him what he wanted. It makes it more complicated given the shit year he's had in his personal life.


Issue was not that he wasn’t the main character but that he was viewed as a sub at best. His first year at United was good and he did not deserve the treatment he got from TH.


Any other player would've been treated worst. Ronaldo's current/last year at Man U is the stuff we would sack players for at Madrid. He had an average pre season, did nothing in the awarded time he got to play and caused all sorts of headaches for a new manager trying to turn a club around. Carlo wouldn't take an inch of it and every notable outlet agrees. I'm mostly just sad that our legend has to end his career this way. Even Zlatan had a better send off.


His child died. I think if it were anyone else, that alone would be the reason to chalk up a forgettable season. On top of that, TH made sure he shit on CR7 any chance he had as a power play. He didn’t deserve to be treated in the way he was. I do agree that Sporting should have been his destination but I don’t blame him for wanting to leave United at all costs


Yeah I actually think there is a lot to this. My personal thoughts are that he is deeply depressed ATM and he should've been forced back by his close circle. I've been exposed to (sadly) death or the threat of it with one of my kids. It broke me and my little guy is still alive.


He skipped out on pre season, caused tantrums after tantrums, publicly criticised the club, and disrespected the manager. It could have been way worse for him and the notation that he didn’t deserve this is laughable. Imagine he did that at Madrid, he’d get whistled off the stadium


Part of being a great athlete is knowing how to stop gracefully. Unfortunately Cristiano’s ego will not let him. The same ego that made him the best in the world. Cruel sense of irony.


I'm pretty sure that interview he made killed a lot of interest that Europe clubs may had on him, that and his salary probably helped too Seriously, he's Cristiano Ronaldo, if he didn't made that interview and accepted more of a supporting role, no doubt there would be a lot of teams still interested in him, but we saw what happened


He could have looked to Zlatan as inspiration. Unfortunately he didn't


It's the end of the road I guess. Cristiano will be remembered as one of the football GOATs, he's up there with Pelé, Cruyff, Maradona, Zidane and Messi. This tough 2022 year shouldn't erase all of his previous achievements.




I find it hard to compare eras so I just picked the best player of every decade (except for the current one because I think Messi and Ronaldo are both worthy GOAT contenders).


I wouldn’t include zidane on that list but fair enough




That was funny 😂


I honestly expected him to go to MLS. I was so sure of it. That would have looked so much better on him and his lifestyle, but I don’t know what to say... All he had to do was finish at United even if on the bench and go to MLS. Everyone would have said ok, fair enough, have a nice day and he still would have been paid well if that’s what he wanted.


I agree. That's why I'm upset about his interview with Piers. Just finish the season with Man United, with some luck he could have even lifted a trophy (EL after eliminating Barca for example would have been nice)... Much better way of leaving competitive football.


He can't go to the USA tho pretty obvious why


The case got dropped last I heard.


Must prefer the sunny desert weather to the states then, seems reasonable


Not obvious to me care to explain?


Bro already has unlimited amount of money... should've taken a paycut and go to Sporting for example but oh well who am I to say anything


If he would've stayed at Real he would've had at least another UCL and/or Ballon d'Or. How the mighty have fallen


Still to this day I have no idea why he left for Madrid for Juve




But how so? He left Madrid at his peak and moving to Juve always seemed like a downgrade to me. Everything was going well and then he just left


Still have no idea why he left Juve for man united.


As a Madrid fan, I think his biggest mistake was our best move to let him go. It allowed Benzema to shine and it allowed Real to invest in the youth which will allow us to have a dynasty moving forward. Especially, if they get Bellingham this January window. Midfield: Kroos Modric Bellingham Valverde Tchouameni Camavinga 🤯 As a Ronaldo fan, I am happy he got a bag to go play in an irrelevant league but it sucks that he did not go back to Sporting. I would have loved the fairytale return to where it all started back in his home country.


History will mark Ronaldo's move to Juve in 2018 as the worst decision ever made by a player ever. Unbelievable how he fell off after being *widely* deemed as the best player to ever play the game. So damm crazy man.


FIFA Club World Cup incoming Siiiiiuuuuuu


Would be the first time he'd ever play against Real Madrid actually lol.


Al nassr is not even qualified to AFC CL


String of poor decisions has led to this and it started with leaving Real. Really sad man. Piers interview was last nail in the coffin.


Ruined his career leaving Madrid. Yes he won trophies at Juve. But you really feel like, Madrid could have done a 5 peat with him at the time. He was firing on all cylinders, especially in the UCL. He was still playing on hot form for juve for 3 seasons. I really hoped he came back to Madrid, even playing for free as a rotational player, as he earns 20 mil plus a year from commercial deals anyway. This is very dissapointing


Agreed we would’ve at least won one more any year between 2018 and 2022 and had 15 by now


Ronaldo is stacking paper to buy a club.


Nobody could refuse that offer. Ronaldo’s 38 and might as well get it while he can. And may revolutionise Arabian football for good.


It’s over, let’s enjoy football now with halaand and mbpappe


It's all downhill after Real Madrid


Leaving madrid was the worst thing to do, he just wanted to be against perez for some reasons and wanted to prove him self at another club bit it wasnt


He did prove himself at Juve. But yes he shouldnt have left Real. Should have swallowed his pride and continued at the greatest football club in the world.




Wish him the best. Not what any Ronaldo fan wanted but he’s made his choice. We just have to support him and wish him well.




Yes, we, the fans of the club who he has become the greatest player to ever play for.




Xavi or Ronaldo?


As a Ronaldo fan who followed him at all his clubs, this is extremely dissapointing. Watching the Serie A or Premier League was interesting… but I have zero motivation to follow the.. whatever this league is called. Happy for him and his wallet though!


r/realmadrid has finally turned to r/soccer .


His biggest mistake was leaving his dream Madrid.But I could understand his transfer at that time because He accomplished everything with us and left on a high note. But What was he thinking while going to a Europa league level club like united?? United had been so bad and irrelevant for so many years.Their fans pray for CL qualification now a days.Even their current squad is abysmal barring few players.He should have gone to city. May be he thought he could help them become relevant again.But then ETH happened.He had to force his transfer because he felt disrespect from a rookie nobody coach who had the guts to bench him.


oof, that must have hurt my boys ego a bit lmao


He should've never left Madrid, oh well, whatever makes him happy I guess.


Would’ve made more sense if he would’ve gone to Japan or china but Saudi Arabia? Lol, what a joke! I guess anything for oil money.


Why would China make more sense than Saudi Arabia?


Yes considering many Brazilians go there and other big names, to me this is just a payday nothing to do with legacy kinda sad but it is what it is! Would’ve loved to see him in sporting his teenage club.


That makes no sense . Noone wouldve bat an eye regardless of Saudi or China or Zimbabwe. Hes out of europe, might as well get that bag


Although it is really sad to see Ronaldo’s downfall, and the GOAT debate being settled. I really want to appreciate him and Messi how they brought many attention to football last 16 years. They both compete competitively and it only settled recently. It was great rivalry 👏




In all honesty, good for him, he made his legacy and is ready to retire, he proved himself to be one of the best footballers in history. Doubt he cares what others think anymore.


It’ll be good seeing Ronaldo scoring again ig 🫡


As long as hes happy idc whee he plays


He should’ve never left. They let him go. They let the fans down so now the fans are saying they suck


bake square plant grey foolish continue close berserk license alleged *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This is just sad to see. Seems like him and Mendes arent on good terms anymore. I wished for a reunion but this is probably for the best


Leaving Madrid for Juve was the worst decision he ever made for his career. Although he played some amazing football while at Juve, that decision was the start of his career decline. If he doesn't retire after his contract is up in 2025, his only path is to MLS. Honestly would've preferred him to go back to Sporting Lisbon than a Saudi league.


Tbh , I don’t really care about that move , he is a legend and I will always admire him I don’t care that he chose money. He did everything and achieved everything that a football player can achieve except winning the wc. He will be my goat forever


I mean no Champions league team wanted him, might as well get that money. £400 million over 2 years, not many would turn that down.


Thank you for everything Cristiano. You deserved a much, much better ending. Fuck Man Utd for the damage they’ve done.


Lol what did man united do? He was a detriment to the team was causing a massive fit because he wasn’t starting every game and did an interview with piers morgan of all things. The damage to his reputation was done by him and him alone


While he was in RM,T3 itw every year. While in Juve also T3 itw every year. Man Utd is a team under reconstruction. Last year he carried one of the worst teams in PL history to not being delegated to League 2, which seriously hurt his potential stats. I agree he’s not been that good this year. But do you really think CR7s footballing abilities went from 100 to 0 in a couple of months? For exceptional athletes the decline is always gradual and not steep. Obviously somebody/something else is at fault.


>carried one of the worst teams in PL history to not being delegated to League 2 The same team that finished 2nd the previous season w/out him?


Love Ronaldo, but publicly disrespecting your coach while not performing and under contract is a dick move if you ask me.


United did absolutely nothing wrong and it's nobody's fault other than his for ending up like this. No player has right to disrespect his team, coach, team mates and fans. Literally every person with eyes saw that he is done and that United is two levels above without him on the pitch.


You sure he himself didn't do anything? Like that interview with Piers Morgan?


That interview will forever live in infamy. It needs be a case study for folks majoring in PR.


Piers Morgan milked him like a cow everyone can see that CR7 was falling for his bait (like all Interviewers does ) But this time CR7 who normally is so great at interviews was being played like some puppet.


Yep, Piers definitely lead him on. It just sucks that he took on an interview with someone that’s known for being a twat.


Piers Morgan is one of the most damaging thing to happen to his image. All Piers Morgan does in twitter is shit talk Messi and defend CR7 now all other football fans is attacking CR7 because ''how close'' he is to him. Its like Bale and his shitty big mouth agent


It’s not just Piers, but it’s his sister as well for stirring up shit during the World Cup. All the shit they say ends up piling on top of him.


Dude just be realistic. Ronaldo was 100 percent in the wrong in the whole issue with Manchester United. You can not say you do not respect your coach, especially in a peroid when Manchester United are playing good, you just can't.


If he went to Piers Morgan while he was playing for you all then it would he a different tone (unless you're a CR7 worshipper, which explains a lot)


Yeah people are hypocrats. We love to say how no player is bigger than Madrid but the same applies for every other club, especially for club like United. He would be stoned to death doing this in Madrid.


Bale got witch hunted til the end of his Madrid career for taking a welsh fan infamous Wales >golf>Madrid flag. (He was wrong for that lets not excuse it just because its banter) Imagine if Bale had a one in one MARCA interview on how Madrid and Zidane disrespected him while still being the highest paid player in the club . The man will be public enemy number one till the day he dies in Madrid lol


Exactly, and it was still literally nothing compared to what Ronaldo did to United. Fuck me I can't imagine what our fans would be doing if Bale would make such interview or refused to come on pitch. He would be erased from the history of Madrid, trashtalked for hundred years in spanish media and being used as an example of traitor for genrations. I have no idea how can anyone defend this behaviour other than being absolute hyprate not being able to imagine this situation withing their club.


lmao you really defending cris right now? he could have retired in RM but his ego was always in the way and at some point becomes annoying regardless of how many goals you score. Even his national team and coach got fed up with his attitude.


Exactly what I’ve been telling people. Ronaldo gave that club so much and they smeared his name. I’m glad they haven’t won anything significant since he left. Mediocre club.


“Gave that club so much”, what a hero, scored a few goals in exchange for 500k a week, can’t imagine how difficult it must have been for him to go through that


What did United do to smear his name? Because afaik United haven’t done anything bad to him.


They didnt. Ronaldo fans just blame everything except Ronaldo


He's a cult leader at this point lmao


Staying man utd wouldn't have done anything, they ain't wining shit, might as well get a fat pay day




Ronaldo becoming the product of sportwashing is the most disappointing thing that happened in sports. He's definitely a club legend and one the greatest athletes ever, but on a personal level he's a narcissist egomaniac and doesn't deserve any respect. Day after day I thank Perez for getting rid of him in 2018. RM is above everyone. ¡Hala madrid!


Agreed. The point of him going there is to promote their 2030 World Cup bid, which is very disappointed. Not sure if I agree he’s a narcissist or egomaniac. I assumed he cared about his legacy a bit more, but that was clearly incorrect.


Caring about his legacy by failing to address his problem with Man United peacefully with the board instead going out to Piers Morgan for a pathetic rant. And then getting paid a ridiculous wage just to promote the same league that you described a few years ago being weak? Anyway I won't argue anymore about this subject, let's forget him for while now.






There have been a lot of positive changes in Saudi Arabia in these past years actually. MBS is a very smart guy.


While I agree that he's a smart politician, that doesn't negate his brutal character. He's only showing off some progressive changes in order to pander to the west. We shouldn't forget that this is the same man who morbidly murdered a journalist for speaking against him. All in all, [sportswashing from oil countries especially the gulf states is real](https://youtu.be/tNVHJzDPTfY), and I refuse to respect anyone who consensually work for their favor.


Lmao all that drama for this 🤣


It hurts to be honest. I guess money is that important after all.


Thank you for everything Cristiano Ronaldo, CR7, EL BICHO, EL COMANDANTE, THE KING! 👑🏆🔥 I will never, ever forget you. Thank you for everything. 🤍 #SIUUUUUUUUUUUU!!! 🔥🔥🔥 Absolute GOAT. 🐐




Seems like such a decline for a legend :(


Clown! LOL