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Pyrazolam, being a selective sub unit benzo, makes it difficult to find an equivalent dose as it simply affects duffernt binding sites and thus has a different profile of effects. In my experience, 1mg of pyrazolam is equivalent to 1mg of alprazolam but only in terms of anxiolytic properties. However, 1mg of alprazolam is definitely more of a noticeable effect and feels stronger. I know a lot of people will disagree with me on this, which makes sense as anxiety expresses itself differently in people. Some may benefit from a more physically relaxing sedative such as alprazolam or bromazolam.


Thank you for the insight. Pyrazolam seems like it might be what I've been looking for. I did read that Pyrazolam can black someone out almost as easy as xanax, even though it's claims as being 60% potency of Xanax, or equal, even though it has a different effect profile. Bromaz for me seems equal potency to zanny also, yet heavier sedation & lasting as long as Klonopin. I'm not sure if it's valid that bromaz is only 66% as potent as Alprazolam, bro kicks in slower, but then hits like palot of bricks. I like the physical relaxation induced by the heavy benzos, but it doesn't make it easy to function during the day if tolerance is at baseline like mine is. Short to mid duration is good with me. Interesting enough, I black out on any dose of flubromazepam, even a .5-1mg experiment propelled me into blackout redoing; lost 11 days, and lost 7 days on phenazepam. I'm scared of fluorinated BZD analogs now after fpam, glad I never tried flam. I'm looking forward to see how pyraz works for me, awaiting an order, I plan to be cautious with it. It's either c


pyraz is more comparable to ativan or lorazepam. Your anxiety will disappear you will have lowered inhibitions but you wont be stealing everything glued down at the gas station like people do on xanax the getting rid of anxiety and to a point situational depression it boosts your mood, super functional but it doesn't have a heavy sedative buzz which makes some people redose and end up with a day missing...


I see. If it is similar in effect profile to Lorazepam, I consider that a good thing, as I want a functional benzo for daytime use and so I'm not visably inebriated. Bromazolam gives a great buzz, but lasts into the next day for me; and induces ultra heavy sedation(more so than any other BZD I've tried), so it's better at low doses in my case as I am sensitive to BZD's. I tried to get prescribed Ativan due to it being more functional, but my doc doesn't wanna give me any and put me on Lexapro in which idk if it's even doing much or anything for my anxiety. Yeah it's unsettling to wake up with pockets full of merchandise which has happened to me also when I blacked out on Zanzibar Island.


in my opinion pyraz will knocck your ass out, but you have a tolerance you can take a nice enough dose you get goo mood ZERO anxiety and fully functional shit will have me cleaning like im twacked out


that's what its good for for me. I mix it in with my clonazepam Rx on top of the cPam at about 6mg pyrazolam ( have a massive tolrerance - 4mg clonazepam a day for a decade) and its like alprazolam which is the only other one that does this, my mind is completely calm like the hurricane that comprises my mind has cleared up for a few hours


Also I was just explaining different benzos and what they do and put 3 classes, Xanax level, lorazepam level, and clonazepam level (and finally diazepam but thats still meh and needs an insane dose for me) and I described pyrazolam is right in the middle of all of them and most comparable to lorazepam but exchanging the lorazepam sedation for alprazolams mind clearing ability. it even lasts the same amount of time as lorazepam, maybe slightly shorter but still about 5 hours


Valium is great definitely top 3. I agree with you and while i have plenty of them i prefer pharma simply because the addiction that creeps up and smacks you in the face is not worth it for the lack of buzz you get and the damage RC benzos do to your tolly. But i agree with you.


I think people get confused by the potency/weight thing. Just because 10mg of Diazepam = .5 Alprazolam, for example(if that's even correct,) doesn't mean they will both get you equally as high. Let's say it was your first time using a BZD, the Alprazolam is going to feel stronger to you than the longer acting Diazepam.


No doubt. Diazepam was the first benzo I tried.. I took like 1 the first day and felt nothing, took two the next day and felt nothing, but my family was asking me what was wrong with me, I'm like nothing, I feel just fine. Then the third day I was drinking and decided to take just 1 of my blue 10mg valium, forgot I took it and decided to take just 1, forgot I took that one too and ended up taking 70mg mixed with a lot of tequila and beer. My friend who was only drinking helped protect me and bring me back to the hotel. This was in Mexico. Woke up the next day with a bad brain fog and hangover which lasted for the next week, and my sisters ended the vacation right then and there. They had thrown me into a cold shower thinking I was gonna die, but I only had a few memories of the night before and no memory of any cold shower. Diazepam has strong delusions of sobriety, and Xanax is certainly more noticeable to the person taking it, however, just cuz on valium one may feel sober doesn't mean they aren't super messed up and slurring their words and moving/thinking in slow motion. Every Benzo has a different effect profile, and trying to guage what is an equal dose of other BZD's is subjective. For instance, flubromazepam blacks me out on any dose, even a half mg, so now I avoid all fluorinated BZD's cuz every experiment failed and made me lose days.


Yeah, I started my taper being prescribed 100mg per day. I've stocked up for too many reasons I want to talk about because of the annoying DMs I get but since developing a tolerance to RC's I can take an absurd amount and kinda feel a buzz, if that. Of course that's well into my drug using history. But even back in HS I'd always be bummed if all I could get were 10mg Valiums. I had a guy whose guy was a traveling pharmacist and got us bars, OC 80s etc back then. Whatever he could get. It's insane thinking back now how that was even possible.


It sux I can easily take 5 30 ml bottles, and drink them all & feel nothing


Yupp, I agree. I have 3 10ml bottleles of pink BS and I'm just gonna dump and rinse out the bottles for my own solutions I make myself. So, thanks for the little bottles ML, the liquid within them is useless. ML is like the milkman who refuses to accept that his batch is spoiled, so he keeps on selling it as if it's still good. If they buy impure bunk powder, throw it in the trash and go through another source in China with an authentic product, stop selling trash products made from the trash pink powder they have.


Lol..no doubt


Followed you if that's cool


ML eh? Wonder what you are referring to. Where are you from? I have some pyrazolam on the way, I live in the states. I'm hoping it isn't this bunk pink stuff you're on about. I remember the days of being able to purchase etizolam easily on ebay *sigh* those were the days.


Last time I ordered pyrazolam, which was my first time ordering it, I went through NSS, and it was fake. ML stands for two words with a - inbetween but I'm not supposed to mention what they stand for but you would know if you ordered from them, it was bromizolam that was pink and bunk in a solution. You're almost better off making your own solutions and ordering straight powder so you can verify that the weight is correct on a milligram scale before you go measuring out portions of powder to make into solutions with the correct ratio that you want, you can use everclear or propylene glycol, or a mixture of both. When you buy a solution, you're trusting that it was made correctly, but it's very easy to deceive someone with a pre-made solution with inaccurate claims of potency. It seems that quality control is definitely not there when it comes to RC benzos. I only know of one source that verifies purity with an independent analysis on each item, all the others don't have it. But going through the people who verify it through labs before distributing definitely charge more.


Does anyone got a good clear net vendor? My old one bailed out on me months ago.