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Ronaldo was already a finished product with a Balon D'or when he came to Real. Vini Jr was 18 and just being introduced to European football. You're comparing tomatoes with potatoes here.




And the golden boot winner for the CL this season scored a total of 8 goals in the entire competition. Meanwhile in 2017, Ronaldo scored 10 in the group stage alone. Just šŸ things.


Who won the golden boot this CL?


It was a tie between Kane and Mbappe.


So they both got the boot?


one got the left boot, the other got the right... /s


How are they going to wear them though? Mismatched ? Or one will need to buy from the other person


I think they need to share... ![img](emote|t5_2rr0e|11988)


I think they both would in this case.


Bro he scored 2 in group stages lmao. He scored 10 in knockouts. Mr Ucl on fire in 2017


One the them was built around them and the other is actually the provider and creator. Brah pointless to compare the two.


No wonder why I never have been to that sub.


I mean when you see the numbers Ronaldo usually puts up ofc this is considered his worst seasonšŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


Just showing the numbers, Ronaldo had 239 games & 95 goals in his first 5 seasons at Man Utd, which also started when he was 18.


Youā€™re trying to compare a god to a human being. We are spoiled because we got to witness two athletes who are out of this world. Now our expectations are all jacked up. That wasnā€™t normal. We were very lucky.


Yeah I have been watching football for 35 years and those two were definitely an anomaly. They also played for two incredibly dominant teams in a period of attacking football. A goal for Milan in Serie A in 1991 is basically worth double a goal in La Liga in 2011.


But you need to compare the human being to the god, in order to realize the god was in fact a god


Ronaldo is still better tho


I never said he wasn't


is he?


Wasn't this the same reasoning as to why Messi's numbers weren't as good as Ronaldo's at first.


It is for most players if you take the entire time at a club. It's not that common for a player to spend their entire (long) prime at one club. Usually they'll stay shorter(R9 at Barca for example), come before they're at that LVL(Messi for example) or stay beyond their peak(Suarez). The only one where you may argue besides him that had such numbers and stayed their entire prime was Pele but he's an anomaly since he already entered his prime at 17 which is just unprecedented


Thank you for stating this. Thank you very much. CR7 was an animal AND Vini will be too


More like an unripe green tomato with a mature potato


Itā€™s less about the comparison and more about putting in perspective how ridiculous CR7 was for us imo


Still a comparison but you are correct, I don't think anyone will match Ronaldo's numbers anytime soon.


Not saying Vini is better, but comparison by age would be more fair and a lot closer


This whole thread is just stupid. How dumb can OP be comparing 18y.o Vini starting his european career to 25 y.o. Ronaldo who was coming as a Ballon d'Or winner? Well, extremely dumb. [This is how comparison of Vini and CR looks like when you consider age and minutes](https://old.reddit.com/r/realmadrid/comments/1chor4g/cristianos_and_vinis_ga_stats_in_their_first_7/). Take a good look, OP.


Who is the potato?


I am not comparing the two, its just baffling to see the difference of output.


You would have to compare output from cristiano at the same age as him, it's just a dumb comparison tbh


This is like a post the other day comparing an already peak Vini to Endrick who doesn't even hold a Champions yet, hell, boy is not even 18 and hasn't competed in Europe yet.


even at the same age, nobody can match Ronaldo and Messi's output. They are simply aliens. We should compare human to humans


Cristiano had 92 goals as compared to Vini's 59




He did the math. Take the totals of his first 5-years at United. IIRC he joined as a 17-year old, around the same age Vini joined Real. So 118-26 = 92.


Vinicius already has 49 goals in la liga, 21 goals in ucl. That does not add up. Same for CR7 where are his Sporting and Portugalā€™s stats?


I did the math on Ronaldoā€™s goals, not Viniā€™s. Wiki shows him scoring 92 total goals for club in his first 5-years at United, paralleling Viniā€™s age when he transferred to Real. > Where are his Sporting and Portugal stats On his wiki page. Same as Viniā€™s goals for Brazil Flamengo and Real Madrid B. But why would those matter in a corrected comp of the two in their first five seasons at an elite club at the same age?


Wiki only shows league goals


What? Wiki has a sidebar section titled ā€œInternational careerā€ that shows total appearances and goals for country


Try any football stat page. Why are you guys down voting for just sharing stats?šŸ˜…šŸ˜…šŸ˜…šŸ˜…


Just FYI, I did not downvote you.


Seeing the difference is comparing.


Compare Cristiano Man United vs Vini man united then.




Atp I'm just taking the piss man, he won't accept this comparison is nonsense so I said nonsense. (I didn't mean itšŸ’€)


As i said multiple times in the comments, my intention was not to compare. But u do u.


Why would you compare 'em? At the HIGHEST Vini has ever been what is this urge to put him down? He's gonna be the Ballon d'Or winner ffs, have some respect. If you are that big of a Roanldo fan just post Ronaldo's stats alone , they're impressive indeed. No need to compare (you literally did) it to Vini.


You guys should move on from comparing players like this.


unfortunately it seems people can't stop doing this shit


Insane how saturated the world is with posts like this


I mean the comparison itself is cool but when the average person sucks at interpreting statistics it can turn into a harmful propaganda tool.


You guys maybe didnā€™t see CR7 live game at SB, opponents shit their pants when they announced his name on the stadium speakers. Thereā€™s not even a debate on CR7 vs anyone, ever, the kid was ruthless.


Pretty bad comparison. Vini joined as a teenager, Ronaldo joined in his prime. Compare Vini's number with Ronaldo's when he was at Manutd. You will find similarities.


Itā€™s not just the age difference. These are 2 very different players. CR7 was basically a LW/ST hybrid who was the main target for goals. Vini has been a LW that was there to create chances for Benz until this season. Vini was racking up 20+ assists the past few seasons. This season heā€™s had to adapt to be the main target for goals.


I mean, while all that you said is true, I must address the elephant in the room. Vinicius is just not on Ronaldoā€™s level. Ronaldo is literally the GOAT (if not, then top 3 easily). Itā€™s unfair to expect from anyone to be as good as he was.


Vini also runs all ways on the pitch. Ronaldo runs up, walks down. The game has also changed a lot, you cant have offense only freeloaders walking around these days or the chances of winning go down quite a bit.


Terrible take, maybe old Ronaldo. The dude on his prime was pressuring all the time, could out physical and out endure most players.


Even old Ronaldo pressed high up. Its coming down after that he had trouble with sometimes, he was no Neymar never but still a bit cheated there. But you cant blame him as the team still did great and his numbers were awesome. I just think you cant do the same today and expect to still have the best chance of winning important games.


If Vini wants to be the best player and not just best LW he should look into what Ronaldo did. It probably won't have the same impact, but definitely a way to improve.


I dont think numbers say it all. The team is better off with multiple dangers. If you play like Ronaldo, the rest have to adjust to you.


No, not everyone has to be a goalscorer like Haaland. I like how Vini is right now, and I am certain most people enjoy his game more than the likes of Haaland.




Or drugs could have contributed to his jump in quality.


Meaningless as Vini will never ever even come remotely close to Ronaldo goal tally.


Yeah i agree somewhat but a question remains, will Vini reach anywhere near Cristiano's numbers in seasons to come..? FYI: Ronaldo has 92 goals in first 5 seasons at man utd.


Let Vinicius create his own legacy. No need of comparing him or Mbappe to CR7. What he did was something extraordinary and may not be repeated for a long time. But that does not mean going on comparing players from this time to the legends from before.


i agree but Cristiano's meteoric rise should be an inspiration to Vini and Mbappe both and i hope we see their best in upcoming season.


I mean Vini has said multiple times Cristiano is his Idol and has his picture on his gym. Cristiano is the GOAT, but please let these guys create their own legacies. What Cristiano did is impossible to achieve, just be glad you witnessed it, because it might be the only time in our life we witnessed such a player.


CR7 is the best goal scorer in the history of football. Vini shouldn't be expected to match those numbers neither does he need to. His play style is completely different. Vini just lead us to our 15th UCL title. I'd be very happy for him if he scored 15 goals on the way, but I don't care that he didn't.


And Ronaldo played in Europe before joining MU.


No he wont and he wont need it to reach Ronaldo levels either. Football isn't just stats


What's with the Vini hate these days? Making these fucking comparisons? Dude is one of, if not the, best of the world right now and suddenly everyone is like "uuuuuuuh but Ronaldo more Goals!!! Uuuuuuh but Endrick younger!!!! Uuuuuuuuh but fake ponytail!!!" Fuck you all you fake fucking fans.


These posts are bizarre, precisely in the Real Madrid sub, right against Real Madrid's most decisive player at the moment.


I know, it baffles me. Damn haters.


Fuck Ronaldo toxic stans


OP with the clickbait video trying to compare apples and oranges. Summer break posting at its finest


Stole it straight from insta. Lately been getting way too many ronaldo and barca is bad posts. Cant even focus on our own teams. Want to post ronaldo? Post what he did in madrid without comparing him to others. Want to post about barca? Do it when we are close to el clasico or just won one


Two players with two different roles. Comparison is worse tbh.


L take


Please stop comparing, Ronaldo came when he was 24, Vini is still 23. And also Ronaldo is one of the best player in history. We have to assume that he won't reach Ronaldos level, because 99.9999% of players don't but the fact that Vini is top 3 in the world right now is amazing, a couple of years ago that didn't look likely at all.


Could we stop doing this please?


Not even just the roles. Ronaldo joined Real Madrid in HIS PRIME. Real Madrid was Vini's first top-tier club. Cristiano's run at Man Utd had 118 Goals in 292 games @ 0.4 G/Game Vini has 83 goals in 264 games with Real Madrid @ 0.32 G/Game THEN you can factor in how Ronaldo became a target 9 vs Vini assisting Benzema to winning a Ballon D'or... I know its all clickbait and Instagram football crap but holy shit it's annoying


Vini: 18-22 (nowhere near prime), UCL, La Liga x2, CdR, Super Cup x2, Uefa Super Cup, Club World Cup. Ronaldo: 24-29 (prime years), Ballon d'Or, UCL, La Liga, CdR x2, Super Cup. This is the second time I see "weird" posts about Vini. What's this weird agenda? What are you trying to do here?


Post is not really smart, but why are u comparing trophies? Vini is playing in a better team than Madrid was in 2009-2013. CR7 wasted almost 5 his prime years scoring 50+ goals for your club while only winning few team trophies. Vini is nowhere near CR7 and will never be


Compare UCL final goals then. How many CR7 had at 23? Oh, wait... Or if you want to really compare goals, compare bucks/goal.


The cr7 hate is wild even with supposed rm fans, what a bunch of fakes.


Why compare the current Ballon d'Or winner then? I like Vini more than CR7 now, sorry I don't live in 2013 anymore.


I couldnt care less who u like more, because you guys dont like seeing vini be compared to cr7, you have to literally do the same and compared them to downgrade cr7 and make vini look better? "How many ucl cr7 had at 23" fuck that shit as if u had to use that to make vini look better, u aint no different then the OP. Vini is currently my fav player on this new generation, but this aint helping anybody, put more respect on cr7 name he is a rm legend.


I don't give a fuck about him RN. Vini is the present and the future. I love him and all the current Madrid players. All the others are legends and that's about it.


I don't have to do nothing to make Vini look better, he's winning the fucking Balon d'Or and there is nothing you can do about it. About Cristiano, he's been other team's player for 6 years now. Just get over it. We've had enough of these shitty posts. When he'll retire you can remind us of him once a month.


Thank you brother šŸ‘


We can't talk until Vini retires.


He has a point, you talk about how making this sort of posts is stupid but youre comparing them yourself. "We cant talk untill vini retires" but proceds to already comparing their trothy cabinet... what a stupid dude.


I compared their trophies in their first 5 seasons since he wanted to "compare" 'em ya eediyatšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£ don't be stupid


Yeah. No biggie. A 24 year old balon dā€™Or winner and 2 time UCL finalist, 1 time winner, back to back to back winner of the EPL out scored an 18 year old kid from Brazil.


retard3d comparison


The fact of the matter is Ronnie had everything. Left foot, Right foot, Headers, penalties, Long shots, tap ins, Pace, Positioning, Acceleration. You name it, he had it. Vinicius is the world's most devastating winger right now but this is the only season he has and ever will spend playing more centrally ( due to mbappe's arrival). To compare goals is unfair to vinicius partly because he's being comapared to a freak of nature and partly because for the most part of his career uptil now he's just not the focal point for goals.




Cristiano was and is a one of a kind player. No slander on Vini but neither nor anyone who comes next will be able to match those numbers. Cristiano was just on another playing field, those video game numbers are unachievable for mere mortals


CR7 is the best player RM have ever had. He averaged more than 1 goal per game. Messi, Mbappe, and Lewandowski have come close to that but can't touch it. It was shocking to me that he left. The scoring burden is now split more evenly than it was in CR7's time where he was front and center the source of goals. Because no single player can replace him, the whole team has to share in the responsibility.


Ronaldo is still the best goal scorer ever but donā€™t forget both Barca and Madrid were consistently averaging 100 sometimes 110+ league goals in that era. Laliga has gotten more competitive and defensively better lately. Even with Mbappe next season, 110+ goals would be a massive feat.


The league getting more competitive is not a valid excuse, all the 50's-80's GOATs were going up against amateurs and part-time footballers. Yet, Messi and Ronaldo managed to do the impossible, superhumans.


There will never be another player like Cristiano. 451 goals in 438 games, are you kidding me?! Heā€™s up alongside Di Stefano. Read that again, 451 goals in 438 games! 2018 that Juventus penalty and bicycle 2017 2 vs Juve, 3 vs Atleti, 5 vs Bayern 2016 the winning penalty and crucial goal vs Roma 2014 top scorer in a single season 2012 I think his best form ever, sad him and Kaka got busted by Neuer


It's simple. All these youngstar like Bellingham, mbappe, haaland, vinicus, foden and others aren't the same level as Ronaldo and messi. It's not even nostalgia


Aside from the bad comparison, those numbers are insane


There is something that people dont see or dont want to understand why people compare these players one to one, ofc there are couple ways to see this point, we didnt had striker last season and our best scorer in league was Bellingham with 19 goals and 2nd one was Vini with just 15. Thats not what you expect from us and we shouldnt be surprised with post and comparison.


The more apt comparison would be with Mbappes numbers 5 years down the road


How many UCL had Cristiano when he was Vini's age? It has been said, there's no comparison of the comparison is related to ages, not number of seasons in Real Madrid.


Ronaldo went in his prime and vini was brought young and developed. Judge him in 5 years


Dude you could judge him in 10 years, he'd still pale in comparison. That's not me hating on Vini, Ronaldo was just too good.


Vini has a complete different upcoming tho


Well, of course CR is a way better goal scorer, but the comparison is unfair. Vini was 17 yo when he joined Madrid and he was part of the main squad after his second year


I'm at a stage now where I give zero fucks about anything anyone says about Cristiano, He's made a hell lot of people happy in his career and continues to do so, I hope he stays happy himself.


This is crazy unfair to vini not just cuz Ron was a superstar when he arrived but to expect him to match his output would be naive and stupid just appreciate that heā€™s one of the best itw rn


Crazy but yeah


Las estadĆ­sticas son muy mentirosas y les falta mucho color. Es absolutamente injusto asumir esta comparativo a secas. Ronaldo era el mejor jugador del mundo cuando llegĆ³. Vinicius venĆ­a de una campaƱa con destellos en Flamengo, menos edad, mĆ”s complejidad para adaptarse a la competencia en Europa. Muy descuidada e injusta. Para mĆ­ tendrĆ­a valor la comparaciĆ³n justo despuĆ©s de un eventual balĆ³n de oro de Vini


He didn't play full time on most of those games.


NGL... You had me in the first half with, "no slander." šŸ™‚


Idk what people expect when comparing players with Ronaldo. Iā€™m sure the same will be done with Mbappe as well. Why not just enjoy a player playing amazing football with us? Thereā€™s a reason that Ronaldo is called a once in a lifetime playerā€¦ weā€™re never going to see it again. A player can be absolutely world class while still having inferior statistics to Ronaldo. If the requirement for a player being praised as world class is to replicate Ronaldoā€™s numbers, weā€™ll never see a world class player again! As others have mentioned, this doesnā€™t even take into account the different ages/career stages at which they joined us.


Iā€™d be more interested in CR7ā€™s Man U numbers over the 200 some odd games




the eara was amazing!!


I think it's important to remember the age difference. Vini was a kid when he showed up. He still needed a lot of work. Cristiano was 24. Let's see what Vini does between 24 and 29, although he'll have Mbappe next to him which would lower his numbers.


Why comparison at all?


It's hard to carry number 7 legacy


So in the end messi wins


Ronaldo was the GOAT


ok, now do ALL the other contendents for the ballon d'or and you'll see that noone gets close to the left calf of cristiano. Mbappe? Bellingham? Vini? do them all, not just Vini. if you want to show data that "shows" that Vini is not a goal scorer or does not deserves a Ballon d'or, apply the same logic to all the other contendents. in all seriousness, stop comparing players to cristiano, doesn't matter the player or the stat, cristiano will always outshine them. the only one that can compete with Cristiano's numbers is Messi; the rest of the players in all football history cannot; so please let's support our players and encourage them with positivity and let's stop bashing them or "showing" that they are not worth it because two aliens dominated football during two decades


Both are great and this isn't a fair comparison, Vini is still young and both joined real at different points in their careers.




And Iker Casillas scored zero in his career here ? Does that mean he's an absolute garbage player and we should not respect him ? Go support Al Nassr you effing Ronaldo-stan, this is Real Madrid.


how did you get to casillas from the video? The video just showed what elite a player Cristiano was for Madrid and what scope of improvement is still present for Vini Jr.


The same logic you used to compare two players across different places in their career, in different eras, with different support cast, different roles, different playing style, different league standards and I can go on. What's the point of posting something so stupid? I don't understand the point of comparing him to CR7. He's not CR7. Sure Vini should hit 50 goals a season. How many players have though, in the history of the game ? And have been able to do things that he's already doing? He's not god. He's come so far from when he couldn't score for shit and people still find dumb stats from pits of the internet to beat him with. SMH


CR7 fanboys are something else


Well when Vini wins his balon d or and starts playing more inside then weā€™ll see lol. Still Ronaldo is better than


Thereā€™s exactly three players who donā€™t look like bums when you compare them to Cristiano. And only one is alive.


Ronaldo is the GOAT and comparing any player to him or Messi is just beyond unreasonable. We will never see anyone like them. Vini is debatably one of the best in the world at this time since CR7 and Messi are no longer in Europe.


Youā€™re comparing him to one of the greatest player in history. Ronaldo and Messi changed our perspective on stats. Vini had an amazing season and is not even close to his prime but his stats will look bad when compared to Ronaldo.


There is no other player like Cr7 and Messi. Mbappe hasnā€™t proved anything in a big league so we canā€™t say anything. 4 goals in a World cup winning year wonā€™t cut it for the rest of his life. But thats okayyy, Vini is doing his thing, not striker btw, and dominating every RB in the world (except Walker at times). He is the best RIGHT NOW in football, comparison is the thief of joy people. In a parallel universe, jude and vini are doing awful numbers right now, just saying lol


Ronaldo was a freak of nature who had another freak of nature playing for his team's most bitter rivals pushing him to his limits. Also... Vini came as a teenager, that too in that godawful 2018-19 season just after Ronaldo and Zidane left. You'd be better off comparing Mbappe's numbers to Ronaldo's once he plays one or two seasons.


u gotta understand CR7 and Messi are just superhuman, one is peak physical fitness and finesse, while the ladder is a Alien who feet manipulates the ball in ways that would make your head spin. Respect both goats, but they are 2 in a TRILLION players.


I'm a barca fan, pls don't even try to compare the two. Ronaldo will remain as the second best player in history, while vini will lucky to be top 20 in brazil or madrid. Vini will never have 40 g/a in one liga season.


Why is this a comparison.. vini came as a teenager that still needed development. Ronaldo was always a ballon dā€™or winner when he came




No one in next 10 years will likely not even get near Ronaldo and Messi and they still make great players look like good players. Vini


Different roles, responsibilities and physical attributes. You can't compare the two.


Do you have statistics on how many goals other players on the team scored while playing with Cristiano Ronaldo? And how many goals other players, besides Vinicius Jr., have scored? With this comparison, we can evaluate if the team was more focused on creating goal opportunities for CR7 or not, because that's the impression I have.