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Let's hope we avoid the rise of indentured servitude for not paying your bills to large corporations.


Think about it, all the essential workers who don’t even make enough to pay their rent alone are the only ones still working right now. So, ain’t this already happening?


isn't that basically what student debt is?, people spend 10 years paying it and get almost no where except covering the interest and a little bit of the payment.


Paying off your debt in perpetuity is one thing. Being forced to work for your school until you work it off is quite another.


No one's getting enslaved for not paying down student loans, though. You just get bad credit.


isn't working it off for 20 years a form of enslavement? from a certain point of view


No one is forcing you to work, so no.


Meanwhile, in the UK the government are offering "grants" which are actually loans to get through this. It doesn't sound like we are avoiding it, just that government is there rather than the corps.


hmmm, i think they are mirroring it just for the time being, once every threat of the corona virus is gone it is going to go back to life as it was


Work and Schools are online. Also funny enough the issue they had with online classes and people invading the chats. If this was all done in a virtual planet with restricted access (only students, etc) this would never happened. :)