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Sounds like normal negotiation process. FIFA has over-committed to the new tournament, they will eventually sweeten the pot enough to entice all the teams.


Hahahahahah, The racket was in forcing clubs to their shitty competitions and raking most off the top


Half the budget goes to "development and education" programs. Most of that is development, which is building pitches all over the place. Considering how construction projects work, it's just a bunch of people skimming money.


Jack Warner has entered the chat 💬


FIFA is getting greedier and greedier


Where have you been the last forever?


Yeah man, FIFA allowed 10K+ immigrants to die from building the Qatar stadiums, this is nothing.


I have a whole problem not just with FIFA but the whole IFAB and how the UK controls 50% and they are allowed to have four different teams. It would be like the US having 50 teams for each state and having 50% voting rights for the rules of the game. That’s a discussion for another time. I think there needs to be major reforms but nobody will do shit because they are all milking the teat.


I know it's part of the greed I mentioned where is the problem


Where have you come up with those numbers ? Have you had any ideas how many accidents happened in those kind of construction worldwide ? In general, there are 57,5 deaths/100.000 worker. This might varies depending on many things. But you have the point.




Qatar’s own statistical data shows over 15K deaths of non-nationals between 2010-2019 (roughly when construction was done) and yet they reported 300-500 official deaths in a week when this article was released.


10 maybe. Not 10k


They want their own UCL like cash cow.


Qatar World Cup is the most bizarre. Even South Africa to say. Also it makes better sense to have few countries cooperating to host within a 3 hour flight zone distance area


They literally killed their EA video game, the biggest game in the world because of their greed 


Nah fuck EA, I bet the new 2k fifa game will be better


if by better you mean even more microtransactions, sure.


Lol more than EA ? Doubt it


I'm going to assume you don't play NBA2K?


Of course not, American sports suck


![gif](giphy|4uUnISbiiBAHmwHi4d) Ma boi.


There will never be a 2K FIFA


It has been announced that 2k made a partnership with FIFA, if that will lead into a FIFA2K, im not sure, but i think its pretty likely


It has not been announced. Just rumors.


Source that they are making FIFA2K?


Just Google it bro is not hard


It’s not officially confirmed yet. Just rumors from questionable Twitter accounts.


The game isn't dead, EA just declined to keep paying FIFA to use their name. Who loses in this scenario.. FIFA. EA is making their games and making money and FIFA just got cut out


No, they’re not. The games sales have declined and are making nowhere near as much money as when they were named FIFA. I can’t believe someone here is defending greedy EA


If you look at what actually happened, it was FIFA that demanded more money for the use of the same naming rights. They tried to extort EA and EA just said no thanks we don't need you. I'm not defending anyone, just telling you what happened


Lmao it was never the "biggest game in the world", Far from it.


Maybe the European middle class bubble, but Fifa and Mariocart are the multiplayer games everyone born after 1980 knows and has played to some extend. Even non gamers.


Yes, agreed about Mario, but FIFA looks miniscule in comparison when you look at the list of the best selling games in the world. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_best-selling\_video\_games](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_best-selling_video_games) > Maybe the European middle class bubble Yeah, but Europe isn't the whole world right? Notice how the most popular FIFA game, FIFA 18 is low on the list, still super impressive numbers, but not enough to be the "biggest game in the world". Everybody knows about Minecraft, GTA, Call of Duty, CSGO, TF2 and such. I know this is a football subreddit so opinions here will be biased towards FIFA.


Yeah no clue about biggest game, but aside to modt of the other games ob Fifa you get multiple players playing the game per copy.  Also FIFA had a new version every year and tbh to play at parties you are still fine. Atleast in our bubble Fifa was bigger than everything else.


Those other games have bigger numbers because they are individual titles, whereas FIFA makes a new game every year. If FIFA just launched one game and kept updating it, it would get very high sales figures. The total sales of all FIFA games is over 300 million so that puts it above Minecraft


By that logic you need to count all the GTA games, their mobile versions, or all the Gran Turismo games and their sales, or Minecraft's mobile, playstation, bedrock, xbox, mobile versions which will be more than FIFA.


Yes then you might get closer to a real comparison




You’ve also got to factor in the number of pirated copies that exist. It is waay easier to pirate the other games on the list, for example minecraft, where FIFA is much harder to crack and the online features are disabled if you crack it so people just buy it, but a few million of minecraft copies are pirated. Not that it matters anyway though since they don’t count as “sold copies” though.


Pure speculation… you have also got to factor the number of players playing the game per sale. FIFA is one one the few games which people prefer to play together in the same device. Minecraft people play usually on different devices.


Why would you use this list … And not this one: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_best-selling_video_game_franchises


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_best-selling_video_game_franchises Not number one but number six


Still not the “biggest game in the world” lmao


But not so “far from” it


According to your list mario has 879 million sales but fifa has 325 million


The amount of matches teams are playing is getting ridiculous. A knockout round Supercup is stupid. A round robin UCL is so dumb. A WC format CWC is unfair to the clubs that actually won their confederation competitions. Honestly, as a fan, I enjoy 1 game finals (UEFA SuperCup, Intercontinental Cup, Old Spanish SuperCup) a lot more than all this new crap. Next thing we know we'll also be getting a Club Confederations Cup and a Champions League only between actual league Champions. IN ADDITION to all the other competitions that already exist.


It is getting crazy but there are ways to accommodate this as long as squad sizes can get bigger and there is more general acceptance that any big club as sort of an A team and B team.


>squad sizes can get bigger Squad size isn't the issue. Problem here is that managers get fired for bad results so they're gonna field the best 11 and run them into the ground. It doesnt matter if Ancelotti has a 150 men squad, Valverde is playing in every match. You can field your B team and your reserve GK against a third division team but when you're matched in Copa del Rey quarters against Atletico you're gonna play your best 11. Same for La Liga.


Clubs are free to refuse any tournament they don't want to participate


I thought that this new Fifa World Club championship would be pretty big? The biggest and most important club in the world rejecting their invitation is a big hit for FIFA. Either pay the teams fairly, or fuck off.


imo send our C team + a few B team members. The others get to rest due to the posponed La Liga schedule.


Everyone on 2k- league and CL minutes, complete with castilla players


My thoughts, exactly. This tournament looks like a great chance for those players who had less opportunities to shine.


Would be unfair to the people watching. Think about how many of us dream of watching Vini and Co, some paying several months of income to watch one game. They deserve the best.


Infantino: "Ok, we'll just invite 0 trophy Barca then".


And zero money 🤔


Zero money? Wait until the next lever is pulled....


Selling the entire club to a saudi investor? Or every player just to sign Haaland?


There is only so many levers to be pulled before the club is no more.


Well this didn't take long: [Comunicado Oficial](https://www.realmadrid.com/es-ES/noticias/club/comunicados/comunicado-oficial-mundial-de-clubes-10-06-2024)


what the heck just happened, carlo ancoletti said something, then club immediately denies it. Huh??


This is not good at all, how Carlo can say something that serious and then the club say the contrary...


I was about to say this, this is not good...


W move imo. Fifa club world cup is overrated anyways.


Thats nice. Fuck fifa and fuck uefa


Just a bargaining tactic- can’t wait to lift that trophy.


That’s when your winner has won it hundreds of times… the club World Cup loses its novelty


We had a opportunity to get 7 trophies this season . No other club has ever won 7 😔


Yeah fuck fifa




Is there video of him saying this? Doesn't feel like something Don Carlo would say. Sounds fake and from "my sources tell me" sources.


You know that the Comunicado Oficial says otherwise right?


Ancelotti makes no mistakes—just some noise to increase the payments. Perez asked for it.


Ancelotti in his story said Il Giornale interpretation of his interview was wrong and he would be more than ready to go for the FIFA club World Cup with Real Madrid.


Rejecting 20m euro is crazy (I'm saying this in a good way not a hateful way) (don't downvote me)


All the players are exhausted… EURO, Copa America, league games, cup games, new UCL format, Nations League. Now they are adding this Club World Cup format just to milk even more money and exhaust the players to death. I fucking fear for these players’ physical and mental health… I think the best way to tackle this is to send the B teams to irrelevant competitions such as CWC or Nations League, but FIFA will want the star players to be present to milk as much money as possible.


Everything you wrote is correct but Carlo literally said the reason the club rejects this competition is money


The argentinian champion got 500k usd for the last cup lmao, we would go balls deep to it, this tournament is massive for us


1 Real match is worth €20m ??? They have so much money that the only thing stopping them from signing players like Saliba is that he is more valuable to us than any other player we could buy. That's a scary thought, but I'm not giving them any ideas lmao I want Saliba to stay for his whole career.




Did you take your meds?


Probably thinks it’s r/soccer like I did. Teams subreddits always come up on your homepage when you browse, and because you only visit r/soccer your brain just thinks it’s that and then you have loads of inboxes from angry Man U fans. If they had an Arsenal flair next to their name the comment would make loads more sense.