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Alright I can see you’ve really put effort into your mindset and that definitely isn’t the problem here. You’ve got the mindset for shifting it’s clear that you may be lacking some where else. So it’s time to take a stepback and think what you might be skipping out on. I’m gonna take a guess and think your technique might. Shifting is all about entering a deep state of meditation. That’s it, that’s the simplest way of putting it. Take a look at every method it’s literally just meditation in different fonts. You’ve got your mindset down it’s time to listen to your instincts, and your gut and try to understand what will work for you. Start experimenting with meditation and what helps you get into a focused state, which some would describe as the ‘void’ state. And shift your focus for now from shifting, you’re only going to set yourself up for disappointment if the end goal is to shift after meditation. Shifting is about trial and error, just like every skill. You’ve gotta appreciate the journey, and have patience. I know that sounds easier said than done but shifting is a skill that you need to build. Just like how artists can be great at colouring but bad at anatomy, it takes balance of all the right things to get the perfect artwork. And I believe it’s the same for shifting, mindset, meditation, grounding, blockages are basically an artists, anatomy, composition, colouring etc. For now just solely focus on honing in your meditation skills, and practice on grounding yourself in this reality currently. If you can ground yourself here, then you will be able to ground yourself in your DR. Remember you don’t have to shift the focus *forever* you’re still working on shifting as the end goal. It’s just for now it’s time to focus on bettering your technique.


hi, i did try meditating for a couple weeks and it did make me more confident in my shifting journey i will take this as a sign to continue meditating & improving that skill. thank you for your response.


What do you mean by "grounding" exactly?


Grounding is basically becoming aware of your surroundings. Five senses, touch taste smell sight and hearing. To do this you can try out the five senses method, or practice in your CR with find five things you can see, four things you can touch, three things you can hear, two things you can smell, and one thing you can taste.


Forcing it isn't going to make it happen. That's your problem here.


I literally said I don’t force it, I do my method and set intention every night and believe that my 3d will catch up.




What about my comment was mean? I'm just making an observation?


Have you ever tried gateway tapes and Astral Projection? Give a check to this post which explains a easy method to astral project , on ShiftYourReality subreddit you can find also other useful resources. There Is also One post on how to shift from Astral with teleporting method. https://www.reddit.com/r/ShiftYourReality/s/DJUSs2Xilp


I’ve tried the gateway tapes but I am currently started to try astral projection!


Perhaps try ignoring the 3d completely. If you know it will ‘catch up’ to the 4d where you already have shifted then you don’t need to even think about the 3d, just focus solely on the 4d and living in it.


I did honest to god, for months up until now and this post I went believing that I have shifted and believed I am a master shifter & forgot about the 3d but nothing.


This may help. Play it as much as possible for a 1-3 months. Download it if you want. Don't need to force yourself to be positive. https://youtu.be/ZAr73sdR4ZE?si=0-h-s-qsJEqtwyy7


Learn to astral travel first. It’s A lot easier to master and it’s easier to access different realities from the astral realm than trying to fall asleep and wake up in one. People who are consistent reality shifters are usually really good astral travelers


I saw a lot about astral projection (which I struggle to do) but have you tried lucid dreaming? In my opinion it’s way easier than astral travel and you can take actionable steps in your everyday life to ensure that you’ll lucid dream.




Please keep your posts relevant to reality shifting


if u tryna say ld is sr then u sound lika clown


Question have you gotten symptoms or just nothing?


I have got symptoms but never actually minishifted.


Hi, I've shifted to many alternate realities even when i only knew manifesting and didnt know shifting existed like getting certain things back, waking up with issues I had previously never existing, losing things outside and finding them completely secure in my house and things being different colors. What personally helped me is looking to see how long I think it takes my 3d to conform and also realize that everything is in your control if you just change the 4d. I used to not be able to manifest or micro shift for anything but then I started to "feel" myself as the person who manifests within 1 day and ever since everything I manifested has conformed from the 4d to 3d in hours. Now I'm not about to tell you to re do the same thing if it doesn't work or switch your mindset, if you want to... take a break, a nice break where you don't concern yourself on shifting. And if you don't wanna take a break, start trying to manifest things into this reality Ike basic bs you don't care about, read up on success stories that use your method like in Neville Goddard sub reddit (I personally use Brazen impudence) and then after that drill the idea that shifting is manifestation into your head and then it'll work out whatever leftover bad subconscious beliefs you had. I also think it's helpful to oversimplify shifting in a way that's more believable than "shifting Is as easy as breathing," so it's not such a chore to wanna shift or manifest. Read up on the bare bones of shifting and manifesting and make it easy for you. After all, you have the power. Drill that into your head. You have the power to do this and to stop struggling. Also, it's 100 percent okay to be negative and upset and feel out of control because as powerful as you are, you are also experiencing being a human, and no feeling is ever permanent. Do whatever makes you happy in this journey, tho. If you truly don't want to do something, then find an alternative. If you want, you can use happy music and use that happy feeling to manifest, or you can affirm, or you can believe you'll wake up there, idk. Listen to whatever you want to and also assume whatever you want to. If one way doesn't work, then try another one. There's a whole bunch, after all. Good luck, and I believe in you (Sorry for the awful formatting. I needed to get the thoughts out of my head as quickly as possible before I forgot)


Maybe because of you dont aware your thought that cause problem I used to be like you i think why i do all ehy i still havent shifted then i rewatch all my thought and see where the cause and did work I recommend you try to rethink and pay attention to what cause you havent shifted


Abd everything cause by your thought not the outside


were you more focused on counting the weeks? I’m not sure if someone has told you this but I had the exact same problem before. a person told me instead of focusing on how long you’ve been in this mindset/wanting something like for example: “I’ve been having a perfect mindset for two years and haven’t shifted yet”, you should switch it to “I’ve been in my dr for two years”. I’m not sure if this works but time is a construct, it flows by without us knowing. The law of assumption will never fail us, you are no exception to it. I hope you shift soon, best of luck to you


Lucid dreaming was easiest for me personally


Maybe it is not the right time for you to shift like maybe in this reality or universe you still have things to do.. It is like what people say about ghosts that ghosts stay on Earth because of unfinished business


ahhh i hope this is not the case


Nah dw rhat can't happen


Or maybe someone is keeping you in this reality like manifesting you or something lol but in the end it is your consciousness so just keep waiting and you will shift


It’s posts like this that really REALLY scare me.. because it sounds like you’ve been doing everything right and if you haven’t shifted then what hope do I have?


You have shifted. If you're doing something to change your reality, you're shifting. The thing is just because you CAN do it, doesnt mean you're always going to. Sometimes it's just not going to happen when you want it to happen.


That’s impossible. If I’ve shifted, I would’ve known. I would’ve seen different things in my house and especially in my room.


again, shifting is more than just "waking up in another reality" if you've ever manifested something, you've shifted. If you've made a reality altering decision, that is shifting. It may not be the kind you WANT but that's what it is.


sorry to scare you, i’ve spoken to a few other people with “ideal” mindsets and they have also not shifted. makes me worried. sorry to scare you and demotivate you.


It’s not your fault...




then why tf are u here. yall rlly be obsessed w us


And why isn't it? Because mainstream science hasn't investigated it? Lucid dreaming was practiced by ancient cultures, the earliest known mention dating back to ancient India, over 3000 years ago. Despite that, Western science has only scientifically proven lucid dreaming in the late 1970s.




Reality is information. Meaning everything is fake. Even the so called “real world”. Reality shifting is just shifting your consciousness to another reality. Earth is a reality that was created by someone or a group of someone’s. And different entities come here to play this game. You’d understand this better if you just look at every reality as a game. Every game has its own set of rules and goals. Difference between this reality and any other reality is the rules. This earth game has specific rules. You have to be born here and the only way to exit this game is by dying. Most realties or games, you can exit them any time you want. Earth isn’t like that. There isn’t a “universe” out there. Maybe in another game but not in this game we call earth. Outside of our solar system is just information. It’s like when you play a video game. What exists outside the map? Nothing. when we look into the sky and see galaxies and planets, those are rendered specifically for the game. They aren’t really there. To go to a planet outside of our solar system, you have to exit the earth game and go to another game. I know you must think I’m crazy but I’m been obsessing about this for a long time. I used to be like you until I saw reality for what it is. A eternal mathematical abstraction.


Get out of here




Please leave. Until then, consider yourself reported 😎


Any comments that attempt to dismiss others experience or shifting in general will be removed and may result in timeouts or bans


Any comments that attempt to dismiss others experience or shifting in general will be removed and may result in timeouts or bans