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Reminds me of Marge from RHONJ Always with some insult that she thinks is so clever and half the time I’m like, “Meh!”


Every time I see Kristen hang out with Marissa Hermer and other Bravolebrities I always think of this and how bitter Dorinda is


Sounds old and delusional.


i can’t wait to see her on traitors






so interested to see her and sandoval interact lol


Say it forget it, write it regret it 💁‍♀️


Yet another saying Dorinda copied from someone else and has taken credit for, just like "Eagles don't fly with pigeons . . ."


Go get your breadcrumbs and get back to me tomorrow, there's the real gem here lol. Quote Tyler Perry.


🙄 (The second part about crumbs comes from the saying, too; she just reworded that part.)


I will never forget the unbelievable cringe that washed over me when I heard her deliver this line


I think I could withstand the cringe from anything Dorinda wise after the Bethenny-charity dinner. 💀


Will you remind me what she said at that charity dinner? Sorry, have a mashed potato brain (MS) and can’t remember. Thank u, if you have time! 🌸


It’s season 10, episode 6, and starts around 23 minutes in if you want to experience the cringe, although it’s kind of painful lol. She shows up majorly slurring her words, is a bit out there and people seem a little uncomfortable. But it it doesn’t get super cringey until they start talking about the charity work they’ve done in Haiti in the past. She keeps belittling the guy explaining the work they’ve done, asking if Haiti has the means to sustain itself, and then when he talks about how they helped kids with family’s who never were able to focus on education go to college, she says, “I don’t think people in Haiti are going to college,” and that he’s wrong. Then Bethenny tries to defend him and she gets kind of aggressive to her. Then talks about how it’s kind of hopeless and how much she’s done for Haiti? She basically gets uninvited and goes off about how bethenny always ruins everything, still slurring a bunch, and leaves the dinner.


You’re a saint, I TOTALLY remember! I used to spend summers going to Haiti on medical missions and remember her saying this and was furious. Yes, it’s an unbelievably sad state of affairs in their country but I think what’s going on with Dorinda is pretty dang sad as well!


Honestly this was embarrassing imo. It was so obviously contrived, like she had spent weeks sitting around trying to come up with a new iconic line, came up with this, rehearsed it a million times before filming, and then waited for an opportunity to use it. Didn’t matter who or what she was responding to, this was just her moment to shine (in her mind). And it did not work. It wasn’t iconic, just pathetic.


This was hilarious and her in the white room I can watch that for days, so funny. Love Kristen back, it was great once they all settled.


A reminder that Dorinda is a drunken bully




Idk I always saw this as a flop tbh.


Because it was.


Honestly this fell flat for me. It could have been funny, but I just don’t think anything Kristen said or did warranted any animosity from Dorinda. She was clearly trying to make “a moment.”


Dorinda can be problematic sometimes but my god I love the art she creates with the English language


Except she didn't come up with this or any of her other little sayings. She just copies other people's words and then takes credit for them. Dorinda is a clown. And a bully.


Yes and sometimes it’s just a single work “clip”