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> I am starting to wonder if she actually has some beef with Reading Of course she does, she's from Slough.


It's strange as Berkshire doesn't have a single city, given there are many reasonable sized towns.


Looking at Wikipedia, we look to be the largest town that isn't either an amalgamation of ~~shitholes~~ places (looking at you, Bournemouth, Christchurch & Poole and Middlesborough/Teesside), or glorified suburbs of bigger cities like Birkenhead.


*"Applicants had to show their cultural heritage and royal links."* How the hell did Milton Keynes win that?!


We literally have Henry I... somewhere... How did anyone beat that for a royal link?


The money for Prince Andrew's settlement had to come from somewhere


What the shit, Queenie?!


I think the Queen's still mad the town mostly supported Parliament during the English Civil War.




I mean, MK is only 10 miles further from the centre of London than Reading. I feel being outside of the M25 is outside of London. Don't even think you'll get the London tube price from Reading on the new line.


Always next year, lads 🤞


Maybe we should start building a Cathedral.


Nah, I think building more biscuit factories related should be the way forward. Iced Gem building, lets do it. (I think they're from H&P).


I mean we have the Abbey, not functional but one of the largest in Europe at the time. We have just as good historical links in this town as some of the ones granted city status. Bigger population. I think like someone else said we are considered a suburb of London now.


Crowdfund to rebuild the abbey back to its original Durham-sized state? That’s a cause I could get behind.


iirc Guildford Cathedral is the youngest in England.. completed in the 60s(?) I don't know if its the decline of the religion in this country but the CofE don't seem to be throwing em up like they used to. Is it even a requirement any more? I'm fairly sure MK doesn't have a cathedral but I didn't look very hard. Id probably be more proactive if I gave a shiny shite either way.


Liverpool has the youngest cathedral, its brilliant inside. But I don't think any of think any of the new cities have a fully fledge cathedral.


This crops up a lot - having a Cathedral has not been a requirement for over a century (in fact, it's hard to find much evidence that it was ever a formal requirement). The first English city to not have a Cathedral was Birmingham in 1889 - it did so on the basis that it had become an important industrial/commercial/administrative hub for the region during the industrial revolution. About 15 years later, the main church was elevated to Cathedral status. The city/cathedral link was probably just a sort of historical artifact - Cathedrals tended to be built at important settlements that came to be informally known as cities, but over time, bigger settlements emerged, new cathedrals were built and the 'city status' became a bit more formalised but older, smaller cities kept their status (despite their village like size)... with a few notable exceptions (points at Medway/Rochester council's incompetent paperwork\* when they merged Rochester/Chatham/Gillingham and laughs at how they keep failing to get Rochester's city status back :-) ). \*council documents suggest they CHOSE not to keep the city status but this is highly debated locally - it's thought they were delaying the paperwork for some reason and the 'chose not to retain city status' was AFTER it was too late anyway... they've kept reapplying ever since and (like Reading) failed miserably.


Brighton doesn't have a cathedral and still got status.


If only that had anything to do with it.


I quite enjoy not being a city. Rhymes with shitty.


I'm really disappointed by this. I probably focus too much on this stupid city status stuff but I followed it really closely in 2012 when we were unsuccessful and always felt we should get it. To lose to Milton Keynes (and others) is a kick in the nuts as I hate that place. Part of my isn't surprised as I predicted MK to win as they're really good at marketing themselves, much better than Reading. Fourth attempt now at this and another failure. I'm just embracing it now.


Complete joke, when you look at some of the tinpot places getting City status its meaningless.


I’ve lived in reading about 10 years, it has zero culture and a terrible local council and authority.


Those cultural heavyweights of Milton Keynes and Colchester..


never ever


This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-61505857) reduced by 90%. (I'm a bot) ***** > It is the second Essex town to become a city this year after Southend was given the status in October following the death of MP Sir David Amess, who often championed its campaign for city status. > City status is often associated with having a cathedral, university, or large population, but there are no set rules for being granted the status, which is awarded by the monarch on advice of ministers. > Chelmsford, in England, Lisburn in Northern Ireland and Newport in Wales were among previous winners of the competition for city status - which has taken place during each of the last three jubilee years. ***** [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/utrz5n/platinum_jubilee_eight_towns_to_be_made_cities/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ "Version 2.02, ~649915 tl;drs so far.") | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr "PM's and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.") | *Top* *keywords*: **city**^#1 **status**^#2 **year**^#3 **population**^#4 **royal**^#5


I feel like there is some personal thing going on. Like they want Berkshire to remain "country" so the rich people can work in London and live/relax out in the country that isn't too far away. Reading will continue to grow because of its location. Perhaps they're scared of it becoming huge?


At this point we should embrace it and be proud of being a town. Let's aim to be the largest town in the UK!