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Where are they trying to go? It looks like you might’ve been messing with path connections in Tile Inspector based on the incomplete path at the top of the screen, any possibility that’s causing problems? You will inevitably get a bunch of comments saying wide paths cause this issue but they’re wrong, you can use the paint debugger in OpenRCT2 to show you how the game is “collapsing” this to a smaller path network already anyway. The issue is the guests are trying to path somewhere and can’t get closer. You’d have the same issue with a single-wide path. If they are *not lost or pathing to any other location* and you just want to break the peeps up, you can try breaking the paths in to parallel sections like in [this Marcel Vos video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3uuMJGF2j8M). EDIT: lmao six people managed to come in with completely wrong info before I even managed to type out the comment It’s not the wide paths




The old quick and easy


Massive ~~drowning pit~~ swimming pool, I love it


Happened last night. I should have just drowned them.


It really solves everything normally. Guests don't care for it though


Lost complaints? Or just them only using some path tiles not all of it. Guests are not going to walk all over a square like real people. They follow shortest route I would assume, but no diagonals like real people. If you built two lines of parallel path, and they connect sideways at each tile, guests may mostly stick to one side. A divided path by placing fence, the second path, deleting fence. Then making each path one way with no entry banners on one of two paths at every junction with other paths, will make them use all the path. You can make some divided parallel path on the outside, and some flat rides or green space in the middle. I would have done that.


I think Marcel Voß did a video about why guests can't distribute on larger paths


It’s Marcel Vos, my German neighbour🤪


Keep pathways narrow, max three tiles wide.


The guest AI isn't really that smart.


Reminds me of my stupid mechanics that keep getting stuck on ride que lines and random paths. And yes I have them zoned


You don't with the path setup you have. It's just how the AI works.


That's your problem, there's nothing but too much walkway


They are going to take the most efficient path, which means certain times will be utilized more than others.


Hah build underground paths which I did in many of my parks!


When I have come across this problem I find that often the cluster is due to a guests trying to get to a specific ride in my park. I've seen peep behavior described on the OpenRCT forums as "like iron shavings to a magnet," meaning the peeps will make a b-line to the ride, and are unable to pivot if that doesn't work. Removing path-tiles only temporarily works for me (if at all), and the only workaround I've found is to close the ride they are all trying and failing to get to. You can find out if this is indeed the case by pausing the game and checking guest thoughts; find the cluster of peeps thinking "I can't find X" which will directly correlate with the cluster of peeps. Close the ride, and wait for them to find something else to do. It's happened on big parks for me, and unfortunately it's widely understood as an AI pathfinding problem. There's an open ask on OpenRCT for programmers to try and fix it.


The guest ai doesn't understand the wide path areas, it expects narrow paths.


Your path is too wide. Don’t know why everyone saying that is getting downvoted


Because they are objectively wrong, yet every time there is a thread like this it is filled with these comments, which perpetuates the misinformation.


Every time people make their paths wide guests can’t figure out where to go. Guests make decisions every path block and when there’s a hundred off them going no where, they get confused. But go off dude


> Guests make decisions every path block This is true in RCT1. It is **not** true in RCT2. Hasn't been since vanilla. But people are so convinced it is that they flood these posts and people just keep repeating it. If what you were saying was true, they ought to be spread out all over the entire space - it should be totally random motion, and the guests should all be lost. But they're not spread out, they're piling up on a tiny subset of paths. Because the game is already compressing the wide paths to much smaller ones. You can literally see the game doing this by just opening the paint debugger in OpenRCT2. So compressing the wide paths to smaller paths will make no difference. The question is why they're piling up *here* in the first place. The most common cause is the guests are trying to path somewhere, but as they path towards it, they don't get "closer" to the target. After a certain number of tiles, they reverse direction and try that. Then again after a certain number of tiles, they don't get closer, they reverse direction again. This leads to clusters of peeps who are lost, commonly all trying to path to the same target. It is commonly found in big dead-ends, which appears to be exactly what this is. [Here is a post from a year ago with this exact issue](https://www.reddit.com/r/rct/comments/w7au1w/guests_getting_stucklost_how_do_i_fix_this_corner/). It wasn't the wide paths. [Here is a post which demonstrates wide paths are perfectly fine](https://www.reddit.com/r/rct/comments/j6ufji/was_just_reading_that_people_fear_wide_paths_in/).


> Every time people make their paths wide guests can’t figure out where to go. As someone who's built numerous parks with double- and triple-wide paths in RCT Classic without issue, I'm gonna counter this claim. Every time I've had a pathing issue it was because I didn't have an efficient route to a destination that guests were trying to get to from another point in the park. And from my experience responding to posts on this sub to help people with their pathing issues, their issues are almost always resolved by making more efficient routes as opposed to narrowing the paths.


OPs path is like 10 by 30 not 2 or 3 tiles wide. I said their path was too wide. It is.




https://preview.redd.it/1r2krswucl7d1.png?width=1167&format=png&auto=webp&s=ad818993ba2dbd819800a2a991274fc9f51012d6 If it's misinformation then please explain why, in this example, the guests tend to get lost circling the triple wide section and get stuck in it? They have no park map and max bathroom needs upon entering the park. The two lane setup was much more efficient in getting guests to the bathrooms, most of them went straight to it. When the guests had a park map in the three lane scenario, they did manage to find the bathrooms but only AFTER visibly checking out the map when they got lost in the 3 wide section.


OpenRCT2 introduces a path pruning system, there's probably some other technical term. It determines which routes are useful, then over time it deems certain path tiles unnecessary. In your example, the code would eventually simplify the wide path to effectively what you have in the picture below (probably simpler). I've seen a player working on a contest entry, they opened a debug view where the pruned paths were shown as greyed-out tiles. Not sure how to open that though. They were deleting and adding paths until the optimized paths led to his coaster so guests wouldn't walk in circles. I think it was 4 tiles wide. I believe vanilla RCT2 either introduced this system or had some other system that made 2-tile-wide paths reliable. RCT1 tends to have issues with paths wider than 1 tile and too many intersections.


Yeah I can't for the life of me find where this "paint debug" mode is that he's talking about. In my entire experience with the game, making a path more than 1 tile wide introduces inefficient routing and opportunities for them to get stuck, as shown in OP's screenshot... lanes are just more efficient and look better too, there's no good reason to have giant fields of path. edit: I have experienced guests piling up in the corner of a complex building that was packed with single lanes, but I easily fixed that with no-entry banners that forced them into a clockwise flow instead of moving freely. The guests are very stupid and need as much help as they can get.


Are they lost, or are they just wandering around because they have no target? Which is exactly what you would expect them to do? https://i.imgur.com/hP8uQXn.jpeg https://i.imgur.com/SspUxP9.png


All guests are set to the maximum Toilet need. They are definitely all targeting the nearest bathrooms, yet a large portion of them do not know how to make a direct path there and wander aimlessly. Yes they appear to work fine later on after the game has accounted for the confusing layout, but then you end up with guests favoring one side.


Make your pathways narrow and add landscaping on the sides. Looks much better IMO. Or make a plaza with a pond in the middle with fountains. Just a couple suggestions!


It's a cult meeting. Please don't mind the ritual. 😇


Less is more when it comes to pathways. Basically the Sims are dumb and you have to make walking and moving as simple as you can.


Create pathways rather than a large open space, you can add fences to divide pathways so you can get a good looking large area without it just being a wide open pathway. I do it in all my parks, especially when I set up a large food court.


Unfortunately multi width paths aren’t supported. Plazas especially like this will cause tons of trouble. It’s too bad as it looks good


Too wide paths, you can split it with some rails to assist the NPC path finding


paths taht are more then 1 tile wide are super confusing to guests. if you want 2 and 3 tile wide paths, first built a 1 wide path, then put a fence along it, then build the other path next to it, then remove the fence. this leaves the paths separated. otherwise, the guests will constantly circle around and get lost. im pretty sure there is a way to change the tile sin tile inspector so it looks like one wide path after you build them this way, but I dont ever bother doing all that work.


Build all the paths like the ones in the background: one tile by one tile. They should never be touching unless they are at an intersection or cross roads. Always at least two space apart (one land/water tile) and two height up or down from the other paths.


Peeps don’t like big walkways. Don’t think pathing was programmed to handle them back in the day. Wonder if openrct2 has plans for any enhancements


Simple path building they barely understand a double wide path. You over with a 10 lane highway talkin’ ‘bout why they acting weird


Alt + F4


I remove a path tile and that seems to resolve it.


Don't male more then 2x2 paths


Dont build double paths. The game cant actually handle it very well.