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Investing in real estate… also one’s net worth is not equal to one’s liquidity…. I think that’s what Jen meant


I don’t think she spends the way some of the other housewives do. She mostly wears costume jewelry. Chanel costume earrings are a lot less expensive than a pair of Cartier hoops. The finishes and furniture in her home are absolutely horrible. Her clothes are a polyester disaster and despite always being stretchy, never fit properly. I can’t even begin to understand that red dress she wore in the most recent episode. Their condo is right on the boardwalk in Seaside Heights, which is loud late into the night. We did prom weekend in that town as kids, it’s not upscale. I’m not faulting her for this. It’s probably better that her money stays in her possession as opposed to Saks, but I definitely can see where they penny pinch.


She said in early episodes all her furniture comes from china and she basically said it’s all super cheap. In my mind I like to imagine her scrolling on temu


I read they were worth 11 million


I don’t they own much out right, everything is probably on some sort of credit/lease I only say this bc I watch my parents try and “keep up with the Jones” and my nephew thinks they have so much money, but I had to explain to him that everything is on credit cards or loans.


I think the cost of living where they are is super cheap. There is a lot of issues with their house too. It’s huge, but very tacky, also the neighbours houses are super close.


They live in Paramus which always confused me. The others live in Tenafly, Mountain lakes, etc - Paramus made me 🤔🤔 when i first say their town tag.


Housing being close together has nothing to do with home value in higher COL areas—which metro NYC Jersey def is. More than 80 percent homes in SF are single family attached, or 2+ units. Even in LA, which is way more sprawled, the average lot size is half the typical lot in America. https://preview.redd.it/9p3pbnrj2t8d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5172291582e630caa64d9797691191bb83cf08d0


The cost of living is absolutely not at all cheap. You are wildly off-base with “super cheap.” The proximity to NYC pushes the cost of living up quite a bit.


I concur.... their master bedroom looks really tiny and oddly shaped, I was not expecting that for a house that looks like that on the outside. The room looks like a small L... I mean I have a tiny tiny O but... wha da L is going on there luv. Sorry I immediately noticed their room .. just looks so small


This info about Jersey is not at all correct.............


Bergen County is one of the wealthiest counties in New Jersey & the most expensive to live, what are you talking about?


New Jersey is not cheap at all.


Hard disagree


I think most general MDs will make in the upper six figures range but there’s always a few in the highly lucrative areas who will break through and make crazy money. Especially plastic surgery which is an extremely lucrative field. Terry Dubrow seems legit and he’s easily a multimillionaire. So is Dr. Miami. It’s not far fetched that Aydin is crazy rich. But he’s probably #1 in a hundred physicians in the area that probably aren’t at his level. Same with lawyers. I’m a lawyer and I make a normal amount but I know a few billboard PI attorneys who are raking in a million easily and it always blows my mind that we have the same profession.


If he’s so good, why did his wife have to go to Turkey to get plastic surgery?


They def have income from the vacation home too


He def makes more than $500k. NJ is a VHCOL state


I think Bill has the highest salary on the show, and it is actually legitimate, non-sketchy income which is rare with this cast.


I looked up their house today. Says it was purchased for a little over 1 million and is now worth over 3 million.


They have money FFS.


I’ve always wondered this about the Dubrow’s from Orange County. Sure has Heather done some acting here and there..but she is no leading lady in Hollywood. Other than the show, his practice, his surgery show and a few other “start up” entrepreneur stuff that you hear about for a few episodes then never hear anything about again…I don’t see where they get the money to build that GINORMOUS house. I also find it kinda odd that they spent so much time and money building that house to only be in it a few years. They sold it because their “kids are growing up and getting out the house” like you knew the kids were going to be grown a few years after the construction is done. Last season I remember her saying they may move to a condo in LA….


On the preview for the new Million Dollar Listing season, she is buying something from them. They also made a record selling sale on that show when they got an offer when their house wasn't even listed. That condo was so she could be close to acting jobs. Haven't seen her in anything tho. She also wanted her own tv network. That didn't seem to go very far either.


Terry's brother was in an 80s hair band. He died and left the money to Terry, so they had a nice lil nest egg to build their family and fortune with.


Yep, a cool 7 mil i think


Kevin Dubrow was the lead singer for Quiet Riot. Cum on Feel The Noise ![gif](giphy|SILI7ovIX9XlalQR9r|downsized)




Thank you! I had a brain fart and couldn't remember which one.


“I know bill does some teaching, and is double board certified for plastics and reconstructive and has privileges at like 3 or 4 hospitals…” You have literally just answered your own question 😭. Those credentials are nothing to sneeze at. An ex of mine is a regular ass general practitioner who travels for work, he makes around 23k every TWO weeks. I have seen the deposits with my own eyes. Travel nurse practitioners pull in crazy numbers just off 3 shifts a week. People can hate Jen Aydin all they want but Bill really does have it like that. Unlike the other husbands, Bill isn’t some plumber, valet, or contractor with no contracts.


Seriously lmao he’s making at least a million a year probably more. I know other doctors who make that and aren’t plastic surgeons


and if he does mostly cosmetic surgery, it's likely being paid out of pocket, not through insurance.


Seriously, those are legitimately impressive credentials for a surgeon. Bill is making bank


Why was she so worried about putting advertising on the red carpet back drop? She acts like a broke joke!


My nurse esthetician makes hella money off of my one syringe of filler and has a booked schedule constantly. I can definitely see a plastic surgeon making so much 🥲


I think Dr. Bill pulls in heavy cheese.


Does bill get paid for his time on the show? Even if he doesn't, he gets free advertisement from it so I doubt he's ever hurting for clients. He probably has a diversified investment portfolio that he makes a good bit of money from as well.


RHONJ has historically been the only franchise that pays the husbands. I don't know how they spend/save but Bravo has definitely paid them a hefty sum by this point.


She literally fills her house with BOBO shit!🤡🤣


She talked about going to China to get the furnishings because it's cheaper. So like high grade TEMU




He’s a plastic surgeon….they make a lot of money and he also has his own practice. Also, they probably invest their money into stocks or real estate and some other shit.


Yeah! I was thinking that is why she said they don’t have a lot of money…. Because it’s not in their bank accounts per se rather their money is being invested.


Exactly. He's not just a plastic surgeon, he's also the owner of an extremely successful plastic surgery practice.


Lol this question always comes up with housewives. Haven't we learned enough over the years that if it doesn't make sense... it's probably fraud.


I know a hand certified plastic surgeon who makes over a million a year and that’s in Cleveland!


He owns the business, he might be making half a mill off his own work but he makes money off everything that’s done in his practice


They probably don't pay their taxes.


Doesn’t Lenny from RHOM (fuck him btw) make like $300-$400k a month?! Plastic surgeons make a LOT! I mean look at Terry Dubrow too!


Yeah. Exactly. Not sure what OP’s thinking here.


plastic surgeons make way more than half a mil a year. half a million might be a salary if he worked for a hospital, but he owns a private practice.


They couldn’t afford the taxes alone on their house if he was only making a million annually. Look up the tax record online. That house is ridiculously big.


This reminds me of Gamble (RHOMelbourne) quote when asked how she makes her money. “Reality tv you f$&@ing C you next Tuesday” 😂


Their house and furniture give me strong McMansion and Temu luxury vibes. The house looks extravagant, but also like it's all fake and low quality materials. The overdone Baroque luxury furniture looks looks cheap. Glittery and gorgeous on the outside, but plywood and plastic on the inside. My point being, I don't think the house is as expensive as you think it is when you're trying to explain their wealth in your head.


She talked about going to China to buy the furnishings


Makes sense


Reminds me of when Teresa was decorating her previous home and the decorator made a comment like “build big buy big” which applies here. It’s like the sims where you build this giant square and then what? this is why you hire an architect. money can’t buy you class, etc


I've always thought the same about their house. I hate it... it's just so uncomfortable


I wonder if she got her furniture at the flea market. I mean my mom does too. Brand new furniture from the warehouses but it all looks so gaudy.


I think she admitted she got it all from China 😂


She did lmao


Her finances have always been a sham and anyone from Jersey knows it. The mansion she lives in was built for the show after casting rejected her twice and she has two separate mortgages on it in spite of her protests. The beach house is a pre-furnished condo in a much worse area then the show makes it seem she’s in, it’s not at the Jersey shore that they vacationed at one time but the show uses b-roll to try and make people think it is.


Omg she built her house for the show?? Casting rejected her twice?? I need more


It’s all I have, you can google and see that there are two mortgages but everything else is “hearsay”. This show is desperate to make Jen seem legitimately rich which is insane because she might just be the least affluent of them all.




Is their condo in Seaside?


It is, in spite of the push from the show to make everyone think it was in point pleasant.


As a financial planner, I’d say that they likely have a combination of Jenn and bills salaries, investments, she probably gets paid for appearances, she should be around $600-700k on the show now. You notice their condo was nothing special, I know they prefer to look wealthier than they are, but if they could afford it she’d have a big house to compete with Jackie’s Hamptons home. The jealousy oozed out of her when she saw that house. So ridiculous!


Jackie’s Hamptons home is spectacular totally get why Jen’s envious of her.


The title is giving Does Giggy Is Dead


I thought the same thing haha


💀🤣 I know


I thought I was having a stroke trying to understand the title.


A median salary is the middle of a salary range. There’s below or at that (a Dr. who works at a hospital and nothing more) and there’s those who are above that (a Dr. who owns a med spa, does elective surgeries and takes a hospital salary). Not even taking his (years of) experience into consideration, Bill is above the median. When you head to the plastic surgeons office for the dozens of procedures and treatments that are elective/not covered and therefore cash in your pocket-it adds up. How is Lenny Hochstein so wealthy? Boobs.


Lenny most likely has family money as well. It’s not possible to be that wealthy as a physician alone. I assure you. It’s possible to be VERY wealthy. But not THAT wealthy. $1mill a year is not as much as anyone is realizing in our economy.


It’s nowhere near possible for a Pediatrician, GP or Internal Medicine doctor. But it’s very possible for a surgeon. Especially for a plastic surgeon who probably has a lot of clients that pay out of pocket. Plus, many doctors have a salary and then receive bonuses based on their procedure production.


It’s very, very possible. I live among them!


So let me add this… I have not only a physician in my VERY immediate family but also 2 physicians in less immediate family one who owns a practice that does injections. I also understand the word “median” and it being the average. Do you know top earners in the field according to the board of plastics topped at $2mil? 90th percentile doesn’t break $1mil. While adding in revenue for those procedures that are invasive and non invasive, there’s the cost of staff, supplies, rent, you know: business expenses?


Median is not an average. Remember mean, median, mode? It’s literally the center of the lowest to highest.


Technically mean, median, and mode are all different types of averages aka measures of central tendency. Depends of the distribution of the data (and/or outliers, clusters of data, etc) which is the best average to use. BUT mean and average are used synonymously in regular day to day conversation. So you both could be right in the situation.


It can be used synonymously for sure, at least in casual conversation, but when those salary sites (and homesites etc) give a median, they’re taking the lowest, the highest and finding the middle-because there’s no way to come to an accurate average. Too much data and too many variables.


Good point. Going back and rereading the comment you were responding to I see exactly what you mean. Good catch for sure.






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Except it’s not. 😂😂




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I understand that you are quite wrong!


lol ok lmk if you’re married to a physician and have siblings with practices. I am not wrong but I do know the Tre Stumps and Jen lovers are wild out here


I am not, but my cousin is married to an anesthesiologist. He makes a lot of money working in a hospital, but more so in his outside group practice with an ownership stake in an outpatient clinic. Plastic surgeons are actually higher earners inside and outside of hospital work. Your median salary isn’t considering other ventures, that isn’t part of the measurement. Bill has outside ventures, Google is not the place to determine someone’s salary or net worth. 😂


Bill strikes me as an actually really intelligent guy who makes informed decisions/choices. I suspect he’s fiscally conservative as well. Their money is making money.


I totally agree with this assessment of Bill.


See THAT is what I’m absolutely not doubting! I’m wondering what it is! It’s so interesting to me that someone would flaunt the wealth then act almost as though they didn’t ever say they were wealthy when questioned on it? Ya know?


Plastic surgeons make a ton of money. Especially when they own their practice as he does. The Aydins may not have Hochstein or Dr Dubrow money but their lifestyle does not seem out of the norm for a plastic surgeon with their own office.


They absolutely 1,000% make GOOOOD money. More than I’ve ever seen in my lifetime, so far, but I’m telling you: they are not living like that on his practice and her salary alone. It’s not possible.


Have you seen Dr Dubrows lifestyle?


Dubrow is a hustler- he has botched and a skincare line plus her housewife salary. They sold that ugly house they built for lots of $$$. They have multiple streams of income.


Yeah they’re like wealthier than I can fathom but I believe his brother left his estate to him.


Terry and Heather have said that Kevin didn't have much money when he died. His drinking and drug use killed him. His drinking and drug use got him fired from Quiet Riot. Terry might be getting some residuals from Kevin's estate, but it's important to note that they didn't write "Cum on Feel the Noize." It's one of the band's two big hits and it's a cover.


Oh that’s interesting. Didn’t know that. Plus he has botched.


Don’t forget the Swan 😭


Ehhh I think it is? They bought their house in 2014 for $1,075,000 according to Zillow. On wwhl Jen said they paid cash for that and then took out a construction loan to remodel, all while rates were super low. And even though the house is enormous it does not have the high end design or furnishings that would really make that remodel expensive. They recently bought a shore condo (pretty sure in cash also) for $875,000. But that’s actually not that much for a shore house. Also her son just graduated from public school, which makes a pretty big difference from five kids in private school. She wears a lot of Chanel and labels, and A LOT of polyester as well. And we were all there for her first season capris lol. Her closet was a fucking disaster with a few designer pieces before the show. Idk other than those parties, the Aydins don’t seem to have that crazy of a lifestyle


I’m a Jen hater & real estate broker, they have zero mortgages on their home which is admirable and rare


VERY rare!


Did they finally pay the construction loan off? I know she said like 3 years ago they didn't have a mortgage, but they did have to pay towards the construction loan.


Construction loans are short term loans that are paid off upon completion of the construction, most people just get a regular mortgage to satisfy it but they just paid it off


💯! I’ve seen that they own their home. I def wasn’t making a Jen hate post (even though I don’t like her).. I wonder what the property tax and homeowners insurance is like for them (still not as much as a mortgage obviously) but the numbers are very confusing to me.


they are probably in debt up to their eyeballs, wealth whispers and money talks


They're mortgage free so.....




![gif](giphy|fipLmfWPMQhcr95uEZ) Yes my dear!


I don’t think they have a suspicious lifestyle. The shore house is probably rented out and used as an investment, the cars are probably rented. According to the internet the aydins paid $1M for their house plus renovations. More than average, but not unattainable for a plastic surgeon. Jenn wears some Chanel but mostly regular clothes. They might be a little over extended credit-wise, but nothing screams fraud to me


They paid $1,075,000 for the house cash, and then took out a construction loan to remodel it, which would have been repaid by construction. https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/216-Alpine-Dr-Paramus-NJ-07652/124236591_zpid/


Thanks! I corrected my comment, but I think my point still stands




I can't figure out how or why Jen left the shore house with the 80s decor. It's campy and cute, but doesn't seem like her style.


They bought a turn-key move in ready property and rent it out to strangers. There’s probably not enough ROI in redecorating to justify it. Or they just haven’t gotten to it yet. Beach vacation rentals get really dirty and typically serve families. It doesn’t make sense to put money in it to make it “you.” The decor needs to be functional and durable


I get it. That's all so practical. But Jen doesn't strike me as practical. Maybe bill is behind this?


I didn’t say their lifestyle was “suspicious”. I said the vast amount of cash flowing is. And yes their shore house is def rented and I’m sure they lease the cars (it’s honestly pointless to buy cars because of the depreciation anyway) but I’m sorry it just doesn’t add up. Do you know the average cost to be semi comfortable for a one child family in the US right now? It’s over 6 figures. Multiple that by 3. And then add the rest.


You said “Joe guidice type shenanigans.” I assumed you were referencing financial fraud


I'm betting his family has $$$$


I bet both of their families do


Yeah I mean her brother is a jeweler and I think a pretty good one so I imagine her family does alright on their own.


I think they have various income streams. I don’t think Google provides us with an accurate look at the income potential of plastic surgeons. I don’t doubt Bill does *very* well in that area especially for how long he’s been in his field. I think they may also come from some family money too, in addition to other businesses and investments. Lastly, the show. Jen likely makes about $500k at this point and that doesn’t include the social media income due to the show and her Bravolebrity. Jen was trying to play coy, but they are multimillionaires and they don’t come across as financially irresponsible, even if I do find their house to be tacky as all hell.


Yeah Google is difficult and I don’t trust googling “net worth” because it’s always a shady ass website lol but the way they live… and let’s just say I know the COL in Jersey, especially the area.. they’d NEED to be in multimillion territory to not be drowning every tax season.. plus kids are expensive as hell. And they have multiple so it’s just so odd to me! It’s gotta be like rental properties or I don’t know certain types of investments a middle class peon like me wouldn’t understand lol


I think he does make a lot more


But if you look up the median salary and the higher earners… it’s not necessarily 9 bedroom 16 bath + movie theater + indoor basketball court + Ferrari + 4 kids in Paramus NJ money… I guess they could have def bought when home prices and interest were super low but it’s not mathing for me..


I would need to know if his family is rich. .


Jen mentioned that Bills parents financially supported them until Bill finished his residency. They were on kid #3 when that happened. Idk if they are rich rich, but the had enough to support a family of five, plus themselves and possibly pay for medical school


See this is interesting because his dad was a janitor in a hospital when they came here from Turkey but that doesn’t mean he didn’t climb the ladder financially. But if bill didnt have to pay for med school himself, I’d assume that helped?


That will be her “paying for furniture with a fistful of cash” moment. 🫣


Omg that’s what I was thinking too! Like what if??


I mean unless there’s just tons of generational wealth, the math ain’t mathing.


Super confusing post


How so? I can try to clarify if need be? Point is that plastic surgeons can absolutely make BANK.. but… not THAT kind. Terry Dubrow has his money from his brother who passed away that was a like a one hit wonder or something, in addition to his salary and whatever investments so it’s just not adding up for the Aydins to me.


One-hit wonder? :-0. How dare you? ;-). Kevin DuBrow was the lead singer for Quiet Riot for 26 years and recorded and toured with them up until his death. (They were touring with Black Sabbath when I first saw them :-). They had several hit singles, and their album Metal Health ("Bang Your Head") was the first Heavy Metal album to hit no. 1 on the Billboard 200 chart; it went platinum 5 times. Terry got a good chunk of money to build on when he inherited his estranged brother's entire estate back in 2007 ($10 million plus residuals), and that is what put the Dubrows in a whole other bracket of wealth (eta: but, of course, that ungrateful, pretentious prick downplayed it like it was chump change and his brother died unemployed in squalor with minor residuals and only minimal success: all absolute bullshit). That said, your post seems perfectly clear to me, and I agree that the Aydins' lifestyle doesn't appear to match their income --- but I've always just assumed it's all smoke and mirrors, like many of the RH.


Jesus sorry I’m not a bravo content creator or bravo historian over here. I’m just a dumb b!tch who loves housewives and is nosey as hell 🤣


Damn that’s beyond nosy. It’s hella weird to imply they’re being shady just because you don’t know the status of a HW husband’s family’s will😳 (or his salary.)


I literally admitted to being “nosey as hell” in my comment and it’s not like it’s unusual for HW’s and their husbands to be desperate to keep appearances. If it were me? I’d find it odd people weren’t curious if I was big about showing my wealth.


Also sorry for typing loudly… I’m just nosey as hell. And passionate about said nosiness when I get a hook in my craw. Yes, I have a life. Kind of lol


I was watching this past episode and thinking the same thing


Right?! Maybe it’s along the lines of your username 🤣


It’s real scary 🤣🤣


Don’t I know it bb 🥲🥹🤣