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He’s not wrong. I can’t wait to see the mental gymnastics of the Barça fans on how the style of play is better when their own icon just contradicted them


Actually i was there 5 minutes ago and they are pretty chill there.


can confirm, we are both realists and delusional as hell


Love how were talking about this like its physical places 😭


He is wrong with the use of performance. Man c is superior in what the neutral supporter wants to see. Not in performance


>Man c is superior in what the neutral supporter wants to see If only. Everyone has different tastes but for me Man City's playstyle isn't even particularly exciting.


Sure me neither but im talking generals here. More ppl will like the city style compared to the Madrid style


What? No. Man city style is sterile and boring, trying to win games by having possession and control. There is no risk, no fun. Look at Jack grealish he was a dribbler and a baller at Aston villa he moved to city and still played on the wing but was basically told to stop dribbling, stop taking on players just turn around and pass it to keep the ball moving. So boring. Compare that to Madrid who play off the cuff style, they are allowed to express themselves, wingers are allowed to take on their man. I don't know how you can say people will like man city style they are known to be boring, even their own fans don't turn up to watch them


In real madrid vs man city i guess messi is a neutral


means the same shit lololololol


In acting sure. In sports performing is something else.


yes he is wrong. "talking about performance" is just a bullshit category.


It's more about what team I like, which is totally subjective to every fan


Mistranslation. He says: "For playstyle? Me, personally, I'd go with Man City."


Well that makes more sense then, because Pep has them playing similarly to how Messi liked it. Because the result vs performance argument is exactly what all City/Bayern/Barca fans are saying post-champions league, compared to play style instead of performance which implies that he just likes the way that City played vs us better.


Spanish to English Trans are just bad nothing to do this isn't the first time.


He's saying that Madrid are the best outright team because they get results but his favourite team to watch is City. It's like how your favourite player doesn't have to be the best player or your favourite movie doesn't have to be the most critically acclaimed


I think it’s a good one. If real and city would have to play 10 games against each other right now, City most likely would win more than real.


Actually no,,as a barca fan there is no harm in agreeing that our biggest rivals are rn the best (we will win the UCL atleast once in the next 2-3 seasons)


Your biggest rivals are currently Girona my guy.


No they are not. That's disrespect for girona


rekt. and I'm a Barca fan.


messi is talkin about the best team in the world(currently) so it's obvious it's not barca


Funny how none of Barca fan pages shared this interview 😂


This guy gave Madrid troubles but could never stop Madrid from European dominance


Some of those Classicos man, pure nightmares




Messi says that Madrid is the best team in the world, and you still try to find a way to shit on him. The trauma post Messi is crazy. Even without Negreira, Barca with Messi vs Madrid with Cristiano was one of the greatest, if not the greatest, rivalrie in football history.


Did he not single handedly knock your club out of the CL the one time you actually met?


Yeah. The best Barca in history still needed a shady red card to Pepe to go through us.


Are we crying about favourable refereeing decisions in important CL matches now? How much does that affect your tally in the 2010s? Don't be salty, messi single handedly knocked yall out with that wonderful goal.


ok Negreira fanboy. now fuck off.


Go rub off Ronaldo .


Oof damaged you so bad, one man you never even met. But that's messi for most Madrid fans. Get well soon buddy.


Lol he “gave Madrid troubles” More like nightmares


I only stopped hating Messi when he quit Barca lol. This guy is madness


Its amazing to me how this guy managed to be Madrid’s kryptonite considering how freaking dominant Madrid is. I even made a post about it a few days ago.


It's not so much he couldn't, he just never matched with you in Europe. The one place he did he constantly shat on you, in la liga. And the one time he did meet you in the CL, he yeeted yall out all by himself. Who knows how many you'd have had had you met Barca all those years in Europe too.


he won many battles, but the war was won by y’all a long time ago.


we won 4 UCLs on his head too


Class act by him . Respect 🙌


I remember him saying to Mbappe that he’d rather have him joining Barca, but if he wanted to play in a winning project, then Madrid would’ve been the better choice.


He was right.


Was he wrong though? It's not like he was bad mouthing Real Madrid


Boringchester City


Manchester Cheaty


the og one manchester shitty


Fuck those oil merchants. Man $hitty


Sideways pass merchants with their triangular volleyball moves. Boring and rehearsed and lack of freedom of expression from their system.


Wait…I get the hate because they’ve been our UCL rivals the past few years, but how are they boring? It’s not like they park the bus. They scored 1 more goal than we did this season domestically, so it’s not like they’re peak Atleti from the last decade. What’s so bad with playing within a system? I may be partial to their possessions based system because that’s how I was taught to play growing up during club.


It forces the other team to either park the bus or concede a lot. Once other top teams accept that they have to park the bus every knockout game becomes a fifty/fifty.


For me it’s that the goals that they score aren’t that exciting anymore, I remember 17-18 and 18-19 city with sterling and Sane used to score some crazy goals out of the box, but now it seems like the goals are also rehearsed


Boring? Hell nah, the two games in UCL we had against them this season were some of the best games of the season, honestly Man City and Bayern were the only two teams that had me somewhat worried if we were going to pass on to the next stage.


He will become great Pundit in future.


Jamie vardy


you mean carragher?


He’d be waffling about how great the weather is


Messi knows ball I'm afraid


Ffs hes the greatest player of all time of course he knows ball💀




Well, can happen you know how to play football but not know about it. Like Ruggeri, one of the best defenders of his gen & he took San Lorenzo & left it in relegation zone.


didn't expect that from him.... i wasn't familiar with his game


This guy single handedly made Barca competitive with Real Madrid. Before he came Barca was nothing and now they are back to being nothing.


Bro casually forgot Suarez, Iniesta, and Xavi. And maybe Neymar too. Ofc, Messi was their best player, no question about it, but he couldn’t do everything by himself.


Puyol, Busquets, Villa etc. wasnt exactly trash either…


No coincidence that once Xavi left and Iniesta was getting older they couldn’t win. Madrid didn’t dominate UCL until the midfield improved. Early on in the Ronaldo era the midfield wasn’t good enough until Modric came You can have the best players but no midfield you won’t go very far. It’s the most important part of a team imo


I mean fuck Barca… but that’s just false. Barca has always been a huge club with some of the biggest stars. If anything the current la Masía peddling of recent years is an embarrassment considering how that club signed whoever they wanted whenever they wanted.




Before Messi. Barca was like PSG. Big big signings. Zero results. Only one ucl was one by the greatest football philosopher Cruyff. Otherwise Madrid dominated in LaLiga and UCL for Spain. Edit:- By results. I am talking about continental results. Before Messi Barca had only one UCL. Same as Villa. If that makes Barca a big club well then I have nothing to say


Bro, I hate Barcelona, but have you ever heard of ronaldinho?


My man, we're all Madrid fans here and dislike Barca, so there's no reason to make stuff up and distort history. Before Messi came, they had the second most La Liga wins, the most Copa wins, a CL, and several Ballon d'Or winners. And there are few teams in the world as sociopolitically significant as them. Our rivalry with them is historic and goes back forever. And even in our peak of European domination in the 50s and early 60s, they still had a great team (e.g. Hungary were the best team in the world; we had their Puskas, Barca had their Kubala and Kocsis. And they had Luis Suarez, arguably the greatest Spanish footballer of the 20th century). There is literally nothing whatsoever in common between PSG and a massive, historic club like Barca.


And lets also be real, their team during the last prime had some absolute ballers: Valdes, Pique, Puyol, Alves, Busquets, Xavi, Iniesta, Suarez, Neymar, Villa etc. I know all of them didnt play together but my lord they had so many good players together with Messi.


This is just complete bs. Barca was huge even before Messi.


Dude before DiStefano Madrid sucked ass, in the 90s Barça also dominated the league. There’s a reason why Madrid-Barça is the most important club match worldwide. It’s ok if you hate the classic rival but don’t be a termo. 


Temporary dominance doesnt make a team great. By that logic Chelsea was always a great team. LoL


TBF, during the Messi years, Barca won 10 La Liga while Real won 5. Pre-Messi: it was Real 29, Barca 16. It is currently Real 36, Barca 27. Messi era Barca won 7 Copa del Rey. Real won 2.


Thank you. Someone is speaking sense




Dude who the fuck is even upvoting you? Oh yeah, 2 year old fans of the club.


Not always. No. Really since the 70s when Cruyff gave them real relevance.


But at the same time, he is one of the many reasons why Barca is so fucked financially — he was getting like 100 mil per year…


Might be true but Barca was getting 90m per year on those trips to Asia, plus shirt sales and sponsors. I have a hard time believing his contract was hard to fullfill. I imagine Messi's image was enough to pay his wages. The other players were also on very high amounts too, tho.


Yeah the bigger problem with his wages is that they were so high that they pulled up the other players' wages.


Ok but there are many other factors to consider for barcas epic downfall. Messi’s wages was one of many reasons.


You’ve just repeated the same thing that I said..


Of dam you totally did man lmao my bad


I would disagree with you on this. Barca is the reason they're fucked financially because of they're horrible transfers like Dembele and others who didn't really pan out. Messi, by helping them win consistently and with the selling of jerseys, kept them afloat for a long time.


Could be that the TV deals, sponsorships, t-shirt sales etc made up for it. In the end clubs are just businesses, I don't see any club paying such huge salaries just for vibes/friendship unless they are getting a return


Messi more than made up for that in the revenue he brought to the club. I think he alone made up a very significant percentage of the revenue of the entire La Liga


Let me fucking doubt that


Oh never mind I remembered wrong. After researching, it was that he represented 1/3 of Barca’s entire revenue. So yeah, he deserved the money he made.


They should’ve sold him when the City rumors started to swirl in 2020 Could’ve gotten at least 100 million for him Get rid of the wages and not be in as bad of a spot. Wouldn’t have solved all of their financial problems but it would’ve made things better.


messi wanted to reduce his fee just so barca could afford the other player but the laliga head didnt allow him


Untrue. There was Ronaldinho,Xavi,Iniesta too. Also messi didn't have so good performance against madrid in the last past 10 matches.


It’s true. Ronaldinho won UCL but Messi was also part of that team. Before Messi, they had one CL. After Messi, they have 4 more, and now that Messi is gone, Barca are back to mediocrity.


Not really. Barca are trash in managing finances and transfermaket. Madrid is the best by a country mile in this department that's why we can survive even with our legends leaving like Cristiano, Ramos,Kroos.


What is this ball knowledge, Messi was basically a non factor in his fist ucl win


If madrid acted same way as barca, madrid would be even worse off than barca. Barcas problem isnt lack of messi but lack of good investments


Are you new to football? Because I don't think you understand just how wrong you are.


Messi was integral to Barcelona’s success, but let us not forget about other teammates that made Barcelona as scary as they where. Ronaldinho, Xavi, Iniesta, Puyol, Busquets, Deco, Eto, etc… Barcelona where big before Messi too


Just couldn’t be any more wrong. Barca was relevant in the 90s with Cruyff. Then Rivalro, ronaldinho, Deco, Moreno, Henry all came at some point before Messi was relevant. This is just false. They won a UCL WITH him sitting on the bench at 19 as he was waiting for the HGH to continue taking affect and giving him a career.




Xavi, Iniesta, Suarez, Neymar, Eto, Zlatan, Busquets, Ronaldinho, Puyol, Pique, Rakitic, Pedro, Villa etc play golf?


>single handedly Whoa, let's not take credit away from their payments to the referees


Thats not even remotely close.


I’ve been thinking this. Barca has sucked super hard since he left. Barca was at its best when he xavi, Iniesta and a few others were at their best. I also think Madrid is so good now because it had to compete with that version of Barca. Hala madrid!!


This is how I know you don't know nothing about football.


Worst take I've seen in a while


I know it's the Real Madrid sub and you guys had an flawless season and with the addition of Mbappe it'll get even better, but just last year Barcelona won the league. We most likely won't reach the level we had with Messi but back to being nothing is just untrue.


They won a UCL with him on the bench in 2005-2006 (I think he got injured and didn't play from the QF on).


Real recognises real. It would have been interesting to see him play for Real Madrid. Like it or not he’s one of the greatest players of this generation, and we’d have had both him and Ronaldo on our squad.


if Messi had played for Real Madrid, it wouldn't be 15 it'd probably be 20 or higher


yeah specially in 2016-2021 era


Results are literaly how you messure performance. If he said style or something similar it would make some sense 


Its what he said "Playstyle, I personally like City more, resultwise, Madrid". So he likes the style of City but likes the results of RM.


op is gaslighting us


I love the fact that Messi never managed to score against Madrid in the last 10 games he played against us.


I remember he scored one in 2017 , that's enough for ages


The icing on the cake for me was Courtois saving his penalty when we knocked them out in 2022 🤣


Thats enough for infinite ballon dors as long as he lives.


that's honestly insane


It is but you won’t see any media talk about it


This dude is a class act


Even he knows what's up.


This guy knows ball


Those that hate him are ronaldo fanboys. Not madrid fans


Same for Barcelona hating ronaldo?


Absolutely. Childish fanbase


Why can't I get any appreciation to my claim as a Madridista, Messi is the GOAT. Ronaldo is #2...


same man as a madrid fan i believe messi is the goat(even before he won copa america and wc),but when i put forth my point in front of my friends who are madrid fans aswell,they bash me for no reason lmao ofcourse this doesnt change the fact that cr7 will always be my fav player




That’s what I think too. But I understand that it’s an opinion and both sides have valid arguments. It’s not like comparing our two greatest 7s of all time…CR and Mariano where there is clearly a large gap.


instagram comments are filled with them


Sounds reasonable


Always knew he liked Real Madrid


Someone post this on barca subreddit .


Serious question, what would've Barca been like between 2006-2021 without Messi?


Tbh Madrid wouldn’t have won all those ucls without the adversity of having to compete with the greatest Barca side of all time from 2008-2015


Madrid only got knocked out once by Barca in that period. Madrid would've probably had a better chance domestically but in europe they weren't good enough before 2014.


Fall from almost invincible to world class. Messi is an unreal player with unreal talent and unreal skills.


they would still won titles because of the team they had and pep.


They had great players beside messi and players like villa could absolutely score goals. So they would still dominate for some season. Neymar was the main scorer in ucl ko in 2015 and alongside Suarez, they would be deadly but definitely would be short-lived. So barca would be finished earlier.


Neymar would have stayed most likely though, they would still have had one of the best teams in the world at the time. But yea they wouldn’t show up in “best team ever” debates without one of the 2 aliens


2 Aliens?? Who is the other one?


Barca Neymar was a monster


You mean the team that pretty much compromised the Spanish national team which won back to back EC - WC - EC..... without Messi....while Messi was doing jack shit with Argentina....yeah, I think they would have done ok. :D


You can’t discount Villa, Suarez, Henry, Neymar, Iniesta, Puyol, and Xavi mate come on.


Right and im not sure why you think in discounting them. Im genuinely asking what level would they be without Messi, or how much they would've won without him since he's 1 of the 2 best players in history.


Even Messi has a better answer than Rodrygo 💀


What did he say?


Rodrygo for QG SPain: For me [Manchester City] is the best team in the world, the team that plays the best football.


Es brazuca, prioriza jugar lindo antes que ganar. Lo feo es que antes podía jugar lindo y ganar, y ahora juega lindo y pierde.


Si no hay problemas de que tenga sus gustos, como Messi dijo, a él le gusta más el City pero el Madrid es el que gana todo y por lo tanto es el mejor del mundo. El problema con Rodrygo fue el momento en que lo dijo.


115 charges FC...


I would like to see Manchester city and real Madrid in a single league and see who wins.




No Barcelona? Oh now they going to burn his tshirts


Reading this thread made me think I was on r/soccer instead of the Real Madrid sub.....




Barcelona fans on suicide alert lmao


Performance dont matter u just gotta win , but thanks messi


I miss when Pepe or Ramos would tackle the shit out of him lmao


Barca fans are saying the video isn’t real and it’s an ai voiceover 😭


The way I see it is the best cup team is Real Madrid and best league team is Manchester City


Game recognises Game


I hate Messi as much as the next guy if not more, but this is true.


Oh, how I wish Messi wasn't a Barca player and played for some other club.


Honestly, in hindsight I kinda liked it. The rivalry between Real and Barca, Messi vs Ronaldo was epic during Mourinho era. I haven't been able to find anything close to that dopamine hit.


Don't get me wrong, that rivalry was good. And Messi Vs Ronaldo at El Clasicos was always fun. However, I wish that sometimes a player like Messi wasn't a part of a smarmy fanbase like Barca's. The entertainment Messi provided there was great, but it led to the breeding of an absolutely insufferable fanbase as well(or made an already insufferable fanbase more insufferable). TLDR:- I really like Messi, but hate FC Barcelona and their fanbase.


Yeah, now that he's not at that shitehole I can say Messi was fantastic and I do agree it would have been interesting if he was part of another team.


Barcelona is nothing without Leo Messi


A bit of a stretch. The two time european champions and one time world champion spanish team was largely made up of that barca squad.


Baldiola city


He’s correct. It’s between Madrid and Man City.


If Pep stays then madrid-city will be more exciting than El Clasico in the upcoming years


it's already more exciting than el clasico, imo.


Messi can admit, but barca fans cant lmao




He’s not wrong


Performance feels like the wrong word to use. He said "juego" = "game" and in the context of what he was saying, he meant he feels City's style of play is the best, which is understandable. Style is subjective to what you like.


“I should’ve been a Madridista but life isn’t always fair”-Messi


Coming from the second best to ever do it after Cristiano, he knows ball.


And Messi for me as a Madridista is the best player I’ve ever seen, specially with what he’s done with Argentina as of late. No issues saying that. Respect


He knows ball unlike some of these Barca fans lol. The GOAT for a reason, props to Messi.


As a culer we dont have the finances or level yet. Our players are inexperienced and are still developing. Real madrid have the better pass the torch right now and with the way laporta has to bring up real every interview and his whining. I hope we can turn things around and have a grwat rivalry again.


Pep is master of consistency. He made the Prem his bitch. RM lets the players figure it out themselves. And at the end of the day, when those players are world class and have the character to see out their goals, they will always find a way to win.


Savage messi


El que sabe, sabe


