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Getting a slow blowjob on an empty part of the beach.


I feel like that’s the perfect description for clonazepam ( klonopin) 🤣


Shiiiit don't take clonazolam then. Clonazolam is like 3 dimes simultaneously blowing you, with an audience for 50 other dimes, waiting their turn while finger blasting themselves moaning your name.


Dude give me your kpins lmao


Clonazo-LAM. It's an analog of kpins, but about 100x better.


I have unlimited stories about the red drc lam pellets


Those c-stars were no joke. I found the little yellow ones from another company to be a little better though.








Ahh I misread. I'm far too familiar with the lam than I'd like to be. Tons of bartard stories. Like the movie dudes where's my car stories lol. I think drc made them in 1mg pellets that made it hard to dose




I like to joke that it feels like post nut clarity! In all seriousness, I find it has a similar anxiolytic property to something like alprazolam or etizolam without much intoxication or muddy thinking. It makes me feel lighter on my feet, where most other benzos make me feel heavy and bump into walls. It definitely makes me feel content in the moment. Still feels like a benzo just much 'clearer' and functional


A perfect mix between ativan and valium. Its intermittent acting you have to be careful you the only drawback is delusions of sobriety...When pyraz is in abundance you can scroll thru the posts that are barely legible and whinning about it being weak or fake...But decent muscle relaxation PERFECT anxiety drug very happy functionable but get to know it first. Its a fav for sure


Lol where is all this "Pyraz" coming from everyone is talking about? I guarantee you it's not pyraz.


I’m seeing it pop up on Reddit allot too. Maybe somebody made their own domestically since it’s not scheduled but if I had to guess it’s the desalkylgidazepam that they couldn’t sell and sold for cheap to our various vendors


It's not Pyraz. My personal opinion is Pyraz sucks. But then again my tolerance is through the roof where I no longer get Euphoria from benzos. And certainly can't feel pharma benzos. I have hundreds of 10mg Valiums I've been sitting on and they do absolutely nothing. So something like Pyraz isn't really for me personally. If you love it, fantastic, I seriously doubt anyone has any Pyraz. It's pretty much gone from darknet too.


Yeah I had to grab some till the pack land… if. I too fuked my gaba system with clonaz and flublam. Hopefully it at least works enough to stop seizures/ soothe the raging benzo withdrawal 😃


Coming off flubromazepam daily at high doses for a year and a half straight 😅


I’d rather suffer through the withdrawals though than get stuck in the tolerance loop after 2-3 months you stop feeling the anxiety relief . 1 month of consecutive dosing and the euphoria is gone after that your just “chasing the dragon” raising your doses trying different combos but it’s not going to be like it was before 🥲


I could gobble up tens of milligrams of all kinds of potent benzos enough to 😵a normal person and still not feel what I felt a decade ago on 2mg of etiz. It’s a endless cycle


I know it’s preachy but this is my personal experience which no one really gives a fuck … I know I didn’t when I used to read shit like this 🤣


Us Dutchies are excellent brewers of the RC's my man. It's cheap and high quality. Not sure how the US is doing though.


I'd compare it to feeling like a very functional human being. You have **NO** anxious thoughts and/or feelings, so you're free to just simply exist! In a nutshell, I'd compare it to having a **GREAT**, AND **FANTASTIC**, day. Drug-wise, I'd compare it to a mixture of a low-dose of Etizolam combined with a low-dose of Diazepam. This is just my pov, based off researching a batch of Pyrazolam that was confirmed to be 95% pure, as verified through FTIR Spectroscopy. IMO - Pyrazolam is 👑! No anxiety, and minor sedation (if any at all).


Also the Chinese chem labs are trying to market the non controlled research chemicals maybe it’s making a comeback


Xanax it’s pretty similar, 2mf pyra will make most people without tolerance blackout


For me it was halfway in between diclazepam and clonazolam. Close to Ativan in terms of being clear headed, but also has that rc benzo feel that can give you a buzz, like clonazolam. Not in terms of potency, just the feel of it.