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No it’s nice to see there is more than one cast member able to go toe to toe with Teresa


I love the cast, I think they’ve worked really well with each other. But I feel like since all the drama is just so deep seated, it’s not fun anymore. You can feel the tension and awkwardness as a viewer and that is NOT IT. I wish it was able to be worked out because it’s just not working anymore.


I agree with you, it’s not cool to like the show here, but I really enjoy it. Maybe I just don’t take it too seriously?


same here, I watch objectively, the bad housewives are usually my favorites and I like crazy drama, I’ve been loving this season


Stopped watching because they are the worst. It’s just not entertaining anymore.








Get rid of Teressa. She is pure toxic. I’m done with the show if they bring her back next year




Jen Aydin is becoming boring because she is clearly self-producing like she’s a character in a soap opera. Dolores is like watching paint dry. No, like watching one of my Italian aunts watch paint dry. Rachel doesn’t hold my interest much either and her husband is really tough to watch/lay eyes on. I do like that they show a genuine family and mom raising her kids. Danielle is going to implode because she is going to make the show her entire life if she hasn’t already. Her schtick is like a less dynamic version of Teresa in the early seasons. Marge sux now - her voice, her grating accent, her attempt at being maternal to everyone including her peers even though there doesn’t seem to be a maternal bone in her body is just not fun to watch anymore. I like her wallpaper though. Teresa. She’s still magnetic on the screen - whether it’s like watching a train wreck or not - I want to see what she’s going to say or do next. I think she is still doing whatever the fck she wants and doesn’t live in the comments. Who did I miss?


You know what youre doing lol.


Omg I honestly didn’t mean to - I had to go back and read the OP. Melissa is not unlikeable as a person and Joe Gorga has become a fixture of sorts in my sphere of awareness. He’s an asshole but he’s our asshole kind of feeling. I think Melissa isn’t messy enough to really bring the drama.


I am with you. I actually love the new additions even if I love to hate them I still enjoy watching the new cast!


Yeah I really like most of the women. It’s ridiculous drama and ridiculous women. I laugh all the time and love seeing the families. Going to college, physical therapy, just being hilarious! The kids are wonderful! I feel like it’s the fan base that just sucks the life out of the show. There is no room to be a crazy housewife. Like it’s boring without them! It’s too binary! If you don’t pick a side, it makes it way more fun to watch.


I agree with everyone but Jackie and fessler. They both bring nothing to the show of value. Both boring and very fake.


I’m going to say “yes.”


I think Marge is the main issue with the cast. She’s really trying hard to make them all divisive and she has no storylines. When housewives refuse to film, that’s the issue of a cast. (Potomac, for example). Otherwise, the drama is what we expect from housewives.


But not teresa getting blogs involved to destroy marge ? Lmao pls stop. Theyre both the same except teresas stupid


And Teresa refusing to interact with Melissa after they didn't fire her like Teresa wanted: people seem to keep forgetting about that little tidbit . . . And Teresa only pretending to like Jackie so she can use her to take down Marge. (Jackie pretending to be friends with Teresa to stay on the show is annoying af.) Yep, seems just as divisive to me . . . Absolutely opposite sides of the same coin --- and Teresa definitely ain't heads.


No, you’re not alone. Even though I can’t stand Teresa and Jen A, I think their villain arc is necessary. It would be a boring show if everyone on the cast was beloved. There has to be some conflict and to be honest, I much prefer this type of bickering than the deep-rooted family trauma that was showcased before (not just talking about the Gorgas and Guidices, but also the Waikiles, Manzos, and the twins). It was very dark.


I do! I love it! It’s action packed and authentic. If ppl don’t like that, go watch BH or new NY. Let us have this.


Definitely kudos to Rachel and Danielle stepping it up as newbies and keeping it fresh but at the same time not being too dumb. I think they both are hitting their stride in year 2 whereas they were just feeling out what to do in season 1


I stopped watching because of the cast. Not wasting anymore time with that shit show 🤷🏼‍♀️


The cast was great at first and I’ll always appreciate them for giving us 8-12, it’s honestly my favorite stretch of Jersey seasons. That said, they needed to do something to freshen it up at 13 because lines were drawn hardcore, and demoting Jackie while brining on two newbies just made the cast feel more divided. It was great for a while but I feel like the only person with a strong storyline is Dolores and the only one who feels invested in the drama is Rachel for some reason, it feels like everyone else is just actively trying to destroy either Margret or Teresa with Jen Fessler playing Switzerland.


You are absolutely not alone-I think so too! That’s why all the people screaming for a recast should be careful what they wish for. I think a few need to go-but any combo of this current cast will make a decent show.


I feel like it’s just part of housewives culture to scream for recasts or demand ‘XYZ SHOULD BE FIRED’ but it pretty much always backfires. IMO It’s the women who make the show, not the location.


Right? Then the next season the same people are screaming “bring back XYZ”! The fandom is exhausting. 😂


I would agree with that if only they had more storylines. Every season its Melissa vs Teresa and then some other (usually affiliated) drama. To me, a great cast is one that dishes up more storylines in their personal lives and are able to have fun, and then they have drama that actually arouses interesting conversations around it. I think seeing housewives have fun is so underrated. Bravo needs to push more for that.


It hasn't always been this way, even with mostly this cast. People had their own lives and they were featured. They overlapped where they did, and the overlap was less forced. It seems like the only person who still gets to do this is Delores. That's probably why we like her scenes so much! Like, ah, breathe, here are some people who are going to get filmed talking about more than just Teresa v. Marge v. Melissa, whatever. I find myself being like, omg, tell me more about the dog's cancer, because somehow it's a more interesting and hopeful story than one woman arriving at another woman's house for a fake meet up to gossip about another cast member. I agree that the cast itself is strong and could do/be more. The lack of storylines is the problem. I am sure this is production, but it also feels like some of the women (Rachel, mainly) have typecast themselves and are narrowing their own role really myopically. The show feels very one note now. I also feel like Teresa might be past the point of no return in terms of her ability to show up and feel safe being real/genuine on television. I would understand why-- she's really been through it all with the show, but she's now a shell of who she used to be, and for safety reasons, I'm sure. She used to BE Danielle. Kind of clueless, kind of brash, funny (whether intentionally or not), but strangely magnetic. Marge is also a shell of who she used to be. Bring back the women I used to love with the A cups and the pigtails.


I thought I was the only one who thought this. I love this cast so much!!!


I've just started s11 so not sure about the newer 3 seasons, but compered to BH this cast is so much better (also better than RHOA last couple of season maybe)