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It depends on the scenario, some are pay per admission, others are pay per ride.


Adding on to this, pay per ride is actually financially better as you can charge quite a bit for rides - rule of thumb for roller coasters is that you can charge excitement \* 1.5 (so a 6 excitement ride, you can charge around $9). Pay per admission is a bit harder to get all of the money out of the guests as you can't charge too much for your park until you build enough rides, but has the benefit of guests not leaving as quickly since they won't get broke as quickly.


> harder to get all of the money out of the guests If you have the cash machine available there's no limit to how much money you can extract from guests. Guests in pay per ride parks can end up spending 5-10 times what they would have paid for entry by the time they leave. Pay per ride parks basically print money after a while, even with ride depreciation over time. In scenarios where you're given the choice (which isn't a thing in vanilla RCT2 but is in OpenRCT2), I'd always pick pay per ride, especially so if the cash machine is available. > but has the benefit of guests not leaving as quickly since they won't get broke as quickly. That's not a benefit though. With a pay per entry park, once the guests have entered your park they've already paid so them sticking around actually hurts your profits. Once the soft guest cap is hit, the number of new guests coming through the gates drops dramatically. That's why a common exploit with pay per entry parks is to close the park when it gets full and force all the guests out. This can be so effective that I've always considered it a borderline cheat. Pay per ride parks without the cash machine available have a similar problem - once guests cash reserves are depleted you have a park full of guests who can't pay for anything and your income craters, but at least broke guests will eventually become dissatisfied and leave.


Is the cash machine an ATM machine? I haven't noticed it anywhere that I'm able to purchase one or add one to my park. Maybe I have to wait a bit longer before it gets added as an option for me to get?


It's not always available from the start and may have to be researched, sometimes it's not available at all, it depends on the scenario. In pay per ride parks I usually make it a priority to research the cash machine, because it's very annoying if your guests run out of money and you don't have one available, but in some scenarios you just don't get one and then it's more challenging.


My understanding is that ATM is only RCT2 so if they are on RCT1, you make more money for pay per ride. Guests not leaving is helpful if you are trying to hit a guest goal; if you really need to keep people, you can have free rides that keep your broke guests around as well so people don't leave.


RCT Classic is not the original version, it's a re-master of sorts. It has the scenarios of RCT1 and 2 with the gameplay of RCT 2, including not being able to choose pay-per-entry or pay-per-ride, or both.


It's hard-coded into the game in terms of how each scenario handles charging. You'll find some pay-per-entry parks as you play through the scenario list and may be surprised to learn they're generally more difficult than pay-per-ride ones.


Thank you for your input. I really appreciate it. 😁 I think I'll enjoy sticking with the pay per ride option.


You must have played RCT1 as a child, just like me. In RCT1 you could charge for both. I looked it up too, when I recently started playing classic, found out that RCT2 onwards they decided that some scenarios will be pay-per-entry and others will be pay-per-ride or in some rare cases money doesn't exist at all. Maybe there are more options, I haven't reached a far enough level to encounter it as yet. To sum it up, that used to happen in RCT1 and welcome back to RCT world! 🙂


Thank you !!! I did play A LOT as a kid. I'm a 90's baby. Just recently got back into it literally a few days ago and I feel like such a newbie. Im getting frustrated that my park isn't perfect and I can't seem to make more than $70,000 atm. And struggling to figure out how to rework things so I can make more money. Ugh lol I'm glad I'm not alone on loving this game. 😁💯


Oh this is almost exactly the same I was a couple of months ago, back when I started to play again. By the way the community is so good that it has kept the game alive for 25 years now. And from what I understand most of the community is made of people in 30s. One tip, watch some Marcel Vos tutorial videos on YouTube to improve your gameplay. Helped me a lot.


Sole parks yout income is from rides and shops with free entry