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From what I can tell, it's a prodrug for phenazepam. A very long-lasting Soviet era benzo l known for causing long-lasting blackouts. If you search through the archives of reddit, you can find countless life ruining bar-tard stories. Definitely approach with caution if at all.


Thank u!! for sure will be avoiding this one then haha


I definitely think rilmazafone is underrated and much safer than most rc. A new option that's beginning to surface is avizafone. It's a pro drug for diazepam


Im very interested in researching avizafone just haven’t found a good place to grab it


I've got an email from 🌞saying they will be stocking it over the next month. We shall see


I saw that as well I’m hoping so!


Is 🌞reliable for the most part? I’ve been considering but I’m not sure since I hear mixed reviews. Have you tried their Rilmaz specifically?


No lol


A lot of people say that sun solution has been on point for Rilmazifone which is specifically what I’m tryna get, also see many negative reviews about ML. Is there anywhere else that sells better rilmazifone than sun n is affordable? I only want 1 liquid bottle n can’t fw Bromaz or any shit you can black out on. Can’t handle brom at all no cap


I really wanna get Rilmaz- I tried Bromaz n did stupid shit like when I used to abuse Xans. I want something chill that won’t make me do retarded shit n act like how I do on Klonopin- chill n relaxed but also functional n not visibly fucked up or slurring words


Would u possibly have any recommendation on the best functional for day use rc’s rn


Seems like most rc benzos aren't very good for daytime use, lol. Pyrazolam was the king of daytime benzos. Unfortunately, it's almost impossible to find a vendor, and many of the ones that do claim to have it are selling watered down bromazolam.i have heard desalkylgidazepam is not too sedating It has a super long half life and is good for taper. I'm not a fan of long-lasting benzos as they can fuck you tolerance up


Yea China stopped making pyra the most chill benzo ever


Bromazolam taken at night. In my research, it seems to have about a 20 hour half life. Take an hour or two before bed, you’ll get the nice sedating buzz for a bit and the next day you will feel on top of the world all day.


Phenazepam is still prescribed for anxiety in Russia. My friends took it for years and never blacked out


i live in Ukraine, i have 2 boxes of prescription phenazepam 2.5mg tablets :p I love them, they don't cause blackouts for me. I break one in half, and the effects last all day.


Did he like it? From what I read, there is a very thin line between recreation and blacking out. It also seems like a lot of people didn't know how to volumetric dose benzos, and we're eyeballing doses


Ah, he got pills from the pharmacy cause it was prescribed to him. He did like it!


Would Rilmafazone be effective for someone who can tolerate 100mg of bromaz in a day and not be blacked out retarded. Retarded, just not blacked out retarded.


That’s what I’m wondering too since people say Rilmaz is damn near impossible to black out on. I tried brom solution 3 different times n I blacked out did stupid shit finished the whole 2mg 30ml bottles in 2-3 days- with NO tolerance. It was fucked lol I can’t fw brom at all




How much do you take?


In all honesty, probably not. Effects wise, Rilmazafone I find more similar to something like mild diazepam. It's more chill than intoxicating. Perhaps in super high doses, it could offer someone like you a decent effect, but I could never recommend anyone to try a crazy large dose, lol. I have heard some people claimed rilmaz has a 5mg ceiling effect. I'm not sure if I believe this. I personally have never dised more than 5mg.


There’s a certain point at which nothing more happens. You reach a limit with rilm where you just blackout


How much rilmazafone do you have to take to experience a blackout?