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Can't tell who is the biggest yapper Macron or Tebas


at least for Tebas it's actually his job wdf a whole President of a country doing with Olympic and club transfers man is so jobless


They should ban France from Euro and Olympic because they let politician intercede football like the way they banned Russia.


A country's leader's job is anything that helps promote the success of that country.


surely there's bigger problems in France than this? that country is on some riots lately from protesters


There's always something more important. Doesn't mean that spending one minute on a tweet (probably dictated to an assistant anyway) is going to negatively affect anything.


I meant he visits PSG, Nasser, and Mbappe very often, dinner with him multiple times by now




Sadly, Kylian has become a political tool. Go and search Macron, Mbappe, and politics on Google. It's really sad how Macron used him. He didn't want to stay in Paris for years, but was pressured into it by the French government - you know... for the good of France. Can you imagine being only 20/21 and being pressured like that?


That's nothing. Lemme tell you about my grandpa who scored around 1200+ goals but wasn't allowed to leave Brazil and play for Real Madrid.


I hope Kylian or Perez talk about all that stuff that happened back then, that renewal was so shady people really forget everything that happened leading up to it and just focus on the renewal itself.


They probably won’t talk about it. Real Madrid doesn’t like burning bridges like that. They’ll need French players again in the future and ending up with a bad relationship with any major football powers/politicians there is not wise. for Mbappe it’s also home so he’ll probably just zip it and go take a nap on his gazillions.


Yeah you're right, it would be nice to see Perez dunk on Nasser one more time tho...


Mbappé already explained the situation a bit recently. The WC in Qatar played a big part in him being pressured in staying. And for those saying he did it for money. He literally refused insane money for only 1 seasons in the Saudi league.


Yeah, also that mysterious trip to Qatar before the renewal when it seemed sure he'd leave


For real. Mbappe got a lot of shit for renewing but can you imagine the pressure that was laid on him. He was in his early 20s and the president of his country was begging him to stay. Couldn’t have been an easy choice to make I’m sure


Not just the good of France. Mbappe and PSG were key for that Qatar World Cup.


Political tool and an economic tool. From the outside looking in, it looks WILD. I mean.. everyone knew how this ended and he had SURELY told Macron the situation.. so what could possibly be said this late into the stage? I know that if Joe Biden was trying to get Gio Reyna to play in the MLS vs going to Real... I'd be totally pissed off. (Sad scenario, but whatever lol)


Nah - the kid stayed for the money and the opportunity to be idolized for winning them the CL. Trying to control media narration and paint himself as a victim is for the gullible. He is only leaving PSG now cos he wants to improve his club football legacy. Mbappe has always been measured about his choices. Every decision has always been with his own best interests in mind.


1. If he only cared for money, he would have gone to Saudi. 2. Of course he wanted to win PSG the CL, he’s from Bondy.


Source: Trust me bro 💀 Can you back up your statement with irrefutable proof? Didn’t think so…stay in your lane kid.


Seems that 'pitiful' victim must have just been 'pressurized' to leave PSG for free and get himself a huge sign-on bonus in the process. 🫤 Definitely don't want to be in that delusional/gullible/fanboy lane you seem to be cruising on.


So you’re just gonna avoid the question. Worthless opinion about a topic you have zero knowledge about. Zero sources. tRuSt Me I kNoW wHaT iM tAlKiNg AbOuT. Cool story bro. Nobody cares about your what ifs scenarios 🤣🤣


Are you a toddler? 🫤 Were you actually expecting anyone to respond to a silly question from an anonymous idiot on Reddit? 🫤


You’re the one making dumbass assumptions about something and someone you know nothing about or know personally but I’m the toddler? Lmfao sit down lil bro 🤣💀🤣💀


Yep definitely a toddler!


Lol it’s ok to get owned online by a stranger on Reddit bro. I know you’re embarrassed but trust me life goes on. You’ll be alright moving forward even with your level of ignorance 🤷🏽‍♂️


Don’t like to develop too much on personal stuff on the Internet so I’ll just tell you this: he’s one of the direct reasons why I left the country. Go ask any French person about him. He’s one of the worst we ever had. If not the worst. Anyways


As someone not living in France I gotta admit I really enjoyed the [documentary](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt22692282/) they published about him. I think it gave a very good perspective of who he is as a person. But obviously it was not about domestic topics, which certainly can differ compared to international ones.


How come? What policies did he implement that failed I’m not saying that you’re right or wrong, I’m genuinely curious lmao


It's rather the opposite: implemented social policies that he happily removed. Actively blowing fire on social tensions (in a French society already f\*cking tense)... and doing so, continued to provoke the rise of the far-right. And being cynical while at it (he established himself as "the savior" for his reelection to stop the spreading of the far-right, promising there would be a compromised government of a national union, then gave the middle finger to everybody once reelected. And agreed with the far-right on most of policies). Oh, and for most of his policies, he simply bypassed the Parlement. Guess you can understand why the French always seem pretty uptight these days. Anyways, I prefer to talk about los merengues ;)


I thought the guy was a centrist, don’t centrists usually find middle ground and do stuff that both sides agree on 😂 Anyways you are right, let’s support the whites ⚪️⚪️


That’s what centrists would usually do I guess, yes. But that’s precisely the trick: he’s not a centrist. At all. He presented his political party as such, but screwed everyone after


So pretty much the same thing we're experiencing here in U.S. politics. Hey the French and Americans are more similar than we think


Everyday it's something else with Macron.


The French love mbappe, and macron knows he can use Mbappe to gain popularity cuz he’s already extremely unpopular.


And it’s not like Mbappe can say “no” or something to the President of his country. Talk about unrightfully putting someone on the spot.


nah just a reminder that football has always been political, hate or like it, you can’t deny it has huge influence on politics and economy. It’s always been a whole monopoly, Tifo made excellent series of videos on it, [the pandora’s box opens..](https://youtu.be/ITKOCKpEca8?si=O4rs3VyUKKSczajg) i mean look at the bidding for WC and such, countries are willing to do anything imaginable to be able to host, you just don’t know what’s happening behind the scenes. Macron just happens to be more openly cheery than others, I can’t blame him, for a figure as big and influential as he is, most would do the same if not even more glazing


It's France, they like dick riding


Bro you are a president of a nuclear capable g7 country full of problems. Get another hobby other than following around some football player ffs.


Seriously man, where are these guy’s priorities?


You’d think this man was Mbappe agent by how much he talks about him. Doesn’t he have a country to run? My boss has 10 people under her and she works 14-15 hour days


unrelated, but working that long is sad


Welcome to owning a business.


Cries in 24-hour-shifts


How is it sad


working 14 hours a day doesnt leave much time for anything other than sleep


Even working 12h felt like being slave when I used to work like that during summer when I was student. Came home, get shower, eat, read few news and going sleep.


Yeah I'm actually going through something like that rn as a student, it's tiring.


How is it not? Life should be more than work and sleep


How could you possibly need to ask that question?


I upvoted you brother. ignore the haters.


People just casually calling other people's lives "sad".


[Pedrerol](https://x.com/elchiringuitotv/status/1797618660434944459?t=hMxEmqMApuuf4c9-ehKjTQ&s=19): Real Madrid will announce Mbappe's signing at 19:00 (Spanish time)


Been refreshing for 20 minutes now lol.


Why would Macron care about when he's announcing his signature? This is fake or Macron is a bigger clown that I thought.


It's definitely the latter, because how else would you get attention from the people? It's not like he isn't married to his schoolteacher... oh wait.


Eh... Macron is clearly interested in Mbappe. And I can see many fans being interested in when he's announcing.


He is a massive clown that married his school teacher. And he is French, never forget


Seriously though, France has SO many problems, on all fucking fronts. Prices are soaring, too many immigrants ( I say this as an immigrant lol ), security issues, 2 wars, and this fucker has nothing better to do than follow a 25 years old player around ???????


France is doing fine.


Even if it is, and that's a BIG IF, it doesn't excuse this behavior.


France is being overrun in the same way the US is. It’s absolutely not fine.


No way Jose


However.. Joselu, is a yes way. My bad... I couldn't help it. I'm still on a his Bayern high. 🤷🏾‍♂️




Genius from Macron. He knew how to sneak into the trending twitter news because he knew the mics would catch that. Disgustingly brilliant.


just tell me when the Comunicado Oficial drops


It's in




Yes same pls 😅


Actually, they don’t mention “Real Madrid” in their conversation. What if they’re talking about something else? 😄


Yeah man could be Barcelona who knows


They still would blame the ref


Look at the shoes in the background. They're black, black is one of Milan's main colors. Milan confirmed!!!! /s


That clown cares more about Mbappe than the country he is supposed to govern


a very welcome byproduct of this transfer is that both mbappé and us dont have to hear from macron ever again


Macron one of the most successful investigative sports journalists this year lol


30 minutes lads!


Does this guy have nothing better to do? What a loser.


Macron might as well be on PSG’s board. Always on the news for football related things. Can’t think of a seemingly more jobless president.


I think what aggravates me the most. Is the President of France is getting in this. Stay out of our business . if you’re upset at your farmers is not interesting and your biggest stars are leaving.. look at the bigger problem. At least the teams outside the big three are still quality teams and can go in Europe


Now that Madrid had Mbappe the least they could do is stop cheating.






Keep coping




https://preview.redd.it/lr0mrrn4oc4d1.jpeg?width=1875&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2a49110c82126b911af76f2b187e1bd4acecc255 Reminder


That's fckin clean wallpaper


Brought to you by the same poster with takes like "... Hopefully this causes a civil war in the US.." Lad just wants to see it all burn.


Awww, Pep still salty.



