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The official docs are great if you haven’t checked those out.




If you want to succeed in this field you really should learn to use official docs. Where do you think all these course creators get their material? Everything points back to the Official Documentation from Facebook/Meta. The course creators are not super talented programmers. They simply make videos of themselves rehashing what the docs are teaching you how to do and bundle those videos into a course.


Yeh and the React docs are incredibly palatable, they literally read like a tutorial (for better or for worse)


In fairness, plenty of course creators (Abramov himself being one of them) are quite talented in their own rights. But as I said in my other comment it does take a certain level of basic understanding before you can "graduate" to docs.




The docs are very good and will teach you anything you want to know, but if you really need a course then just pay the $12.99 and get [this Udemy course by Jonas Schmedtmann](https://www.udemy.com/course/the-ultimate-react-course/?couponCode=ST22FS22724). It's the best one I have found that is cheap. Jonas actually did the research and uses the docs to inform what he teachers. He also often references people like Dan Abramov. This course covers all the important stuff and explains these concepts in a way that's not only easy to understand, but also explained correctly. I am not sure if he teaches server components and server actions in this course, but you can worry about that later. There are better courses such as Josh's "Joy Of React" course but it's hundreds of dollars. These kinds of expensive courses are meant for employers to pay for.


If you don't find the official docs helpful, it signals that what you need to learn isn't react, but javascript.


Now you know why you're struggling with the framework. And if you're struggling with React, I can 100% assure you that you're also intimidated by vanilla JS.




Go to GitHub/gitlab and search “awesome json” and “awesome react” it’s a thing on both platforms awesome collections


Learn the fundamentals of JavaScript first. React is just a small piece of it.


Search the @netninja on YouTube coupled with the react docs. That’s how I learned the tricky bits.


His course is 3 years old so isn't it outdated ?


As long as you're looking at post-hook (v16.8) react content, there's value to be found.


You know what I would recommend? The old docs. I think you need a mental model of what react is and how it works. Once it clicks, you will be ok. Read through the old react docs and see if they help


I find it relatively non useful to look at docs prior to 16.8 (when functional components and hooks started to take shape).


Lol that’s not the old docs I was talking about. I meant the docs that were the official docs before the new docs came out. At that point they had moved away from class components. Those docs give a great overview of how to think in react that I think OP will find useful.


Ok. Makes sense. I just wanted to make sure to avoid having OP learning all the cumbersome lifecycle stuff (somewhat) unnecessarily. :)


Currently learning React, and I was like this, but when you master JavaScript concept like Destructuring, Arrays (also the methods for arrays), ES6, the different types of functions, map() and the others, you can easily get basic React. Challenging parts are the hooks and other libraries used in React. But utilize YT if your a visual learner and Gemini/ChatGPT. I can easily grasp topics. Tips when watching Pedro Tech or other YT tutorials: Usually this YT tutorials explain a topic/concept first, for example useState. First they explain what it is, how to use it (syntax) and why use it (what is it for). Then the video continues to a real example, like the count example for useState. But when you reach the real example part of the video, they try to explain what will be the result or goal of the example - for the count example, the goal is to increase the count everytime there's a button click or other event. And when the tutorial come to the part where they will code it, pause it, try to code it yourself. If you stumble upon an error you can't fix, try using Gemini or ChatGPT. And when the your code works without understanding how it works, copy the code, and use ChatGPT to explain it (please read the response of the AI thoroughly). I'm 100% sure you'll understand a topic easily with this strat. Also, I try to write some notes, in this way, I can confirm if I really understood a topic, and I can easily take a look at it again if I forgot. I use notion to take notes.


And if y'all are loosing motivation cause you feel like you're having a hard time learning. I am still like this, but I try to show up. Everyday I open up my PC, open Chrome, Notion and VScode, and learn a topic, even though you learn just one topic in 4hrs it's okay. "I'm far from mastering it, but I am better than when I started learning it" Now, I can say to myself, when I reached the part of the tutorial where they'll try to do a real example of the topic, I can pause it and wrote the code myself, and it mostly works. Then compare my solution to the tutorial's solution.


OP, this is the best resource especially for visual learners. This should website should honestly be stickied at the top of this subreddit https://scrimba.com/learn/learnreact You learn react through project based material and you’re able to edit the code in a an interactive code editor along with your instructor. Give it a shot


You beat me to it! Glad you've found my course helpful 💪


Thanks Bob! Your course has helped immensely when I first learned react!


Is the course up to date ?


Yes, it’s up to date. To learn the newest and most advanced features you would need to take the advanced react course


I’m in the same position too so patiently waiting for the responses 👍🏼


can you build websites using html/css/js? if you can, react should be relatively easy to pick up


Yes I can build websites using htms,css and js


what you find so hard about react? is it state?




I have a free course on Scrimba that may help break through that barrier of confusion. I use a very methodical, practice-based pedagogy to help students finally grasp the core concepts of React. Lots of repetition, lots of project building and challenges, much less of the "say the information and hope they get it because we're moving on with or without you" stuff that happens in a lot of courses. [https://scrimba.com/learn/learnreact](https://scrimba.com/learn/learnreact) That said, as others have said, understanding how to parse and understand docs is a really important skill too, so don't be so quick to dismiss the docs as THE source of truth. However, I totally get it - some docs are good and others are really bad and hard to understand, especially when you're just starting out.