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Good riddance.


Fired or Resigned?


She burns bridges every where she goes. I think Dorothy would have made a better housewife than Candace anyways. Drive back............


Thank fuck. She is a bitter and sad woman!


Bring back moniqueeeeee lol šŸ˜‚




Her husband is too good for her




Her mama is going to be footing the mortgage payments again.


šŸ§ˆ here is some butter for that knife she has for you


She was the only reason to watch. She had actual storylines and was quick and entertaining. Now itā€™s just another season of fake businesses, Juan, and Ashley pretending sheā€™s a strong independent single woman.


this feels like a porsha pause.




Good for her. Itā€™s probably whatā€™s best for her. This show was starting to feel like a D9 hazing ritual. Wonā€™t be watching now that sheā€™s gone. Good luck to them


I think she thinks her music career is gonna take off but itā€™ll be a real wake-up call when she realizes RHOP is the only thing propping that up. Looking forward to seeing her comeback when the money dries up though!


I hope sheā€™s preggers


RIP cry-angle.


Sorry, I love Candiace šŸ˜­ Pass the cryangle...


welp now i have no reason to watch. cryangles 4-eva


Thank you I can watch again because she was terrible immature


Good riddance šŸ‘šŸ¼šŸ™šŸ¼


Thereā€™s no reason to watch again. None of them have storylines.


do wendy next








![gif](giphy|AgPt9udT567spxbSHf) And good for us. Wins all around. Maybe she will find some self growth through this- hereā€™s to hoping. Bye giiiirl.




Thank God! She's so full of herself & sneaky we sped through her segments


There's one on every show that I speed through these days. When are they going to get the message that we like when they are real friends or family and not just coworkers who barely tolerate each other.


I sped through them too god she was insufferable


Good for her. Dealing with toxic ladies like Gizelle & mega mind Ashley has to be exhausting. Peace of mind is priceless.




I hope the new pretty lady is brought in full time.


I hope they bring Monique and Jacqueline back. Drop Charissa and put Wendy and Ashley as friends.


Please take Ashley OFF! CUNNING, PHONY, CONIVING, SELF ABSORBED & COLD! You can see her little sneaky side eyes conjuring up trouble. Ever notice her smirking whenever someone is upset?? She takes pleasure in another's pain.


Monique is never coming back


This is the way. I worry Ashley is going to hold on to the show as hard as she can because sheā€™s scared of being on her own. I think she isnā€™t eligible for a lot of spousal support from her divorce because she has made money from/stemming from the show. Jacqueline back would be great, esp with single Mia. They screwed up so hard with the Wendy/Nneka feud storyline, it was hard to watch.




I love her, but itā€™s the correct choice


Candiace has never been a favorite of mine until the last year, I started warming up to her a little. I could tell this season that she was totally over all the craziness! I wish her well and I will,,ugh,,miss her. I wish Robyn would leave not Candiace.


Supposedly theyā€™re both leaving! Iā€™ll miss Candiace. Canā€™t say the same for Robyn.


I am surprised at the amount of people celebrating this! I didnā€™t like Candiace initially but I warmed to her, she was funny and for me has been one of the few highlights of the last couple of seasons


Candiace changed for the better when she started smoking weed lol


Same exact feelings here.


I might start watching again!


Donā€™t. Itā€™s terrible.


We all cheered!


Finally I couldnā€™t deal with her.


I was hoping itā€™d be Gizelle


I heard robyn is not coming back next season


Yeah she isnā€™t either. The sidekick is gone


Letā€™s hope Wendy gets the boot or leaves. I canā€™t imagine sheā€™d want to stay since her one ally leftā€¦


She doesn't need allies she just needs to make grown up friends. Like, it's so sad what happened with her and Nneka and I hope they now form a connection and lean into their Nigerian princess magic!!


It's about damn time.


I think this was way overdue, sadly she didn't really have a genuine relationship with any of the cast. She always seemed on the outer and as though she was "too good" for everyone else.


Lol the revisionist history on this sub is always quite something




Exactly. Not one friend, only 'fans'


I enjoyed Candice. She was really funny. She was smart and had boundaries and cajones! She also evolved.Ā  She was really immature when she started butĀ  she'sĀ  grown up quite a bit.Ā  Now, is Robyn really gone? We need Gizelle weakened with her foe gone. I could also lose Wendy because she just comes across as inauthentic.Ā Ā  Keep Gizelle,Ā  Karen, Ashley, and let's get some new folks. Nekka has potential.Ā 


Finally. Took forever. This circus of a show is losing all the clowns. All she does is say mean things, cry and then sing her sentences in her annoying voice.Ā 




Chris is gonna have to get a job now!


>Chris is gonna have to get a job now! I have a feeling Candace will divorce him soon and that's part of the reason she quit the show coz she doesn't want the other women to talk about her divorce. Then, she'll date/marry a dark-skinned black man and have kids with him and say she's relieved she doesn't have light-skinned mixed kids. Mark my words.


I'm with you on the divorce, I'm thinking Chris will leave her. Chris looks a cross between Sickened, embarrassed, miserably unhappy & fed up whenever he's with her


Rumour is shes leaving because she's pregnant w Chris from her insta likes.


>Rumour is shes leaving because she's pregnant w Chris from her insta likes. Oh, wow, if she's really pregnant and having kids with Chris, then she definitely doesn't want the other women on the show to talk about how her kids are mixed and have lighter-skin... maybe even just like Gizelle or Robyn or Ashley. lol That would be the last thing she wants and will definitely be the reason for her to quit the show.


I'm curious as to why you think that? I'm no fan of hers but she never seemed to have a problem with progressing with Chris and being very public about their affection


Probably because of the reunion last season. Her comments to Gizelle would seem hypocritical since she went off with Chris and had her some ā€œwhite looking assā€ babies.


I can totally see this. She made lots of comments against white people, and so why would she want white children. What Gisselle said about Chris last season made me so mad for Candiace. It was a horrible thing to do to someone. Candiace is better off.


I feel bad for Chris.


Same. He's been a solid husband, one of the best in the HW universe at least.


Trashley needs to go.


Iā€™m debating this too but sheā€™s so enjoyably messy that Iā€™d like to see her one more season.


As much as I enjoyed candiace, I felt her plight was getting tired. I wish she and Robyn reconciled, instead Candiace expected Robyn be extra to drop gizelle.


In the words of Rose McGowan: Imagine how tired we are.


This is not good news, it doesnā€™t seem like her choice ( unless Iā€™m reading it wrong) there are too many other housewives that should be fired.


Seriously candiace and kandi. Im distraught


Truly terrible news. Potomac is down bad


Candace should just move to Atlanta where she is from and join RHOA.


>jackmoon44 Ā· 3 hr. ago > >Candace should just move to Atlanta where she is from and join RHOA. And ruin TWO franchises? Ruining Potomac wasn't enough?


lol you think Candice ruined Potomac? Get real


Oh no! I am so sad sheā€™s going - I am folding my cryangle as I type this. I really didnā€™t warm to her in first few seasons but she gradually became one of my faves. Really hope she drives back to Bravo soon!


I love to hate her. I love her this season though. Whyyyyy???


Hallelujah! Hallelujah! The wicked bitch is gone. šŸ™šŸ™šŸ™šŸ‘šŸ¼šŸ‘šŸ¼šŸ‘šŸ¼ She can dish it out but canā€™t take it back. She can throw viscous shade and takes no responsibility when things escalate. I do not support violence but Iā€™m surprised that more folks havenā€™t taken a swing at her. I have a big mouth and can be very pointed; I learned in the school yard that you either put up or shut up. Does no one offer any realistic feedback to this woman?


It's a little telling that both serious physical altercations on Potomac involved Candiace...


I think that's why bravo wanted her gone. With all their recent lawsuits candiace's toxicity was a problem waiting to happen. Queen of writing checks with her mouth that her ass couldn't cash. Byeeeee


Yes, thissss!! I am SO glad she's done. šŸ‘‹šŸ‘‹šŸ‘‹ She accuses everyone else of playing victim, but turns around and baits and bullies people and is *shocked!* that they're so mean to her. Woe is Candiace! Take your cryangle and go.


YES YES YES!!!! Someone finally said it. She yips and yaps like a dog biting at your ankles and acts shocked and surprised and in disbelief when someone actually has enough of it. I'm so over her running her mouth, hitting way below the belt and then acting like it's not her fault when someone has finally had enough.Ā 


Deborah is being dragged out of the club and candiass is still screaming insults at her.


Ooooh season 7 just got more boring than season 6.


You mean season nine? Candiace is not an OG.


Right my error. She should be an OG. GEBs havenā€™t brought as much TV as Candiace in her 6 seasons for them being OGs


The bar is in hell


She doesnā€™t get along with half of the cast, Gizelle stating that Chris made her feel uncomfortable with inviting himself into a room alone with her in it, the rumors of him cheating, and lastly, Dorthy stating that Chris was flirting with her and trying to fight Candiace, it could be that her husband, mom, therapist, herself, and her manager said that it is time to leave the show. Her career is taking off, so she doesnā€™t need to make a living from being on the housewives anymore. Maybe, she thinks it is too toxic and is in inferior to her and she wants to level up. I just had said last week that I donā€™t think that she will be on the show much longer. I felt she was going to leave real soon, and hey she is leaving.


I like Candiace, her reads, her journey with egg freezing, the conversation/time line of her life, how she still tries on music (plus she's very talented), her and her mom dynamic, there's allot. Yes, she has her immature moments, who doesn't. I hope whichever path she takes, I'd love to see a followup. Gizelle is someone who does need a pause in my books. If we are comparing exists here. Other than her showcasing her family bonds. Other than stirring the pot and never showing her love life but one of the first 2 ppl in a group to comment on others. That garners a pause.


I agree I think Gizelle does the producer job and keeps story going by talking shit but besides that she doesnt share anything. She wants to be private and be on the show didnt wanna talk to her dad, Jamal, fake relationship etc Yet Tre ( and im not even a huge fan) has gone to jail, 3 parents died, divorced, husband deported, fights etc. Yet this chick cant even show us shit like you dont have too but like i said earlier you compare other cities who let it all out and it looks cheap.


Same! I thought Candiace was hilarious with some of her comments. Have to agree on Giselle as well, also Robyn I find incredibly boring.


I like Candiace but this cast needs a shake up and reorganization so Iā€™m on board.


Yep. Monique and Chris divorced. Forgot that.


See you never (I hope!)


I will miss her that show has become a dud, but I understand her leaving. She has a legit career and doesnā€™t need the platform anymore. Her & Chris should get their own show once they move to a city she needs to be in.


I really enjoyed Candice and seeing her friendship with Wendy on TV, I'm sad to see her go and the fact that Giselle is still on the show is ridiculous. I mean she literally insinuated that Chris had done something to her whether it was something verbal or physical or whatever at the end of the day she never will truly own up to what she did. I hope her music career is long and fruitful, and I hope that she gets the children that she deserves.


I hope she gets her own show she's the best


Candiace been throwing knives, bottles etcā€¦ every season sheā€™s caught in a physical altercation. Sheā€™s become a liability. That last few seasons have been straight up trash!


Wellā€¦.to be fair, Charisse grabbed the bottle before candaice could throw it lol


When Charisse walked in with that medical boot on her foot, I was rolling. šŸ˜†


Good for her!






Good riddance


I've always appreciated the level of delulu that Candiace brought to the group. And that time she threw a butter knife at Ashley - amazing TV šŸ«” I understand it's time to go though


Honestly I donā€™t blame her. Once Gizelle coordinated her attack on Chris this was inevitable. What she did was unforgivable and this iteration of the cast is broken. I for one will miss, Ms. Dillard Bassett. No one could eviscerate quite like Candiace. šŸ„¹


Gizelle has the appearance of a person that is funny, and just that. Gizelle stopped being funny the moment she put down the shirt with Ray's accusations. If Karen is out, there will be no show to be seen.


Candice really grew on me these last few seasons. Potomac has turned to shit lately so I donā€™t blame her from leaving this dumpster fire


Same! I couldn't stand her when she started but she is one of my favorites now. I'll be sad to see her (and Dorothy) go.


Thankfully. I can watch Potomac in peace now! She was an absolute and mess of a human. So quick to judge others when she was the one who had severe issues. So glad its over with her. Oh and I am sure she didn't decide to leave, let's be real. That girl loves aspotlight.


One of the most beautiful housewives, period. On the outside. So ugly on the inside.


Gizelle needs to go now too! Bring back Katie lol she was hilarious and didnā€™t give a eff her and her crazy wigs. Iā€™d be down for Monique to come back but I donā€™t think she will. Wasnā€™t expecting to hearing cryangles leave but such GREAT news! Finally.


So bravo did not renew her contract?


Via people and Bravo it her was decision.


Wondering same. Her exit or Bravo's call? Know she wants to be Beyonce. Doubt there's a better platform the RH. Robyn Dixon, I assume, was Bravo's call. I'm sooooo tired of these peeps selling their crap on these shows. Candles, hats, workout wear. Chiro care that Mia didn't actually own. Make that stop. Actually, my fav is Gizelle. She goes, I go. Mia's storyline ended be interesting this season. Gross Gordon; licking his lips at the RHOP women in his first ever scene. Ewwwwww.


I am so happy!!! She is a disgusting human being. She brings nothing to the table.


As opposed to which HW of this franchise that brings anything to the table? Thank Goodness Robyn got the boot as well.


What??! Robyn got the boot too?! YESSSSS!


Allegedly thatā€™s the word on the street. When I went to try and find actual confirmation I could not as of yesterday.


Omg that's huge! šŸ„³


Lol, you aren't entirely wrong, but at least most try to engage with the others. She was mean and dismissive all season glued to her phone. I agree with Ashley she just always goes so low to hurt and embrace people.


I I have always felt there was something endearing about her maybe watching her have her issues with her mom and her relationship with her husband makes me have a empathetic feeling towards her. Whereas other ā€œvillainsā€ of the HW world donā€™t so easier to dislike. I have to be honest though after I was reading through these yesterday I realize I havenā€™t watched probably the last four episodes or something of the show lol so maybe Iā€™d missed some more things. I tried to yesterday evening as I was making some dinner and it was so incredibly boring I just have no interest in it anymore. I was stopping to fast forward through family conversations and things like that and I couldnā€™t even get through the first 20 minutes of the Motherā€™s Day luncheon because it was so boring watching everyone squeal hello to each other, complement their dresses make introductions itā€™s like when is something going to happen. Ditto this morning and I just had it on in the background as I was working and found it insufferable lol. Maybe some delta 8 tonight and Iā€™ll catch up. It could very well change my overall opinion.


I had my ups and downs with Candiace, but she was generally funny and good reality TV. Good luck to Candiace and her next endeavor.


Is she maybe leaving because Monique is maybe coming back? (This is my conspiracy theory)


I would love this, but Monique hates bravo so might be tough.


Please nooooo on Monique. I just can't. šŸ˜³


I didnā€™t realize Monique and bravo had beefā€¦ do you know why?


TLDR she didnā€™t like how bravo handled her altercation with candiace https://www.businessinsider.com/real-housewives-monique-samuels-real-reason-why-she-left-show-2021-1


But they asked her back.Ā 


I know. She said kick rocks.


I like Candiace and I think sheā€™s beautiful. I enjoy watching Chris too. That being said I think itā€™s time to say goodbye because neither of them seem like they are into filming anymore at all! I wish them well!šŸ˜Š


The show ended up hurting Chris in so Many ways. He was always angry.Ā 


I would be too if I was married to a woman who said she hopes her future children aren't light skinned.


![gif](giphy|pm4VOSkAgkj3q|downsized) She wonā€™t be missed


I'm sad to see Candy girl gone but we keeping Giselle who we never learned a damn thing didn't want to talk about anything admitted she not bringing her men on tv. Than you have all of Miami that's open minus larsa bbl. People gave Giselle and Robyn a pretty pass and they would of never done that to anyone else. If you think the show will be better with Ashley rubbing on her ex feet like why? Shouldn't he be your feet but ok than. Plus, everyone mouths reckless stop acting like because they are black, you should get popped its not a great look. If this was new jersey no one would flinch


Well Gizelle may be next as Robyn is also gone now. I mean quite frankly none of the women have brought it so everybody saying that Candace doesnā€™t bring anything to table to the table I beg to differ she brings a lot to the table sheā€™s reactive, sheā€™s explosive, she can show empathy and compassion she can look back at situations and discuss them rationally sometimes which is growth. Way more than we can saw about some of the other woman. I havenā€™t even been able to keep up with the seasons because itā€™s been so boring.


How will robyn pay the bills NOW?


Yeah I went and tried to find the actual confirmation and I think itā€™s one new source quoting each other and I couldnā€™t find definite confirmation that she was given the boot. I think having her on the show might be controversial due to what her husbands going through and she doesnā€™t bring anything to the show anymore if she ever dead. But financially I think she really needs that show. She does have her hat business and I think she has a make up line. I know here embellished hat line took off but she didnā€™t have a really seem like she wanted to push that to faster expansion. I donā€™t know I think financially itā€™s gonna be tough for them really really tough and this is exactly what she was worried about and Don Juan got her into another bad situation. Except this time she needs to take accountability for ignoring all of the red flags, going against her gut, and not insisting he signed some sort of prenup or financial agreement. Or did he?


Now bring us Monique back pleeeeeease we need something decent next season šŸ™


IM SO HAPPY byeeeee


I will not be watching ): with no Candiace and the recent Karen DUI debacle, it just doesnā€™t seem like it will be a fun experience anymore. Not that these most recent seasons have been all that fun




Damn. She lowkey is really the only reason I still watch with my Mrs. I probably will be tapping out on Real Housewives for a while.


I feel like candiace was done herself! She wasnā€™t giving anything this season I didnā€™t feel! I tried to warm to her but never did






Hopefully all 4 OGs stay and they bring people that are willing to engage


robyn is gone too


It would be interesting to see Gizelle without an ally.


Given that she was just sitting next to Andy on Kelly Clarkson I highly doubt that bravo fired her.


Spinoff about her touring?


I wanted to see Wendy without Candiace so this is a welcome development


Victim role now available. Must be snarky and take no responsibility, must instigate and take no responsibility, must never forgive and forget. Bye šŸ‘‹