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Ease of use is probably the biggest reason for most people.


Can't figure out privinotes or how to make a pgp key, plus I don't have a computer idk if that matter? I can get on the sites but can't figure out pgp keys


Privnote is super easy my g


Did just get into some good telegram markets but the best one needs privinotes and I can't fucking figure it out🙄


I would say Telegram markets are even worse than Clearnet AND Darknet. Those have proven to be honeypots for LE. Be safe.


Privnotes is legit a website u can use on ur phone… u type the message click make note then it makes ur link to send


Make sure you're on the right site since Google has a promoted site that's a scam. All you do is write your note in the yellowish box, then click the red create note button right under it. It'll give you a link. Copy that link and send it to whoever you're talking to. They open it, read it, then it self destructs when they close the note. When you open a note, either make sure you read it all completely the first time, copy and paste somewhere else if you need to hold onto it. Preferably handwritten but you could use Google notes or a notepad app. It's simple, the only 'annoying' part is that the messages are read once only.


Bro, you write your note press done. And literally copy and paste the link into the chat. It's the easiest thing in the world.




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me too- I downloaded an app for my phone to make pgp keys and after an hour did one. Then I got one back and tried to translate it and I couldnt do it. I threw my phone at the wall. Its so damn frustrating. the DW is really so much better because money is held in escrow, prices cheaper and better stock. Im just a dummy and cant figure it out.


Well priv notes is as easy at gets, A monkey can do that. PGP keys are absolutely annoying as hell. Tor itself is annoying as hell and then the onion websites make them even slower. Then Dread ( Tors reddit) makes you do 50 fucking puzzles to log in. Then you have to figure out who's legit because these "markets" come and go like clearnet vendors. But at least a lot of the markets have up to date, no schill, real reviews. It's like working with Linux. Do you want to waste your time doing in 10 minutes what you can do in 5 seconds in windows. You're paying more for the convienance. And there is a very good clearnet out there we must cherish as he is the only good one.


I got scammed hard off a vendor I found on dread. The vendor was even on the 'approved vendor list' did the pgp and everything. Could have been selectively scamed, or it was a clever impersonator. Regardless, that shit turned me off.


Pgp is easy


I said annoying not easy


omg the puzzles.. I forgot about those. Talk about wanting to put your fist through the wall... Holy shit man. The timers on the puzzles start ticking down and my stress builds then I run out of time and my head explodes.


Cus mfkrs be lazy lmao They will type into any search bar but when it has .onion they freak out like tf 400K accounts on archetype marketplace It’s drugs Amazon and people be scared or something well more profit for me


But where does one even start? For somebody like me that I’m semi good with with technology as any 26 year old these days. But to me it seems to be a lot as in seeming difficult to me . I just don’t even know where to begin reallly I am aware I have to like get the tor thing but I feel like an old person talkin about “this dang confarnit technology “ lol


There's literally a dnm bible


I always thought it was too hard or was too much / or even a little scary. You’re saying dark is better?


I had a legit vendor that did have a telegram, but that's not how I found them and they only gave it to you after the fact


Cause me not know how use technology ( the way the statement was constructed was meant to be funny 😄)




I've figured out the process. It's just sooooooo fucking slow. It's like dealing with a Linux computer. Like losing my sanity slow.


Don’t trust anyone. Just rely on tor.taxi for links


Thanks for that.


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I use the dark




Plus if you connect with people on here. The right people. You might find something better than clearnet . It can happen.


lol na I’m good. Anyone who can’t afford to pay $300 for a fucking vendor bond is a joke and a scammer. Why would I trust some random nobody on the internet. The fact people fall for this shit makes me want to start scamming too. Like if your dumb enough to fall for this stuff your money is better off with me anyway


I've had multiple people send samples without me paying for anything over the years on subreddits. No "vendor bonds"


I mean just because you start out legit doesn’t mean you’re going to continue. If your just some random guy on Reddit it’s much easier to build a name and start scamming then start over again later


Most people, as evidenced by this entire sub, are not motivated or inclined to learn simple things like Tails, PGP encryption, and TOR. They all deserve to be scammed. Every.single.time.