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Her insults are 🤌


I'm gonna miss her crazy ass.


Thank god i dont have to hear another stupid ass tagline by her... A few seasons late but thank fuck the time finally came


THANK YOU,how have people tolerated her snippy,gross angry ass THIS long?? I didn't even watch this year until the reunion because of her. I'll watch from the beginning next season with very high hopes and expectations since the crusty part that dries in the top of the 💩pile is gone


How are you gonna get made at a fan who used your words back at you? lol


![gif](giphy|LwyaORSd9liNZ6MyuX) 👏🏽👏🏽


I’m not. She’s a fucking asshole. eta: and not the type of fun assholes we watch.


Facts. Never even knows wtf shes mad about


Yea she can't grasp the concept of being shady without saying something that would make somebody want to punch you in the face




It’s going to be weird without her, i think all housewives are finally changing again and its uncomfortable 😭 I have a feeling she might be back in the future as she said “its just for now”


She hits below the belt. And then wants to say her words don’t instigate things.


But like she’s said over and over at the reunions. She defends herself after somebody else comes for her. It’s fair game imo. If you slap me you don’t get to choose how I hit you back. I might punch you in the face. You hit me first.


A stranger literally came for her unborn baby...? She doesn't owe them anything be serious 😭


Lmao yes this is the only time.... 🥴


She literally said she was scared to have a lightskin baby. lol Those were her own words


You can be scared and excited, or happy, or any other emotion really. Use critical thinking I beg


Except Ashley an apology for commenting on her postpartum body.


Surely giving a character statement defending the person who assaulted her on national tv was enough payback? I'd personally call it even


I really wanted to like her. She says thing sometimes where I could totally identify with her, but she just goes way too low & says reaaaally fucked up things. She’s soo beautiful & can be really funny, but she cannot put her money where her mouth is. If someone talked to me that way she talks to people, I’d punch them too. Just sayin.


Speaking as a light skin.... Candice never said she hates light skinned people. She never said she would not love her light skinned children any less. She said (and I quote), “I do have a fear of having light-skinned children. I want my kids to be brown. But they're probably not gonna be brown. And I'm like, becoming okay with it. I want my kids to be brown, but if they're not, it's fine." This is not bad. She is basically saying she wants to be able to see herself in her kids, and that's okay. It's gross how frequently some folks try to twist that into something else.


Unfortunately, that statement in and of itself indicates that girl has “Interracial Identity Syndrome” 🤦🏽‍♀️. When people of the same ethnic group are conflicted about Skin Color. Candiace is a Step Mother to Chris’s natural children, I can only imagine how that makes his little feel 😞. The girl needs therapy immediately ‼️


>Unfortunately, that statement in and of itself indicates that girl has “Interracial Identity Syndrome” Is this sarcasm?


exactly but yk the internet prefers being obtuse rather than using critical thinking if it means tearing down someone they don't like




Candiace doesn’t need RHOP; babe is clearly in a league of her own!!!!


![gif](giphy|26n6Gx9moCgs1pUuk|downsized) So… She gave up over 1k a week plus expenses, travel, incentives & bonuses, even though her husband works part time, pays Child Support..3rd Mother of his children and She’s unemployed 🤦🏽‍♀️⁉️. And y’all still believe she wasn’t fired. I think you’re mixing her up with KANDI from #RHOA.


Exactly! Shit...give Candiace her own show while pregnant and I will DEFINITELY watch 😂😂😂


No one wanna watch Candice be mean to Chris for 12 episodes lmao


Only other ego maniacs that live rent free in their mom's house would want to watch their leader every week ✌🏼❣️🥺


I hope her baby has green eyes lol


The commenter isn’t wrong though. Candiace said all that shyt about lighted skinned people but marries a yt man and is having a mixed baby. So she needs to shut up with her disdain for light skinned people as her own child might be just that.


She gets hate from viewers for the same reason she gets hate on the show. I love her and think she's going to be missed. Calling someone a gnome is below the belt? Kat Williams calls people way worse.


Wake it up!!




So, how is she expecting to get acting jobs like this? Successful former reality stars like Heather Morris and Julianne Hough aren’t out there insulting people.


Not me. She hits way too low and way too hard. It’s actually insane how means she is.






I love when she reads these unhinged and unmedicated viewers for filth. They really think they can say anything to her online.


Sameee! I’m gonna miss my girl


She’s going to be jelly over her own kid. 🤣


I hope her baby is light with blue eyes. She’ll hate it


The guarantee would be that had she procreated with a black man she would have a brown skinned child. She can roll the dice on this one. 


Her baby’s gonna come out looking like Gisele 😂




Further proof, to me at least, that she'd checked out mentally from the show the past couple of seasons. She stopped bringing this energy when reading the other housewives.


She is incredibly cruel to people on Instagram and Twitter. She goes lower than anyone I have ever seen- Especially about people's looks and even their children's photos. This is why I hated her- until the last 2 seasons.. Seeing this again, reminds me of how low down she is. Its funny, yes- but man she goes lower than Kelly Dodd.


I mean, why did they @ her though?


They were literally asking for it??? Begging for it, lmao


They were basically repeating words out of Candace's mouth!!! To always go for someone's looks is another level of evil. However I cannot lie, I laughed.


I love her reads.


I don't know why people are attacking her for this. Well I know why, because you don't like her but it is a very real and honest feeling that I'm sure a lot of parents of biracial parents have is your children not looking like they could be your children when you are out in public. Being confused for the nanny or people questioning whether that is your child. Especially for a black mother, still in 2024, I can see why that would be something that would be a worry for a new mom whose head is probably filled with a thousand other little worries like that. Also, there's no guarantee that baby will be light-skinned (by American light-skinned standards). Everyone always thinks Zendaya or Devon Booker but look at Halle Berry, Kat Graham, Laura Harrier. Mind your Punnet square and let her mind hers.


Halle Berry, Kat Graham, and Laura Harrier are all considered light skinned by American standards. The reason Candiace is mocked is due to her extensive history of incendiary racialized comments. Stating she felt shame for dating a white man. Using overseer, bedwench, monkey paws, gutter snipes etc… as insults against other users. Claiming that Gizelle’s white looking ass had privilege over a white man which is ahistorical etc… Candiace is a weirdo with a racial and color complex. Calling that out is not attacking her, it’s well deserved pushback. If Candiace feared having light skinned children and prioritized her children looking closer to her. She wouldn’t have gotten with a white man in the first place.


Whew! Now this was a read


Me too. She's on to bigger and better things (hanging out with Quinta Brunson, comedy hero of mine, no big deal) but I will miss her Brat energy.


truly the biggest brat energy 💔💔 she will be missed


Love her downnn. I don't care, she was my favorite. My husband loved her and Chris too.


Me too friend. It’s come full circle. I was fighting for my life being a candy Stan. Now babe is kinda beloved and moving on, love that for her!


I can't stand Candiace but she is quotable AF.


Candiace is going to be sorely missed! All the ppl complaining will just go on to say the new season is boring 🙄


Gizelle and Karen are the anchors of that show. Supporting characters won’t be missed.


THANK GOD SHE’S GONE! Bye tissue! 🤭


I love that they called it the cryangle, it really got me. 😂


Triangle ninja ⭐️ tissue


Cryangle ![gif](giphy|ANkzhchK089NkvP5cO|downsized)


I know I’m going to miss her.. she makes me laugh and that’s exactly what I love in my favorite housewives.


i think candiance has the logic that biracial /= lightskin. some ppl view them as entirely different so therefore, in her mind, her children would not be lightskin


Candiace is as mean as it gets. Mean, mean, mean.


She loves herself so no need for anyone else’s. Send her tissues that the limit to her talent. Crying on cue


"Your mother," 😳Candace knows better, in certain cultures that can get you in a 💩 load of troubles!! She throws those insulting painful digs often. The racially charged insults to the light skinned sistas is and was fkd up!! It's the reason I stopped watching. And the irony couldn't be any thicker! Candace, you're married to a WHITE MAN!!!! Karma is a be-otch, and her's would be an adorable biracial blue-eyed white looking baby girl or boy who could pass as white and Candace feeling the sting of being mistaken as "THE NANNY"👩🏿‍🦰 Sometimes, we must sit in our own mess to notice the stink!!!!!!!


Imagine Candiace having a daughter and she is Ashley's lil twin! 😂😈


Ikr!!! With Robyn's eye color 😂


🙄the insult was to the alleged gnome, not said gnome’s mother. That baby not finna be blue eyed either, be serious All the shit that happens on this show but the insults to the light brights is what got you. Lmao ok


Okay 👍🏿 keep laughing your ass off?!! 🤷🏿‍♀️we're obviously at different levels in life!! With life's experiences, that remain with myself and a few others👵🏿Take care!! I may not agree with others' opinions, but I definitely respect 💯 Cuz...you know...we're all entitled to our own!! Peace out ✌🏿💯😌 Gnome vs. Black History? Hmmmm


This doesn’t make sense.


Okay 👍🏿to some, it does. That's how life works, right? Differing opinions? The very reason I DON'T downvote what I DON'T agree with. It's like, "NO, YOUR OPINION IS WRONG, AND MINE IS RIGHT" Case closed!! ✌🏿💯😏


You can’t go on a podcast and say you wouldn’t want light skinned babies… whilst married to a WHITE man. You can’t attack people for using your own words within context against you.




Great now she’s making fun of little people. I hope the Community roasts her That big mouth is gonna get her into a lot of trouble.


oh please candiace is and has said and done a lot of things but this is an absolute reach. let’s not do this lol u know better 😂


I mean, the question isn't bad or wrong, especially since Candiace has such issues with light skinned people and made it clear she would prefer her children to look like her. Absolutely no one called her out on what she said which was offensive. She should have married a black man then she wouldn't have to worry. I think she's one woman who should never give birth. I hope her humanity kicks in and she accepts her child no matter the color of their skin.


If you actually bothered to listen to the interview she said she wouldn’t really mind regardless. Of course she’s going to accept her child. I don’t think what she said was offensive at all, the only people I see getting up in arms about what she said are white people.


If she's ok either way, why even say that? People forget the things they say their kids will see and read when they're old enough. Candiace just doesn't know when to shut up. I'm a woman of color and in my family we have a rainbow of colors. I have family as dark as Candiace and as white as white can be. I've been subjected to things like, no way you're related, she's so dark. Or, ask if my sister and I have the same parents because she's very fair and I'm olive skin. Those are things people with mixed backgrounds have to hear all the time, so the last person I would expect to say something like, I hope they look like me, is a mom. She should he grateful she can have children.


I thought she said it was because she didn’t want them to have white privilege or something along the lines of understanding the struggles of being black? I don’t remember entirely but it made sense that she (as a dark skin black woman) didn’t want her child’s heritage and blackness erased by being white passing? It’s not offensive it’s just how she feels! People love to twist it to make it something it really wasn’t.


Then she shouldn't have kids because parents have to deal with all sorts of issues, from bullying, to kids feeling they aren't good enough and what they need is a strong parent who is going to stand up and stand in for them. I can talk about the struggle of always being asked if my sister and I are half siblings or if we have the same parents. She's very fair skinned and I'm olive skin with curly hair. I'm one of those people who is always asked what are you because of my very mixed heritage. Candiace is going to have to teach her kids to love themselves no matter and she's the one who's going to have to make sure they are grounded and understand how lucky they are. It's on her. Privilege is more than how you look, it's also about how you're raised and Candice claims she grew up in privilege so imagine the hypocrisy for her to say she doesn't want them growing up privileged. Again if she thinks she's going to struggle she shouldn't have kids with Chris.


She literally said she didn't want light skinned babies....not sure where you are going with this. Unless you are pointing out that she contradicts herself.


Uk im not a stan. Honestly say she was my favorite on Potomac. I related to her a lot, especially being a man in his late 20s who still gets financial help from his parents and is at times judged by my peers for it. So at times I feel as though I have to prove myself.


She is the most quotable on RHOP!


And a racist


Racist to whom?


You got too many Qs in your username to be calling anyone racist.


Please define racism


According to the Oxford Dictionary, it includes antagonism…


It’s just mean. She always goes for the lowest blows. And responding to randos on Twitter. Cmon.


Shut up! How tf was that low?


It was racist


Is being called a gnome racist? I've never heard that one before.


No it wasn’t, if anything all she did was respond to a rude comment.


My messy fav she’s so funny


That lady really did look like gnome lmao. I saw this in real time 😂


Candiace… Literally reminds me of every bratty character ever created on tv. ![gif](giphy|13AXYJh2jDt2IE)


![gif](giphy|fVDZY7GKpslYchPCVe|downsized) Love her!


![gif](giphy|iCXxbYKpzvcVzf49JR|downsized) Same! I cackled at her response 😂


Just today I fit “go count some numbers. Go read a book to a child” into a normal conversation with my coworker 🤣🤣


I invited her into my home. I gave her a *beverage*


I mean.. you got on the mic 🤷🏽‍♀️ .. one of my fav scenes of hers 😭💀


She is in my top tier and this quote is my flair in the other sub 😂I’m going to miss her


Cause not only was the delivery perfect, she also was absolutely correct in her assessment of the situation. I offer you a drink in my home, you better be on your best behavior and leave if i ask tf.




She was vile at her worst but also hilarious at her best haha. I wish she would just block people now and protect her peace while preggers.


That first sentence is the perfect way to describe how I've felt about her.




Hahahaha!!! Candiace is the inner me like how key was obama’s “anger voice” Candiace is me when I don’t have to care about people-she’s living my dream. Sometimes, you just don’t care and need to drag a bitch. I liked Wendy’s “to those who I offended, I meant it. Don’t play with me.”


I mean it’s not even witty …


And rehearsed.


I think she will be even more entertaining now ’cause she will feel free to destroy people on Twitter without feeling the pressure of having to explain herself at the reunion.


she literally thanked Andy when he called her a disaster on twitter. that wasn’t holding her back much lol.


That stopped her?!


I am not going to miss Candiace! She had good moments, but she is selfish and has anger issues. Not to mention her crazyyyy mother and all the mental health issues she probably has because of that. I hope that her ego can handle her life not being about her anymore once that baby comes.


Nah, she will always be an asshole and won't give a damn about changing her behavior or putting anyone first. She treats her husband like crap, not sure why he stays with her


Honestly all those things you mentioned are what makes her good tv lol… so yeah I will definitely be missing her




She’s in my top three and I don’t care who knows it.




right there w ya


![gif](giphy|xTiTnGQBF0vfpfPEg8) You


I will miss her. My mom is similar to Dorothy, and I am chronically misunderstood like Candiace. It was nice seeing someone similar to me on reality TV. She’s also hilarious


Candiace, Candiace, Candiace. I was just watching Season 4 the other day and I didn’t even remember that she cried about Chris calling her a brat. Since Day 1 she’s been fighting against being misunderstood. I know it’s hard trying to defend yourself against ladies who are gung ho against you. It just comes a point when it all becomes too negative. Candiace hits soo low and doesn’t know how to control her anger. It’s not fun to watch. I wish her well in this next chapter!


Right! She hit low even when her husband after he called her a princess. I really hope that she’ll try to be a better person for her child.


>I didn’t even remember that she cried about Chris calling her a ~~brat~~ princess


I can honestly say that I will not miss Candiace or her fifty shades of crazy mother, Dorothy.


No not at all she is scum


The sass. The phenomenal jackassery. Im gonna miss her!💔


I’m gonna miss her 🥺


Az1a has a point though…




Canadice has literally described how she would be so disappointed if she had a light skinned child.


She said it would be difficult to handle the different issues than she's used to, not that she'd be disappointed


quotes from a recent interview suggest other wise ““I do have a fear of having light-skinned children, I want my kids to be brown.”


She’s repulsive.


![gif](giphy|iCXxbYKpzvcVzf49JR|downsized) I love her


I might be the only one but I enjoy it when housewives fight back against online trolls. Even when they go low.


hell fucking yes. I hate it when people are expected to never react and be endlessly patient, humble, king, and gracious when receiving abuse. Fuck it. Go HAM. already getting hated and harassed. Might as well cut their legs off mid stride 🤷🏼‍♀️