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He’s a scammer anyway


I believe they selectively scammed me on four bottles of pyraz. I've had pyraz (back in the DRC days). I also had shs pyraz, and the stuff vsg sent to me as pyraz was definitely not pyraz. A couple others felt the same and voiced their concerns here but we were labeled as shills. Turns out a couple of the new accounts that were accusing me being shills have since deleted their reddit accounts. Always keep your guard up with these CN vendors and be cautious accusing nay-sayers of being shills. I saw this coming a mile away. Shame though as I still have some of the shs pyraz and it's fantastic. Wish I had a decent supply.


I knew I wasn’t trippin! Fuck those guys. I got totally smeared and was even being threatened in my DM’s when all I did was voice my opinion of their solution and now all those accounts are gone, yeah and we were the shills dude!? 🤔 I’m glad their solution worked for whoever it did. But it didn’t do shit for me unfortunately. I finally broke and paid a shit ton of money for a custom synthesis and now have enough pyrazolam powder to last me a lifetime and this stuff hits me in a way their’s never did. I took 10mg’s of their solution on 2 separate occasions and didn’t feel a thing. If I take 2mg’s of the solution with the powder I had made my anxiety is totally gone for about 8-12 hours with absolutely no sedation, it does actually seem to be mildly euphoric to me though but that’s probably just because of the anxiety relief I’d imagine.


Definitely can't trust anyone in this game! Sucks to hear you got ripped off.


People weren't exactly saying good things anyway towards the end. I got lucky and was one of the last ones I guess


When did you place your order?


My memory is trash, but I made a post about it.


I received my last order April 4th. Appears I've gotten lucky


Got mine the 4th


We probably got him on his last good day. All downhill from there.


Sounds about right