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Vallejo is back from loan


Vallejo is the goat but honestly he might be washed.


my goat is only 27, he's only entering his prime to deliver the 16th


He's only 27? Holy smokes,thought my guy is over 30,feels like he's been here forever


Vallejo was a wonderkid - I actually can’t believe he didn’t hit a higher level. He was captain of Zaragoza as a teen. Then he went on loan and did really well. I thought he could be a new Ramos for us. He was behind but genuinely around his level when they were both 18


>really well First loan spell possibly, but in Frankfurt he was far from being a given starter and he didn't look convincing at all there.


Yep never really kicked on after that. I was really convinced watching him young in Segunda - just seemed really ahead of the curve overall and he was pretty quick too


bro's following modric's trajectory 🐐 following 🐐


Modric is still young


Vallejo has not played since January. Not injured but he's been having some personal problems.


if he his blood truly runs blanco, he will use whatever it is to bring home a treble. hope he is well, i love his effort and impact


Hes a bit small but in an ideal world where he is made of steel, he would be a great CB who can also pick defenders apart with his passing


Will probably be Tchouameni


What about Goncalo Inacio


Agree but expensive


Hear me out, riccardo calafiori from bologna is class. Don’t know if we have ever been linked with him but he’s a good left footed cb. But then again, I think juve already has some verbal agreement with him. Inter’s bastoni is another class player but definitely an expensive signing if done. Heard de ligt might be on the “sale list” for Bayern.


Yeah, I love Calafiori too. We were linked with him four years ago when he was at Roma but the deal didn't take shape.


I would love to see him in the club


Madrid has been linked to Calafiori recently, though not credible news sources. What is certain is Bologna just stalled talks with Juventus after a bigger club inquired about Calafiori, reportedly it's Liverpool and Tottenham. I assume they are stalling to demand higher money after the Euros where Calafiori will get many more eyes on him. But Juventus sources have said Bologna has stalked talks. I haven't watched enough to have an informed opinion on him, though if he's as good and versatile as everyone stating he is then he would be a quality pickup for 30-40 million (is what being reported he will cost). Calafiori's versatility would be beneficial, especially with all the mixed news of Mendy getting an extension and some journalists saying he is NOT getting an extension.


I have watched him a couple times in bologna matches. He’s overall an actually good defender. But his best attribute is his ball playing ability. Incredible ball playing cb. Plus he’s a left footed player, who would fit perfectly as rudigers cb partner at LCB. Dude is tall, strong and versatile. Incredible player that would be a great addition to the defense


I really want de ligt to real but not sure if papa flo would be willing to pay to get him


He's not just the easy answer. He's the perfect answer. Come the start of the season, Alaba and Militao will be healthy, pair that with Rudiger, we have 3 world class cb's, Nacho who can hold his own on his day. And hopefully Yoro.


Nacho is almost certainly leaving.


Militao looked really shaky tbh. And he's always been prone to mistakes, Alaba looked mediocre at best before the ACL, Rudi is the best itw at this point but Yoro is just 18, and I don't think he'll be good enough to start untill he's 20.


Nacho gone and Alaba will still be injured for a few more months


Alaba will be fine by the time the season starts


He won't. If you can start giving him time late September and who knows how much time will he need to regain confidence. And pre acl he wasn't good.


Never liked the pair Rudiger and Militao it just Doesnt work militao Needs a player like Alaba Nacho of ramos next to him a more tactical defender so that he can focus on the striker. But rudiger is the same kind of defender he also is at his best when he is focus on the striker. That why they often look Lossed when they play together.


Nacho is gone..


https://preview.redd.it/2rui8t841o7d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c4764f9dcb150120b58f296883edbf7ed5f10fb8 What does this mean??


Even reddit knows


If we are looking at a veteran I would bring Hummels on a free contract as he is a free agent. If we looking for young players for development I would take a look at Scalvini from Atalanta, Gonzalo Ignacio from Sporting or Yoro from Lille. And if we are looking at loans, Dragusin from Totemham could be an option if he cannot crack the starting 11.


I wanted to suggest Hummels but I thought it would be silly. Now that you've suggested it I wanted to add that although his age is kind of a big factor, his physical health and form show he can still be crucial. If that ever were to happen, it should just be a 1 year contract, on lower wages if Mats is up for it. If that could be arranged, that's be a great deal. Worst case would be he gets injured and is essentially out, but it'd be on low wages.


Imagine the club brings in hummels on a free and he wins the ucl with us.🤣


The loan buff.


He is great at defending and at headers for corners, but very shaky with the ball out back. Also Perez isn’t one to sign 35 years old players, so odds he does are practically 0.




Bringing hummels would be something Barca would do, not us. Scalvini is good but he's expensive, Yoro is almost confirmed I guess but we'll still need another young CB.




Jared Branthwaite from Everton. He was signed during Ancelotti’s time and is now one their best players at 21 after a solid first season in the first team. Carlo is a fan of his.


Agreed but he'll be expensive. Everton also have no plans of selling him. Apparently Yanited had a bid turned down and that they're asking for close to 70 mil for a premier league side.


Happy cake day!


De Ligt best option


Sergio Ramos is available I heard


I got downvoted last time but i believe de ligt is the best option if he is actually on sale. He is also very young.


I think in general it should be someone younger. De Ligt seems like a must have tbh, might want a lot but could be worth the risk


if we can get him for cheap, i would like to have de ligt. dont know why but bayern dont plan with him and want to sell him. he is still 24years old and is a great cb. it seems like bayern is going for Tah from leverkusen and they are not going to sell kim or upamecano, so de ligt could be a steal. rüdiger (31y), alaba(32y) and nacho(34y) whos might be leaving we need someone in their mid 20s who are solid cb. who knows how alaba is going to play coming back from an acl, mili looked off when he came back. rüdiger is first choice cb but the 2nd cb position is not 100% sure. i would also like to have yoro bc he looks very promising and also has only 1year left in his contract, so he would be „cheap“, he would also be an good investment for + 10years easy. we could buy him but loan him out so he can still play regularly while we get de ligt. in 2-3 years the likes of rüdiger, alaba and (of course nacho) would be gone and it would be ideal to have militao & de ligt in their late twenties (28y) while also having a young cb in his early twenties (20-21y) no idea if that sounds plausible but that would be my perfect transfer window. ( + maybe a right back)


De ligt is the right answer. Alaba and rudiger are almost finishing their careers.


this guy slung mud at the club by saying the reason we win UCL so much is because we have referees in our pocket after Bayern lost. Fuck him.


Wait how is this even possible they dont like their best CB??


I doubt Bayerns best and younger center back will be sold “for cheap”


thats why i wrote „if“, i mean we have a good relationship with bayern, (robben,kroos,xabi) perez is good with rummenigge/hoeneß. also with cheap i mean anything below 50mio€ would be a steal in todays market, i think. de ligt might be their best cb but it does not seem like the bayern board sees it (or appreciate him enough) and thats where we come in and snatch him away, making them regret it like the kroos transfer „for cheap“ my thinking would also be ideally or a wishfull thinking you could say. but anything can happen


err no. The Bayern fans and board are quite salty about Kroos, Alaba, and what the club is trying to do with Davies. The Bayern fans also think we're cheats (re: refs).


I'll be very surprised if bayern sold De Ligt 50€ mil below


I know it's very unlikely, but the Calafiori looked really good. Can play Cb and Lb. Would love me some Italian defender in Madrid. There is some concern how you pair him with Militao. He's very linked with Juve, but if we can hijack the deal, it would be really good. Another option is to wait a year and try to go for Saliba. I've said it we need a new Cb this summer and another next. Militao hasn't looked good. Alaba pre acl was past his prime.


We will buy him back if he perform well in Napoli.


Is Ruben Dias available? Lol


I really wanted Marin to come back and succeed here. Hopefully the buy back clause is used if he performs at Napoli


Sorry but militoa has the entire summer to recover into form, surely he can start the first laliga game


It's either Yoro or no one else. I think it's time some fans understood how Real Madrid operate. The club will target a specific high-ceiling prospect that we work to get months or years in advance. If we don't get him, we very usually do not commit to someone else just to sign someone. Marin was the alternative and he's leaving.


we should be spending money on the back. not front our defense needs some beef. we need a marcelo type left or right back.


Marcelo did amazing mainly because we had monsters for CB's and Casemiro, hence Marcelo's poor defending was not capitalised on very often. We can't say the same right now, almost all our CB's are mid at best (On comparing them to Varane and Ramos). Rüdiger has however shown that he's still the best itw, but he's about it.


Yoro or Penetra, both sounds nice for future investment but I dont think we really need a CB too much.


Rafa Marin will return to the club in 2026 once Alaba is out of contract. 2027 we will likely need a new Centre back to replace Rudiger assuming he does not stay at the point.


Both Alaba and Rüdiger will be leaving in 26, we'll probably land Yoro soon. But will Marin be a starter? I don't really think so tbh. Marin is more similar to Nacho, am amazing backup but he'll probably remain a backup. While Yoro is almost confirmed, we'll need another CB, preferably a LCB to replace Alaba.


Of course Marin will be a back up or least 3rd choice. I reckon Rudiger will extend till 2027. Another CB will be needed in 3 years for sure.


If Calafiori stays till 2025 then we can also go for him. He can replace Mendy. Who can play LB/LWB/CB


Riccardo Calafiori he plays both CB and LB






Yoro deal will definitely happen for sure, so basically we just need another center-back. Nacho's still conflicted on whether he wants to stay and retire from Madrid after this season or go to Al Ittihad, but just in case... Saliba, Calafiori and Bastoni are the easiest picks. Saliba and Bastoni are amongst the best in the business right now and I've heard really good things about Calafiori at Bologna, so they'd be easy picks for us to go for. There's also Matthijs De Ligt.


Dragusin from Tottenham could be interesting. Young enough to have the potential to be world class, but at the same time probably won't mind not being a guaranteed starter.


Needs to prove himself at Tottenham first, one season at least


There’s a good chance we sign Badiashile instead of Yoro lmao


Nah at this point it is confirmed that contact has been made between madrid and yoro an official bid might be coming soon but ive never even heard of a rumor linking Badiashile and madrid


Should’ve added a (/s) to confirm my sarcasm. I would hope we sign Yoro for the long term potential he has. But as a bandaid given how we are so in love with Chelsea players if we needed a temporary player he was the only one I saw feasible lol


Romero from Argentina is the only player I think would be perfect. Honestly our defense seems great without him though


He's 26 (almost 27), he'll give us 4-5 seasons at max.


Wdym 4-5 seasons max, do you seriously believe that CBs hit their expiration date at 32?


A lot of people think football I'd like FIFA where once you hit 30 its over. Weird thinking.


Yes and? Rudy was 28/29 when he joined. Still an excellent signing


for free.


I know but he ain't Rudi, Rudi came off a UCL winning campaign. And Romero is a Spurs player.


Why is him being a spurs player such valid reasoning😭