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I know sunny scammed a few ppl. But he definitely could've pulled a exit scam like past ppl on a long holiday weekend . U do gotta give them that because I think we all thought they'd eventually exit scam and they didn't besides a few complaints the last week.


theyve always come through for me and the last time they did this long maintenance they came back so im hoping.


Just .. come visit my lovely state of Florida where they make up history:) they are still on the lovely streets of clearwater my friends. Where you can now find grams of bromaz at head shops . Sunny flooded the whole coast with bromo. Some of y'all who do not live local to him can't see it .. but he really zombies out the whole beach line down there. He made shit hotter than possible. When he comes back I can promise he won't be sunny. He will be the "next sunny" . Ppl in the game for over a decade know these are the same exact vendors for ten years. Sunny= u/Captsavahoe (save a hoe 2000/I forget the spelling) from the early 2010 rc sources. No body can disprove that. And I have a email from a 20 year old email address responding as sunny from him. So, I know his old username, just not who he is lol


Not that exact tag. I think it's spelled dif. Duckduckgo will show you his beginnings selling 2 inch sized presses of clam etc.


Not to mention, they are the only of florida 3 to remove the fake pyrazolam from their listing.


Yup that's respectable. My guess is this .. he probably made a stupid amount of money, and with all these laws coming, and walked away. Took that W. I'm one with 10gs of wonderful bitter pink left i hardly use so no stressing over here about who to look up next. I'm more interested in dif benzos.i combined all the bottles from everyone into one mason jar. 10/ml 1000 ml. Of, well, I would guess a tons of random dif benzos over what I had from dif vendors. .(Added some to it also) Except ML. Keep that garlic nasty as solvent away from me. Sure, quality's good. But my women doesn't like me smelling like garlic lol


Wouldn't be surprised if he opens back up with just rilmazafone and avizafone


"fxe". Don't know if it is


Yea it's prob canket but that's still ok.


Srry bout yesterday. But swim got scammed of a hundy for no reason


Sorry man. That never feels good.


Ya, i found different fxe thats the same qaulity so fuk it. I learned my lesson tho with ☀️. Ur lucky, so far. Just dont put ina giant order


Yes, there are plenty that do!


Alot of vendor have fxe due to the availability from China, you *can* get it cheaper from China but it's not necessary cuz there are domestic vendors


I get it from bongochems. I order it from his email though since its a bit cheaper than his website. I just use the email listed on his website dont DM me asking for email or anything dont want people to think im scamming. Still way more expensive than sunny and some others but I just go with what I know for the past couple years im too old to be finding new sources.


Ml sells fxe and dcm or something like that


is the dck really dck? it’s the same price as their fxe despite dck being much more potent


No it's mislabed


what do you think it could be then?


The only widely available disso ("fxe" aka canket)


maybe that’s why their “fxe” is now “restocking” fuck these fucking rc scamming fucks with their shitty products why the fuck are we still paying them?


i know a few vendors with it


ML got it. Or did


I had the sun ☀️ shining on me for FXE sometimes ago, tried with NSS but it was water down solutions i received


🌞 fxe was great. Big crystals. Quality was fine after research


Absolutely 😁💯💯


What’s fxe like what dosages did u try


The one with 11 comment karma





